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I played FF8 for the first time like two months ago, I could get past the junctioning, I actually think its cool how you can exploit and break it, I could get past drawing, I feel like Spoony's classic video on FF8 gave it a reputation that you sit and draw all battle when you don't, the best spells are from cards anyways, and I could get past Squall, the whole point is he improves as a person. But holy shit is that orphanage twist dumb. What makes it worse is it adds nothing that just having Squall grow up in the orphanage would add and doesn't really come up ever again.
Anon, you've been doing this bit for years. Find a new hobby.
Never understood this criticism, always thought it was way overblown
It literally doesnt matter that they grew up together and forgot, yeah it adds nothing but it also takes nothing away
It doesnt fucking matter in any way to the plot so why be so obsessed with it 25 years later
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FF8 was game that was meant to subvert all the expectations that fans of FF have come to expect of the series up to that point, and break the mold of what an FF game can be. This process started with FF7 albeit it was just a test run so they didn't fully commit. in FF8 though, the gloves came off:

Characters no longer had MP.

Monster don't drop money.

Other than selling items, money can only be gained through raising your SeeD rank and getting your Salary.

There is no accessories or armor, or weapons to buy.

The only gear that you have are the weapons, and they can only be crafted.

Summons now have their HP that you can use as armor while summoning them.

Magic spells have to drawn from monsters and nodes, and are now a consumable item.

The summon abilities and junction system.

So we can see that there are a lot of changes, but the biggest change in my opinion, is that unlike FF games up to that point, where they always tried to give each of the main characters their own arc through the story, FF8 was from the start till the end a "Squall" story. That's why there is so much focus on his inner monologue through the story, more than anyone else and more than any MC before him. Even when other main characters take the stage it is mainly as a support to Squall. Which is why his love story is also such a vital and huge part of the story. This lead to other main cast having flat characters and story arc in general, but I appreciate what they were aiming to do.
Only thing the game ruined for me was Ultima Weapon not dropping the 100 Ultima Stones and me saving the game afterwards.
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I like the world building of the Tales of series.
But I hate the quirkiness of the characters.
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Man, I really liked Skies of Arcadia. I really did! But you know what I'm going to say next...

The thing is, it's not JUST the high encounter rate. The real nail in the coffin is the fact that the game punishes you for running away from fights, so you can't even cut them short that way.
>FF8 was game that was meant to subvert all the expectations that fans of FF have come to expect of the series up to that point,
So, a bad game?

Really, I have no issue with subverting expectations, but FF8 is a perfect example of being so obsessed with "subversion" that you throw the baby out with the bathwater. Between this and Chrono Cross, you can clearly tell there was an agenda at Square in the late 90s to "solve" the "problem" of turn based JRPGs. But both came up with such half-baked, inherently-flawed solutions that they just created completely new problems. Turn-based JRPGs as a genre might have had some bits that felt old and busted after a decade of revisiting them, but the concepts in FF8 and Chrono Cross felt old and busted after about 20 hours.

There's a reason junctioning and the grid system never made it to another game. They're just not fun or interesting, and both ultimately cheapen the turn-based experience instead of enhancing it, in any way.
>FF8 was game that was meant to subvert all the expectations that fans of FF have come to expect of the series up to that point, and break the mold of what an FF game can be. This process started with FF7 albeit it was just a test run so they didn't fully commit. in FF8 though, the gloves came off
I just dunno if that was a good idea to do for "the game that came after Final Fantasy 7" and brought along so many new Western fans. I'd have played it safe with something similar to 7 and made 9 the experimental one, then 10 the classic Final Fantasy tribute game as that makes more sense as the 10th one.
>the best spells are from cards anyways
That stupid minigame is so much gayer than drawing
I can't speak for chrono cross but for FF8 the junction system is nowhere near as complicated as people make it out to be. You just got filtered because you were, or still are, a braindead kid. That is why they went overly simple with FF9 and that turned out to be the least memorable battle system out of the playstation era. Hell I'd call FF7's materia system inferior to the espers from 6. At least the junction system helped FF8 stand out more.

So yeah, you got filtered. Hard.

Not defending the plot twist and other things wrong with FF8 though.
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I legit don't get people who complain about SoA's encounter rate. It seemed bad to me when I first played the game in 2001, but it was basically my first real turn-based RPG coming off of Mario RPG (which had no random battles) and Pokemon (which only had random battles in caves or tall grass). Revisiting the games years later, and having played a TON more classic, turn-based JRPGs in the interim, SoA's encounter rate was a complete non-issue. In fact, I've replayed both the DC and GC versions within the past 4 years, and I didn't even notice much of the purported difference between the two.

I'm currently playing FF8 for the first time, and the encounter rate here seems about on par with SoA. At times it definitely seems higher; I've gotten into battles literally less than one step after getting out of a previous one, and that never happened to me in Skies because the Dreamcast GD-ROM literally couldn't load another battle that fast if it wanted to, lol.

But I feel like it's all based on perception. Older JRPGs and even the PS1-era FFs restricted player movement a lot more; there were clear paths that were always visible from a fixed perspective, so it lets the player gauge movement and progress more objectively. SoA had some rather expansive enviroments you could easily get disoriented in if you spin the camera, and airship movement was in full, three dimensions, Z axis included. It probably threw people off who thought they should be travelling further even though encounters were no more or less frequent than any other game of the time.
>but for FF8 the junction system is nowhere near as complicated as people make it out to be.
But I didn't say it was "complicated". The junction system is not hard. In fact, that's the problem. It's so easy and shallow that it becomes tedious and unsatisfying almost immediately.

For example, I just got cure refine on Siren, and realized tents refine into curagas. Now, at 7 hours into the game, two of my characters have almost 3000 HP; pretty much endgame-level in any other FF. I didn't get that through exploring, or finding a cool item, or anything even remotely clever or exciting; I got that by fucking around in the ugliest, grayest menus to ever exist for a few minutes. Yay, I guess. The game took the whole concept of party progression and almost entirely divorced it from the core gameplay--as well as any and all sense of adventure and discovery--and decided to marry it to inventory management instead. If you think this is engaging, rewarding, or even remotely fun in any way, that's your opinion, but I will suspect you have brain damage.

In reality, I think that Spoony video was the best thing to happen to FFVIII shills, because now whenever anyone tries to call out how braindead the actual nuts and bolts of the game mechanic are, they have a time-honored strawman to attack so that they can feel good and smart about liking cheaply-designed garbage.
Ok, and I actually agree that the junction system makes the game easy to break. That's your fault however for conveying your message so poorly. Improve yourself there dipshit.

And I don't watch game reviewers or youtubers or whatever so I don't even know who that is.
>That's your fault however for conveying your message so poorly.
You're the one who was so stupid you typed out an entire reply because you were triggered by a word I didn't even say. And I thought FF8 haters were supposed to be the braindead children who can't read, lmao.
>That stupid minigame is so much gayer than drawing
This, desu. It doesn't even take that long to draw 100 spells. And the regular battle music is better to listen to than the fuckawful triple triad music. Plus the enemy models and animation are actually really good in this game, so if I'm gonna waste time, I may as well appreciate those, especially since once you ARE fully junctioned up, you should basically just be running from most random battles because they become useless wastes of time; better to enjoy 'em while you have the excuse.
I legit don't get YOU.
>the regular battle music is better to listen to than the fuckawful triple triad music.
The Triple Triad music isn't bad, it's just not something you want to listen to repeatedly. FF9's card music was much better, but sadly the card game was about a thousand times worse so I still never really listened to it, lol.
I actually liked Dragon Age 2 and its smaller scale, personal story all set in one city, until everyone turns retarded in the final act.
The issue wasn't the junction system it was the terrible tutorial.
Picrel was my first foray in the Rune Factory series after being a huge Harvest Moon fan, and it was near perfect except for the fucking Runeys; little elemental spirits that float around your farm and village and actively affect how well your crops grow. The problem was that the Runeys came in 4 different flavors and had a little food chain in between themselves, and would eventually destabilize their own ecosystem. The game never really gets into the specifics of it, and the slippage of crop growth is very subtle, so many players probably wouldn't notice if they ignored it for quite some time. But then one day, suddenly, your goddamn turnips won't grow anymore.

Apparently it can get so bad that it's unsalvageable, forcing the player to restart. There was a maintenance method devised by the fans of the game that required a lot of set-up work, and then minimal daily fuckery afterward. It wasn't ideal, but I enjoyed the rest of the game so much that I put up with it.
>terrible tutorial.
Another strawman. Knowing how it works honestly makes it worse, because you realize they discarded many tried and true gameplay mechanics in favor of managing stacks of 100 useless baubles with a painfully crummy inventory system. And you can't even change the fucking color of the menus. Hope you like gray.

FF8 commercials should have been one of those cheesy, 90s-style infomercials that tried to make its shitty, useless, "innovation" look good by showing clips of people in black and white utterly failing at basic JRPG concepts like equipping weapons, finding treasure chests, or managing MP.
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>But holy shit is that orphanage twist dumb

The whole plot is. Lets go fight space bending witch with a guns that don't shoot because they are swords, oh you wanna be a knight for a sorcerer? K bro, that was kinda random but whatever, boom, out of fucking nowhere, Laguna. You know there is this GIANT ASS WORM underground your mobile military base that actually pulls the strings, kill it with fire, also that T-Rex needs to be death with too, thank you very much. Nice lamp man, nice lamp... that's a FUCKING DEVIL oh man here I am saving the world with a guy who just thinks about sandwiches and a pussy who couldn't shoot sorcerer in the face, whatever, let's throw a dog at him, ANGELO GO
Most FF plots are dumb. The difference is that 8 is one of the few that doesn't properly balance it by being fun to play or having likeable characters. FF8 was a sad crossroads of the series trying to subvert gameplay expectations, while taking its dumbass writing way too seriously.

At least when 5 pulled shit like Exdeath turning into a splinter as a major plot twist, you could laugh at it because that was the intention. Not much in 8 was really meant to be funny and trying to take all that ridiculous bullshit at face without a single hint of tongue-in-cheek really begins to grate on the player.
>the best spells are from cards anyways
I don't want to play a fucking card game minigame, I want to play Final Fantasy. I want to fight random battles and level up and get stronger. FF8 is anti-FF, if you like it that's cool but I'm not gonna pretend it's somehow better because it does everything ass-backwards.
FF8 is a failed experiment.
>, I feel like Spoony's
>but it also takes nothing away
It does though. It introduces a problem that didn't need to exist by creating a highly selective memory condition that by all accounts should render everyone an Alzheimer patient but the only thing you ever really forget the stupid plot twist and some vacuous NPC you'll never actually talke to they want to pretend is foreshadowing. Not to mention it's unclear when the memory voip even happened. Did Squall remember everyone just prior to the Efreet cave and then suddenly get hit with the plot coconut? Further, if you actually remove the plot twist and have the characters know each other as being from the orphanage a lot of their relationships actually make a lot more sense or.... well even exist at all. It would certainly explain why everyone is so fixed on getting Squall laid. Why he and Seifer dislike each other. Why Quistis wants his D and why anyone is even really willing to put up with him at all really.

But you know what the real problem and the real loss is? If they wanted to roll with the amnesia thing they really needed to commit to it. There was a lot of potential to give the characters drama by having them actually deal with their increasing loss of memory. You could have Zell forget his adoptive parents, you could have Quistis forget her own students, Selphie forgetting her old friends in the burned out Trebia ruins as they beg her for help or express joy that she wasn't hurt as they die around her.

The problem with FF8's plot isn't that it's dumb. It's that it's..... nothing. Nobody has an arc. Nobody has a character path or moment. There's no pathos, sadness, joy, anger or anything. They thought there plot twist was gonna be so mind blowing and clever but they didn't think anything else through. The twist exists purely for the reveal.
Part of the problem is most of those people werent RPG fans let alone FF fans. They were people that did what the ads told them and they said stop playing mortal kombat now you are a RPG fan. Within a year they played FFT and never made it past Dorter and remained FF7 fans

Stangely Chrono Cross was worse because it had your lv99 Star in every stat world saving god slaying bad asses ass raped to death by a lv 10 furry and that pissed everyone off a lot more than 40 characters with no fucking personality
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In a lot of ways I honestly read FF8 as being more stripped down and bare bones than even Mystic Quest. MQ was straightforward, easy and didn't really require much, if any, thought but it didn't actively discourage you from play the damn game. You had gear, albeit simplified, you had MP and items mattered a least a little. You were rewarded for combat and not dissuaded from leveling.
The GF forgetfullness was to
>give most of the party a connection to the villain
>a way to explore squall's backstory a little bit
>give using GFs some stakes and to show the party's commitment
>give irvine shooting his foster mother in the head retroactively some weight and him a little more depth

The biggest problem is the lack of proper foreshadowing, which makes it feel like more of an asspull when it's revealed.
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Junction and Drawing are both great ideas that just needs one more iteration to shine.
The biggest issue with Drawing is that you lose charges (and in turn, can drop stats you've junctioned) and that it eats up a command space (it should've been a default action).

Junctioning gives a lot of control conceptually as to how to build and focus a character. More so than just adding some armor that adds a little more defence.

Both of these issues are easily solved, while also expanding on the systems. It's a real shame no dev ever pursued it and instead kept relying on the same old bog standard mana and gear shit.
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>Lets go fight space bending witch with a guns that don't shoot because they are swords
Ironically, they made them make more sense in FF14 where the cartridges are effectively loaded with spells.
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>>give most of the party a connection to the villain
>>a way to explore squall's backstory a little bit
Both of which don't require completely forgetting their pasts and like I said, the connection would actually matter MORE if they not only knew their past but we knew their past. The only important detail really was Edea's identity and you can come up with a hundred ways of them forgetting her from her casting a spell that makes them forget or just having them remember her and pulling a Darth Vader.

>>give using GFs some stakes and to show the party's commitment
Which again is meaningless when the stakes are purely superficial. This only works if you have them actually forget something that matters.

>>give irvine shooting his foster mother in the head retroactively some weight and him a little more depth
See this is actually a fine scene. And it works because HE DOESN'T HAVE AMNESIA!! And I don't even want to get started on how stupid it is for Irvine to know everything but to keep his trap shut about it till it explodes in there faces. I HATE when they do this. *cough Tales of the Abyss* It's absolutely artificial drama. And like the rest of them not knowing her there are simpler ways to achieve the same result. E.G He wasn't around when she cast her spell mentioned previously or how about when he had her in his sights he either got a glimpse of her unmasked face or maybe she had something on her person that only he recognized from way back. A handmade broach for example.

>The biggest problem is the lack of proper foreshadowing
That's A problem but it's not THE ONLY problem. It's a complete lack of commitment.
>Both of which don't require completely forgetting their pasts
This argument can be made for literally any plot point or w/e in anything for obvious reasons.

>matter MORE if they not only knew their past but we knew their past.
It would require almost a complete rewrite. Even something like them all knowing each other would make things quickly very stupid given the sequence of events, meaning a rewrite would be required.
Also, it was supposed to be a twist and doing what you suggested removes any twist.
It would also require frontloading and establishing Edea right from the beginning, which again requires a complete rewrite of the story.

What you're suggesting is a completely different story.

>Which again is meaningless when the stakes are purely superficial
Which is the case in pretty much all games and stories.
Granted, they should'e explored this aspect more with other characters/NPCs.

But basically, what you want is basically a completely different and rewritten story.
Also in the context of the game, it is a minor thing people hyperfixate on and blow out of proportion.
>It would require almost a complete rewrite.
I'm aware. Simply put the plot of the game is broken on an absolutely fundamental level. It doesn't work at all. Not as written. And not with band aid hot fixes.
Then stop using his arguments as a strawman whenever someone brings up legitimate criticisms of a failed system.

>Chrono Cross was worse because it had your lv99 Star in every stat world saving god slaying bad asses ass raped to death by a lv 10 furry
This never bothered me. Reminds me of one of those, "WAAHHH, George Lucas/Disney raped my childhood!" complaints you hear from people with very empty lives.
>Junction and Drawing are both great ideas that just needs one more iteration to shine.
Well we only got one iteration. So I guess they are not, in fact, "great".
>Junctioning gives a lot of control conceptually as to how to build and focus a character.
This has been done better in other JRPGs. Hell, in other FFs.
>More so than just adding some armor that adds a little more defence.
That's both a misrepresentation of the versatility of equipment combination, and ignorance of the myriad of other ways FF games have allowed you to affect stats.

The stupidest part is that, in the end, it's all irrelevant. The difference in effort between lazily junctioning a character just to get by or junctioning them into a god is really not all the much. That's the real flaw with the system; there's no natural curve to it at all. If you stumble your way through, you'll have a fairly normal experience, but if you take the 5 minutes to actually learn the system, you'll be invincible.

And the biggest offense of all is that in both scenarios, it STILL isn't any fun or satisfying in the least.
>Then stop using his arguments as a strawman whenever someone brings up legitimate criticisms of a failed system.

His arguments are akin to pointing out the house is on fire. He didn't come up with anything that wasn't already being said, especially insightful or in any way unique to him. You retards have been latching on this guy for years a kind of get out of criticism free bogeyman.
>Well we only got one iteration. So I guess they are not, in fact, "great".
Anyone with decent design knowledge can see the potential and how to fix it. It's not difficult with the benefit of hindsight.

>This has been done better in other JRPGs. Hell, in other FFs.
No. Sphere grid, License Board or whatever else you're thinking of doesn't.
You have control of every stat and resistance in the game, not even counting commands.

>That's both a misrepresentation of the versatility of equipment combination, and ignorance of the myriad of other ways FF games have allowed you to affect stats.
Armor, accessories and rarely weapons. Mainly affecting phys/mag attack and defence. Sometimes with some immunity like vs poison. That is the standard JRPG way of doing it, including FF.

I have played a million JRPGs doing things in the exact same old way. I prefer something different. Otherwise I'd just play Trails or some shit.
>I prefer something different. Otherwise I'd just play Trails or some shit.
You should really, really play trails then.
Trails is literally just the devs going the kitchen sink approach of copypasting things from other games with overused tropes, bad characters, bad writing and glacial pacing.
It's like a buffee of the stalest and blandest shit in JRPGs.
So no.
You really, really, really need to play trails.
>You have control of every stat and resistance in the game, not even counting commands.
You don't though. Not really. FF8 is a game about stat inflation not customization. There's no reason to NOT just pad your stats with the most of any high level spell. None of what you do changes how the characters fight. You don't change HOW the characters act or fight you just punch up their numbers so they fight better.
Trails is a horrible franchise with one of the most idiotic and deluded fanbases on the market who are all taken in by wasted time and bloat under the guise of world building.
I already have, as you should've inferred from my post.

>You don't though
Yes you totally can't improve all stats, elemental resistances and debuff resistances with junctioning. Nope.

>none of what you do changes how the characters fight.
No shit changing stats or resistances gives the characters new skills or commands. Are you being intentionally dense?
That's what the command abilities and support abilities are for, which is part of the junction system.

It sounds like you have job autism, but that isn't even a good system.
>Yes you totally can't improve all stats, elemental resistances and debuff resistances with junctioning. Nope.

Jesus Christ. Okay, you seem to be having trouble groking simple concepts. Let me try to explain in simpler terms. Can you improve stats and resistances? Yes. The problem is, however, the game is framed in a way where there's never a reason not too max out everything. Which is achieved extremely easily. It is not customization when there is only one logical option.
>The problem is, however, the game is framed in a way where there's never a reason not too max out everything.
What kind of retarded statement is this. Are you for real?
In no RPG is there ever a reason not to max out every stat, resistances or w/e if possible.

>Which is achieved extremely easily. It is not customization when there is only one logical option.
Unlike slapping the next tier or armor on or the next skill in the skill tree or w/e. Yep.

You're completely lost the plot because you're focusing on nitpicking with the dumbest arguments possible. I was talking about the core idea of the system is solid, it just needs another iteration to iron out the kinks. You ignored that to autistically focus on things which has no bearing on it, because you're dead set to "prove" the system is bad because you didn't like it in FF8 or think you're being clever (hint: it's the opposite).
>In no RPG is there ever a reason not to max out every stat, resistances or w/e if possible.

And in most RPGs they don't do it with the pretense of claiming it's customization.
Bro you make 20 ff8 threads a day
I hate both Trails and FF8
This, the game barely even treats it as a twist and it happens roughly halfway through the game.
Never got why people got so mad at it.
Because it was stupid.
Dear retard, not all characters can max out all stats because different GF allow you to junction different things.
So either you split the GFs up or you put most of them on one character to try and max all of their stats.
In addition to this, if you did the latter you would lose out on additional value since the GF abilities would be lost or be redundant.

Try playing the games you want to nitpick and rant about. Unless your goal is to come across as an idiot, then by all means continue.
It wasn't that stupid, it just wasn't foreshadowed so felt like it came out of nowhere.
Spoony perpetuated a lot of the dumb criticism surrounding the game which still lingers today.
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>Spoony perpetuated
Shut up.
He planted the seed that people spread and echo to this day. Many who complain about FF8 haven't or have barely played it. The complaints they hear are from others. This is also who some idiots really love to focus on what is in reality a minor irrelevant thing with the GF making people forget.
Im not reading that
Sucks to be your schizo ass
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The only spoony I know was some late 2000s /fa/ whore. Feels good not watching e-celeb faggotry.
the other Spoony was also e-celeb, just more in /tg/ and /v/ domain
>He planted the seed
No. He didn't. You're an idiot.
Yes he did idiot. That's how the human mind works. Perception is shaped by things you hear and see. This is a big topic which you're clearly utterly ignorant about, so I'm not even going to bother to educate you, especially when you're clearly close-minded.
People were bitching about FF8 long before some e-celeb made a video. It took the mainstream a long time to figure out junctioning, just like it took them a long time to figure out FF2's stat progression. You can call them retarded if you want, but really, FF8 isn't any more fun when you know how to break it so whatever

Point is, the bitching started in October of 1999 and hasn't stopped since
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>lack of proper foreshadowing
It actually has some of the most effective foreshadowing ever. I'm playing through this game for the first time right now, and I'm wondering why all these characters--most of them who just met for the first time--are talking to and treating each other like they're friends; every interaction between the main characters at the start of the game makes you feel like you just picked up a TV show that's already halfway over.

I brought it up in a discord chat and one of my friends spoiled the twist for me despite the fact I said it was my first playthrough, the stupid motherfucker. I'm mad I had it spoiled for me, but I'm glad to actually know what the fuck was going on because the awkward, overly-familiar dialogue was just plain wigging me out and I couldn't decide if it was intentional or not. I almost wonder if I would have figured the twist out on my on before it happened.

Oh well, I really don't mind. I was annoyed by this game at first, but I get it now. It's not really a game, and the plot is entirely subservient to the characters. This is just a cheesy, feel-good anime story about the power of friendship. Almost a sort of art project to see just how cinematic they could get with the format after FF7 blazed the trail.
>Talks on discord
>Thinks he knows what friends sound like
I swear the only people whoever bring up Spoony are the FF8 fags themselves looking for an easy scapegoat. The series has retards simping for every installment but the way 8 fags go on about it unreal.
FF8 is the ultimate pleb filter
You clearly weren't around at the time when Spoony was relevant.
The discussion around the game shifted when he made his videos because he convinced some people and also got people that had never even played the game to complain about it. This lingered for quite some time and some people even use his incorrect or oddly specific complaints verbetim.

>8 fags go on about it unreal
No retard. The ones that go on about it are the ones that complain about FF8. Usually with the same old tired complaint like GFs memory loss or whining about drawing a million times from enemies.
>You clearly weren't around at the time when Spoony was relevant.
And YOU clearly weren't around the time BEFORE that because 8 was the black sheep even then. This game was getting ripped apart when it was released. People were calling drawing dumb since release day. People always thought Squall was an emo putz. People always thought the twist was dumb. There was no magical golden era were 8 was some messianic game that was radically changed because some bipolar cunt online made a silly video. You retards have been shitting this for years. Spoony was NEVER relevant outside his own little gaggle. E celebrities don't ever say anything new or insightful. They only ever come up with what people have already said.
>And YOU clearly weren't around the time BEFORE that because 8 was the black sheep even then
No it wasn't and I really don't have the patience to dig up old gaming magazines and internet archives when someone like you is so clearly irrationaly biased and ignorant revisiont historian shitposts incessantly on an imageboard. Especially when it's not even a discussion and I gain nothing from it.
People defending FF 8 and FF 13 as misunderstood peerless masterpieces is one of the very few things in this world that make me wonder if the eugenics are actually a good thing. That and people who play D&D after AD&D 2e. Like you can like flawed things and still admit they are flawed lol.
Lmao fucking zoomy zoom wasn't born yet and so it never happened the way people who where at the time recall it. Then refuses to look up old articles and media reviews of it.. We are so doomed. FF8 was found to be a massibe disappointment by and large when it released bucko. No go back to your revisionist contrary YouTube video essayists.
>People defending FF 8 and FF 13 as misunderstood peerless masterpieces
Except this isn't happening, it's clowns like you and monkeys like >>3559833 that try and shape a narrative to allow you to shitpost like morons. Said morons then blow even the smallest shit out of proportion and autistically hyperfocuses on it.

No one said FF8 was some secret masterpiece and subhuman shitposters like >>3559833 like to pull shit from their ass to say "oh no FF8 was always super hated by everyone since it came out".
He's literally the kind of extremist you're shittalking, except on the other end of the spectrum. This kind of extremist mentality is only performed by the stupidest people on this planet.
the fact that you react to any criticism at all is part of the issue. 8 fags are twisted.
This one thing is a massive intellectual filter that's mindbroken millions of players over the years.
>FF8 was found to be a massibe disappointment by and large when it released bucko.
I think this just really shows how much of a split there is between "internet reality" and "real reality". If you were terminally online in 1999, you might have found yourself among many communities where FF8 was considered shit. Some people said it was shit just like 7 was shit. Some people said it was shit because it WASN'T like 7. The thing is, before the turn of the century, internet opinions were largely disregarded as the ranting of lunatics and/or shut-ins. Hell, people didn't even care about magazine review scores.

In "real reality" FF8 was generally well-regarded. It wasn't until much later that the power of internet opinions got amplified to the point that they began to retroactively override real opinions. Nowadays, though, internet opinions are all we have, and real opinions are non-existent, so it's hard for a zoomer to understand the difference.
and let's be honest; most of the discourse over whether FF7 or FF8 were bad was centered around whether Cloud could beat up Squall or vise-versa.

You people really have no idea how much more content the average consumer was with video game products before the turn of the century. Everyone was chill and just didn't give a fuck. The internet was the worst thing to ever happen to video games.
It got decent reviews at the time so I would agree people probably soured over time but it wasn't because some single internet nobody.

FF fans were always a contentious lot.
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i tried to finish this fiesta with ATB on, but i gave up at the end and just turned it off against Necrophobe and Neo Exdeath
>ITT: RPGs you like except for that one thing that ruins it for you.
erm i guess i dont like how hard ff5 is
>In "real reality" FF8 was generally well-regarded.
Maybe in your area but no one liked FF8 around me. I never even knew it was made until my buddy showed me a picture in a mag. I went in not having a clue and loving FF7 so much. I liked the materia and not this new one. The story felt less heroic and epic. As a game by itself, it didn't feel like a final fantasy game.
you know FF get kinda broken
>use chiken knife
>use goblin punch
>do 9999 damage
you can do that as much you want.
Agreed. Apart from trying out the game once when it unlocked, I never touched it again in any playthrough. Can easy get spells elsewhere. If you really want cards to speed along a spell/item gathering, you can just use the card ability instead. Not that you need to. (I think the only time I did so was with the mime dudes on the lunatic pandora with Laguna)

You literally only need to have one of your 3 characters with the highest mag stat draw while your other 2 fight, then trade the mag between them for who needs it. With 9 spells per draw, thats only 31 battles to max out all 3 characters stocks (less if it takes more than one round to defeat the enemies) which you easily run into during most sequences without needing to stop and grind an area.
FF8 filtered people (retards) by not being FF7. They wanted FF8 to be FF7-2 and were mad it wasn't. 9 and 10 also got shit for not being FF7-2. The rage about every FF game not being FF7-2 only subsided with Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children which are dogshit but gave fans more Cloud and Sephiroth for them to soiface over because it wasn't even the real versions but the flanderized fanon versions the fans made up in their heads.
So the thing that ruined FF8 for you was (You)

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