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Can you imagine putting THIS in any nu-male fag RPGs that are being made today? i deeply believe that vidya highlights are long gone
>no more edgy lines
RPGs have fallen...
Can you imagine a game from 2002 having a sequence where you lose a battle and actually get raped?
It's still inferior to Daggerfall and Oblivion.
You must be joking
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>play Morrowind for the first time
>join House Hlaalu because it's right in Balmora and I just joined everything I could in the city
>mfw Crassius Curio pulls a Weinstein on me
>Swarthy setting (seethe, Jeet)
>dogshit combat
>poor npc ai
>poor climax
>autistic movement and map design
>poor soundtrack programming (the music itself is fine)
>silly beastfolk models
>mediocre writing
>Bad initial dungeon and some combat problems, namely with character builds
>excellent world simulation
>developed travel mechanics
>good (until the ending) story and writing (when it isn't trying to be edgy/horny)
>advanced ai (compared to niggerwind)
>better art style
>limited swarth
>better production value
>better world design
>better production value
>better ai
>better combat (seethe)
>mediocre writing, but cliche filled enough to be a timeless fantasy story
>no chosen one fallacy, one of the first games to deliberately contract that
>no swarth
>satisfying climax
You sound kind of silly to deny it, nu friend
When did you play it for the first time? I don't believe you
Lies in bad faith
>no counterargument
Can you rape his corpse or is it just false pandering? Because if there's no follow through this might as well be Steven fucking Universe.
>Can you rape his corpse
In imperial Tamriel, daedra rapes you
I think there's mods for that
That's the Daedra saying those things to you. You have to imagine what you said to taunt him.
I actually like all his other lines far more. That last one seemed cringe. It would have been better without the "I'll be gentle." That was trying to hard. He should have more coldly just stated, I'm going to rape you.
>stab him immediately after I become Hortator
In bg3 a demon rapes you to death instead of just talking about it, janusz.
I had the GOTY edition and it was before oblivion came out so probably around 2004. I didn't know about Telvanni being worshiped by the entire fandom at that point, I was playing it blind as a Dunmer Battlemage (the pre-made class).
It's even animated. Why are morrowtards always dumb posers? This thread will be up for 6 months and you'll keep bumping it and ignoring it.
well you just bumped it yourself..
>the "this thread will be up for 6 months" schizo is back again
Source on that doujin? Looks hot. Also that can't be me because I love trails.
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kek, its either Hide Thread Schizo or moeblob pedo spammer
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>better world design
HOLY SHIT, I finally found one after so many years. I finally found an anon so retarded he actually ENJOYED Oblivion's world design. Amazing, simply amazing.
Why are you replying to yourself, all bethesdakeks all play the same garbage
What do you schizo's even gain by shitposting on this board 24/7?
Your life must be a very sad sight to see.
I'm not the one who comes here even though they don't like rpgs and just makes shit threads all day.
Anon, you LITERALLY are.
Please seek help, you are actually delusional
What rpgs are you playing right now anon?
>I finally found an anon so retarded he actually ENJOYED Oblivion's world design
yeah it was pretty awful. these identical dungeons - such a wasted potential. not mentioning epic worlds capital city with only 15 houses and a shrine
I'm not playing any, I'm posting on an image board.
There should be more games with this but the sjws get a melty from misgendering and need yellow paint splattered everywhere because otherwise they lack the critical thinking skills required to get past an obstacle, so unfortunately we cant get raw kino ever again
You don't ever play any. You're here to disrupt people playing them and post your shitty off topic games. The whole top half of the catalog is your off topic threads. And every time someone posts about an rpg you immediately bump all of them. You will never make this place like shitty elder scrolls.
Anon, you are a literal schizophrenic.
This is why /vst/ is an unusable shithole now. Because retards like OP went there and just made threads over and over until 95% of the board was paradox and total war and the 5% left over was to be shared by people actually interested in strategy games. Everyone with this agenda is always a backstabbing kike that wants to displace the original userbase.
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why are you reply to yourself?
That sounds like the most paranoic schizophrenic thing i've ever heard in my entire life
nigger this board is 4 years old, this IS the original userbase
hes probably one of those "oldfags" that lurk for less than 10 years so he believes hes part of some elite club or something
Kek you stupid schizo
>die to him
>he just stands over your dead body and does nothing

Anheadra the dickless Deadra
I guarantee there are users who have been here for less than 4 years. You talk like you think everyone here has been here since the board originally started. And you talk like it's such an on iOS thing people who would think any users who have been here less than 4 years are "schizo"
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im pretty much sure youre the only schizo here kek
>iOS thing
Based phoneposting oldfag
Yes. It looks exactly like a nu-rpg except with worse graphics. You can say nasty stuff in a nu-rpg as long as you're quirky and juvenile about it. That's BGIII humor in a nutshell.
>That's BGIII humor in a nutshell
No one who has played both games would ever compare BG3's "writing" to Morrowind's
Yeah they would. Bethesda was never known for their writing except to make jokes about how awful it was. Elder Scrolls is the first nu-RPG series that influenced all others. That's a fact.
>excellent world simulation
>developed travel mechanics
>advanced ai (compared to niggerwind)
>better world design
>mediocre writing, but cliche filled enough to be a timeless fantasy story
>no chosen one fallacy, one of the first games to deliberately contract that
>satisfying climax
>Can you imagine putting THIS in any nu-male fag RPGs that are being made today?
Yes. Unironically Baldur's Gate 3.
The only thing good about Morrowind's writing is Kirkbride's schizo psuedo-hinduist ramblings, and that's just the background lore not actual game writing. I actually like Morrowind, it was my first TES game, but you "true" Morrowind fans are incredibly delusional about the qualities of your beloved game.
Balding Gay*
An alternative interpretation of that post would be “Baldurs gate 3 has unusually bad writing” rather than “Morrowind has unusually great writing”, anon, but that appears to be what you chose to read into it
They're on the same functional, lukewarm level of "this will impress children who have never read a book." I know you people hate BG3 for completely arbitrary reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that TES as a whole exists on the same level of being written for broad mainstream appeal rather than actual quality.
>you people
>totally arbitrary reasons
Wow, you can read words. That's very impressive for someone your age!
The Jew cries as he strikes you
shoulda gone telvanni bro
This is NOT okay.
Elder Scrolls has zero influence on rpgs. None whatsoever.
>muh i cut myself with le edgerino!!1 too sharpy for me
Cope, a dremora would 100% say this
>bad initial dungeon
I wonder why this board in particular attracts so many bad faith posters.
Yes, that's why everyone wanted to beat Skyrim.

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