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BROS what is most basic bitch RPG? My vote goes to Fable
Fable has some good shit in it.
It's Kingdoms of Amalur.
it is quite literally pokemon
Is pokemon an rpg?
look mom i made another one
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I used to know a brazilian retard who would make awful posts every day on 4chan and intentionally make people hate and argue with one another, and he genuinely thought he was improving 4chan because he got lots of responses. This guy reminds me of that kid. He had really low self esteem, no friends, and lived with his parents. Eventually he got groomed by trannies on a discord because no one else would give him the time of day, despite being constantly warned that his lazy personality would make him easy to manipulate by devious people. (ironically he also used to screech about trannies constantly)
I know a redditor retard right now that makes his entire identity around pathetic anime avatar posting on /vrpg/.
He lives to shit on anyone that might be attempting to talk to people because it doesn't fit into his narrow world of autism and acting pissy to appear aloof and cool. Despite being constantly warned that his expected utopia of a completely gatekept board where people are only allowed to discuss boring POE and Grimrock mechanical minutiae like a boomer with only two train sets in his basement because he is old and fat, and the world has passed him by, will never come to pass.
>attempting to talk to people
This isn't /r9k/. /vrpg/ is for people who actually play and discuss RPGs. Wrong board for a virtual chatroom of turd worlders.
If you just want to hang out then don't come here. The board is too slow to handle NPCs like you and you'll just kill it and move on to the next thing to destroy until there is nothing left but garbage.
90 percent of your time here is obviously spent just shitting on threads anywhere you can to stifle discussion so whatever that even means in the block of Casu marzu you call a head it's still wrong.
I post about RPGs and gatekeeping faggots attack me though. I don't care about your anti-social tendencies that you try to pretend are reasonable.
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You have no idea what games I play and discuss here because you're so busy shitposting. Every time you see a game that isn't bottom of the barrel discussion you hurriedly bump every single one of your shit threads on the catalogue often with one word lazy and obvious responses to bury it, hoping that said threads existence is indicative of someone you can distract from playing and discussing games. This is deeply concerning schizophrenic behavior and you do it every day. Not surprising people are growing tired of your endless terrible threads. You existence here is of entirely malicious intent. If you just shut the fuck up and played games this wouldn't be happening. I should not have to war with a retard who doesn't play anything at all for board real estate when I play one or two games at a time at most and I'm competing with some idiot who makes 50 threads a day on a board with a traffic of like 10 people. It's ludicrous how disgusting and annoying you are. You could be anywhere else but here, there are numerous boards more suitable for you, but I'm sure you're already shitting up all of them.
Go away retard.
Yep, objectively this, though it's a whole lot more complex than something like Fable.
>highly abstracted and success firmly depends on character rather than player skill
That's an RPG alright, not a very good one, but still.
>I'm not the OP
>Le schizo protector projects onto me and samefags up a few personalities
>still going
>crying about gatekeeping on 4chan
Savage. Get fucked moeblob
they hated cardcaptorchad because he told the truth
It’s clearly Baldurs Gate 3, the critically acclaimed “Game” of the Year
>You have no idea what games I play
You have spammed your cringe 3x3 and 10x10 dozens if not hundreds of times. Everyone that’s frequented this board for longer than seventeen femtoseconds knows, exhaustively, exactly what games you like and what games you hate because you won’t. shut. the. fuck. up about them
So which two board 'personalities' are at odds with one another in this gay newfag thread?
Holy based
Go to bed. You've shit up the board enough for one day.
Based on the number of hidden posts I assume at least one of them is the onimai avatarfag.
You can tell OP has gone absolutely insane. He's been desperately bumping the same shit threads for like 6 hours.
Make me, bitchboy
Just go to /crpgg/ for questions like this. They are desperate enough for activity that they'll pretend to like you and they only play one game so I doubt they'll care you have never played an rpg. It's a perfect fit for you.
samefag energy. farquaad vs. swedespammer.
i'd say mass effect if it didn't let you transfer your save through the trilogy which basically hasnt been done since
i got Legendary version and about to install it when i finish Shadowrun. what im in for?
great characters, great lore, only really 3 paths through the series (most choices are set dressing a lot of them are well written but dont change much) shit ending if that bothers you
>use a class with powers for fun in 1
>use a gun class for fun in 2
>anything is fun in 3 best gameplay by far
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I would say the first Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior games are pretty basic bitch (and not in a bad way), but they grandfathered much of the genre. It would be like calling LotR a basic bitch fantasy setting.
Honestly, probably chrono trigger. Good game though but it's very basic
Doesn't it have some time travel shenanigans and like dozen endings? I'd imagine basic bitch to be something more straightforward.
unironically fallout 4 and skyrim
they are designed to be enjoyed by simplest retard out there
>highly abstracted and success firmly depends on character rather than player skill
>is a video game

1. All video games are highly abstracted. You don't wave your hands when you play virtua tennis. You move a stick to control your character. Outside of using sign language or ASCII text itdoesn't get any more "highly abstracted" than.

2. "Character skill" is equivalent to coded stats that determine the success or failure of the player's actions. Every game depends on coded stats that determine the success or failure of a player's action.

Neither of your conditions even vaguely points out anything remotely specific about what an RPG is.
Literally me
Skyrim, ez
No, the first Dragon Quest is too classic and too original and too influential to be called "basic bitch." The real basic bitch is some generic copy of Dragon Quest 1 with the barest of essentials but I didn't play JRPGs in DQ1 days.

Actually this thread isn't about JRPGs but RPGs in general so the most basic bitch RPG must be some first amiga prototype that barely functioned and had stat growth and some attacks and maybe one or two enemy types.
It’s actually Baldurs Gate 3
Is a turn based JRPG inspired by Dragon Quest and the Mother series so yeah Pokemon is an RPG albeit very mediocre.
Dragon Quest is grandfather of jrpgs and is the most basic, distilled, no-frills-attached jrpg experience ever. It's doing all the most basic jrpg mechanics and tropes pretty damn well but don't expect anything beyond that.
Final Fantasy
basic bitch how? as in popularity or mechanically?
All around basic bitch

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