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Pick one to be your girlfriend
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>crackwhore or dumb bimbo
How many Kiseki threads do you need
Which one is the bimbo?
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Agès, but Feri is adorable.
I wish that version of their outfits was available as a costume (hopefully it is later). Feri pits and Agnès sweater puppies are too good to miss out on.
>blonde trash
>blue haired dipshit
can't i have a normal black haired woman or brunette or redhead instead?
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You'd have to stretch your definition of "normal" but sure.
Feri always gets the stat boosts after chapter. Its a really dumb design lcause its based on damage done to enemies? And feri easily does more with her crafts and special.
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Agnes. She's cute and not a muslim.
I pick Risette.
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van clears
Clears what
>The number of Elder Scrolls threads
>The number of Final Fantasy schizo threads
>The number of porn game generals
>The number of threads arguing about what is and is not either an RPG, a CRPG, a JRPG, or a WRPG.
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Not even the best Kuro girls, Elaine, Judith and Risette are way better.
Skill issue, I had Risette, Aaron, Judith, Agnes and Quatre all get boosts.
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I pick Renne.
I can't believe Bleublanc's daughter is this hot
I want Quatre to be my anal bitchwife (male)
Only if you are Van.
I want to be Van's anal bitchwife (male)
I love being Elliot's anal bitchwife (male)
elliot is literally my childhood bff, even down to the hair color. i miss him so much reansisters...
He is great. For me, it was love at first sight, and he has been my husbando ever since.
Elliot is incredibly straight and has a different girlfriend in every town.
But that’s already Fie’s job
Is she just a tease or would she put out?
I don't know what this is but holy shit those characters look lifeless. Also the models on everything in that picture just looks so bad and I can't quite understand why.
I assume this is the same game and yeah the environment just looks like some shitty slapped together budget nothing. Also I think the lighting is making it worse like how fallout 4 looks horrifically bad but mostly because of how bad the lighting is.
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For headpats? Yeah she would.

It's a AA budget falcom game anon, don't be so mean...
I hate how they retroactively crammed Ban-san into her backstory. In Sky we learn that Joshua and Loewe saved her and that's it. Now there is Ban-san. What's next, Rean also saved her?
It is not like we got that much in Sora, so having expansion to her backstory was only a good thing, Renne is just great.
It feels a bit forced, but to be fair the very premise of the game indicates she had to trust him before the story, she woulnd't just send her friend to a shady character she wasn't 100% sure about.
I love that ED so much
It really quickly is becoming my favourite in a the entire series.
which one has a dick?
Anyěs has got a big staff that lays down the hurt
van is hot
>liking anything past sora2

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