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What in goddamn....?!
Did they ever bring up sentient deathclaws? Only bethesda fallout I played is 3 and I dropped it early on.
>Did they ever bring up again*
Fallout Tactics has them, but that's not Bethesda canon.
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There was one in Fallout Shelter that's related to Gruthar apparently, "Kura the Wise Deathclaw". I'm kinda divided on the topic of intelligent/talking Deathclaws. On one hand it's a cool and terrifying concept, but on the other they feel retarded af. Like militarizing Raptors in Jurassic World. F2 ending where they get exterminated by Horrigan/Enclave seems like the best way to handle the entire thing (even with that though there should be at least two known survivors).
think they dropped it and instead went with more of a primal intelligence.
mid-west hairy deathclaws are a different species from the cali ones though - the former are mammals, while the later are reptilian
I was never butthurt about them in Fallout 2 like Avellone is, but I also always assumed F2 was the end of the series and if sapient deathclaws took over the world well that's just how it goes sometimes. Then it had a sequel from another company 10 years after I gave a shit and I didn't care.
I liked the picture of deathclaws that FO1 conjured up. Kinda shame later developers didn't have the restraint to keep them that way.
Worst part of Fallout 2.
>Chris Avellone
>"BTW, the talking deathclaws were destroyed at the end of Fallout 2. Xarn and Goris did not go on to create a new species. They are gone. Kaput.Goodbye. In fact, any mutant animal that talks can safely be assumed to have died at the end at the exact minute that Fallout 2 was over.
>Any last words, talking animals?
>I thought not."
Avellone hated them.
>Avellone hated them.
The variant they chose for that tabletop wargame is also cool, not sure which bethesda fallout they took it from. Looks like a demon dinosaur almost.
i like it too. how is Fallout tabletop anyway? never was into /tg/ only liked WH40k artworks and mini models
He's pretty cool. I wish he could stay for a while longer. I liked camping with him in the wilderness and sharing since new knowledge about humanity.
in falloit 5 you'll be the clawborn and you'll scour deathclaws archives to learn clawshouts
>how is Fallout tabletop anyway
Expensive (~ $10 per miniature), and rather convoluted, in the sense of having to do lot of bookkeeping and maintenance work, the game expects you to keep track of dozen types of various markers and counters at all times.
On the flipside, it has "AI" (card with dice-driven flowchart) for opposing faction, so that you don't need second player (as you would for most tabletop wargames)
what if animal speaked like people jajaja that would be cool
if nothing else it would mean they can consent
No and that's a good thing, they we're a stupid idea from the start. Imagine what Vault 13 in Fallout 2 could've been without them
Like Avellone said they're fucking gone
>Imagine what Vault 13 in Fallout 2 could've been without them
Probably a humorous popular culture reference
The entire talking deathclaw shit feels like some furries fanfiction in retrospect.
I thought I was going to replay fo1 and fo2, instead I could barely get through fo1 and I think I’ll just pass on 2.
maybe try Tactics if you haven't already?
He's just like me
I don't care what anyone says, I liked the talking deathclaws.

They represented a real, existential threat to the human race that the super mutants didn't. It was an actual moral conundrum about keeping them alive, because 100% they're better suited to the wasteland than base humanity, and the moment they started making tools for themselves the countdown would be ticking. Those things are gonna take over the planet if you let them.

But also your only interaction with them is positive. They are allied with you against your enemies, and the only thing they really do to you, is help.
>classic Fallout games effortlessly filtering out zoomer filth
you love to see it folks
Still would be better than talking deathclaws overtaking the vault for reasons
In Fallout Fieldrim*
they didn't overtake the Vault "for reasons" but specifically because Enclave deployed them there and the Deathclaws then went renegade, displaying the full potential of their intelligence the enclavers were entirely unaware of - Gruthar's pack played dumb all along, until an opportunity for escaping their masters presented itself, which is why they took over V13 and turned it into a fortified nest.
Having them talk is still retarded.
i never minded it. there's a lot of shittiness to fallout 2's writing but i thought the talking deathclaws section was fine, charming even
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what this anon said >>3554686 but it's also fun to play once you get the hang of it. It's sorta like a bigger WH40k Kill Team, where you control small-ish bands of all sorts of wasteland scum. Minis are nicely done but monopose which might be a minus, but on the other hand they are ready to play out o the box. The 'Ready' and 'Prepare' actions allow for proactive and reactive play during your activations or on the opponents turn and are really good. The game also uses it's variant of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. with each stat having a corresponding skill/action and your leader unit can gain perks etc. The best thing about it though is the campaign play where you get to duke it out with your opponent in interlinked scenarios that build up a story, and between each skirmish you get a 'Settlement mode' where you improve your base of operations, build structures and unlock bonuses/stuff. All that said. I think it's still too pricey for what you get.
as I said, I always felt divided about it, it's both cool and retarded at the same time. It's also important to note that they are not actually "talking" but parroting human language, and the level of their understanding is dubious, at least for the less intelligent specimens. I think Goris was probably the smartest one out there.
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Chris can suck it
>John Deiley, the original designer of the intelligent deathclaws disagrees [with Avellone]: "I mean, you’ve got super mutants, you’ve got ghouls, why not have something that can stand up to the super mutants?".
>In a March 11, 2002 update, John Deiley (the creator and designer of much of the talking deathclaw content) wrote: "In any case, there is a chance that two intelligent deathclaws survived to continue on the species. I realize that they are both males, but that is fine. When they were engineered by the Enclave, the intelligence gene was made male specific and dominant. What this means is: Any intelligent male that mated with a non-intelligent female would (most likely) produce intelligent offspring."
Yeah I played it a lot back when it came out. I considered replaying it but I’m guessing it hasn’t aged well
Too had there's no romance mod for him. Would love to get cancer from his radioactive sperm.
why are you like this
Humans are boring. But that reptilian cloaca which makes the Geiger counter sing like it's opera contains the delicious, sweet double surprise that makes my heart throb.
pb472 anon...pb472
Like the others said it's still fucking retarded that they talk, at least they make a good way to test your build
Those stupid talking lizards are going extinct one way or the other
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>Avellone hated them.
Any specific reason why?
Dunno why is the idea so outrageous, especially when its clearly stated it's not "speech" exactly, but more of an ability to mimick or parrot human language to a degree. I think it bottles down to presentation - if the devs took a bit more effort to display in the dialogue how inhuman or strange their attempts to talk are, it would only reinforce the theme of deathclaws as fearsome monsters, now even more scary due to their heightened intelligence. A guttural snarl that sounds like something from your worst nightmares but in which your brain is telling you an utterly alien and impossible voice is fighting to echo the meaning of the word "Greetings" would make anyone shit their pants. As it is now, it all seems a bit goofy since you're looking at a deathclaw but talking to a tribal, for all intents and purposes. A talking head for Gruthar (since he's the pack leader and the first one you meet) with a voiceover to match would work wonders to set the tone. Also, I don't know what naming conventions they used for the deathclaws, but all of the named ones sound cool af
great monstruous savage warrior vibes
>bit goofy since you're looking at a deathclaw but talking to a tribal
It's a bit lame idea that reptilian killing machines become another group of survivor vegans with intelligence.
Goes against what reptilians are pictured as, and I'm not interested in more racism analogies.
what in the fuck are you talking about? the enclave kidnapped them, the vault would just be empty nothing burger with clues about them being in the oil rig
Good point desu, although I don't mind the noble savage angle that much, it's a theme that never gets old. They were still hunting brahmins for food so definitely carnivores but opposed killing innocent humans because they now realized humans are sapient i.e. not animals. IIRC their intelligence was equivalent to eight year olds at best, so that would play a part in the attitude/culture they developed and neutering/"domesticating" them to a degree. Plus, the Enclave tried to make them as obedient slave-warriors as possible, so that definitely affected their disposition. But I see a lot of potential with that starting point ("honorable warrior deathclaw") in the sense that any specimens and their descendants that survived the extermination of their pack at the hands of the Enclave, would become resentful and vengeful towards the entirety of the human race. Ironically turning them back into the monsters we knew them to be, just even more dangerous now than ever before.
It's just weird seeing cold-blooded, massive, reptilian, inhuman apex predators seek strength in numbers. Maybe it would've worked better for those raccoon people they almost put in FO.
but they were pack animals in FO1, not solitary predators?
And it still would be more interesting than talking lizards, also if you want to talk shit about empty or nearly empty Vaults look at 12 and 15 in the first game
They're fucking empty but still interesting, but they had to go with the retarded chatting lizards
nah, vaults 12 and 15 are boring as hell, only empty area that is interesting in fallout 1 is The Glow

you are just mad at the talking wholesome lizards for no reason, do they ruin your sense of disbelief or something?
Fuck you vault 15 was cool
Maybe deathclaws and dogs shouldn't be talking at all unless it's a fantasy's book no matter if you inject or dip them with enough FEV to liquify them
What about talking rats?
I liked the idea that these things are an obvious threat to long term human control of earth
smart Deathclaws was shit idea but intelligent rats like in PS:T that want to overthrow humans as apex predator was not bad idea
The nest was destroyed by Horrigan iirc. So they died out pretty fast.
Also about to release Fallout Factions which makes use of smaller teams and having the models be interchangeable between Wasteland Warfare and itself.
How is it any worse than ghouls?
I'm fine with them as long as it can be established there are only very few of them and that they are an anomaly and are destined to disappear sooner
I wonder. Would talking deathclaws bother people as much if there was more obvious human tampering? Like say human brains in cybernetic jars like seen on Rex or Robobrains with the body of a Deathclaw. I feel like the hate comes from the idea that only humans can be sapient. I still think that FEV juice and Mentats is a fine explanation for smart animals but I guess I'm in the minority feeling that way.
I'm ok with smart animals, even ones with tribes/civilization, just not talking ones. Maybe a robot that can translate for them or a high int/speech/whatever character could find a way to communicate.
>I feel like the hate comes from the idea that only humans can be sapient
I'd say it's the fact that deathclaws just turned into people. Men and women are different. Physically strong people are different than weak people. People turned out the way they are because of their traits, strengths and weaknesses, so it's unlikely that deathclaws would turn out the same.
What's the more interesting question to explore:
>what if desthclaws were like people?
>what if deathclaws were intelligent?
In the 90's stuff like this didn't bother me and I even thought it was cool. However that could have been from the limitations of games or the fact that I was a child then.
>Any specific reason why?
Because NMA told him to for 15 years.
He's the guy that wrote the entirety of New Reno and he's bitching about the deathclaws, lmfao.

Fallout 2 definitely isn't worth playing
F2 was somehow both a cringe shit but also a good base for New Vegas.
The whole idea of Intelligent deathclaws was the progress of science marches on.
Deathclaws were the result of FEV experiments on chameleons that escaped their lab environments and thrived in the wastelands.
It's perfectly natural to expect the Enclave to continue that research in order to produce an attack dog that can be given mission assignments and be expected carry out those orders on its own.
They would be great for infiltration and assassination missions. I really don't understand the vitriol agains Intelligent Deathclaws, unless its some new zoomer thing to do, like the recent hate on F2.
and it's weird seeing mammals having an insect-like Eusocial hive structure, but here we are.
Because ghouls are the synthesis of humanity and the reality they find themselves with. It's the wasteland personified that can talk. You don't need radcoons and shit that can talk for heckin' tanuki allusions.
Your mother was not worth playing and yet here we are
As a game, Fallout 2 is simply better than Fallout 1 on almost every level. It's just that it fumbles on the aspects of writing and worldbuilding. If you compare the two games it genuinely surprises me how it seems that the devs of Fallout 2 genuinely didn't understand the story and themes of Fallout 1, despite it largely being the same team. Even small details suggests to me that the F2 team was more interested in pushing their own ideas about what Fallout should be and adding their own little jokes, than in actually looking at what Fallout 1 did.

Take something simple like the currency used. You might argue that's not important an I partially agree with that, but it's a perfect illustration of what I'm talking about. F1 used bottlecaps, which you can argue makes no sense but it makes perfect sense thematically. It's something that's in limited supply and since the technology to make more doesn't exist, it holds its value extremely well. It's also somewhat reminiscent in shape of coins so it's an easy parallel to make, and most important of all, collecting bottlecaps is something that invokes a sense of Americana, an old cultural artifact that's suddenly blown up to be something vital to this new society that's forming. This is an incredibly important thematic detail that fits perfectly into th retro-futuristic post-apocalypse of Fallout.
Meanwhile, what does Fallout 2 use for currency? It uses gold coins, generically referred to as "money". And sure you could argue that this makes some sense, after all casting gold doesn't exactly require modern technology at all and even if they did they have all kinds of shit like plasma weapons that could easily melt cold. But at the same time, by switching from bottlecaps to generic gold coins you undermine the themes and aesthetics of the setting and make it less unique. This is why, even beyond all the 90s pop-culture jokes, I consider this to be a perfect illustration of the difference between Fallout 1 and 2.
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>A guttural snarl that sounds like something from your worst nightmares but in which your brain is telling you an utterly alien and impossible voice is fighting to echo the meaning of the word "Greetings"
Somewhat off-topic, but the movie Annihilation did a great version of this with the mutant bear.
>genuinely surprises me how it seems that the devs of Fallout 2 genuinely didn't understand the story and themes of Fallout 1, despite it largely being the same team
Many such cases
It's definitely worth playing, but if you're looking for an experience akin to the original or some of the best mods that replicate the atmosphere and feel of F1 almost to a T (Rez, Sonora, Nevada), it's really hit and miss. I think the biggest reasons why this is the case are:
>extremely short development window
F2 is TWICE the size of F1 and was churned out barely a year after the original was released
>disjointed & flawed worldbuilding
different parts of the Black Isle team were responsible for designing different locations almost entirely on their own, which then were all mashed together and it really shows
>leaning too heavily into unnecessary pop-culture references
Fallout always had great humor but this took it completely in the wrong direction
>shitty main villain
I know everyone and their mother jerks off to the Enclave because humanity fuck yeah + racism/evil BoS, but overall Frank Horrigan and the faction itself do a poor job at convincing the player they are a cool and scary threat and feel rather bland/underwhelming, especially when compared to Master/Unity. They definitely have their moments (desert transaction, drill sarge, vertibird assault, Navarro) but are stunted due to bad presentation, foreshadowing and execution (underwhelming final showdown, the ??? scripted event in the desert with FR, President and his final exposition, their plan is retarded etc.)
>dubious story development
Vaults being goofy social experiments, Enclave trying to colonize Mars (??), talking deathclaws and other animals, special encounters that are too random, the list goes on.
All that being sad, I think it's still more than worth it and one of the best crpgs ever made. Locations rated below:
>S tier
Vault City
New Reno
>A tier
Sierra Army Depot
Military Base
>B tier
Vault 15
>C tier
Enclave Oil Rig
Vault 13
>Garbage tier
Broken Hills
San Francisco
>Fuck you RPU for bringing them back tier
Horrigan was cartoonish villain imo, i like Master so much better. also they could push the story bit further but i guess money ran out
Why the fuck are FO fans so goddamn autistically obsessed with deathclaws?
because they are unfathomably cool and one of the staples of the Fallout setting?
I can think of at least 50 cooler monsters right off the top of my head without even googling.
I just really want to fuck one. Is that too much to ask?
List them.
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I accept your surrender.
Technically impossible. Deathclaws are essentially a compact minituarized version of the Tarrasque, which is the most awesome, fearsome creature in fantasy. It's like saying you have 50 creatures that can top Godzilla. Not gonna happen chum.
i love big ass
>tells himself he won
Thank you for surrendering.

>the Tarrasque, which is the most awesome, fearsome creature in fantasy
It's not.

>It's like saying you have 50 creatures that can top Godzilla. Not gonna happen chum.
Yes, there are many creatures more intimidating than a guy in a floppy rubber suit.
Not even the coolest monster in the edition it was introduced in.
In the StarCraft campaign editor, the hero ultralisk was called the tarrasque which I always thought was funny. The hero firebat was called guy Montag, too
>someone had a hard time beating Wake of the Ravager
>Deathclaws are pack animals, with the leadership role assumed by the alpha pair, the strongest male and female deathclaws in the group. The remainder of the pack follows the leaders and migrates along with them. Coupled with their pack behavior is a fierce territorial instinct. Deathclaws will usually opt for territories away from inhabited areas (most likely due to noise), but may settle into temporarily abandoned human buildings and areas, as was the case with the Boneyard warehouses circa 2161.
they literally were social predators in FO1
>Broken Hills
Why? I can at least get San Fran since it's such a culture shock as well as being too high tech that even the BoS would blush as well as crusty scientology and shadow warrior tier "lo wang" jokes. But Broken Hills has a nice setup that shows how the Mutants progressed outside the Master. It shows that while some couldn't move on from his ideology, others were looking to get on with their lives and integrate to a degree
At the end of the day muties are human underneath. It also gives a nice contrast to The Enclave and their retarded ideology.
the main premise about a settlement where mutants and humans are trying to live together with underlying tensions between the two groups threatening to tear the place apart is not bad. I don't even mind Marcus "the friendly super-mutant" all that much. However the side shit that goes with the town - talking plants, intelligent radscorpions, treasure hunting midgets (??), Buck Rodgers, weird fetish sex quests and fucking Seinfeld references (???) - are absolutely imbecilic and off-putting. Even the town maps are not all that well designed and the choice of mobs in the dungeons (radants) feels out of place. As if everything was cobbled up by redditors that were trying to make their first mod. The only funny bit in the whole place is the car accident event and that's it, the rest is deleted content tier. BH is probably one of the places that further pushed Fallout from an interesting post-apoc setting into the weird wasteland clown fiesta and I hate it all the more for it.
whoops forgot to quote >>3557192 here
>they literally were social predators in FO1
You mean single moms
>However the side shit that goes with the town - talking plants, intelligent radscorpions, treasure hunting midgets (??), Buck Rodgers, weird fetish sex quests and fucking Seinfeld references (???)
Weird side shit is in every town though. Gecko is in S tier and also has the fucking Brain in it. As well as the ghost in The Den. I think the town premise and Marcus himself telling you the history of the mutants and just being a cool companion in general makes up for the short comings, to me anyway. By the time you get to Broken Hills you also just kinda roll with the outdated 90s references. I can see general quests being kind of weak though. Fixing the air purifier is kinda neat and of course there's the mutie race war stuff to do but outside of that the quest content is kinda stale. Nothing like the dopamine from doing Reno Quests. All n all I still like Broken Hills enough and would still prefer it to some of the locations both in F2 and in other Fallout games. At least it has an interesting premise unlike San Fran.
>They represented a real, existential threat to the human race that the super mutants didn't. It was an actual moral conundrum about keeping them alive, because 100% they're better suited to the wasteland than base humanity, and the moment they started making tools for themselves the countdown would be ticking. Those things are gonna take over the planet if you let them.
Yeah and they also showed that Master's plans were totally fine, he should have just bred sentient deathclaws instead of muties. Which goes against the series' main themes. They were a dumb idea from the start. How the fuck do they even talk? And they don't just talk, they are noble savage memes that speak like modern day academics (well, what writer's idea of them was).
>there's a lot of shittiness to fallout 2's writing but i thought the talking deathclaws section was fine, charming even
Like many things in F2, it is like a reverse of the Bethesda-type shittiness. Talking deathclaws is a dumb idea executed well, not vice versa.
No. It's on my backlog though.
>Military Base
I am not arguing if you like its gameplay but Melchior existing is imo a single most retarded thing in a game that has Pinky and Brain references in a major location quest.
FO3 is the only time Deathclaws are treated as solitary predators socially. New Vegas brings back the Deathclaw nest concept and it stays but keeps the solitary part when they leave the nest to hunt and stuff.
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>Weird side shit is in every town though
True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it and it takes the spotlight from everything else. And it's not even that interesting to warrant being in focus so much. I'm fine with there being oddities in the wastes, but not when they take away the spotlight from everything else, especially if they're poorely executed. Gecko is in S tier because the Vault City <> Gecko dynamic and quests are one of the best parts of the game. Den is also a great post-apocalyptic town with slavers and gang wars. An odd Ghoul cult around a mutant mole rat or a ghost girl don't ruin that, because both are entirely on the sidelines.
>By the time you get to Broken Hills you also just kinda roll with the outdated 90s references
it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
>town premise
I never bought into the Marcus + Jacob friendship, it's kind of a cool story about camaraderie/fraternization but it also felt way too good to be true and nonsensical in a way (why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?). I think Colin McComb was just too dug in in his fantasy mindset and was unable to write/worldbuild a good post-apoc/sf story and that's echoed strongly in Broken Hills.
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I like the Military Base because it is a cool dungeon design and fun to explore, plus the story surrounding it is really good, even more so when viewed in the aftermath of FO1. Enclave digging up ancient ruins, looking for pure FEV strains, just for them to unwittingly release these and turn their slave workforce into a second generation of super mutants unrelated to Master and his army, that nonetheless proceed to wreak havoc upon the expeditionary force, an echo of Unity's might before it's fall. All the while MB being the birthplace of the Brotherhood of Steel AND Frank Horrigan. It's just so good. Melchior was a magician/con artistist before mutating, hence his monicker. The only dubious thing is the summoning of monsters part, but I think that can be handwaived by the monsters being mutant pets that got caved in the base with the rest of the mutants, not actual "summons" or magic.
>True, but in Broken Hills it's everywhere you go, so you get oversaturated with it.
I suppose. Maybe part of the problem is that it has a good premise that the jokes are more bothersome and I could see that. I guess for me when you run into things like The Brain in Gecko that it just numbs me to the rest of the sillier F2 encounters so when Broken Hills almost climaxes with the jokes it doesn't bug me much. I come to expect it.
>it's still ungh and ruins the game more than it creates meaningful comedic moments.
Yeah, I don't think anybody loves the referential humour. It's like a bad episode of Futurama. I guess I have a higher tolerance for it than other people but I think most anyone would be happy for it to have been tone down. Which surprises me that there was never a mod to trim it down. The Restoration Project could have had it as an option to trim the jokes down. I do get a slim chuckle out of the 4th wall breaks and F2 can have funny moments like Vault City having a giant shipment of water chips. It really is mainly the refrences that kill the whole thing. F1s humour was also more of that situational style like the guy addicted to Nuka Cola in The Boneyard, references were kept to mainly being stolen iconography (The Blade Runner gun, the Mad Max jacket, Dogmeat)
>why the fuck would Jacob ever turn his back on BoS?
Could depend on what his original role would be. I could see an Initiate or Scribe being pressured too much into the conflict. Plus you had the VD which also wasn't exactly loyal to the BoS cause much, mainly using them to get an edge over The Unity and protect V13, so who knows how many others were that loyal. I doubt Jacob was directly under Rhombus's thumb. Plus I could see after Marcus calming down and showimg himself as reasonable mutant to shake Jacobs worldview somewhat. Hell it would have shaken the VDs worldview as well when he kept running into muties like The Lieutenant and Harry.
I think Fallout 2 is the only game that I've played that lets you suck cock until it literally kills you
you Frontier modders should've all been arrested

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