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I'm gunna play this.
Best of luck, keep up updated on your progress.
You got it, boss.
No you wont
>keep up updated on your progress.
The trailer is out.
goyslop : the genre
Is this game any good?
It's free. The new league starts on 7/26.
Is PoE another grindy pay2win slop or actually good?
>It's free.
For a game of this kind it has far too small a stash so you basically have to spend money if you want to play long-term.

You can only lose by playing the game but other than stash size there is no pay-to-win, I guess.
>Is poe pay2win
kind of, it's not really pay2win so much as it's pay to experience the full game
you can play without giving them a dime but you'll be limited on the amount of stuff you can store
But you don't have to spend more than maybe $20
Map tab, currency, a 4x4. That's all you realistically need to not want to kill yourself in the long run if you play longer than just the base game + some mapping endgame.
One way to look at it is it's a free demo with hundreds of hours of content that if you spend $20 you get hundreds more.
However, the devs keep doing stupid shit and I haven't played in maybe 3 or so leagues so there is that. No clue if it's good again atm.
>Map tab, currency, a 4x4
you gotta get the scarab tab too as of last league
what did they add to scarabs? did they separate it from fragment tab?
Theres a million of them now and they drop constantly, they're still part of the fragment tab. They do a lot more unique shit to your maps than before and they're intended to be used often.
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It's probably worth mentioning that you don't need to even think about tabs until like 500+ hours into the game.
A lot of the "stupid shit" people have complained about has been effectively resolved. Their solution was to just give players more power creep in others ways than intended. For example, they nerfed gem power, but increased power from curses.
>It's free.
Time is a cost
>The new league
I'm excited!
>Time is a cost
Then nothing is free you fucking faggot
This looks so much better than the ascendancy update for grim dawn its unreal
Updates on new stuff.
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Update tomorrow. I'm gunna play marauder.
>180k people playing on steam
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228k now, it broke its all time peak.
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Caught up to where I stopped last time.
The ultimate niggercattle slop. Anyone who has more than 5 hours in that game is absolutely dysgenic.
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I'm having a fair bit more fun with melee than I did as the witch. I found a unique staff early that bumps elemental damage by a lot, so I've been stacking +elemental damage on hit at every opportunity, to the point where I'm even mowing down major bosses pretty much instantly, and everything else triggers a chain of explosions and just dies.
I had fun with it playing trough the campaign self found and some maps years ago when the end was the asshole of some giant monster or sth.
But man I just cant be arsed to autist around with 200 bucks worth of tabs and a million currencies trading over a third party platform all day. Also even then it was binary. Either killing everything while pressing a single button or getting oneshot. And the skill system is and ever will be complicated for the sake of being so. I bet in the end everyone just takes the same few things for a handful of builds dps and otherwise stacks hp nodes.
No need to rip off final gaytasy for this.

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