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Looking to play through FF11 for the story. I was looking up private servers and found this list and I am very much overwhelmed, where should I go if I don't want to grind too much and just see the cut scenes and get through the main game?


Also I'll probably wanna do the artifact quest for some jobs, since thats like how, how you do a black mage story quest line.
This is a tough quesiton. Because you will have to get to max level in the end, but if you just want to get through the main game, you won't have to worry about JobPoint levels or Master Levels.

I don't know what private servers are like, I played the vanilla game and finished all expansions in one month somehow, though it took every single waking day to do.

Artifact weapons are really not that good, unless you manage to get them to +1/+2 but that takes a LOT more time. If you can get yourself into a good linkshell, ask them to help you level up. (you'll still probably have to do limit break quests to increase your level cap)

Once you're at max level, you should be able to get through everything by yourself except Adoulin/Rhapsodies, which is where the equipment starts getting good and the fights start getting really hard.

I played through the game as DRK99/SAM49 for pretty much the whole game, never played BLM long enough but SCH for support job. I assume though it will probably require a lot more time investment.
>cut scenes
Id just do FF ERA, its got X4 xp, it's got the main game, COP, TOAU, some WOTG, and working mythic quest line.
Can we please keep race out of things on this board? This should be a safe space for everyone.
wdym? how once you go black mage you can never go back, mage?
Stop micro aggressing me you bigot
>Looking to play through FF11 for the story
If you want to do the story then just play retail. You get all of the content and all of the features.

Progressing through the story can suck at first because you have to do the base game storyline (which was aborted because it had to be shipped out the door, Zilart finishes the story) three times as you do the three nation campaign, which all culminate in going to three dungeons and fighting the Shadowlord.

I played as a Summoner/Red Mage and had to ask for help getting the Summons and Fenrir. Running around as a Tarutaru Summoner siccing a giant wolf on my enemies who chomps bosses for half of their HP bar was fun. Subbing red mage gives you utility spells such as invisible and sneak (the chance of mobs hearing you even while invisible) which is very nice when trying to run through the sewers underneath Windurst which is packed with ultra high level mobs. If I had to replay again though I would probably go with Samurai/Beastmaster and be a master swordsman fighting alongside his pet or Samurai/Dark Knight for tanking.

It is advised that you do a little bit of the first part of the Rhapsodies storyline so you can get the major exp boosts (ie the parts that cover Vanilla and Zilart?), and then don't progress it any further until you have gotten to that point in the expansion stories.

Arciela is the best girl. Like FF10 there is a hidden affection meter mechanic. Don't be overtly pervy to her and good things might happen!

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Oh, and lastly, Abyssea has almost no story. You have to watch a youtube playthrough of the Granblue Fantasy crossover event to get some actual story content that does something with the idea.
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Wrong. Be pervy and good things will happen. :^)

Oh yeah, I forgot about Beastmaster and Red Mage. Those detections skills on RDM (Sneak/Invisible) are good for dungeons with heavy mob spawns you will inevitably visit like Zvahl.

There was a crossover campaign for this?
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Yes. It's about a 1 hour long visual novel story. The GBF player and a couple GBF characters fall into a hole and get isekaied to Abyssea and meet the Prishe, Lilisette, Cait Sith, Iroha, and Joachin, and then then they save a GBF village that was sucked into Abyssea from Shinryu. Also, the spirit/ghost of the dead player adventurer from the Abyssea timeline shows up at the end and saves everyone. Sadly it was a timed event so you can't read it today, you have to watch it on Youtube. Also sucks that you can't get the characters either. Iroha is still in my GBF party.
75 cap is the way to go, find a classic server and ignore the level 99 crap.
Well the only way to get the full story is Retail, none of the private servers have working Wings of the Goddess questlines or beyond.

If you're dead set on playing privately I say hosting your own private server locally is the next best option. https://github.com/LandSandBoat/server

If you absolutely must play on an existing private server CatseyeXI would probably be the least grindy way to play through the story.
What makes 99 crap exactly? Aren't you missing 1/4th of the game by going 75?
Game for brainless jobless losers.
What are you talking about? The game has 22 jobs.
I really don't get why people claim they wanna play this for the story then set out the impossible task of "which priv serv" when LSB is half a decade to 10 years off. Like, of all the reasons they could be going to a private server the story ain't one.
Is it just monetary concerns?
Do they come at it from the game being sold at its full price and not the sale price of $10?
Is it the eyewatering sub fee for a 20 year old game translating to low incomes/other regions? I don't think I'll ever quite get it.
True, you should just watch the story on Youtube, then hop into a private server and enjoy it at its peak rather than pay monthly fees to the corpse of Squaresoft on an ancient game reduced to a husk of its former self. But hey, the game is on sale sometimes and three times a year you can play for a few days without paying! lol
I think it's ok to play this game for the story right now but the endgame is trash since the adouline era was over and RoV stuff was added to the game, i started playing the game in 2009 before Abyssea and my favorite time was when delve and skirmish was the endgame content, abyssea was fun too when ninja and blm and thf got invites.

The game is kind of dead for years now and is not worth paying monthly subscription, pug shouts are dead and only mercs/rmt are shouting.

Also the game is really old now and the graphics are looking worse than ever and the game doesn't have any basic features any modern game have.
I think the most egregious issue is the menus/ui, the game is originally from 2002 and it feels like it. Every other MMO I've played that been around that long modernized their UI at some point. This game feels like a GUI on top of a MUD, you basically play the whole game from the command line.
It's was a neat experience in 2002-2004 but it got old quickly after the PS3 HD era.


I never saw this amount of people outside the main cities, kinda missed the boat on pre-CoP FFXI.
I was never able to get the PS2 version because of the requirements, PS2 with a HDD Hard Disk Drive and a Credit Card and the original copy of the game and i have to go through playonline which was hard. 20 years later and SE still make it hard to play online.

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