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time for joy
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As organic as astroturf.
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cute souls farm
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>Dude, this RPG maker game without a single original idea put into it is a masterpiece! I fucking love overused Japanese tropes and obsession with Alice in Wonderland
>Check out that character that turns into, wait for it, a weird monstrosity like in that Lovecraft guy's stories. And, like, you won't believe it, it's impossible to comprehend by human mind and makes you go insane
>And there are, like, characters from fairy tales, BUT they're actually coombait anime girls! That's right, the cat is actually not a cat, it's a female with cat ears, holy shit I'm coooooooooming best character design
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There is a metafag in literally every thread now
I checked the catalog and its terminal for this board
This board is /v/lite now because of these faggots and others like them
just like how /vr/ became shittier over time
You can always take your general threads to >>>/vg/
You know, the board where these recurring threads are SUPPOSED to go.
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well then
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If you hate BS threads so much why do you come here? I just don't get it. Are you masochists or something?
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It's not hard to figure out anon, they just want to try to fuck with what they hate.
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Rabbit hole
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I can hate and spit in your face for your love of the most overrated harem shit on rpg maker. I also hate most anons except Nodefag
This anon is right about everything, you can't refute his words
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Miranda get.
Wow wow wow wow Lovecraft, Outers, Alice, fairy tales, obsession, what sloppa, how delicious, another thread, Wow Wow Wow guys let's talk about lore, who is the father of the leaf ? Who is Mabel's father? How many dumb and unnecessary NPCs are there in the game? Why do you need such a tedious tagging gameplay? And why does everyone love a Grimm? And because this is a cheap harem shit game, mmmm what a sloppa how delicious, wow wow wow miranda get, did you see, waaaaah
Least schizo black souls player.
Ignore and report shitters, newfag.
Mother of God...
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The Greek philosopher Vlad Saveliev is back and ready to fuck up your thread
Why can't you, like trannies and faggots on reddit, argue your love for this game, I'm serious, you're coprophiles who just love what they love? Explain the advantages, the benefits, that for what I could change my mind about this piece of nonsense
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Unfathomably massive win for Mirandafags
She's dead.
dogshit artstyle
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Unfortunately, the fate of the greek philosopher did not work out like the fate of Faust, Vlad had a wonderful life in a rich family twice and a daughter, but he was tempted by the red demon Vjlink, he descended to the 10th circle of hell and learned the most terrible disease called total alcoholism, it completely broke his life, turned into a real moral freak committing many sins, his they often tried to reason with him, it came to physical abuse by greek football fans, but everything was counted, and then the Internal Organs of Greece came into play, at the request of Vlad's mother, they deported him to Russia, and now Vlad leads a miserable existence in a remote siberian village without communication with the outside world. The moral of this tragic story is the negative impact of alcohol and a crappy attitude to your life
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You may not like Vlad's story, but you just listen to the story of your Grimm, I don't feel sorry for this old man who is unable to let go of the image of the girl Alice and became a doll of the Outer Gods by his own will, adding a stupid plot of harem shit, dull gameplay, disgusting author's art, we get a story worthy of a dump of rpg maker games
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coworker asked me if i was drawing the rabbit from alice in wonderland
Black Souls fans in a nutshell: bathing in pigshit and loving it
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What a disgusting thread, I'll get Vlad
Nice drawing,your artstyle is cute
Based coworker for somehow recognizing Node as the white rabbit
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How the hell did these threads get even worse than before
DRH being in dev hell leads to no major news, yet people are still trying to make threads while there's nothing most people here seem to really want to talk about, they're just making threads for the sake of it. The recent addition of the russian schizophrenic is just the icing on the cake.
it's summer, school's out
she's strong...
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I went through your game to the end, the moment of revealing the prehistory in Winterbell confused me, the whole point of the game was that the Outer gods loved Grimm and did different things to appropriate him for themselves, it was especially pretentious to acquire TCO personalities, it just disappointed me, what did you have all these threads about, what were you discussing here? It's very strange, it's a very overrated game. VLADOOOOOS
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EMMM is losing it.

Fuck it, I'll engage.
>the moment of revealing the prehistory in Winterbell confused me
Are you talking about the VN? What exactly about it confused you? The short explanation of it is GG recreating the torture that Lewis had originally been put through pre-BS1 by Mary Sue. It's one example of the kinds of things Mary did to break the authors down and prepare them to create Grimm with.
>the whole point of the game was that the Outer gods loved Grimm and did different things to appropriate him for themselves
Not exactly. Thematically, it's more about how various warped forms love can take, and how lust and obsession can be mistaken for love as well. Pretty much all of the major characters have their own fucked up perceptions of what love is like too. Mary's sadistic and abusive view of love ultimately has her roots in Jabber's grooming. TCO's view of love is obsessive and leaves them jealous as all fuck, and can be traced back to the events of the tea party. Node is focused on the carnal level of the relationship above nearly all else. Mabel spends most of the time in the game cynically denying that love can even exist between a niggerman and a human since she's aware of just how far the gap in perception and understanding is between the two of them, and believes that gap to be unbridgeable until she spends enough time with you. Even minor niggermen like Kuti and your children have warped views on love, with Kuti apparently basing her expectations on literal fairy tales and your children being obsessed with you because they get fucking shit for affection from their parents just like all niggermen do in the series.
Speaking of, for many niggermen you are the first one to actually ever give half a shit about them, instead of just using and abusing them as you see fit. This is largely because of your soul not being entirely ruined by the black taint of sin like the niggermen, meaning you're still capable of true love.

As fucking chintzy as it might be, true, pure love is ultimately the only redeeming force for a soul stained by sin that we're aware of in the series. It won't wash away sin, but it does seem to lessen the overall concentration of sin's taint on the soul if Jabber's words in the reverse route are anything to go by, along with some bits of dialogue from Grimm himself.
>it was especially pretentious to acquire TCO personalities
I don't really see how Prickett being the niggerman mirror to Grimm and his own various souls fighting for control over the self is pretentious. It provides a pretty good explanation of the actions of both of them throughout the series in my opinion.
>it just disappointed me
Sorry to hear that.
>what did you have all these threads about, what were you discussing here?
Ideally, the threads here would be discussing the game. As mentioned before, recently there's been a lack of fresh content due to the length of time between DLC 3's release and now, along with DRH being stuck in dev hell. Even in the last thread you can see a general breakdown of combat and some lorefaggotry, but for better or worse the low hanging fruit has already been picked as far as plot discussion goes, and the core mechanics and difficulty of the game are ultimately not deep enough to sustain constant conversation about combat either. It's not that there's nothing left to discuss in my opinion, it's just that most anons probably aren't going to bother spending the effort to dig deeper with the lack of fresh content to act as a carrot for them, and are fine with more surface level understandings of the series in the meantime. If there were more people willing to spend the time and effort needed to sustain constant lorefaggotry there might be more to consistently talk about here, but for now it seems like only a few people actually have put in the work needed while the rest wait for interpretations and answers.
>It's very strange, it's a very overrated game.
I'd consider BS1 to be about a 5/10 game overall. The last hour or so of content isn't enough to bring up the entire package in my opinion, though it still left me curious enough to give BS2 a shot. BS2's about an 8 to 8.5/10 for me, but one with notable flaws still. For me, the most important flaw is the gameplay, because even in DLC 3 it's still far too simple to break combat in your favor if you understand how shit works. To be fair, this is also a bit of a mixed blessing as far as replays go, and I'd rather have quick and easy than slow and tedious if I'm replaying the game looking for shit. If you end up bouncing off the plot for whatever reason, the deficiencies in gameplay really start being hard to ignore. While it isn't one of my pet peeves, the art style and overall usage of premade assets does drive some people up the fucking wall and shouldn't entirely be dismissed, though I still think it's about how it's used that matters the most and which I think BS does a fine enough job on.
For what it's worth, whenever I see people curious about the series I try to be upfront with what I believe its flaws are, unlike some who only focus on what they like about the series. It's better to give a fair review of the games instead of fanboying about them to newcomers, who then probably end up burned when their initial expectations don't end up matching what their final opinion of the games are.
This may sound random but I can't remember Milton's item associations.
But I was reading a Lewis Carroll short story called Walking Stick of Destiny and it has an adventurer poet character called Milton Smith who is involved with stealing the Walking Stick of Destiny in a plot with Barons wizards and a toad and talking potatoes. Any of that in the game?
>This may sound random but I can't remember Milton's item associations.
Templar set, though it technically extends beyond that into the ghoul bullshit thanks to DLC 3.
>But I was reading a Lewis Carroll short story called Walking Stick of Destiny and it has an adventurer poet character called Milton Smith who is involved with stealing the Walking Stick of Destiny in a plot with Barons wizards and a toad and talking potatoes. Any of that in the game?
Milton's associations in BS2 are pretty heavily Christian oriented. The idea of him being an adventurer poet might be used in BS3 or something though, but for now I can't think of anything that fits.
I didn't expect much but a walking stick item may have been there worth a shot. Probably just Lewis Carroll doing a nod to Milton who he liked.
now that you mention gameplay, doing a SL1 run made me appreciate and notice certain things that i skipped (unintentionally) or didn't notice in my previous runs (the chikenbro quest for example), i was so desperate for candies and he saved me..
Yeah, an SL1 run makes you engage with the actual mechanics a lot more, but I'd like a middle ground between the intentional challenge run and breaking the difficulty curve of the game while playing normally.
She cant get away with this
I was not talking about VN, in fact I do not know the meaning of the part with VN? Should Grimm let go of his past and Crawling influence for the love of GG? That's what Mabel said at the end. The backstories in Winterbell present Grim as a cornerstone, I know the whole topic about different love and its border with obsession, technically it makes sense if you consider Outers inferior people. What is the theme with the black soul? Mabel spoke about souls in the context of the war and the awakening of Azathoth, what is a black soul? And what does "your soul is not being entirely destroyed by the black taint of sin like the niggermen" mean that makeup is basically human and Outer ones are not?
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>I was not talking about VN, in fact I do not know the meaning of the part with VN? Should Grimm let go of his past and Crawling influence for the love of GG? That's what Mabel said at the end.
Now I'm really questioning what the translation you Russians have for the game is like, because that's not really what she says in the English version. Pic related for the full English version of the post-VN shit.
Thematically, the purpose of the VN is pretty simple, further showcasing just how obsessed Lewis is with Alice, and his insecurities that stem from that. It's not exactly saying "let go of the past", as G shows that the love between Alice and Lewis is in fact mutual, and TCO doesn't really play a role here despite potentially briefly forcing their way into the VN. I mentioned that the VN is a recreation by GG of Lewis's original torture at the hands of Mary Sue. The way Mary originally did this was by playing into Lewis's mental instability with his fears and vices. The more he falls to the temptation of his vices and falls victim to his fears, the more his soul is stained by sin and the more his sanity slips.
These are both directly addressed in the VN, with the First Daughter's scene on the "good" route there having a direct mention by Lewis of how he can feel his sins gnawing at his soul due to offering up fake words of love towards the First Daughter, and why the VN itself is so good at breaking Lewis is because it's literally designed based off his own worst impulses and fears. As the Bluebird of Unhappiness states on Day 4's radio in the VN "As creative as he might be, the more imaginative your brain is, the faster you'll destroy yourself.". In essence, it is literally a hell of his own creation, even if Mary's the one responsible for actually bringing it to life for him, which is also probably why the one route where he doesn't fall victim to these impulses (the hikki route) technically has the best ending out of all of them.

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>The backstories in Winterbell present Grim as a cornerstone
You mean the bear conversations/recordings then? Grimm is literally the centerpiece of the Wonderland play, and has been since the recreated Wonderland has been a thing. The opportunity to breed with him and raise an army for the upcoming niggerman war is what TCO advertised, and why most of the niggermen even bothered to show up in the first place, the ones we see during the events of BS2 are just the remnants of who had originally joined the play. Most of the niggermen that joined ended up either getting killed (Gla'akid, Hypnos) or leaving of their own volition (Older Sister Alice) after they found out what TCO's real goal for the play was though, which was a never ending love story. Most of the ones that remained are generally some combination of niggermen that are in the process of completely losing themselves to the role they're playing and/or niggermen that actually fell in love with Grimm, however warped their actual perception of love might be notwithstanding.
In the grand scheme of things, Grimm is central to stopping the upcoming niggerman war, which is Mabel's main purpose in helping the others (Prickett, Node) get him out of Wonderland, but their motivations aren't the same as Mabel's. Prickett just wants to return you to reality and to try to atone for the pain and suffering she's caused, for which her initial plan is to commit suicide by cop and ensure that TCO as a whole dies (G) to help you escape, and which later changes to managing to take control over the rest of TCO long enough to actually bring you to reality herself (H), completing her character arc for the series by doing what she couldn't bring herself to do during the tea party. Node's plan involves having Grimm in his newly acquired vessel capable of using the Power to Change, and with it to go to war with the other niggermen using the children he's sired and come out victorious (merge ending).

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>technically it makes sense if you consider Outers inferior people.
I don't think calling niggermen inferior people is quite the right way to look at it. Most of them have the creativity of a log of shit, but as far as raw intelligence or general capability goes, they're generally at least on par if not consistently superior to the average human as long as they're not being limited by the roles they're playing. Their issues are more rooted in their general culture than anything else I think. Niggermen have essentially normalized constant abuse and neglect as a species, largely believing that others only exist to further their own selfish desires, and perpetuate the cycle with their children. It's why you get things like Shub leaving Mary in Jabber's care, Mabel saying to use your children as rape bait and meat shields on the walk down to GG, Kuti's rants about being trapped and neglected both at home and in Wonderland, and so on.
Basically, they seem to have little, if any inherent concept of morality or what constitutes moral actions as a species, and end up creating a negative feedback loop of sinful niggermen taking sinful actions and creating more sinful niggermen. Put more simply, "fuck you, got mine" as a species. This isn't to say that they're incapable of learning though. Through interacting with humans and performing human mentaility, they seem to be able to gradually start to understand human mentality and all that entails, both insofar as morality and emotions go. Prickett's dialogue on the matter in her bear conversation with Node is probably the best example of both of these things, pic related. For those of us that didn't go to Sunday school, that's literally 1 Corinthians 13:4 from the Bible she's quoting. In general, the more you dig into the lore and mechanics of the series, the more parallels and outright references to the Bible you're probably going to find, but that's a topic for another time.

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>What is the theme with the black soul?
This is actually established early on in BS1 and reinforced in DLC 3. Sin actually exists as an apparently tangible concept in BS. It does not go away in the BS universe, and the accumulation of sins on the soul eventually stains it black. So far in the series, there are Black Souls, Tainted Black Souls, and Souls of the Outer One, though unlike the other colored souls there's a very conspicuous absence of a fruit-based Black Soul, but I'm getting off track again. Grimm starts out at Black Soul-tier for BS1, and ends BS2 at Tainted Black Soul-tier, indicating just how much he has sinned over the course of the series so far. Souls of the Outer Ones belong to niggermen, and niggermen are said to hold the greatest concentration of sin in a soul according to Hein, likely in large part due to their long lives and aforementioned culture of using and abusing everyone but themselves. Those who have souls ruined by the black taint of sin are incapable of peaceful, lasting creation. This notably applies to what niggermen create, with gardens eventually collapsing being an expected happening among niggermen for one example.
So far, the only thing that has been mentioned to lighten the overall taint of sin on one's soul in the series is true, pure love. Fucking cheesy as hell, but that's how it seems to work. I will stress that it just lightens the overall taint of sin, not remove it. So far BS has not put forth a means by which the taint of sin can be removed from the soul, and Mabel reiterates that it's impossible to create purity in a tainted soul even while just being steps away from GG and knowing what it's capable of.

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>Mabel spoke about souls in the context of the war and the awakening of Azathoth
In short, the the upcoming niggerman war is going to cause a lot of death. Death is important, as there are two primary factors that we know of that make up most things in the series, those being the vessel and the soul. The vessel contains the soul of the individual. If the vessel is unable to contain the soul within it, the soul leaves the vessel and eventually ends up in the Cosmos. This is usually (but not always) because of the vessel in question dying. Souls are eternal though, unlike vessels, and persist even after the death of the vessel. The upcoming niggerman war is going to have enough death, and thus souls reaching the Cosmos, that Azathoth will eventually wake up, and with his awakening the universe is fucked as past, present, and future all vanish. Mabel seems to be trying to keep important souls in her garden, Shatranj (aka the Chaos Dungeon) and both stop them from hitting the cosmos and to keep them around for future revival by Grimm.
>And what does "your soul is not being entirely destroyed by the black taint of sin like the niggermen" mean that makeup is basically human and Outer ones are not?
Well, niggermen are certainly not humans in the way that we know them to be in the series. They can put on human forms, play out human acts, and even potentially feel human emotions, but at the end of the day they are still fundamentally not humans.
5/5, I guess. There's a lot to cover here, and I hope it makes sense to you.
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Has anyone here played To Kill a Fairy Tale? Heard it was inspired by Black Souls so I got interested but I'm too busy right now with my current backlog to check it out. So I wanted to gauge where I put it in here.
>Has anyone here played To Kill a Fairy Tale?
Yeah, I hit the end of content a week or so ago. Altogether it feels like a very amateur work that needs a lot of polish and refinement of mechanics, but hey it's something at least.
How long was it overall?
My save file is just over 6 hours, but a lot of that felt padded with how much running back and forth you have to do and how many fights you'll probably end up in. The game seriously fucking needs a bonfire system, and if there is one I sure as fuck haven't found it yet.
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Based drawfren.
>what the translation you Russians have for the game is like
It's pretty bad.
MTL. Prayer Master = Sensei. Yep. I still can't fucking comprehend how they managed to translate his name like that.
>BS 2
Edited? MTL. To be honest, I can't say much about this translation. I've only played with it for a few hours. It's still bad but not as bad as the BS 1 translation.
>Prayer Master = Sensei.
>To be honest, I can't say much about this translation. I've only played with it for a few hours. It's still bad but not as bad as the BS 1 translation.
As long as they're the same version of the game, you should be able to transfer saves over between different translations of the game I believe. It worked for me with the nip version of DLC 3 at least. Might be worth looking into if you ever feel like doing a comparison of the translations.
Drew this for /bag/'s recent aggie, had fun with other anons who were drawing other weird shit like EYE and FAITH
Alright guess I'll try once I'm done with the current game I'm playing
I saw it. Pretty cool.
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>time for joy
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RDH2 is a failed project.
Is this what happens to a man who gets his elden ring DLC denied?
No, it's what happens to a man prone to perfectionism and scope creep that inevitably bites off more than he can chew.
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>schizoblogging this much for a bait poster
If their translation of the game is legitimately garbage, I can't fault them too much for not understanding shit and thinking there's nothing to the game, even if they're acting like a complete fucking faggot about it all. So far they've come across as someone that legitimately doesn't understand a lot of shit about the game and are mad about it as a result rather than just shitposting purely for the sake of it.
the dude that posted offtopic slav pic is absolutely butt blasted and has been banned before for shitting up the thread because he got an answer he didn't like
Kill gachaniggers
Mad that you got ousted again from /vg/?
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I like how everything is roughly the same kind of off skill level but it looks like you traced the hands
Eyes need to be a bit farther apart and nose slightly down.
Look at the file name.
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Ah, I guess nichibros was a thing wasn't it.
I miss her so much bros...
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You know, I think it's kinda cool that we share the same space with all the schizos. Just like the souls games, we're witnessing hollows doing their thing as we travel. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes they're aggressive and trying to stab you; nonetheless, it's the authentic ambience we all know and enjoy.
But you're supposed to laugh and move on. Let's not waste our time with hollows.
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Assuming he's talking about his art, he IS making progress. His art gets better with every game without compromising on the style we've grown to love.
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Usually when revisiting the games I find something new and previously hidden like losing to Behemoth throwing the whole later area off the rails or the myriad of secrets during the Prickett date.
But this time I somehow found the Bandersnatch scene fappable. I mean I didn't have a boner even once during the earlier playthroughs.
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I'm surprised it took you this long to appreciate them. I've found her scenes to be better than even jujub
From your posts it is now clear that the translation is crap, although it seems that some parts that you wrote are not even in the game, the game itself in a deep sense is oriented towards the characters and their distant sides, I have changed my opinion
My actions are a bit backward, I agree, it's simple on the Russian equivalent of 4chan, if some kind of thread doesn't suit anons, they start shitting it with photos of anuses and ass niggers, so I couldn't resist, but I don't want to keep photos of anuses and ass niggers on my computer, so I shit on you with Vlad's photos.
Why would you play the game in your language TL? Why not just play with the english one?
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>although it seems that some parts that you wrote are not even in the game
Most of what I wrote there can be sourced directly from dialogue in the games, I just didn't post all of the relevant images for them. I'll admit though, I also didn't feel like loading even more save files and running around the worlds in both games more than I already was when I was writing those posts/making those images, and I didn't want to take up more of the image limit than I already was for my responses. For example, I could have posted more screenshots of things like BS1 establishing what sin does to the soul in Ezwald's conversations, or Hein reinforcing it with his own dialogue in his fight and elsewhere in the series. I could generally do the same for pretty much everything else I wrote there, it's just a matter of checking to see if I have it in my folders and stitching it all together if there's a lot of relevant dialogue, or running my ass over both games and screencapping the relevant material if I don't happen to have it/can't find it in my folders.
For better or worse, a lot of lorefagging in the series revolves around shit like that, as the series has a habit of slipping in vital, setting establishing information in relatively normal dialogue, and if you're not paying attention it can completely slip on by you.
So what games do you guys play to fill the void while waiting for the new game? Is there even sometghing remotely similiar? I tried Fear and Hunger but couldn't really get into it.
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modded Terraria
Lobotomy Corporation.
He knows he can just stop drawing, right? He finished all the essential CGs months ago. Everything since then has been superfluous padding he could stop at any time.
Is the game completely ready outside of the CG's department? Like gameplay and everything?
try LISA
From what I recall, he finished the actual game part early last year. Then he finished drawing the essential CGs shortly after that. Then he decided, for reasons unbeknownst to mortal men, to add 150 more CGs. Then he said he was going to add 400 more in total. We've been waiting on him to finish those for around 8 months now.

I wouldn't mind it so much if he was putting this much effort into BS3, but I'm not going to give a shit about 90% of the HCG in DRH. Red is for Grimm (and maybe Charlotte. I could be talked around on wholesome yuri with Charlotte). So all the extra work feels pointless to me.
>for reasons unbeknownst
People kept asking when it was coming out, simple as
I don't even like Red but I support his endeavor
The game is going to be ready WHEN it's ready. I hate rushing creators and unfinished goods.
I think he should play a little elden ring, he deserves it
See, I could accept EMMM throwing out random numbers as an excuse when he still had actual work to finish, but by his own tweets since, all he's been doing since then is drawing more CGs day in and day out. The madlad seems to have actually meant what he said about adding hundreds more of the stupid things. That's fine in and of itself, it's his call to do it, but it seems pretty rich for him to complain about having to draw endlessly when he's been done with the original thing he wanted to make for a while now and could put it out tomorrow if he put the chickenscratch down.
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>Red is for Grimm
Sorry, Grimm doesn't have a knot. This girl can only be sexually satisfied by canine cocks.
black souls is turning into another fear and hunger, and no the loli does in the end not scare of mentally ill troons
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enchant farm
With all the reality bending and flesh twisting shit going on in the series don't tell me grimm wouldn't be able to acquire such simple alternation.
I must admit, I am ashamed to say this, but I am a casual, I did not defeat the unicorn and the owl, I sided with Eunice because I support her, although the genocide of all men is terrible and was unacceptable. I fought the lord at the very end, where there was no preservation and it was tedious to restore humanity again. The Lord's contention is very stupid and based on randomness. I liked the turtle the most.
That's why you should always keep at least 2 back-ups of every important folder you have.
Why is the author's favorite character a zoophiliac whore?
NO he must make a detailed art piece of red stabbing someone in the balls
You can't tell a perfectionist when to stop.
Because EMMM is a zoophiliac whore
That's right
Red is her self-insert
You're welcome
>Is there even sometghing remotely similiar? I tried Fear and Hunger but couldn't really get into it.
The closest thing to BS is probably NPC Dreams. It's untranslated though.
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give Lona's game a chance
No, this boards just slow enough.
So far confirmed author souls making up Grimm are Lewis, Andersen and one or both Grimm brothers right? Or am I missing someone?
Nope, that's it for the authors we know about. There's very likely more authors that we don't know the names of at the moment, along with whatever the fuck is going on with the whole player name shit though.
>bandy's tonguejob
>red rape
>jubjub rape
>alice liddell's horsie ride
maybe some of you weren't fapping but I was
No way. LonaRPG is disgusting and reserved for a special kind of freak. Also the "action" gameplay is kinda ass too.
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>Red is her self-insert
That would be Leaf. Red is EMMM's OC.
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I'm going to Goose
gutter the cursed
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Are they worth a purchase?
looks great
Have downloaded these. Started NPC Dreams which looks promising so far. The MT English mixed with untranslated Japanese has honestly some charm to it.
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Reposting this since I didn't realize how long in the tooth the other thread was

So as it stands who are the best candidates for early love interests going into BS3
And I mean characters whose return won't be a big story moment but we could meet in the first is20 minutes
Pretty much characters to fill a Dorthey role

Ones I have in mind

>Victoria and Miranda(Maryphillia)
Are already set-up for the role
Would be good for following up on the breeding plan plot and with the sister Alice stuff I honestly think she's up there with the other two

These are some characters I think might be possible but unlikely for one reason or another

Honestly has too many answers and would probably give them to freely for me to think she'll show up early unless we get more answers about the tea party from somewhere else
More of an early boss/game over but I could see her being a secret character for later cycles or second playthrough
Is two heavily connected to her mother's storyline I think

This is all assume we're not playing as some mysterious amnesiac

Unsolicited opinion time.
>Lobotomy Corporation
Cock and ball torture - the game. Thematically it makes sense, but actually playing the game is just a slog later on unless you love micromanaging everything. If you do, face the fear and build the future I guess.
Bought it, played it for a few hours, couldn't get into it. Both this and LC should be pretty easy to pirate though.
It's been shilled a few times but either it's the dev himself behind it or one of the few people that actually bought it, and I don't feel like wasting cash on something that potentially ends up being a cheap imitation.
>Enchant Farm
It's old FROM shit crossed with what I can only really call Pokemon mechanics. Plot's nonexistent and the gameplay isn't too hard to break if you figure out the combat system, though until you get some elemental coverage it can be a bit rough.
I played it years ago so there's a good chance shit has changed since, but when I last played it was a really fucking janky and grindy ass game, and there were some bizarre decisions with shit like how the cash system worked. Also had some pretty degenerate scenes in it, wouldn't recommend if you're squeamish.
>NPC Dreams
BS Fangame: The Game. Out of everything here it's the one that's by far the closest to BS in general design and plot. A specific line in BS1 C probably inspired the entire game. Wasn't aware that it got an MTL though.
People always recommend to pirate LobCorp first. It's really not for everyone, especially given its difficulty, but it's heaven for autists. I love the management aspect, whereas I can't stand the sequel's card gameplay.
On the whole, it's probably the closest thing in video games to BS narratively (that's not a fangame). Great game, but I can see why some people get filtered it.
That's why you don't trust women*
Feel free to ask whatever you want about NPC Dreams because I am here.
One of the 3 people who actually completed the game.
Does anyone here who browsed/browses xitter have the pictures of that one mabel cosplayer, or know where she is now? She deleted her account unfortunately. I'd love to see more black souls cosplayers in general, too
The dick only makes it cuter
Kys faggot
How long have you been drawing?
No point in keeping her around if she's a ghoul. Maybe if we have the opportunity to "restore" her somehow.
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Anon these aren't my drawings... It's pretty obvious from the filename.
Will you forgive another game for the same technical component of free assets and an ugly drawing?
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Sure, i mean, why not?
The story comes first and everything else is just ehh-alright gameplay and a-ok fapping material that appeals to my inner secret interests
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>free assets
Toro uses them really well, so I couldn't care less.
>ugly drawing
Just say you don't have taste, peasant.
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There is no difference between Meryphilia and Miranda. You can't trust everything in game. She'll probably get a new name in BS3 too.
>ESL the post
I understand about the plot, but please don't be an idiot, it's the same shit as with ryukishi, it's disgusting art
Stab yourself, scion of the white carrion
You'll rot like Rhodesia
>You can't trust everything in game.
There"s a huge difference between something multiple characters repeatedly mention, including the character itself and their own questline that confirms the point in question, and some kind of blatant lie.
As long as the game itself is good enough. I still play text-based games, so it's not like bad or even no art is a dealbreaker for me.
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Leafag cope. Miranda is Miranda.
>Miranda is Miranda.
Yes. And Meryphilia is Meryphilia, the ghoul that ate Miranda's corpse after she died during BS1 and washed up on the beach in BS2, and gained her memories and form.
But not her soul.
ALWAYS pirate before purchasing and wait for a sale
>ALWAYS pirate before purchasing
>wait for a sale
negative. if i enjoyed your gaym i'll either buy it at full price or don't.
Yeah. Souls are supposed to leave the vessel upon the death of the vessel and enter the cosmos. Undead are an exception, but Miranda's explicitly not an undead for the events of BS1 like Meryphilia (a ghoul) is for BS2. As far as we currently know, all of the ghouls in the series were created in the Nursing Graveyard, which itself is one of the oldest places we've seen in the series assuming Florence's diary is written in chronological order like it should be, among other ghoul lore. The creation of the first ghoul should predate the tea party even. We're not given any reason for believing that Miranda ever showed up to the Nursing Graveyard and went through the ghoulification process there either, especially since there's no known timeline of events for BS1 that she's supposed to survive through. If there was, you'd get something like a Red situation instead, who we know is alive due to muh timeline merges and leaving the garden in her BS1 personal ending despite dying in C.
I thought the disease of piracy was on my slavic people, you faggots live in fucking America, pay for games, only I can pirate
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Okay Moshe.
The Jews are not to blame for anything and have done nothing wrong. Whites must suffer
Hoд, a cкoлькo ты yчил aнглийcкий ? И кaк ?
where is it stated that all ghouls come from the crimean nursing graveyard?
Also if all ghouls come from the crimean nursing graveyard then how are the corpse eaters in wonderland,or at least were,Florence surely wouldn't let them leav/spoiler]
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>Meryphilia escorts Hein away after the battle with Jubjub & co.
>never returns afterwards
Knowing Meryphilia, won’t she just consume Hein’s body and assume his form? I mean, that’s what she’s for right?
Drew something silly today. Have this guys
Only Grimm believes in Meryphilia, everyone else sees Miranda.
>Meryphilia escorts Hein away after the battle with Jubjub & co.
>never returns afterwards
Knowing Meryphilia, won’t she just consume Hein’s body and assume his form? I mean, that’s what she’s for right?

We'll know something's up if she returns in BS3 and, instead of wanting to fight, she ends up spending all her time and 1.95 million souls on Train Simulator DLC.
Grimm is a whore.
Not wrong.
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With some NPCs I can't start a conversation is there a universal way of getting them to talk or do I have to meet some individual requirement?
Also what does the second blue flame actually do?
I usually do but I couldn't find a trusty provider on the fly just some "FREE and SAFE" stuff.
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>>Lobotomy Corporation
>Cock and ball torture - the game.
It gets kinda grindy, especially if you time your loop resets wrong, but core suppressions are a treat, the story is pretty good (even if the storytelling format can be a bit confusing) and some abnos can be fun to mess around with.
starting over, and I might even make Grimm in shadow of the erdtree too but I want to get to BS2 first.
undertale 2 revenge of the robot if you want shitpost black souls 1
just install mod and you will actually deprive joy and replaybility like the free custom agent,e.g.o gift chance up and speed up abnormality work that all you need
Cute Mirand and Misaki drawfriend
>I can't start a conversation
As in, you press interact, they say their piece and maybe be able to choose an option?
If so, that's by design, some don't even give a dialogue option. Though messing around with progress "flags" like in BS2 might give you different dialogue.
>Second Blue Flame
Item or Key Item?
Because if it's the former it's just another instant soul cash-out
The latter disables enemy pathing, allows you to pass any barrier regardless of having a key/enough story progress for it to unlock, and makes you unable to pick up items.
Mostly useless on your first run.
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Back again to fulfill another Alice prayer!
are the threads still unusable? a quick glance and i hardly see any spoilers.
Any noteworthy news on Red's Game?
I'm almost done with one of my orders, Its difficult to draw while experiencing severe fatigue and brainfog
Speaking of, could someone offer some good pictures of Victoria as a reference? I would greatly appreciate it!
>Any noteworthy news on Red's Game?
>are the threads still unusable?
Not completely at least.
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He's Just like me, I can deeply relate with his struggles!
Don't link him the Alice site, I'm afraid it will be too much for him to bare
A collab of you and toro would be pure schizo Kino
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In general, it's best to just simply refer to the game's folders in order to find the closest thing you can find to a ref.
That's okay though anon I'm also exhausted and miserable and drunk and I love you please be happy.
I'd struggle to draw the diaper on her head. But regardless thanks for the reference, It will help a lot with correcting things!
Why do you love me? you know i'm a knight (Dude)
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here's a proper censored lineup of her "battle" sprites since that's probably actually what you're talking about but here it is because I love youand her very much
Taking in a whole assload of requests before you realize how much you're taking is hard it's okay
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Again, why do you love me? That's kinda gay you Dodo.
tiny ass feet
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this place seems utterly morale broken, I hope the presence of Alice helps relief you of your despair.
only in your darkness you can see your light after all.
>I'd struggle to draw the diaper on her head. But regardless thanks for the reference, It will help a lot
As a Victoriafag, don't
I don't mind it when other artists leave it out, I think her hair being too short/not being drawn rough enough or neglecting her ass is a worse crime than leaving out the diaper, but I do it anyway to mimic her features as closely as possible.
In a way, charictures are closer to the real thing than an a realistic portrait.
>Why do you love me? you know i'm a knight (Dude
I like and love everyone and want them to be happy inherently unless they do something to prove that they're subhuman, which is almost everyone after a certain point. They can choose to make things easier for themselves and everyone around them but don't, which has lead to a gradual cascade of angry, pointless stupidity that I was born 200 years too late into. Doing something nice for other people and not because some faggot told you to sets you above maybe roughly 66% of the population.
ah, I see your struggles.
But you really are up for a disappointment if you love me, as every day I'm coming closer to the worst of Grimm. When I'm not undergoing psychosis I'm in despair which leads to anger which leads to more despair that culminates into even more anger. In this instance I'm a massive threat to myself and others. I might just Kill or force myself onto someone if i don't retain my sanity.
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I swear it, I shall one day find whoever's responsible for the world as it is and dive my sword deep into his or her chest cavity.
I don't care if this post can be used against me. Go ahead and imprison me, Dance me around court like a humiliation ritual, Fuel my hatred further.
>But you really are up for a disappointment if you love me, as every day I'm coming closer to the worst of Grimm. When I'm not undergoing psychosis I'm in despair which leads to anger which leads to more despair that culminates into even more anger. In this instance I'm a massive threat to myself and others. I might just Kill or force myself onto someone if i don't retain my sanity.
Sorry for entertaining your retardation, I am also roughly in about the same state as I have been blogposting way more often than I should (none at all), but since you didn't state your reasoning I can only assume you're playing it up and trying to farm pity. Stop, it's unnecessary and you're glorifying your misery, in parody to a silly jap h-game, no less. Maybe you also have an external stress from people you live with, but you're at the very least in control of yourself, regardless of whatever is going on in your head. Under all the noise it will take some time to pass your decision, especially at first, but first you must realize first that you're pathetic and don't have to be. No, the bug in your ear railing your ass over every mistake doesn't count, you can tell the difference by the feeling in the statement itself.
No point in typing this either, as you will have already chosen misery and me even responding in either pity or hatred is feeding you anyway. I remember now that you've made similar posts in the past and are continuing to do so, also a decision, while possibly inactively made, can be actively denied.
Dunno why I'm continuing on like this, since people like you don't improve.
>mental disability = lack of judge of intent
>lack of judgement = can't tell which part of the monologue is his
Either try or don't and stop bitching, at least I'm always looking towards my better days, ffs.
Just the regular school program, nothing fancy. Besides, the whole internet is in English, no matter how retarded you are, you'll learn it eventually. I still make grammar mistakes, but my comprehension and vocabulary are good.
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Don't say that. I've done nothing but improve in any way i can, The problem is I'm given such a shitty hand in life and have to deal with so much shit its eating me away. I've been Improving this past year to the point i'm unrecognizable to who i was a year ago. for every time i resist temptation i grow as a person.
I'm trying to be honest with myself. I am Not a good person, But i don't want to be bad either. don't get the wrong idea of me trying to pity farm or mistake me being some low life shitposter that tries and drags others down to their pathetic level while gloating of their dilated axe wounds. i might have misread or misunderstood your post, but you shouldn't "Love" people like me or complete strangers you know nothing of, you'll just get yourself in bad company.
But still kinda gay that you love me.
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looked like a sawn-off bolt action from the thumbnail
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No Leafbeaners in this two week's thread, Excellent.
they're all brown smelly sweaty and are so muttified they might as well be considered a new species entirely.
I'm off to finish my orders. see you when its done!
I think I misjudged you too, but's it's also impossible to judge anything properly at all because we're on the internet and on a site that anybody could come in and mimic the other poster to throw off the whole conversation
I've also been doing really well in terms of improvement, I've just run myself down into the ground again and don't have anything to distract me at the moment, so I'm left with some angry faggot that needs to bitch 24/7 about things that don't matter.
>but you shouldn't "Love" people like me or complete strangers you know nothing of
Impossible as it's an addiction that feels really fuckin good. It's better when it applies to things that don't exist and it can't backfire, so I can just sink all my time and effort into goodfeels, but with people, I see every red flag and if I feed into that I will just hate everyone around me and be no better for it. I always end up being right, and get hurt when I try to be better, but I do it because either way I was going to get hurt and I can at least feel good towards the person in that moment, even if they sperg out at me later. This thought process only applies to artificial situations like work where everyone is there not because they want to be.
When I pick up on traits that I like, it would be even harder to overcome than a preprogrammed childhood coping mechanism, as it's something I want more than mentally. This has hurt me too, but a lot less, because it's genuine, though sick. The best thing I can do for myself is point myself to the things that matter and love me back, but I am easily enthralled by anything that skitters around my vision.
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it seems we've resolved this through civil discussion. does Your attachment to emotion and overly eagerness to love everyone you meet unconditionally originate from something which had occurred from your childhood? It seems you have some form of abandonment issues, which i can relate to.
yet, your behavior is worryingly feminine. you should look into ways of toughening yourself up, I was overly worried with the emotions of others at one point as you are currently, but that just lead to me getting used, manipulated, and left to rot. Thanks to living in the streets and having to fend myself from the lowest of lifeforms I've developed a more domineering and judgemental attitude towards anyone who has yet to prove their patience with me. Appearing more threatening than you actually are is what has kept me safe.
Though my ascetic (for most people) lifestyle is probably too much for most to bare, I will let you know on one thing.
If you don't take charge someone else will take charge for you, Might and the exertion of ones Might is the very basis of human nature. remember that.
you may not like this unfortunate truth, but once you understand you won't be so blindly trusting of everyone only to get your emotions betrayed later on.
And stop drinking tap water it screws with your test
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Context: I was homeless for a year after some "Arguments" with my relatives and leaving them. I wasn't Raised in the streets. I'm in an apartment now.
had to clarify this to avoid any wrong ideas.
I need to get some rest.

Do share your Dreams anons, Its info could help me in my search for answers.
Honestly i dont know what's worse some retarded slavs shitting up the thread or these retards oversharing and going off topic in a fucking black souls thread
At least the slavs were shitting on the game,so it was on topic.
No one wants to know if you were homeless or you want to kill yourself,go to Shitter for that you faggot
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Even though I don't know any of you, I hope y'all are okay. I hope everything goes okay for everyone, mentally, financially, and in terms of physical health.

If nothing else, I hope that we can all experience BS3 together, years from now.
this is fucking embarrassing. I come back after 2 years and i see fat retard trannys talking about their personal lives
what a sorry fucking state
Reddit: The game
nonsense, reddit fears the cunny

Hi, cute drawings!!!!
could u pls draw my wife riff plss
Thanks Anon!
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>reddit fears the c-ACK!
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Wdym, redditors are all cunny pedos like you, that's why we call them predditors
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Newfag here but i finally managed to finish DLC3 so now that i have experienced everything the series has to offer im presenting my interpetation of the events.

>The very beginning
Lewis Caroll fell in love with Alice Lidell.They were in a secret relationship but the principal of the Uni learned of it and broke them up.Many years pass by and Alice sends Lewis a letter/invitaion for a party.Lewis goes,sees that Alice isnt the little girl he knew and left bitter.He prayed to reunite with that Alice again and Leaf answered his prayers.She kidnapped him and used his soul(Together with 7 others) to create the protagonist,Grimm

>Black souls 1
After replaying the endings of BS1 and with the added context of BS2 ive reached this conclusion.

Grimm repeated endings A and B an uknown amount of times.Ending C happened at the MINIMUM 2 times(1 in order for him to write down the info in the book and 1 more because he needs to read the book to remember)and after Grimm remembers who he is and what he has to do(By reading the book) he helps Baph and ending D happens,TCO kidnaps him and BS2 begins.

>Black Souls 2
Through the balls of fire we learn how TCO went crazy.In the final ball of fire we see that TCO sucked Alice Lidells soul.So my theory is this.

Many characters have said again and again that Gods do not understand emotion so i believe that TCO sucked Alice Lidells soul>Got overwhelmed by the emotions that Alice Lidell felt>Went crazy and decided to Larp as her.

We also learn(through the Teddy bears in winterbell) that Jabberwock manipulated leaf in order to create something that could give her what she desired the most aka the darkest soul.I can talk about some of my other theories and such but for now thats my thoughts on the timeline of the game as of now.

Also have a blob.
78 updoots is the highest they could get?
TCO was already larping as Alice and made her garden into Wonderland while the real Alice Liddell was still alive on Earth. Tea party happened in Wonderland so Lewis had to have been taken by TCO first, then kidnapped by Leaf. Also the Dean of Oxford at the time was Henry George Liddell, Alice's father.
If you are talking about the First tea party that we saw in BS2(The movie) then i believe that TCO,after absorbing Alice Lidells soul send a part of her(A proxy if you will) to Leafs garden in order to be closer with the one she "loves".That proxy,after experiencing emotion developed a sense of self and became what we now know as Prickett.
And Leaf just allowed it in and did nothing about it for such a long time? What about the other events that happened during it, like the Jabberwock hunt and the first Red Queen's execution? Where in Leaf's garden would those take place?
>Leaf just allowed it?
I dont think Leaf had any choice.i mean TCO is the second strongest being in this universe so leaf can just endure.
>What about the Jabber hunt or the Red Queen events?
As far as i know those events,while they did happen in the book did not take place in BS since BS1 wonderland is just Leafs cheap copy.
>I dont think Leaf had any choice.i mean TCO is the second strongest being in this universe
Why then didn't TCO just take Grimm?
>BS1 wonderland is just Leafs cheap copy.
You're right about that, but they did happen, in the real Wonderland, specifically in the Fuming Forest and Queensland
TCO isn't the strongest,Mabel,Azathoth, and probably Leaf is above him,or at least she has the potential to,considering Grand Guignol is strong enough to revive/change timelines to one where TCO is alive,also,if she allowed it cause TCO could intervene any time why was he only able to get in The lost empire after Shub Niggurath summoned him?
>TCO isn't the strongest
She technically is, since the other 2 cannot use their actual power as it would destroy the Cosmos if they ever did and Leaf is only good at creating, her own power level is low.
Where the FUCK are my bird wives toro give them BACK TO ME
IIRC there was a toro interview where he said that TCO is the strongest.Plus what >>3560396 said

Because of the rule that one cannot enter anothers garden without being invited.Now i get that creates a contradiction with my theory since TCO managed to sneak in a proxy so idk.
Retarded type.Second strongest.
Weird question but how many of the characters in wonderland are Grimm's kids, I know that all the covenants outside of the nightmares, Node, and the DLCs are his but winterbell threw me off a bit by having the bunny prostitute around.
Don't want to sound like a retard from twitter but TCO is a man larping as Alice,it's a he,or it,but that's besides the point,and i believe my point about Leaf still stands,Leaf definetly isn't a fighter considering she doesn't seem to care much about the niggermen war and wants to stay in her own little corner playing with her dolls but her power can reset the timeline of the universe if GG's cycling also affects the real world,which if it doesnt then it should be hundreds of years in the future because of how long Grimm has cycled both in BS1 and BS2.
I hate author statements.
>I hate author statements
meant to reply to this >>3560399
I think Mabel is just larping. Shes isn't as strong as she say she is.
What's the point of being strong enough to stop TCO if that would wake up Azathoth and destroy everything.
Seems a bit convenient to me.
Mabel may be capable of handling TCO but the way i see it TCO rn is like a bomb waiting to blow up.

Yes mabel has the knowledge to defuse it,but you really wanna go close to it in order to do so? kind of thing
Mabel is a BITCH
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She's not even an Outer One.
>TCO is the second strongest being in this universe
Yog-Sothoth is the second strongest being in this universe.

That hierarchy doesn't seem to apply to BS, wherein the stronger niggermen are either Great Ones if they have cults, or Great Old Ones if they have been forgotten. Leaf had at least one town that worshiped her in Elysium, and is probably still a Great One as long as her other Gardens still have worshipers
playing again from bs1 of course, doing a thief this time except I immediately got the drake sword and started crutching with it lol
oh well, I don't care what anyone says the first scenes/initial soul feed scenes are great
especially elma holy shit
they're outer gods who take whatever form they want, they don't have gender
tco being "male" would be stupid considering the only form shown is alice/s
does that make mabel male too?
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I'm not shitting your thread anymore. The story about homeless Anon was good, I think he felt more than many others here. I like such stories and I reflect, although then I fall back into procrastination. I don't think your thread will be attacked by young people, if they have an iteration of this game, they will be restrained in their groups and small communities, I mean look at this
This is an english-language server, I just have a discord in russian*
go on reddit if you want faggot to give you morral support
I don't need moral support from people like you, scions of dog carrion (Nodfag, I'm not talking about you)
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>TCO is the strongest
That's a cap, unless "God" here means Azathoth and not Marysue
>TCO is the strongest
You do realize how BS1 ends, right anon? EMMM has also outright stated that it's the case as well. Even though they're currently weakened from taking on the role of Alice, they still curb stomp Mary in terms of power level.
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Yeah, but Mabel's library claims that Alice(forma de Prickett) took on Mary with help of Node.
I doubt Mary is stronger than Alice seeing how scared Mary was of TCO during BS1 end D and BS2 end F, but it's kinda odd they had to gang up to steal power from her
>Mabel's library claims that Alice(forma de Prickett) took on Mary with help of Node.
No, that's not what it says. It says that Prickett and Node together took away Mary's Power to Change from her.
>I doubt Mary is stronger than Alice seeing how scared Mary was of TCO during BS1 end D and BS2 end F, but it's kinda odd they had to gang up to steal power from her
They removed her divinity as a niggerman while they were at it as well, to ensure she'll never again hold dominion as a god. Whatever that all supposedly entails sounds well outside the scope of a basic fistfight between an idol and a fairy.
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Leaf is god in the real world...i will keep preaching my theory...
TCO is still referred to as a "he" by Leaf and other niggermen,and yeah,you could say Mabel is male,or at least Yog-sothoth is and Mabel is a female avatar,i'm just mostly talking about what pronouns they're referred as by other niggermen
This one here gets it
i've actually made Grimm in Elden Ring now.
still need to go to the dlc for the armor but night cav is good enough for a minute
currently a "quality" arc build with bleed greatsword (knights sword. I assume "greatsword" means a colossal, in bs1) and some faith which will be put toward mainly buffs for now like black flame protect regen and healing
not sure how to optimize since Grimms archetype is just "Dark Souls" protagonist, which can be anything.

I will also be restarting BS1 later so I don't miss anything relating to what I should and should not use. (if he don't have it in rpgmaker im not using it) which reminds me time to go grab an anchor
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What does it say here
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Hey anons
i'm trying to build the library dream in minecraft but i have no idea on how i could make the stacked books,and i can't just glance over them because of how many there are of them,any suggestions?
you can't
enjoy your item frame with one book in it
fucking mojang
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Yeah without modding you have no chances. Better candidate would be Vintage Story but IIRC you can't really stack books in that either, only 1-4 per block.
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Do these two even have any interactions?
Try Axiom mod. You can do all the bullshit armor stand stuff with it and make the book stacks. Works in vanilla
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It should get better when (if?) that thrice damned game finally comes out.
Why is there a mogeko there..
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>play a new and shiny mystery game
>the mysterious figure helping you turns out to be names ALICE
The game's name is The Operator if anyone wants to check it out. It's pretty cool.
Putting aside a bit of weirdness in the text, it seems to say:
'Recall Alice Liddell (The little girl's land I present to you, my dear)', and 'Yes, No'.
>it's kinda odd they had to gang up to steal power from her
They didn't need to gang up on her, they did it to keep each other in check, not her.
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Why is there a slugcat there...
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>black souls has entered the "Did you know that's THE GAME? Yep. And I PLAYED it." stage
the fear and hungerification process begins
Speaking of this game
I was stuck in a sewer for an hour and quit
Has some funny dialouge though never thought id be the dog
Also i havent seen SEX so i cant Comment on the coom
what video are these on?
Grimm and his lil grimmogekos
holy shit i cant believe Node wishes to escape the cycle
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I'm not surprised at all
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I have found a superior Red Hood.
Akazukin works within her own story, but she's not exactly relationship material.
Akazukin fucks lolicons like me though, while Red Hood only fucks dogs and undead. The choice for is obvious.
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Akazukin kills pedos for fun and profit, I guess if you have a deadwish it's not a bad way to go, but let's assume for a memont not everyone in here is suicidal.
Also she got that weird thing for her son, I'd rather not be involved in some oedipal roleplay.
What's dorothy's signature skill from jabberwock in BS1?
>BS gets associated with PMniggers
I want them out, they’re the next jojofags. We had a time where everything is a Jojo reference. Now everything is a PM reference. Limbus and its consequences are fucked.
>currently in the "people learning about the series stage"
>next will be the new entry coming out so people can IMMEDIATELY grift
>next will be the video by actual popular people
>then the fandom ruins the series forever

I'm only going to get mad if it changes the games through their popularity.
Bill nsfw
based??? is this the guy who did some sequel stuff too?
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absolutely shameless
worse, Toro gets threatened by various faggots and the series is abandoned. And people wonder why communities gatekeep
Would anons milk a Bill?
you can't milk lizard they are not mammals, basic biology
bet all of them doesn't even have h scenes turned on
What about the cock?
he cut it off because he a trans gaytard
yeah why not
His cock is very visible in the art.
that's the only reason there's even a subreddit on the first place
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speaking of this is there even a single streaming service where you could play the whole game WITHOUT censorship? not just for BS like, does it even exist. im guessing, no.
just browsing their subreddit feels like most of them are children who plays PM and Roblox all day
So, no different than scrolling through BS threads here then.
lmao even
You can go to reddit to hold your BS discussions there then fag
not really, i rather talk here than interact with retards on reddit
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I liked the game, I would like to create something like this, although my brain is already infected with themes from this game and nothing original will work.
Nothing is original anon. This takes so much from other works and that's what makes it good. Take material around you and use the parts you like
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>too afraid to create something because he's afraid of it being branded "unoriginal slop"
>when his main inspiration is entirely derivative, unoriginal slop
At least you don't post pictures of frogs
I wonder what draws these kinds of subhumans to pepe and when did it start? I don't recall frogposters being this obnoxious 10 years ago. Is it the same shartytards who appropriated wojaks?
The English MTL translation of NPC Dreams is a lot worse than you think. NPC Dreams relies on custom text placement for artistic flair, which completely bricks any machine translation.

And all this is on top of the fact that the original wording of the game was vague to begin with due to the Blacksouls influence.

I don't speak Japanese but I do speak/read/write Chinese and English on a native level. Recently I got my hands on a Chinese fantranslation that I've been playing, and an actual good translation made a world of difference in actually understanding the plot.

I was the anon who talked about MTLing RDH with the ChatGPT tool when it comes out. However, in the meantime I've been seriously considering doing a manual translation of NPC Dreams if nobody else is working on it already.
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hairy node...beautiful,i may not be a nodefag but i can appreciate this masterpiece
Retard, I doubt you actually like the game.
All of Toro's design are based of free and random RPG Maker sprites, the music is also free. Being "original" didn't stop him to make this game.
Stop complaining and just do it nigger. Nobody is perfect, your first game wont be good. First Toro game wasn't good by any means. JUST DO IT
You're confusing materials with ideas and execution.
This, we're STILL waiting on a "good" game from this creator. If you can make games this bad and have such a huge following, I hate to see what happens if an actual good one comes out for once.
>fearmongering over a random screenshot
Your victim complex is showing my retarded friends.
I'm not talking about graphics, music, and although this is also important, my brain is infected with the general idea of the world, characters, a similar story, I know about the influence of Lovecraft and fairy tales, but the main thing is to put it all together and add your own ideas and plot, that's what it's about
Exactly, The idea of any thing you like while creating something new similar in spirit will prevail and the brain will falsely conceptualize the material you like and come up with something with its influence.
Conceptualizes and mistakenly makes you think that this is something new, as a result, it turns out to be hidden but in a sense plagiarism*
>totally it won't go wrong
Bros I don't want to leave shartranj this garden is so cool
We know Mabel.
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I'm going to assume you meant to crosspost.
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messed up my post
sorry for this dumbass question, I just got a new phone that isn't garbage, whats the best rpgmaker VX emulator for phones? at least I think BS is VX thats where I have it saved on pc.
so I can play on the go, along with vampire survivors just cause
I'd rather worry something goes wrong then it goes right instead of thinking everything is fine when it's not.
really? last time I used that it couldn't save (sequel blight, and maybe "the way" aswell) but it could have been cause my old phone is terribad and "forgot" anything on SRAM when it crashed (runs out of battery arbitrarily, resets browser settings etcetera while magically still logged into youtube, sometimes forgets wifi pass sometimes not) thank god I finally have a new phone.
I guess ill try it at least no harm in that, danke
>Fucking normalfags, I hate you so much, I’ll have my revenge on you one day

After playing Black Souls and being thoroughly unimpressed, I must say that I believe that quote pretty much sums up why people pretend like they enjoy this game.
Why are you fishing for (You)'s in the dead thread?
Because I know it makes people who like this shitty game seethe regardless of how many (You)s it nets me.
Oh okay.
>why are you fishing for (You)s
>gives (You)s anyway
Are you talking to me?
No, me!
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Rabbit W...
I assume Reddit refugees/tourists used Pepe since they thought of it the 4chan meme, then everyone ditched it leaving mostly insufferable faggots.
Elma is a fujo
I need ASMR for this faggot mexican sadnigger gem
Incomprehensible, have a nice day.
No you are nigger braincell the pepe is great person mewhile yuo are great dog piece shit
Nah you're just here so you can pretend you ever gave a shit so when it goes wrong you can brag about having the last laugh.
I'm mostly here for discussions and Node art.
This but just the art in general, I will be the first one to admit the shitfling at redditooors can be a little funny if not obsessive.
>they’re the next jojofags. We had a time where everything is a Jojo reference. Now everything is a PM reference. Limbus and its consequences are fucked.
Holy shit how did I not make the connection between nu-PMfags and Jojofaggotry? Limbus really did bring in/out the worst parts of the PM fandom, even threads on this site got worse.
Couldn't Toro just release the game and have the rest of the CGs be DLC or something? This is ridiculous.
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Don't rush the artist, it's done when it's done.
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Sex with Leaf's parents.
Red looks out of place.
Elma is a homo
Elma is a corpse
Elma is barely a fleshlight
How is the prostitute a mystery to you?
Shes Haigha's sister. Both of them are very obviously (You)r and Nodes kids
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Where is Leaf? You're hiding Leaf too, aren't you? I'm going to Leaf. Leaf. I have to look for Leaf. Give me Leaf! There's not enough Leaf! 4 Years of passionate beautiful neck holding
Ahhhh my B, I may have missed that piece of dialogue in my two runs. Thanks for that.

This means that the count is up to 13 kids which means that in total between the beginning of the cycles and the beginning of the games would be 845+ assuming I didn't fumble it again but she was the only outlier in my count
I think you're massively lowballing it, considering Node's statement about how they'll blot out the sky and cover the land in the merge ending.
Its more a range based off how many children could be spawned per run before the proper start of the game, there's a lot more variables to it realistically but in terms of if its constant copies of all the covenants + bunny prostittute that's the closest one could reasonably get it. Though I do agree its probably something that can't be calculated. got my brain working though which felt nice.
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Thanks for your mom and dad, Leaf.
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How come artfags are obsessed with drawing stupid meme bullshit that barely has anything to do with their character in-game?
How come BS fags are obsessed with talking about meme bullshit that barely has anything to do with the game?
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retard nigger
Hey guys haven't been in these threads in a while. How many of the dead read hood and princess games are out?
Trying to capitalize on the current meme in hopes of blowing up and gaining a couple of centimeters in the e-peen department so you become the talk of your circle jerk. Or getting inspired/having a funny idea and drawing it for fun.
t.shitty drawfag
BS4: Return of The Leaf in December. Kojimbo live action adaptation of BS3 by in late 2025
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If Leaf has a million fans, then I am one of them.
If Leaf has only one fan then that is me.
If Leaf has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth.
If the world is against Leaf, then I am against the world.
I draw for fun and I like mixing two stuff that I like like the ones I posted in the thread
It's funny
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What was the image?
nigger retard
Bander's brown butt
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>I missed Bander's beautiful bottom
C-Can you post it again?
Should just be one of the CGs from the game.
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Sure anon
After far longer than it should've taken, Its finally Complete! "Victoria Holding Grimm's arm".
Its Far from Perfect, but its my best drawing yet utilizing all the tools at my new disposal. Now there's just one order.

I apologize if i drove things off topic earlier, I hope this makes up for it!
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Here's one without the shading, you can notice a little spot i forgot to erase.
Draw Riff
Draw riff
Draw Riff
Draw riff
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and here's one without the Details. I thought I'd upload the individual pieces in case one version is preferred over the other.
Castrate yourself first with a box cutter
Bls riff drawing yes saar do reedem ze riff
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You're in luck! I've got just the thing for you.
Well Done!
fanks brotha, I like seeing your riff disposal amalgamations
Alice truly is pretty.
so so soooooooo pretty... It wont be long until i can finally make my own RPGmaker Game, complete with stolen assets and copyrighted material!
TKAF kinda sucks.
It's better than Wind and Memory at least, but that's not a high bar to clear.
Mosquito season
I had a weird ass dream that I guess was tangentially influenced but not directly related to Black Souls. I don't remember the full details of it, only some fragments. I remember that I was in an RPGMaker looking world and I was trying to find my way to progress. I had some outside instructions that I had to find a stake buried somewhere and plant it into a certain character's chest. I was able to find said character first, and he was a real bro who helped me move around and advance on the map. Until, at some point, I found the place where I was supposed to search for that stake. I found it and stabbed him in the chest. He asked me why and I said I thought this was supposed to help me progress. And he was like "I understand" and planted the stake deeper in his chest and died there. It didn't look like it served any purpose and I hoped I would be able to repair my error and find my way out without killing him in a future loop.

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