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the best soulslike ever made
First game is subpar and the second game has a lot of really stupid design decisions.
The procedural world is also shit.

But the dumbest shit is how you unlock new classes in the second one. Some idiot actively designed them to need a wiki
>ok so to unlock the engineer you need to get lucky and roll a specific world in the proc gen
>then you need to run around and find this one very specific spot (not different from anywhere else) in a large level
>oh and you know that one invisible border around the level that makes you walk slowly, puke and then die? yeah you need to walk into nowhere in this one specific spot, fall down a ledge and hurry to reach a body to unlock the engineer
>oh and btw, none of this is even hinted at in the game
These idiots don't realize that if you can't discover something on your own, there is no sense of discovery and you just drive people to follow a wiki even more.
>These idiots don't realize that if you can't discover something on your own, there is no sense of discovery
how do you think it was discovered in the first place?
Datamining and guides.

There is absolutely no mention or indication it even exists in-game and it's located in a place no one would ever look.
It's in a place that looks like everywhere else (even with a screenshot on another screen of the exact rocks it takes time to find), it's off the map border and you have to fall down and you start walking slowly, puke and die just like everywhere else. So you're actively disincentivized to explore the borders of the level.

Complete and utter retardation. The fact that they don't even give at least some form of mention or hint in-game when it's so obtusely hidden is so fucking stupid it boggles the mind.
just git gud you dork
Is this game good for single player? Also would it be ok to go from 2 and skip 1?
2 is better than 1.
It works fine to play 1 or more players.
Recommend checking a wiki if you want to unlock more than the basic classes, since most of them you would have no clue how to unlock and are also RNG.
I mean is it ok to skip the first game and start with the second? How much lore and fun I would lose this way?
There is no real connection or anything you're missing. All the cool stuff is in 2.
Fags will attack you even though you're right.
if you're on consoles remnant 1 runs at smooth 60fps while remnant 2 struggles between 40 and 50
people who hate remnant 1 weren't around to experience it co-op with randoms.
youre the kind of person who likes to show off their secret top level videogame skills, which is the main motivator in people who enjoy how esoteric and vague souls games are.

nobody except someone who wants a pat on the back enjoys obscure wikishit in videogames and the developers know it. a game can either be an experience or a trial- which is perfectly fine, but when its a trial the devs take it as opportunity to be as fucking stupid as possible and lock the most trivial shit behind the most trivial shit.
Wrong board.
eh, I'm not going to develop post menstrual syndrome like you about one thing when I did discover plenty of stuff organically

It's a great game, minus no voice option or communication at all for co-op. I guess that's a design choice for souls though. I appreciate just being able to co-op without a bunch of stupid overhead and the engine and gameplay are solid. I also really like the multi worlds theme, the black hole area is a cut above for atmosphere.

The procedural stuff is ok, I honestly don't know how one makes procedural without it being super generic like no man's sky. This procedural is mostly hand placed with some randomized map placement of set pieces and boss order basically. Which seems the currently best compromise. The level design is pretty good.

The multiclass system is the best part for me. It qualifies as ARPG since souls and Diablo do and it has stats, loot, builds.
>eh, I'm not going to develop post menstrual syndrome like you about one thing when I did discover plenty of stuff organically
This is not some minor thing, but the actual classes in the game you unlock in this way.

If you're perfectly fine and thinks it's great to only have access to the starter classes, then by all means. Just never use a wiki, guide or google for the game unless you want to be a hypocite.

>I honestly don't know how one makes procedural without it being super generic like no man's sky
The only way to get passable results is to hand craft modules (think puzzle pieces) and just set up rules for how the pieces connect.

>This procedural is mostly hand placed
It's not, it follows the standard structure I mentioned. Except for the DLC which uses a specific piece setup the first time through.

>The multiclass system is the best part for me
Which is ironic, since you don't seem to mind most of the classes effectively being inaccessible unless you use a guide/wiki.
>If you're perfectly fine and thinks it's great to only have access to the starter classes, then by all means. Just never use a wiki, guide or google for the game unless you want to be a hypocite.
I didn't say it's perfectly fine and you're doing your obnoxious hyperbole thing again. I said it's not worth dismissing the whole game for, which is a common thing for PMS denizens of this place to do.
Now you will spend the rest of the post warping my position into your wicker man straw cage and attempt to dismiss it but that's not how logic works.

>>This procedural is mostly hand placed
>It's not, it follows the standard structure I mentioned. Except for the DLC which uses a specific piece setup the first time through.
It is, since I've played through the same set pieces multiple times there. It's procedural that a set piece might be somewhere different the next time, or you get a different boss order. It's not procedural to the level of NMS where the whole planet is a texture and animal parts mix.

>>The multiclass system is the best part for me
>Which is ironic, since you don't seem to mind most of the classes effectively being inaccessible unless you use a guide/wiki.
You need to learn how to stop thinking in autism.

Essentially you lurk this place polishing an imaginary gold brick in your mind, that you did not mine, did not polish, did not deliver while attempting to condescend to people that just can't see how shiny your gold brick is.
Then you make stupid basic observations and reword the posts of others against your stupid and basic observations to try to beat down someone's opinion with 'facts' pulled from your ass.

I find you once again, vapid. Say something I haven't heard here before instead of trying to play the condescension game with me. You can try to be an actual person for a minute instead of short brain syndrome with something to prove. You can say "This game sucks" again, but you need to stop playing the 4chan game. You're losing.
>I said it's not worth dismissing the whole game for
Which no one did, making your statement irrelevant. I said it's shit design, which it is.

>It is, since I've played through the same set pieces multiple times there
Nice, you didn't understand what I meant even with the layman example and you then effectively repeated what I just said.
NMS uses procedural terrain and procedural systemic elements (like creatures). Both Remnant and NMS is procedural.

>You need to learn how to stop thinking in autism.
The irony of this statement isn't lost on me. Especially considering the following unsolicited rant you did, how you bring up things out of nowhere like "don't dismiss the game for this one thing!" and being so worked up he literally repeats what someone just said while disagreeing with them.
>Wrong board
probably someone's Janngry again
Even among the few shooter-flavoured ripoffs of Souls, it's one of the worst, it somehow managed to have worse level scaling than Oblivion in a genre that abhors all forms of level scaling.

It's streamer bait design, it's not supposed to be played without hundreds of volunteers constantly backseating.
>map design might as well be from kotor
>dodge window is strict the point of you have nail it down to nano second
>you picked a melee oriented class? well too bad, have a first map where melee is a bad idea, why because RNG fuck you
>your character moans and quips after every single fight like it was a life or death situation, even if you just slapped a rat
atrocious game, /v/edditors shilled it obviously since it's another souls game
Name one better souls shooter
>Chooses a melee class in a shooter
>name a better game that fits these narrow conditions because i can't with a straight face call it a good game
>but the shooting is barely there
I ask because he said "Even among the few shooter-flavoured ripoffs of Souls, it's one of the worst", you illiterate spastic
>Mixed on steam
I'm surprised someone could actually finish this game, I was spending 3 hours glitching through walls and fighting with bugged enemy AI and just gave up
I played it years after release, so I suppose that stuff got fixed.
It's still very jank, but the level design makes up for it.
I played it last year, so I guess it's still there
Elden Ring is better
He's a typical soulstard with an overinflated opinion of his own ability, what did you expect lol

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