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>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One

Best intro in RPGs hands down
>Choose your destiny - be our salvation...
Still give me the creeps
Heroes 3 have great opening too
Is it possible to just choose to fuck off and not help them?
I don't know why but I thought these were conjoined twins when I was a child
>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One
Not my problem
Not really, you could never come back but to finish the game you still have to get the GECK and free them in the Oil Rig
Alternatively you can just gamble in New Reno for 13 years straight (time limit before the game forcefully ends) and never bother doing the main quest or going to the Rig
Kinda. After a while there really isn't much to do but help them. You'd have to really go out of your way to be a spiteful asshole to them. Not to mention the dreams scared the shit out of me as a kid.
I really like fallout 2 but the intro is so fucking retarded lmao, the dreams are just dumb too when there's no time limit
>anon, please… [your home] will be destroyed unless you go into the wasteland and get us [the MacGuffin]
yes? you can kick the shit out of the guy that guards exit from the tample but i dont think game is completable if you do
I really like the idea that the GECK isn't actually of any importance and it's just the ignorant hope of the arroyo elder, but the chosen one's journey just gives them tons of insight and information that would save them anyway. It never hurts the plot of F2 if it's just a box of seeds and manuals and it really makes *more* sense for it to be mundane because no one in a position to know what exactly a GECK does treats it as all that valuable.

Like late in the game a guy says Shady Sands used a GECK even before Fallout 1, so that shitty little farm plot you see 10 minutes into Fallout 1 is what they're good for.
Yes but Vault City used GECK too
This is what americans will look like in the future and it's beautiful.
>be special in some form or another
>clear objective
>kill bandits and other evil doers
>learn of a deeper more sinister plot
>eventually kill dragons and demons
>stop the Lawful Evil wizard from corrupting the land
>get the girl
and most importantly
>be a white straight man with a longsword
Americans are super fat whats your point
This post is anti-Semitic
I recall in one of the games or mods, some npc jokingly commented the G.E.C.K. only had blueprints for building white walls, yellow force fields and heavy laser turrets, with some pretty weird sex ed advices, and no miracle terraforming tech whatsoever, all due to Vault-Tek budget cuts. Which is why Vault 8/Vault Citu turned out the way it did lol.
If you turn arroyo hostile for any reason the game instantly ends as soon you enter world map.
What a fucking garbage intro. Fitting for a fucking garbage game, I suppose.
>no option to side with/let antagonists win
kek zoomer jarpig got upset. this is how proper storyy narration looks like you low brow cretin
It just stresses me out too much personally. It is a great motivator, but if you are not the type to get distracted in an open world, it is just extra pain.
Why would you side with the Enclave though? They're retarded and don't want you. The Unity wanted the VD and Ceasar could put you to good use. If you really want to be a bastard you can side with a Reno gang.
Not canon
The only way to side with the enclave as a disgusting mutant is by killing yourself in view of enclave forces so they can take you off the list.
They look like that now, but fat.
Crazy how no RPG does this
As long as you leave the village you are free to do whatever you want.
In one of my most recent playthroughs where I tried to be a bad guy, I lost my Idolized status in Arroyo.
>killed Cameron in the Temple of Trials
>ruined Klamath by siding with to shady dudes
>sold Sulik into slavery
>joined the Slavers
>returned to Arroyo
They basically told me to fuck off and said they allowed me back if I got the GECK.
Basically, yeah you can fuck off and make amends to Arroyo by bringing back the GECK and saving their asses from the Enclave.
You're still an asshole but it does make a unique scenario.
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>Kaga redemption arc
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Never made the connection, you gave me an idea for my next playthrough.
>side with/let them win
Learn 2 read. There were no options in the game that let you have an "evil ending" which meant inadvertently helping the Enclave whereas in Fallout: A Post Nuclear RPG had an ending for if you got captured by Super Mutants/chose to get dipped in FEV.
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>Chosen One
>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>Our lives are in your hands Chosen One
>Chosen One wake up
>the village of mentally retarded people
Thanks, but no thanks.
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>Dead brahmin...
>Sick children....
>no dead brahmin or sick children in the village once you start the game
shiggy diggy
Vault Dweller did loads of drugs and took a hefty doses of radiation, it's damn miracle his descendents aren't worse.
>Vault Dweller
Isn't he both a member of the BOS and legit savior of NCR?
How on eath do you go from high tech bos/vault member,ncr's today tech to tribal shaman unga bunga retards?
Complex systems won't survive the coming competency crisis.
If anything him doing all of that is why the Chosen is an absolute chad that blows up Oil Rigs, befriends Deathclaws, becomes a Porn Star, and inseminates both a Mother and Daughter of a Mafia boss. Maybe Unga Bunga life isn't so bad.
He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game you stupid Fallout 4 faggot.
Anon, the first object you get in your inventory is literally a spear you can chuck at ants. Also ironic since F4 is the one Fallout game I have yet to touch.
You should, you have the same moronic way of thought a Fallout 4 pozzbaby has.
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>He didn't live a spear-chucker life, play the fucking game
>he doesn't know
Its based on the Earth Abides book, where there is a massive pandemic that erased most of the world.
The characters tries to build a community to survive but when they try to teach their children with old world values. Stuff doesnt work, the realities of their own children and the hellish world where they live makes them adopt tribalism and revere their parents as Gods and having fantasy about the Old World. In one generation, the Children grew to be Tribals but strong enough to survive and live on. They will pass on their culture and the main characters have to accept in horror that the Old World they knew is dead and there is no coming back to that.

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