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How come no one talks about this game? it's like every good RPG had a baby.
I treat it more as an action/puzzle game , for starters
Because the only time when "everyone" was "talking about it" was when the game was being shilled hard by totally legitimate grassroots real players who totally weren't being paid by the developer.
It's seriously fucking mid. It has an ugly artstyle that I just don't want to look at, and will surely age like goat milk. It's not like every good RPG had a baby at all - it's more like "we jammed Yoshi's Island and Secret of Mana together" and that's where it ends.
you're nuts, it looks like Stardew Valley, feels like Chrono Trigger, and captures the playing Phantasy Star Online with friends theme.
Why are people so vehemently against the possibility that games get talked a bit more at release and gain some fanbase if they are not completely shit?
Never mind hyperbole bait like this.

Some decen tgames coem and go.
Every single fan of this game I know is an AGP tranny, which strikes me as wierd.
Why do you know about so many trannies in the first place?
Because its shit.
They agressively advertise their state online.
>looks like Stardew Valley
So like shit? it tries and fails to look like a SquareSoft Snes game despite being made without any of those hardware limitations.
Indie devs should get their shit together and stop copying Kazuko Shibuya sprite art, this shit is in Cross Code, Stardew Valley, Chained Echoes and many more.
why does everyone here hate video games? i get wanting more serious discussions not limited by moderation/censorship/whatever the fuck but you all literally just whine at each other like spergs having a melty
t. hasnt played crosscode
Because it's not actually good. A red flag with indie RPGs is always when someone praises the writing.
>it looks like Stardew Valley
This is not praise, because that games looks like utter dogshit.
>So like shit?
jesus christ, why are you an insufferable contrarian
newfags think acting aggressive and superior toward everyone else, and hurling names and assumptions makes them fit in on the hacking website known as 4chan. this has been the status quo since the 2010s
Why do reddit tourists go to other websites they dont like and try to turn them to reddit instead of staying on their safespace?
Keep talking to yourself.
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Pretty much this. Fun gameplay and some fucked up puzzles in endgame, story was meh. Not terrible, not amazing.
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you are a fag
CrossCode is really good I think you should play it
i have it on steam but ive sort of lost interest in it because i hear the narrative is kind of a side thing and the gameplay is the real meat of it.
years ago that wouldve piqued my interest since i used to spend 1000s of hours challenging myself through skill/puzzle games, but over time ive sort of become a normie and found other things id rather spend my time on.
would you say its worth it for the story/characters/world alone? (music helps too, obv)
why are you so fixated on narrative anyway, do you not like games /gameplay? the story is interesting and the characters are charming, but it's a fun game.
Narrative becomes a problem if it eats up a large part of the game and it's not good.
i do, i just have other things to do. i can talk about story and characters and lore and all that with friends/people online, but gameplay is something i can only really enjoy with myself. nowadays id rather use that time to draw or do go out or something. just a preference thing is all, i know its ironic on a board about video games sorry
>it looks like Stardew Valley, feels like Chrono Trigger, and captures the playing Phantasy Star Online with friends theme
So it has no good rpg elements. Great.
he's complaining about how the narrative is hands off and lets you have agency.
You don't know what agency is.

And yes narrative is relevant in a game like this. It plays a pretty big part and if you don't like the story, writing or characters that's a big problem.
You can't pull this "only gameplay matters", that has been debunked countless time because it's stupid.
The game lets you do what you want to do when you want to do it, retard. Yeah there's a narrative but you're not forced along like in other games. The gameplay trumps all.
>The game lets you do what you want to do when you want to do it, retard
I say again, you do not understand what agency is. Even after you googled it. This is why you shouldn't use words you don't undertand.

>Yeah there's a narrative but you're not forced along like in other games. The gameplay trumps all.
And you also missed the point being made, despite it being laid out to you. Well done.
>too many copypasted puzzles
>too many fetch quests
>shitty mat farming to get gear so that you're not 2 shot by bosses
>played for 30 hours (until the two temples back-to-back) still no story
kind of regret wasting 30 hours on it
You being really arrogant, I'm telling you what the game does. It lets you advance plot while you're still in control, and it lets you explore at your leisure instead of continuing on where you need to go next. You can just partly do main quest stuff, and stop whenever at anytime doing what you want. Agency you stupid nigger. Not branching narrative paths or whatever retarded shit you're thinking.
Crosscode is great
see >>3555347
>i hear the narrative is kind of a side thing and the gameplay is the real meat of it.
he didn't hear wrong
How is this an rpg
>until the two temples back-to-back
You meant three. It's okay lol
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Since everyone is autistically screeching I will provide what I think is some nuanced observations on the game.

The story of the game revolves around a world based on an MMO. MMOs are boring games by themselves and the only reason people play them is because of the social interaction, so the idea of making a single-player game about playing an MMO on itself is... not very exciting. You have everything about an MMO: the grinding, barebones interactivity, dialogs, story, and repetitive quests and gameplay, and none of the good. And also nothing of what you do feels real or important because you know you're just an idiot playing a game, inside a game. Is not even real in the game's world. Isekai are already very boring stories and this is not even that.

Another thing related to that is the protagonist. For some reason the developers felt like putting the protagonist being silent but not really. With it being only able to say a couple of words from time to time that she gains after progressing in the story. How dumb is this? Is not a real world, just let me tell whatever I want nobody will care just like nobody cares in real MMOs. This feels like the developers wanted to emulate the generic main character from Squaresoft's games and other JRPGs, but wanted to give it a random twist. Except here doesn't work at all because in these JRPG's it was IMPLICIT that the main characters could talk. People didn't thought they were literally mute, it was just an abstraction that was eventually set aside to give proper characterization to the player's character. Mindlessly copying it like this just gave away to a female main without personality.

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The game tries to fakely emulate anime style. But instead of committing to it, it wants to put its own cartoony western style. Why some devs don't realize this doesn't work? You're either anime or cartoon, not both. Trying to mix them results on a mockery that doesn't appeal to any crowd. As an ugly parody style. The pixel art and spritework is very good and polished on a technical level, but is also devoid of personality. Doesn't reflect anything in particular and could belong in any game. This shows another problem and is the game doesn't have any atmosphere or tone, not surprising, is a game about playing another game. Is not a real story, but a meta-story about something else and feels very fake.

Then you have combat and gameplay. Really the only type of gameplay there is in the game is combat. There's also puzzles but these are mostly made with the same combat mechanics and are tucked in dungeons. In a game what you mostly do 90% of the time is grind and kill hordes of enemies your flow is interrupted by these long, tiresome and uninteresting puzzles. Sometimes they take forever just to throw you at a massive boss battle. After expending so much time resolving a puzzle you would expect some kind of reward for solving the problem, here the problem solving gives away to more problem solving. Thevisual design is very samey, so you will lose plenty of time just trying to resolve a puzzle.

But remember what I say about this being a game about an MMO? Most of the game is just GRINDING respawning enemies over and over. Enemy variety is very small, most of them are just recolors of other enemies. Same moves and attacks. When you go to a new zone there's nothing exciting to discover because this is an MMO and everything is levelled. And a good portion of NPCs you talk in the game are literally MMO NPCs, and the side quest are about grinding too. In the end you're just playing the simulation of a game, with an MMO story and MMO gameplay.

>Since everyone is autistically screeching I will provide what I think is some nuanced observations on the game.
Please don't, I can already tell you have nothing interesting to say.
There is no real need for grinding in this game.
MMO nature does not mean story and format actually emulates real life MMOs.
You can form a story and character interactions that are nothing like actual MMO experiences (see something like .hack).

Quests are not like standard MMO ones and nowhere near as repetitive.
Core gameplay is after all puzzle+action twitchy elements, much less about standard MMP ability management.

Notice how I never said anything about quality so far.
You are simply stating things that do not reflect the actual nature of the game. This feels like shit you copied from someone or from watching random clips and forming an opinion, than actually playing the game in any capacity.

I won't even bother with the story. Tranime avatarfags are not to be engaged in such matters in general
No, I'm telling you not to use words you don't understand to try and sound smart, because it does the opposite.
Agency is the perceived ability to change the world around you. In the context of a game it's not "well i can either go grind enemies or play the story". Some also confuse agency with freedom, which are not the same thing either.

In the context of a game agency could be feeling that the choices in dialogues feeling like they matter and change things in a meaningful way or feeling like a game has a lot of viable build options and the ones you made is viable (e.g. if your game has a lot of skills, but only one viable build, the game does not have perceived agency).

Yes he did. He misunderstood the point being made. If the characters and narrative eats up a big chunk of them (especially if it's mandatory to progress) then it being bad is an issue. It can even have a negative impact on your experience or make you not give a shit about certain things in the game.

It's like saying "poorly written quests don't matter", "the game having shit music doesn't matter" and so on. Not only is that wrong, if you don't like various elements of the game it detracts from your experience of playing it (especially if said thing eats up a larger chunk of the game). On the other hand, if these things are good, they elevate it.
Very basic example. Imagine fighting a climatic boss fight but the music is terrible. Now imagine the opposite where the music is awesome. Both directly impact your experience of playing the game.

It's the same old dumb idea people have said about tons of things. Like in fighting games where "only the gamplay matter, not how the character looks, sounds or animates". i.e. the function vs function example.
A game and your experience of playing it is a sum of many parts.
>There is no real need for grinding in this game.
Anon in one of the first boss battles of the game the green haired guy tells you to level up because your level is too low. I don't disagree with you in principle but c'mon.
>it's like every good RPG had a baby
That's a retarded statement, it's highly dissimilar to any other jrpg in existence.
But to answer your question, the story is garbage, the gameplay is tedious, and the puzzles are the best part about it but they're underutilized and filter everyone who somehow manages to enjoy the rest of it.
It has about 15 hours of fun in a 40+ hour game. Basically misses the mark, but it is interesting because of the art and how unique it is.
Its boring, I would rather play another retro rpg.
There are so many half hearted rants in this thread that are just plain wrong, it feels like anons didn't figure out how the game works and started complaining about issues that don't even exist.
Why did you sign your post saying that you found 4chan after 2016? You and that guy are both embarrassing newfags.
Because much like every other faux retro game the only thing it succeeds in doing is remind players they can just as easily go and replay the games they're actually nostalgic for.
if they don't people aggressively look for it like they do with signalis
Its on my next to play list, really. nice coincidence.

I want to play it next month because im busy now in summer.
I heard good things about it and the soundtrack is amazing, so im excited to try it, but the visual design looks awful, i hope the actual game is good so i can get past that.
I looked up some videos, it looks like an action RPG with some puzzles to solve, not a bad formula all things considered but i will never understand why those games are so long, sometimes it feels they drag on and on for no good reason, there is nothing wrong with shorter games.
Why did you bump this thread three times?
Projecting already?
I like the game, but I feel like it overstays its welcome.
I got tired by the time I got to the bamboo area.
i liked it and had a lot of fun. the core story beats were good, but some of the minor details in the characters/events were cringe. most of the puzzles were good, but some of the puzzles and quests were very tedious. breaking through the walls and doing gorillions of damage was probably one of the hypest moments in gaming i've had in years. that moment alone stands out so much, especially when so much of the rest of the game is a dreary slog of mmo grinding.

overall i enjoyed it a lot, and i think people criticize it too harshly for petty hangups.
Great posts, insightful, i like to read posts like these here.
Why the fuck do you niggers try to pretend that you are oldfags when you do not actually have anything insightful left to say?
>I may sound like an autistic son of a retard but I bet I foudn 4chan 3 days before you
No, you didn't, dreamboy.
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How do you go from this...
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...to this?
>how do you go from bad... to worse?
the slope was slippery, and they slid right down it.
It's a good game but not froth at the mouth "must shill everywhere" game.
>finally get to the combat after hours of tutorial
>it's just a nonsensical mash of party members going apeshit and killing the enemies without ever having to actually learn how to play it
never have i gone from excited to disappointed so fast.
After 30 hours I had to drop the game. It's god a lot of things right but the puzzle fatigue got me. It's one puzzle room after another I couldn't take it.
>generic rpgm slop to crosskino
Yeah I'm thinking based
it's still early if you think that, obviously it's easier early on
Every single fan of 4chan is also a AGP tranny have you ever gone onto one of those "4chan" discords,"4chan" game private servers etc.? Its always full of trannies because 4chan is full of trannies and thats a good thing.
If you unironicly hate trannies then you are probably on the wrong website.
I hated it at first but then I realized all the good quests had gear rewards and you could completely ignore the awful MMO content and crafting. Got really into it after that
Just started playing this, finished the tutorial and i notcied that the soundtrack is great

But i fear some thing will become annoying, here are my concerns.

1) I have a feeling the game is horribly paced and is super long for no reason.
2) I have a feeling combat will become dull and boring later on, its already simplistic
3) I have a feeling there will be too many puzzles with some obtuse and annoying ones along the way
4) I have a feeling the side quests are not worth my time
5) I have a feeling there will be grinding

So far my experience has been positive, the music is amazing and the gameplay seems to be fun enough with good puzzles, but i hope it doesnt become very tedious.
Also i find the game barely RPG, you level up automatically without choosing anything, there is no dialogue choices, no builds and no meaningful progression, it feels that levels in the game exists just as stat check for grind and powerup fantasy, but none of the depth of any actual rpg.
I mean i dont care that much if it wasn't intended but some people here lose their shit when someone praises Skyrim because its supposed to have shallow rpg elements but some games get a pass? i dont get it.

I'll continue playing it tommorrow, right now im supposed to go to this Bergen town, i actually lose my will to play more when game starts info dumping me with quests logs, having a big ass town at the start is a bad idea imo, you should start from a small place and progress towards a big city not the other way around, its less overwhelming to the player and allows them to focus on learning the game instead of getting sidetracked every 2 seconds.
I don't understand the complaints about grinding. I didn't grind at all until the very end of the game to get ascended gear for completionism's sake, and it's not needed to beat the DLC bosses. If you do the sidequests in each area you'll be a bit over-leveled, if anything.I also enjoyed the puzzles, except for one really irritating one in the tree dungeon.
Glad you enjoyed them anon
About level ups: Dont forget to spend your Circuit Points. There absolutely is something to choose whenever you gain a level up
I wonder if people look at this and don't realize all of the environmental graphics are from snes games. Most of its CT.
That would require them actually playing games. You're lucky if modern day zoomies have ever interacted with a SNES-era JRPG outside of watching a streamer/youtuber talk about it.
Game is well paced but if you're expecting to juke around without being paced then you're in for a rough time. The combat isn't dull, it will keep you on your toes because enemies have different attack patterns and you absolutely cannot tank damage without getting spanked. The puzzles are hard, very hard, they will stump you, leading back the mention about pace, you will be paced. The game is not one where you breeze through it in several hour long sittings everyday, you will have need to reflect and come back on a clear head to solve things. The game is very very snappy, both to play, and to save and quit, and to jump back in, it's very smooth. You get stumped don't lose your head, save and quit come back later or tomorrow or whatever. But do not give up!!

The side quests ARE VERY WORTHWHILE. The experience points required to level are always 1000, every single level up. Quests award you upwards of 300 or so, every couple quests will always always level you up. There's no 'grinding' outside of you doing side quests, and with that there's no grinding. The closest thing to grinding is something very very enjoyable. You will be told to obtain a drop from an enemy, that wont drop it unless you are combat rank C or higher (if you ever played Fable, these ranks are literally combat multiplier) this means you will have need to beat up any enemies in a chain of encounters; I dub it the Tony Hawk Pro Skater of combat, ""grind rails"" of enemy encounters to get your combat rank up and then, you beat the hell out of the required enemy, who will always drop your quest item of course. It's Fun.
Oi oi, so much fun.
Piece of shit game. You start at high speed playing as Shizuka beating the shit out of enemies and then you are abducted by a long-ass tutorial slop for retards. Then again you feel the combat, range attack, melee attack, block, dash, parry, skill tree... Pretty exciting, isn't? Yeah, to move to the next region there is a fucking 754380957234809 hours-long dumb boring puzzles for pretentious players to feel "smart". Do not play it.

Why do you even wake up in the morning, waste of life.
>wizz bang boom, bing bing WAHOO!
you just want to mash buttons.

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