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Yes. Next retarded question.
from technical and narative statpoint - yes
not the worst thing in the universe but still pretty bad and not worth your time
I think its better than 2
I pre-ordered this game, and this was the last game I ever pre-ordered and turned into a pirate.
Take that as you will.
Proof that graphics do matter, despite what everyone likes to parrot.
That has more to do with design. Technically, graphics are better than ME1
>literally forgotten and used as an asset flip for another forgotten game.
It is worse than bad
if normies think a game is bad, its usually worse
i got Legendary Edition, what should i know before i start?
>what should i know before i start?
What is done cannot be undone.
alright, sound fair...
Yes, but I enjoyed sniping with stealth cloak and a jetpack.
the combat is pretty fun and the game lets you respec and switch builds freely
cringed hard at the very first 3-4 lines of the protagonist and uninstalled
>"i cant afford games"
>used as an asset flip for another forgotten game.
Story is secondary in games, the gameplay counts
And the gameplay is shit and the world empty, so
Had very cool shooting mechanics, leveling, overall combat was pretty hard on insanity mode. But the story graphics(faces mostly) open world garbage and awfully implemented new galaxy ruined it. Car was also somehow even less fun than the shitracer from me1 to use
Contrarians made up their entire opinion based on what e-celebs said. The game is good, maybe even great, but because Crowbcat made one video cherry picking bugs suddenly it's terrible.
>The game is good, maybe even great
Not even remotely. The only good part, the combat, is severely held back by being so restrictive and shit enemy AI and encounter design.
Everything else ranges from atrocious to subpar.
>I pre-ordered this game
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Lorechad here I rated Andromeda 1/10 when the 1st trailer dropped! Have I ever played Andromeda? Will I ever play it? Hell no! I speak to game devs with my wallet! also too proud to pirate it/borrow or frens. the RPGs a fucking disgrace to ME brand! even lowborn retards without my Jedi tier intuition could've easily foreseen this RPG would be a total 1/10 trainwreck! Bioware f00lishly abandoned glorious Milky Way setting! WTF?

MW settings for an ME Spinoff were limitless! Did a Zaeed Massani RPG have Lore potential?
>"Mass Effect: Bounty Hunter" opening cutscene in Big Ben London 2128 AD (Zaeeds the only man to make it out of the tower alive)
>28 years before discovery of Prothean Archive
>features age 13 Zaeed protag child soldier
>28 ingame years of early life section murking humans&mechs
>at age 40 the Mars archives are located
>shit gets crazy!
>Zaeed+Humanity now discover we're not alone in the Universe
>enlist in Systems Alliance kicking Turian ass in The First Contact War
>Humanity would be doomed to eternal humiliation as an enslaved client race to the Turian Empire were Zaeed not so talented at BTFOing aliens
>Upgrade/maintain Jessie
>Quit the Alliance
>Join some BH guild
>quickly develop reputation as the BEST Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy
>Establish unrivaled elite force 150 black ops crack commando guys AKA The Blue Suns
>BS wuz fucking downright dangerously based
>Vido betrays you?!
>WTF Vido transitions the BS to lowcow 6 million batarian brainlet army and shoots your eye out sending you back to level 1!? Oh no!
>wander our Galaxy grinding back up to 70
>20 years seeking revenge on Vido!
>He always escapes at the last moment bc dumb luck
>All followers die horribly
>Zaeed/Vido wear comedic plot armor
>Game ends in 2185 AD cyber-Shepard recruits you on Omega promising Vidos head. Cut to creds
10 times better than Andromeda? Beyond 10/10 spinoff material redeeming most OG trilogy flaws in the eyes of serious critics? EA dropped the ball hard af
>Car was also somehow even less fun than the shitracer from me1 to use
THIS. I personally loved Mako for being able to ride up the 85 degree wall and making cool jumps, Nomad was fucking awful, especially on that space pirate planet where there was like 25 degree hill and you needed to put in AWD to drive up. Only moment where riding was fun was on the shattered asteroid with low gravity, felt like riding Mako again.
The combat was improved over the originals but people play ME for the story and characters, not the combat. And if you are playing Andromeda then you've almost certainly played the trilogy and liked it. So when you are immediately hit with cringy dialogue and annoying characters it turned a lot of people off, including myself.

I actually think that ME3 had some shit writing but the first two games got me hooked that I had to see it through. But given that Andromeda was a brand new story, I had no attachment to any of the characters or the missions it was presenting so I felt no obligation to push through any of it.

If it was its own IP, it would have still been shit but it would have been seen as that random game everyone forgot about. But because it attached itself to Mass Effect, it drew in that horde of fans and they expected better. So while Andromeda might not truly be as awful as most people make it out to be, the reason people rate it so low is because of the bar that was set by the games that came before and Andromeda doesn't live up to even the worst of those.
Can we stop calling the stuff that Bioware makes games? The actual game part of their games is always shit.
I actually came to like the Andromeda crew over the course of the game. Peebee especially was kind of interesting once you got past the le penguin of doom stuff. The story was genuinely awful though, and they clearly ran out of budget to make a decent ending.
>The combat was improved over the originals
I was suckered into Andromeda purely for the multiplayer coop mode, and I considered the combat was worse than ME3. However, the crafting/customization was more in-depth.
when u meet Jack sex her later and forever but not now
>people play ME for the story and characters
lmao just read a book idiot
They literally write novels about the exact same RPG you're bashing. Do Mass Effect fans really read these books for the gameplay? Or for story and characters and shit?
I played it for about 20-30 hours, I think. Maybe 1/2 the way through, give or take. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't all that fun or compelling either. Some of the memes about it are kind of right, like Peebee being relentlessly ugly, one of the earliest examples of wokeness by trying to make people think being ugly is attractive. Cora has a nice ass, too. I can forgive her dyke-theme since I'm a fan of tomboys. Other than that, I don't really remember that much about the story other than a generation ship and a fresh start... perhaps a testament to how forgettable it is. I wouldn't say it's a game that everyone would automatically hate, though. There are some interesting things about it, or at least something there that made me stick around for as long as I did.

That all being said, I was also a fan of Fallout 76 and wasn't a fag about the launch problems, I still enjoyed it for what it was... which I joke about because the one thing about Bethesda games that I hate is how awful the story, dialogue and voice acting tend to be, which I often ignore completely in Bethesda games and just do what I want. Still, despite all of 76's problems, what I actually enjoyed the most about it at launch was actually what everyone else was crying about, and how the game seemed devoid of NPC's and it was just a bunch of old zombies, new zombies and super mutants. Not having to suffer through or actively avoid Bethesda's shit story/dialogue/voice acting was great.
Just bang her and skip her loyalty mission she will still survive ME3
do all side missions you can before doing priority missions

if you are on PC I highly recommend:
>expanded galaxy mod
>take earth back
These are two mods that salvaged the main story's pacing for me.

>expanded galaxy mod
So throughout the game (and based on ME1+ME2 stuff) you get assets, aka your score of how strong you are before the final fight. The ending is impacted by this score.

Expanded Galaxy Mod makes this feature far better; every quest will feel like it has actual impact, and your score will rise/fall as the campaign continues based on battles or key events. Makes it actually feel like there's a war on.

>Take Earth Back
Makes the final mission to retake earth far, far, far better. You'll actually see your decisions and allies represented at the end of the game, really giving a sense of scale to it all.

There are probably others but these are the best imo.

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