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Great game. Because of unmatched exploration for a 3ds game and interesting yokai designs, it stands head and shoulders above recent Pokemon games. Sadly very few people outside of Japan played it. Such seems to be the fate of all non-Layton or Inazuma level5 games.
Any games you recommend for similiar feel?
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>very few people outside of Japan played it
Not as much as in Japan, but it was really popular in the west as well, it had a lot of marketing + the anime, you just don't see its fans because they were kids at the time and now they're teenagers nostalgic for a series that's abandoned in the west. Online communities would explode if they announced an official English release of Yo-Kai Watch 4 on the Switch.

Ni No Kuni, probably other Level 5 games as well, but it also depends on what you're focusing on exactly.
jibanyan just isn't a good mascot compared to agumon or pikachu
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Who did it best?
jack frost best
If you look just at the mascot design not actual popularity, I'd say Jack Frost does it best. Pikachu and the DQ slime are inconic and instantly recognizable, but they don't have much personality. Jibanyan isn't a great design IMO while Agumon and whatever that other critter is aren't cute enough. Jack is the only one who hits all three criteria of being cute, having a good design, and having a fun personality that goes beyond the aesthetic appeal.
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we doing this here in /vrpg/?
very versatile and easy to make variants of
if you are a young kid who loves dinosaurs, he's your go to
that's not a great pic of slime, Rocket would have been a better representative
he's alright, never really did it for me,

cool monster, but honestly I am more of a fan of his shadowside

eh, never was my favorite pokemon.
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SMT sweeps, low dif.
I wanted to give Yokai watch a shot but did 3 even come to the west? I feel like it's similar to DQM where we only had a few games localized.

Jack Frost by a large margin. Slime close second. Years later, I feel Pikachu was a bad choice of mascot and Clefairy was robbed. Clefairy would have stood out a lot more on this lineup and it just feels a lot more unique. Eevee would also be a better representation due to Pokemon's emphasis on evolution. Ironically, Agumon also did the same as Pikachu to Tyranomon. Tyranomon would be a better representation of Digimon as a whole, but it's hard to argue with Agumon being the better marketable mascot. Terriermon would sell more plushies and merch than both however.
>did 3 even come to the west?
It did. All the 3DS games except one spinoff are translated. The only main game that hasn't been translated yet is 4, on the Switch and PS4. Other than that there are three spinoffs, one is translated (Blasters) and two aren't (Blasters 2, and whatever the Switch one is called).
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Why is that bakugan there and not Triceramon?
Superior triceratops. Honestly triceramon is sauropod with cetopsian skull.
And the alien isn't a dragon with a triceratops head?
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update that. Hydrapple's japanese name is

we can do better than that. Since you are including golurk, all sorts of golems are on the table, I was actualyl tempted to use ultimate ancient gear golem or gogogoliath instead.

Idk man, it's just a better dragon
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I don't know, I think Hydreigon still counts, but this does work too.
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come the fuck on dude.
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stop trying to make pokemon look better.
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It wasn't trying to make Pokemon look better, it was just whatever monsters in each franchise are literally called houou/feng huang. It's especially dumb that you replaced the SMT one with Suzaku when Feng Huang has gotten a more modern rendition since that image was made that you could have used instead. Admittedly, the Youkai Watch one is Suzaku since it's the only one of these to not have a houou.
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Why the samurai version of T.wrecks?
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>not the jewmon
Well I was going for more of a money based greed as opposed the concept of greed itself.
eh, seemed to be the most interesting variant as opposed to the one wearing a cap.

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