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Well, /vrpg/? Have you read Fahrenheit 451? If not, you didn't beat System Shock 2 or Deus Ex.
The CYOA general really needs to be deleted.
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I've read it localized.
>not Rankine, or at least Kelvins
It's out of control at this point.
>Fahrenheit 451
>faggot writes a book because of "muh nazi book burnings"
>also the "red scare"
ray hackbury
what's the relation? i autohide those threads.
Thankfully Spector said he'd never create another game like this these days because it'd give ammunition to vile reactionaries who think our honest bankers and politicians would ever do anything wrong ever.
The retards from those generals are spamming off topic threads non-stop. The modus operandi is basically to bump their general then blow off topic diarrhea everywhere.
>Thankfully Spector said he'd never create another game like this these days because it'd give ammunition to vile reactionaries who think our honest bankers and politicians would ever do anything wrong ever.
That made me completely lose the respect I had for him. I think the game flew too close to the sun (ICARUS IS WATCHING YOU). Outright names the Rothschilds. The "texture limitations" leading to the WTC being dropped from the skyline along with all the business about the false flag bombing of the statue were a little too on the nose.
any other games based on books?
yeah I read it, didn't play those games tho, did I pass them by default?
A Boy And His Dog (Wasteland -> Fallout)
I Have No Mouth And I Must Screams
Witcher, obviously
Sword of Shanarra
Rainbow Six
Technically, Spec Ops: The Line is based on Heart of Darkness but that's a pretty big stretch
Betrayal at Krondor (Riftwar Saga)
American McGee's Alice
Fallout is also based on A Canticle for Leibowitz.
Yes, it was a trash book
>"muh nazi book burnings"
For some reason, they never told me what books it was that they were burning
well obviously Dune too, and other bullshit LOTR games
>Sword of Shanarra
art looks really cool, how about gameplay?
wasn't even really the book burnings, dude just hated television so much he made the most embarrassing cope in the world. The ending of Fahrenheit is comically bad and I have no idea why it is treated as a classic of literature.
People who put it on the same level as Brave New World or 1984 need to be lined up against a wall.
nah, he changed the reasons behind the books throughout the years. guy created a television show in the 80s. he was just a hack.
>art looks really cool, how about gameplay?
I played it when I was a kid and had fun but honestly it’s probably closer to a point and click adventure game with some RPG elements than a full blown true RPG
I mostly just really like the monologue that captain Beatty gives to Guy Montag. also I always thought it was funny that I’m the StarCraft campaign editor, the hero firebat was named guy montag
You low int, low reading comprehension retards are the bane of intellectual discussion. 451 wasn't mainly about book burning stupid nigger. It was about the breakdown of genuine human discussion and interaction, and it's replacement with a never ending stream of superficial and one sided parasocial or high stimulus garbage.

The parlor wall, 'shells', and neighbor girl and her family are all far more significant than the actual burning of books. It's about the incineration of unique thought itself, something you're clearly a victim of. Now go back to pretending you're friends with your favorite twitch streamer Mildred.
Yeah, it's called a strawman, as if humanity doesn't consist of ostracization or that this phenomenon isn't vital. "If it wasn't for the bad groupthinkers, we'd all be special snowflake geniuses!"

Garbage cope from commie faggots who are just trying to keep from being pruned.
Bradbury called out and crucified discord addicts, twitch junkies, SSRI takers, and airpod owners and they're only response is to deflect by making fun of the book burning.
Those are all products of a society that didn't burn enough books.
85IQ take.
midwit detected
Are they like the /vrpg/ equivalent of /tg/'s Jumpchain threads? I hate those faggots.
Good careers for someone with 85 IQ
>car wash attendant
>assembly line worker
>delivery driver
>food service worker
There's still hope for you anon.
The fact you have to go to 85 to consider it insulting is... telling.
I'm being generous.
140 ;)
>You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.
>Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely `brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change.
>Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy. Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and most men can nowadays, is happier than any man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, which just won't be measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely. I know, I've tried it; to hell with it.
>So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex. If the drama is bad, if the film says nothing, if the play is hollow, sting me with the theremin, loudly. I'll think I'm responding to the play, when it's only a tactile reaction to vibration.
>But I don't care. I just like solid entertainment.
Anon, 13% of the country has a mean IQ of 84 and they seem to get cushy government jobs just fine for some reason
>waaah people are dumb and panem et circenses and consent is manufactured or else we'd be happy commies philosophizing in the evening.
the true hackery of a man drowning in subjectivity, pumping out drek for coin, and thinking he's superior for it. the sky is falling, always.
Nazi's raided Magnus T. Hirschfelds(who was one of the first activists for trans rights he developeda system which categorised 64 possible types of genders and coined the term transsexual in 1923) Institute Of Sex Research and burned a bunch of books about transexualism and other lgbt topics.
As expected, thread with the most potential for organic discourse gets swarmed by a pack of drooling plebs.
>People who put it on the same level as Brave New World or 1984 need to be lined up against a wall.
the only book i've read that i would put on that level is a scanner darkly.
Fallout is based on different movies and books.
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We could have had an awesome deus ex thread but you made this awful thing instead. What the hell is wrong with people here? Why is it so hard to play games?
Why do you hate reading so much?
is deus ex really an rpg? i mean it's got elements sure but ehh idk. i once made a castlevania thread which i would say is closer to an rpg but jannies didn't consider it one.
well in any case it is a very good game at least.
Nope, it has RPG elements for sure, but the game is a hybrid of a lot of genres, Stealth/FPS/RPG/Adventure. RPG nerds just like to claim any game as an RPG with the "one drop rule" because they think that means it is better.
OP picrel is me playing Deus Ex, you absolute Mongoloid.
Why did you choose the gep gun anon? I always felt the sniper is the best choice
It's the universal lockpick.
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never read Fahrenheit 451 but I did read The Man Who Was Thursday and Napoleon of Notting Hill
>The Man Who Was Thursday
I was surprised to find out this is a real book, I thought it was made up for the game. Is it good?
There's a Gravity's Rainbow reference in the 'Ton hotel, in the guest log there's an Oberst Enzian
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yes it is good
you can get the other two weapons on liberty island

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