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compare this to Planscape. at which point everything went wrong with RPGs? i am well aware that new generation of "gamers" are like children with special needs i will never believe that is what they want from role playing games. is counting on indie developers only chance to have decent story and character development or its all downhill from here? its business after all
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>compare this to Planscape
Both are dumbed down games for normalfags and extremely progressive, with PST itself having a scathing critique of capitalism that would make the creators of disco elysium blush. You can't find anything to play because you don't like RPGs. I am constantly drowning in RPGs that are 20x better than anything you will ever play. Next off topic thread please.
>I am constantly drowning in RPGs that are 20x better than anything you will ever play
>fucking moeblob pedo lecturing anyone on quality of vidya
yeah man, have fun with teenager killing evil god or something - i heard there Fatal Fantasy 26 this year. completly different than previous ones kek
I'm playing pool of radiance right now. What are you playing? Oh, thats right, Fallout 4. You made a thread on Fallout 4. Personally I'm looking forward to Mystic Lands, No Rest for the Wicked, Monomyth, and Path of Exile 2 in the West, as well as Falcom's new projects and Decapolice in the East. Can't imagine what games your future holds. Probably the next huge turd dropped into whatever your consoleslop of choice's ecosystem is, right? How very based of you. Can't imagine how anyone can say things are going downhill when BG3, made by a privately owned company, outperformed all these shitty ass normalfag games that would normally be holding the whole industry back, if this was 10 years ago Dragon Age Veilguard would be heralded as a masterpiece. Things are better than they have ever been.
>Can't imagine how anyone can say things are going downhill when BG3
wow holy shit, stopped reading here kek
im playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall, sadly about to finish soon so it seems
>im playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall
So a casual module built on top of a phone game, wow nice one kid
projection, says a lot about you. im 35 you moe pedo fuck
Why is a 35 year old man making threads on fallout 4? Why are you playing garbage like the returns series? So many questions.
>7 paragraphs of the most boring, long-winded text-dump before i get to relevant information
yeah, i'll take the Fallout 4 dialogue instead.
you never read book in your life have you?
NTA but avellone is a failed comic book writer. It's like when Alan Moore tried to break into literature and couldn't hack it.
whats the best narration and dialogue in RPGs in your opinion then? i heard Deus Ex is neat but havent played it yet
Disco Elysium
well that one is great too. Pathologic too
>Pathologic too
definitely not
its interesting story, and pretty well written world. let me guess you never finished it?
I don't think you understand what good writing is.
Fallout 4 is shit but planescrap borement fans should consider transitioning and then joining the 41% t. work as a grave digger and am buying cosmetics/pharma stocks
so have you finished it? no you have not, pig squeak
>It's like when Alan Moore tried to break into literature and couldn't hack it.
Yeah because he's dogshit Watchmen is aesthetically incredibly strong to the point he lost the plot with his own themes with Rorschach and accidentally made him a hero. Some of these writers it isn't "media literacy" but their own competency.
F4 sucks
>am constantly drowning in RPGs that are 20x better than anything you will ever play
Name 10
Final fantasy 1
Final fantasy 2
Final fantasy 3
Final fantasy 4
Final fantasy 5
Final fantasy 6
Final fantasy 7
Final fantasy 8
Final fantasy 9
Super Mario RPG
FF1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 are all dogshit.
Tell us, o wise one, your greatest rpgs of all time
>muh wizardry
>muh Ultima
>muh bg3
He doesn’t even play anything
>at which point everything went wrong with RPGs
When the infinity engine was invented and BG1 and PS:T were released.
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pool of radiance and most of 80s rpgs barely even have any story, it's just kill this le evil guy but before that do 50 hours of dungeon crawling

acting like this doesn't make you cool, you're just laughing stock of the thread
>barely even have any story
How would you know?
>close shut… the pool of radiance
Because I played ultima and wizardry
Also you already made an entire thread about your shitty game so gtfo from here
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Ultima becomes more and more story driven the farther the series progresses, what do you mean? Additionally, the gold box engine has been used to import many real tabletop modules via FRUA, it's not really like those games. It's inconceivable to think storytelling is a modern invention, but it should never be the focus anyways, as RPGs are about player driven stories, not interactive western VNs.
>I just imagine that dragon is attacking me
Anon shilling these games on malasian basket weaving forum won't make you 12 again
You fight plenty of dragons.
I think the developers personally are to blame and not the corporate structure or anything like that

the people making games are generally idiots who don't know anything but videogames so the games themselves are always games for idiots. games are at their best when created by well rounded and educated individuals.
You can't handle my greatest RPGs!
It's a down to the casualisation of gaming.
Only a minority of nerds want to immerse themselves in complex plotting and character development.
The casuals just want an hour's distraction, like a fetch quest or dungeon crawl.
Casuals vastly outnumber the nerds, so RPGs have to be retarded from here on in.
Fallout 4 is better than Planetscape.
>compare this to Planscape
Planescape is the Shakepears of video games, no other game can compare to it
i think your the first guy to actual talk about the thread topic.
I have; but a book is a book and a game is a game. if I wanted to read a book, i'd just go read a book. i don't want to read a book when i just want to play a game.

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