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>Umeda stated that, “The wilderness is designed with a natural open world style of play in mind.

>Toriyama’s first instruction was ‘beat Skyrim!’

>That may be a tall order with the resources on hand, but as this is FF we decided it might be best to approach it by letting you run about on a chocobo.

>Also, although there is lots of freedom in the wilderness, there is only one goal but with many paths to accomplishing it.”


So did they succeed or not?
Why was the PS3/360 era so ass for RPGs?
Because skyrim unironically, bethesda really poisoned the well
>for RPGs
How did squenix games get so focused on being gay, for lack of a better word?
>bethesda really poisoned the well
You mean raised the standards? It took japs 10 years to make open worlds, and Skyrim is still the peak.
>and Skyrim is still the peak
I think Witcher 3 did it a bit better personally
Open world games are shit and ruined the game industry.
>It took japs 10 years to make open worlds
It took 10 years until Japanese games were ruined by autism.
>Skyrim is still the peak
Peak trash that is.
Lightning returns well exceeded my expectations and I actually had a really great time with it. Loved how each of the areas focused on their own thing and loved how I could sorta play it in the order I wanted when I wanted. Great shit

Plus I like lightning she's kewl. And her hairs so pretty

The story is pretty dumb but the side quest stories which are most of the game are good. The ending is fucking stupid with standard power of friendship stuff.
It's honestly quite bizarre really. It's like interest in the classical form just all but vanished completely. I mean you had some Tales games but FF was busy go full retard. most other franchises were fucking drowned by their owners and outside some weird shit like fucking Eternal Sonota and Enchanted Arms you didn't really have much. And I don't really get it either, PS2 was absolutely drowning in the things even near the end of it's life so I can't imagine it being from a lack of interest. I guess the PS360 really was just when budgets ballooned too high and too fast.
There was Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Dragon Age Origins
>wE Want 2 bEaT sKyRim
>let's see: manly canon viking stuff, immersive open world hmm what shall we do
>I know: locked into autogynephilic protagonist for the first time in the series (not counting Vaan) and make the most linear ff possible coming right off 12 which was the opposite
What kind of drugs were available in Japan at that time is the real question here.
Imagine wearing all that black and getting all that nerd fame, selling out to leftists and still never getting laid as a pudgy old man, I feel bad for them.
Also, excellent bait.
Ps2 Jrpgs didn't sell as well as ps1 ones. And the cost to make shit like world maps in HD was just prohibitive unless you where like lost odyssey, star ocean 4, or tales of vesperia and had Microsoft bankrolling your games.
Lightning returns was linear. A good example of linear would be final Fantasy X. Lightning returns was hub based like vampire the masquerade bloodlines where you explore several hub areas doing side quests and main story shit. I rather like that kinda design personally.
>lightning returns wasn't linear
For JRPGs specifically because budgets to too high and unless you had FF or DQ in the title you simply couldn't turn a profit on that budget. Genre would've died during the 7th gen had the portables not swooped in to save the day.
Sandbox FF games just don't work.
XIII obviously had a fucked development.

FF XV had some thought put into an open world game. The whole "car trips and camping with bros, stop by at a gas station" shit is great. It's a bummer some games with good intentions don't end up too well.
There are aften some trade-off, Skyrim has a lot of character customization, but this does limit part of the story-telling.
XI and XIV suggest it could work with better options and choices.
Even Dragon Quest completely skipped that home console generation and put DQ9 on the DS.
FF15 and 12 say hi
Skyrim is and always has been a trash fire
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I am playing FF13-2 and holy shit does this read like an NTR plot.

>Serah is alone
>Her sister Lightning vanished 3 years ago
>Cry about Lightning so much that Serah's fiance, Snow, decides to up and go search for Lightning
>Snow hasn't returned in two years
>Keep waiting
>Random beautiful boy falls out of the sky and meets you a cute girl
>boy claims to be from 500 years in the future
>Boy overhears you say that you are looking for Lightning
>Boy says "hey I've met her, leave the safety of your neighbors and your fiance's friends and come along with me and hop through time to find her!"

WTF is this? Gadot why are you allowing this rando to elope with your leader's and friend's girl and leave the safety of your village? What are you going to say when Snow comes back asks where his girl is?
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Stop him!
Those two kinda prove their point.
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>I guess the PS360 really was just when budgets ballooned too high and too fast.
Also can't forget the cultural shift with this idea that vidya "needed to change/mature" alongside the ever-growing audience and tech as the hobby became even more mainstream, so everything "needed" to be a high-budget interactive movie to match that idea. Also doesn't help that the hobby's been labled as childish and for faggots for the logest time by normalfags since the mid to late 90s or somesuch, so what better way to trick the masses into thinking vidyas less gay than turning them into cinematic action slop.
Yes these are all hitting on key points. Japanese game industry in general struggled adapting to HD development. High costs and a lot of the talent that was pushing the envelope in past generations left or got promoted to management positions. There's actually a good amount of interesting RPGs on the DS, PSP, etc because of this - cheaper to develop for and they had experience working with those constraints. It wasn't as fertile as a time as previous gens but that's generally where you should be looking if you want to see what people were thinking about JRPG design-wise in that gen. Plus lots of attempts at making MonHun competitors.
As I recall, the quests didn't have "many paths"

I think there might have been 1 quests were stuff spawned randomly on the ground.

I'm pretty sure most of the areas in LR were just irregular circles. And it wasn't like coming in from the long way around changed anything , except waste time.
I don’t get why it’s so hard for people to make a Skyrim like game. You have these companies with hundreds of employees. What the fuck is everyone doing? Morrowind was mostly made with like 10 people. Towards the end it ballooned to like 30. What the fuck is so hard about 5 cities. 1 big city. A bunch of caves using shared assets, but hand crafted. And a fucking ridable creature. I refuse to believe this is cost prohibitive. I simply refuse. I feel like it’s a skill issue, not a money issue. Japanese devs just don’t get freedom. They really understand dialog and smoke and mirrors. But meaty open world game play just confuses them. Although Breath of the Wild was actually pretty good. Nintendo seems to have some talent. They understood that physics are fun. And that environmental noise is key. They actually took lessons from what Japanese games apart and applied beautifully to open world. Square seems totally lost. Totally lost.
We still haven't left this "mature and realistic" crap. Just add fortnite style graphics and crossovers. God bless the few devs and companies still just making smaller games.
Why doesn't Lightning have an ass? Seriously, it's always bothered me.
If you want Open world jrpg play Xenoblade X
It's not that it's hard, it's that they're garbage game and everyone making them realizes it so they try to correct the mistakes, not realizing that the coprophagous hylics that play bethesda games don't even understand those flaws
That said, it's pointless anyway since bethesdafags only play bethesda games because they're popular, they woulnd't care about another dev doing the same thign and would criticize the end product for things they excuse in the shit they play
Why don’t you guys just admit Skyrim is good and has stood the test of time? Why do you struggle to cope so hard with this unavoidable truth?
If this place was to be believed this is a horrific game that is unplayable and widely hated. The reality is it’s been amazingly popular since its release many years ago (2011) when it was overwhelmingly praised and it has had many updates and releases and a thriving mod community.
Why can’t you accept reality? Maybe you should all post on /x/ with the schizos
Skyrim won.
>I don’t get why it’s so hard for people to make a Skyrim like game
If they could they would. Only Bethesda can.
AY YO.WEA DA WHITE WOMEN AT FR FR. Zoomer/black anon. Go play something else.
>What the fuck is everyone doing?
Nothing. All these employees are leeches and diversity hires. Competency crisis is real. Bethesda is suffering too, their last games were dogshit.

Play SaGa and Metal Max
I don't really care about the story, is the dressup aspect of Lightning Returns any good? I just wanna make her a cute little doll to play with
Mods, many of the games that stood the test of time have a lot of mods.
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