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i currently own ff7 and chronotrigger.
wanna get into some other classics.
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Lufia 2
Wild Arms
Lunar SSSC + Lunar 2 EBC
Suikoden 2
Skies of Arcadia
Vagrant Story
Secret of Mana + Turbo fanpatch

thank me later
>Arc the Lad collection
have a guide open there is super missable shit
>Legend of Mana
same as above
>Valkyrie Profile
>Dragon quest 5,6,7,8. rocketslime
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"Bruh, just play Octopath 2 (THE GOAT) or Sea of Stars, they slap way harder than those old retro games fr fr"
rent free
didn't we tell you to take your meds last thread?
I rly like breath of fire and phantasy star desu, although i'm kind of a poser and have only played PS IV.
The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel

Dude you gotta play Final Fantasy X, trust me
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Artificial Girl 3 is very much a Japanese role playing ge, you've got good taste there OP
Lunar the Silver star story is a 24hour thrill. NPCs change text as things happen and actually give you praise for your deeds you do. Solid music and some pretty good cutscenes of hand drawn 90s anime
FF 4/5/6/Tactics/8/10
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FF6 is the only FF worth playing. Trails is the best JRPG series by several thousand miles. Ys, Skies of Arcadia Legends, and Recettear are also worth playing.
Have you actually played the first wild arms game? It's not very good, especially compared to the sequels. Xenogears has also aged like milk.
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Oh and it also seems strange people would recommend lunar over grandia, but the thread is full of posers it seems, or possibly 1 retarded samefag.
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Oh fuck off Trails fag, Xenogears is exactly the kind of game OP is asking for and it plays completely fine. More of a must play than any Kiseki garbage
Try Parasite Eve, among all the recommendations it's probably one of the most unique but also short but sweet.
You can try Dragon Quest 5
FFVI is a game that only people blinded by nostalgia hold in high regard.
>tranime avatarfag
>tasteless shitposter
Name a more iconic duo. You can't.
You can't make a sane argument as to why you would recommend lunar but not grandia. This is sort of embarassing for you really.
>and ResetEra is also worth playing.
Do tranny avatarfags really
Bruh, Wild Arms is a classic and a great game, and Xenogears is the best jrpg ever made. But I guess it makes sense; you like shounen-trope slop like trails in the sky.
and then there is you, shitting up every thread you touch. do us a favor and neck yourself, you friendless, virgin loser.
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From the PSX these are my personal favorites

Must Play:
Final Fantasy Tactics
Dragon Quest VII
Legend of Legaia
Suikoden II
Breath of Fire IV

Great Games:
Breath of Fire III
Legend of Dragoon
Chrono Cross
Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue
Valkyrie Profile
Vagrant Story

Good Games:
Wild Arms 2
Lunar - Silver Star Story
Front Mission 3
Brave Fencer Musashi
Star Ocean: The Second Story

Okay JRPGs:
Threads of Fate
Jade Cocoon

There are some that I know are well-liked such as Grandia, SaGa Frontier, and Legend of Mana, but I either have not played them or not played them extensively enough to recommend them. Even the games at the bottom of the list here are fantastic imo, but they are either too short, the story is not very good, or the overall combat/gameplay is not as enjoyable as the ones above them.
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the mother trilogy is great
I totally stumbled into breath of fire 3 and wild arms 3 when I was like 12 and found cheap games at a store.
I don't know why but I loved them both but never looked into any others from their respective series.

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