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I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child. I imagine CRPGs fans as literal 50 year old boomers, because they would already have to be old to play it by the time it came out unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible.
>It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child
Children used to be less retarded before your generation.
>unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible
yeah, that's why you get called a nintendobaby
Which generation? I'm a millennial. I didn't even know these games existed back then. I played stuff like Doom and Age of Empires on PC. This was obscure shit only played by no life nerds.
Also, Diablo 2 worth mentioning as well. Used to play that shit all day, but I never heard of something like BG2 before.
Wow, cool!
>I'm a millennial
OK, boomer...
What even draws you to an rpg board?

Yeah i guess it is pretty obvious bait strat
>see board/general about X
>post how X is shit
my first crpg was fallout 2 and i was like 8 or 9
i havent finished it obviously but i remeber that i managed to get to new reno somehow
later i got myself a copy of fallout 1 and actually finished it, and the ball starts rolling
planescape, BG, arcanum, some weird russian crpg that i think was called something like "5,56" that was probably the hardest game that ive ever played, etc
>I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid.
I did. My dad (actual boomer) and I would talk about our playthroughs and share tips, it was fun.
>It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child.
Skill issue.
>I imagine CRPGs fans as literal 50 year old boomers, because they would already have to be old to play it by the time it came out unlike JRPGs which were more easily accessible.
You’re describing the older generations of games like Wasteland, the Gold Box games, etc. Baldurs Gate was quite accessible and a relative hit with the mainstream at the time, selling far in excess of expectations.
It’s also a thoroughly millennial game, and there’s also nothing contradictory or mutually exclusive about playing games like this and JRPGs. This was contemporary with FF7 which was also a smash success and I remember my friends who played BG1 also got into FF7 and then went back and emulated 4, 5, and 6, etc.
Also, you probably can’t conceive of playing something like this as a child because it is likely that you are a zoomer anachronistically projecting yourself onto the past without considering the state of the industry contemporarily. BG1 is a bit clunky and dated by modern standards of QoL features and interface design but it was perfectly fine at the time. Again, it crossed into mainstream success and was quite popular, far more so than more obscure games from ten years before it and so on. It wasn’t a super niche game.
>I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid.
I'm glad games have progressed since then. Only reason I've considered making a turn-based isometric game is because it's easier to develop. Otherwise I don't see a reason to go back. There's more potential in 1rd/3rd person real time RPGs, it's just more complicated and challenging to pull off.
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>Also, you probably can’t conceive of playing something like this as a child because it is likely that you are a zoomer
I'm a millennial. I played Diablo 2 which was released in the same year but had no idea BG2 even existed.
I played both jRPGs and cRPGs as a child, started playing years before BG1. The hard part wasn't learning to play the computer RPGs, it was learning how to optimize conventional memory with no internet. IQ tests abounded.
Real-time is not a straight upgrade to turn based
32 years here, loved fallout 2 (started with it), planescape torment (needed to beg the owner for cds), baldurs gate and more. I always was a bookworm through
>i would've been too dumb to understand it, therefore you must've been as well
Weird, everyone I knew was into all of the above. I remember being hyped about all the games getting sequels… bg2, fallout 2, Diablo 2, half life 2…
>he was playing doom and age of empires on release
you sure you aren't the no life nerd anon? normal people didn't start enjoying video games until at least the early 2000's
It may look daunting at first glance, but once you realize 90% of the options the game throws at your are either irrelevant or suboptimal it streamlines pretty well.
Yes I'm 22 and the first CRPG I played was Fallout 1 when I was 11
It is if you are functionally retarded.
I am an old man and I played this shit in my 20s and it was made RTwP to appeal to retarded kids. At least the rest of the game was decent. If only we knew how bad thing would get it would not have seemed so bad at the time.
I played Dragon Age: Origins when I was young and it used to be one of my favorite games. I don't think about it much anymore.
My dad bought BG2:SoA and the Versus Books strategy guide for my older brother on release. I was 11. I would watch my brother play and read the manual and daydream about it all the time. Whenever I had a chance, I would play. I used to like making Link as a F/M/T and we even made our own custom portrait with him in his green tunic. I could make it to and through De'Arnise Keep and I could mess around in the city. I learned how to cheese at a young age in order to handle some of the stuff the game throws at you. I didn't make it to Spell Hold for years, but every moment was an incredible journey. I had so much fun. Still play it to this day. One of my favorite games.
You say it's clunky, but it's actually incredibly responsive. A lot of those old games had zero input lag because there isn't very much going on.
*laughs in 30 fps hardcoded engine*
*laughs in the ‘click on a blue circle future enemy to brick their AI while they wait for you to talk to them’ exploit*
Hardcoded fps is crude but effective future-proofing, it ensures the game won't spaz out on modern hardware.
But yeah, infinity engine had whole bunch of legitimate problems.
I'm 31 and my first CRPG was NWN2, I also remember playing Titan Quest, Oblivon and WItcher 1 around the same time. I used to be a cheating little shit who always played on the easiest difficulty and still sucked ass, which is pretty funny in hindsight.
I got a twinge of nostalgia when playing BG3 release version when act 3 lower city would occasionally chug down to 30 fps on a 3080, just like old times
this whole "i'm a retard and proud!" gimmick reminds me of those brats they used to have on jerry springer or sally jesse raphael.
i did. the voice acting made up for a lot of it
Solid bait thread OP, 6/10.
i grew up on shareware RPGs... isometric RPGs were peak 2D graphix.
>boomers are 50 yr olds born in 70s
ok thread dropped and all zoomers must be shot and organ harvested.
too slow for dopamine-fried zoomer brains, but it was glorious. first playthrough of bg at 11 yo
I grew up with CRPGs so long ago that I thought Baldur's Gate 1 was dumbed down shit for Diablo monkeys
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I played Dungeon Master and EoB II as a kid. Albion, BG 1&2, PsT, F1&2, IWD2 in my later teens.
If you start with the easier less complex ones it's easy. Perhaps some people absorb/grasp and remember the ruleset/all the abilities and spells easier.
IMO, 3D fast action like Doom or Descent was harder and more annoying yet kids played like crazy it in my time.
Nah, it's not clunky at all. It also depends on what you mean by CRPG. My first true RPG was a game for the Sega Genesis called Warriors of the Eternal sun. It was amazing and it felt like there was no end to it and the adventure would continue forever.
It wasn't less accessible than the typical console game, but what you call JRPG is just kind of sloppy design. Sure, it's simple, but it doesn't feel limitless and immersive in the same way.
Baldur's Gate was really good when I finally got the hang of it. I also loved the Might & Magic series, Eye of the Beholder, AlQuadim Genie's Curse, Fallout, Tomb of Elemental Evil, Arcanum, Neverwinter Nights, and Demon Stone. All really different, but the same sort of stuff in different styles.
I had a difficult time getting into the black and white retro RPGs when I was young but later in life I somehow got over that hangup.
There are some exceptions but you are probably right, most people who played those games were in their 20s, now they are in their 50s
First Baldur's Gate came out in Dec 21st 1998, that's only 25 years ago. To be in your 20s then and in your 50s now you would need to have been between 25-29. Ye people played these games when they were in their early teens too. It makes more sense to say they're in their 30s and 40s now.
This might also surprise zoomers like you, but I remember quite a few internet tough guy teens still playing ToB back in the early 00s. It's not that these were only some exceptions, but it was pretty normal.
Zoomers and Gen Alpha just devolved, meanwhile some some millennials and Gen X contracted gamer dyslexia.
It requires a kind of higher level of abstraction to enjoy these games. What disgusts me is how zoomers stomach the kind of games they have now.
Before, a wide variety of games exists:
incredible machine, streets of rage, warcraft 2, baldur's gate, smac, magic carpet, quest for glory, quarantine, sim isle, etc

Now, the industry have mostly homogenized into a couple of sure-profit games like: open-world, fps and gacha, with just a couple of indies doing the RPGs, puzzles and weird experimental shit.
>incredible machine
Dang I haven’t thought about this in forever
I grew up playing Goldbox games and shit like Wizardry. Balder's Gate was easy mode by comparison.
Yes, I'm old.
respect old fag
>cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child.

then shut up and fuck off
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>Goldbox games
TFW I got quite far into Dark Queen of Krynn Is there any problem not solved by Delayed Blast Fireball? but got stuck in one of the dungeons, couldn't find a guide/map that would tell me what is the issue back then, and abandoned it.
I can't even remember where the game install ended at or the save files.
Same with Chaos Strikes Back. Stuck maybe minutes from ending.
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jesus fuck my man, I remember managing to finish these dialogue rpg games in language I didn't know before I learned how to read, there is seriously so few things as easy and uncomplicated as videogames, hell I got through some jrpg slop in moonrunes the same way. I actually revisited many older games after two decades to check out what was the actual context of my actions.

Some of you just gotta accept it's not times, it was you who was a dumbass who could not handle anything that's not immediately consumable
It's really bad with this younger generation. If the game doesn't have steam workshop where they can just sub to it they don't know how to use mods. Telling them to go to a page click download, and extract in a folder is like way too complicated for them. I'm not even joking, I've been told this repeatedly for some games over the last 5+ years.
They say that these kids that grew up with modern technology don't know how any of it works. They just accept it like a fact of life, and so they struggle to understand how to interact with stuff that requires clicking through menus and making choices if they're not used to it. Things are going to get even more weird when the iPad kids with an attention span measured in milliseconds grow up and start interacting with everyone else.
Too long didn’t read
just kidding, you’re right
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I'm 30 and I only really played ARPGs/MMOs until I got DAO when I was 16 which made me more interested in going back to play older CRPGs. I did play a lot RTS games that people would say are complex/hard when I was a kid though, like Homeworld 1/Cataclysm. I even played Homeworld 2 at release.
Mods are complicated pieces of shit. And the main mod website is operated by trannies and bans any good mod for racism anyway. If you know nothing about mods, and you want to mod Elder Scrolls Oblovion. That’s like a 10 hour learning process.
>Overcomplicated tranny shit.
Its a difference to extract mods into a folder and having to install 50 different dependencies in the right order, usually by using a tool for it anyway because the tranniemodders bloat that shit up beyond recognition for petty reasons.
Not even talking about said tranniemodders constantly developing the equivalent of shovelware you have to dig trough to find the one worthwhile one which wont run at all without a third party malware launcher linked inbetween solely for profit and reach.
>third party malware launcher linked inbetween solely for profit and reach
wtf I love modders now
>i call slightly complicated things that require minimal reading trannyshit to cope with my tech illiteracy
self-own, really, you are saying you are less than a tranny.
>I walked to school uphill both ways in a blizzard fighting of wolfs. Yes, I'm old.
No you didn't granps stfu
GB games may lack some QOL features but they aren't hard by any metric
in fact rpgs as a genre is not "hard"
I played a lot of RTS and CRPG as a child. And although I never truly grap the whole thing I had fun but only because I didn't know anything about other games such as Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age, Devil may cry, tomb raider and so on. As soon as i discovered other video games I stopped playing CRPGs and other complex stuff that aren't flashy enough to my taste. Not enough production value. As a matter of fact, the only crpgs I managed to finish since then were DoS II and Baldur's Gate 3.
You have no imagination; that is your problem. I can play these games again and again and sill love them. I could also play a game with just a red dot on the screen some vague text and still immerse myself into the world. t honestly makes me wonder if young people daydream or if this ability was destroyed by early exposure to the internet and social media so they never need to entertain themself by their own mind.
For a single character 3rd person RPG, I can't think of a compelling benefit for turn-based that would make up for the interruptive nature of it.

I could opt for TB in the case of a large scale strategy game, but that wouldn't be a RPG anyways.
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Mid-30s now, but RPGs are the only games I've ever played and the only games I'm interested in. I played games like Wizardry, Realms of Arkania, Betrayal at Krondor, Stonekeep, Menzoberranzan and the Goldbox Games growing up, generally as they came out. I played and beat the first Elder Scrolls game when I was ~6 (it came with a strategy guide that made it very easy) and played Daggerfall when I was ~8. I also played lots of JRPGs too - Shining Force, the Phantasy Star games, Suikoden.

Lots of my friends played these games growing up. We enjoyed them and would talk about them and act them out at recess.
The problem is very simple, OP
You are just a faggot.
An annoying underage faggot who got buttmad because someone told him that the gay bearsex game is lame and gay and because you are a fragile little snowflake you cannot handle it, so you make threads like these.

Add insult to injury that you never learned to properly read so you never had any way train your imagination and just like with millions of other zoomers it atrophied and wilted.

Me? I love those games.
>he says, unable to install a game through dosbox himself
Lol, lmao
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I probably have even more playtime with BGtutu.
I even suffered through the whole Sandrah Saga.
>I even suffered through the whole Sandrah Saga
you probably shouldn't tell people this.
i think a big mistake that people make is thinking retardation is new. it isn't, it's just the barriers of access for the internet are gone and you see the actual abilities of the common man on display.
>you probably shouldn't tell people this.
Nigga, what is wrong with you?
Why are you such a little bitch?

You know that you can have fun with bad things, right? Dont worry, I wont tell anyone that you had unsanctioned, unapproved fun.
>little bitch
tryharding with ghettobabble, huh? stop crying, you don't value your time enough to impress me.
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obvious deflection is obvious.

>stop crying
Stop projecting.

>you don't value your time enough to impress me
Now this is what a tryhard with say.
All this because someone told you that "fun things are fun"

>little bitch
>boasts about playing a supposedly hard game
>admits the hardest part is installing it
I accept yours

also I'm able but that's beyond the point
I've played all the gold box games and DQQ is the only one I've run out of gas on and dropped (twice). Something about it is just off even though it's the best looking game in the series
you aren't even consistent ghettochild
>I even suffered through
>fun things are fun
stop tryharding.
you didn't even read his post. he said gb and wizardry. wizardry is certainly harder than bg and he wasn't making a claim that rpgs are hard as a genre, merely that bg1 was easier to grasp than those easier games. you are just having a childish reaction.
>easier games
earlier games
>he said gb and wizardry
exactly midwit
as in logical conjunction
with all the implications
please address the rest of the post :)
I thought I'd spare you the embarrassment but ok
your words
>merely that bg1 was easier to grasp than those easier games
his exact word
>Balder's Gate was easy mode by comparison
tldr; reading comprehension issue on your side
so you're saying bg1 is harder than wizardry 7
say the line below out loud
>siri what is a logical conjunction
are you saying bg1 is harder than pools of darkness?
back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade was interested. I had syphon filter and have actually never played a metal gear game, but of course I know about it from some kids at school and magazines.
I had a mac so I could play the blizzard games but never heard of fallout, baldurs gate, or half life until the internet stared grouping all the niche groups into big ones. no one in my own life has talked about any of those games until maybe the 2010s when smart phones came to the scene. That's not me saying it's the same everywhere, obviously not. Just saying that it was possible to not know about anything other than what was around you back then
>back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade was interested.
True. My dad had subscriptions to Computer Gaming World and PC Gamer. I remember stomping around the playground with the other kids talking about Mechwarrior 2. Same here, I never would've played Metal Gear Solid except for my neighbors across the river.
>I had a mac
Well here's your problem right there, anon.
>I had a mac
my condolences
the internet existed even back then my guy

also i'm pretty sure baldurs gate had a mac version
Yeah, I had 1kbs download speed on limewire.
It doesn't matter if it was for mac, no one in my area talked about it because why would we. Unless you were interested in that type of game you wouldn't go looking for it.
And the couple stores that did sell games never had many computer games anyways.
The internet back then was nothing like now and you saying that tells me you have no idea. hardly anyone was on the internet for more than chatting with friends or random little things. Try finding videos of something without youtube or any of the current sites, you most likely can't, and thats how it was.
The most annoying "AD" thing was a link to a site that would make you click through like a hundred pop up windows, all the while taunting you until the very end.
>back then you only knew what you saw in a magazine or if someone else in your grade
Those demo discs were great, that's how I found Fallout
>I cannot imagine playing shit like this as a kid. It looks so unbelievably clunky, boring and complex for a child.
Because it was. RPG's on consoles were aimed at literal children, and RPG's on PC's were not, they were aimed more at college-age adults. That's where the video game genre was born out of originally, college kids going to the local computer lab to fire up Moria on their PLATO computer.
Yeah? I played and beat IWD1 and 2 with my school friends

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