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Why is the sequel so much less popular than the first game? I just bought it recently because of the all time highest discount and it really doesn't have the same hook as the first game. Only 2 endings and 1 character specific one?
The endings are the most disappointing definitely.
But imo everything else improves.
More characters, more open spaces, more variety in builds.
Music and quality of storytelling might be subjective though.

Also I don't think it's less popular. Battle royale setting is always a hit. It's blowing up rapidly in youtube / tiktok. The first one is just more popular because it's earlier.
Both are garbage.
It speaks to the quality of a person who likes these terrible coin flipping simulators.
Disable the coin flips and you still have a JRPG with better encounter design than all Pokemon /SMT/Persona/Final Fantasies/Trails.
Skill issue
Agreed. There was a skill issue on the developer's part when he was making the game, and it shows through and through.
Losing a coin flip only to get your balls chopped off by Zanzibart the Hungerer is not good game design. It's fake gameplay. Slot machines at a casino have more engaging gameplay mechanics than this.
tournament arc / battle royale is like the second laziest narrative premise imaginable
>laziest narrative
Battle royale + JRPG : 0 results
Pretty unique if you ask me
What does being unique have to do with it? It's a lazy narrative that requires zero thought or effort to implement. Second only to designing an entire game with no dialogue and telling the "story" purely through the descriptions on items.
Imo still better than job system simulator with no narrative at all such as Crystal Project. Even the scattered lore, as derivative it is, is told pretty interestingly with integration to the gameplay.
Cuckhold Project has deeper issues that come from a fundamental misunderstanding of what would have made the game fun in the first place. It does a lot of things well enough to fool normals into staying past the refund timeframe, but its barebones story isn't actually its "great big sin" like lots of people seem to think - that's just lazy criticism.
>the game wants to sell you on it being a great big exploration game, but the world fucking sucks and isn't fun to explore
>even if the world was worth exploring, the prevalence of "pointless battles... that matter!" and platforming mismatched to the engine sucks the fun out of the thing the game allegedly prides itself on
>the battle system wants to sell you the idea that it's this big, transparent, customizable machine where your builds, choices, and plays really matter
>except that you're actually more or less railroaded into certain party compositions and rarely (if ever) feel like you actually command significant power, or that you have "broken the game" in a fun and satisfying way - the game is so paranoid that you MIGHT break it that it never lets you do anything truly cool or interesting, which is a complete waste of the otherwise solid foundation for its battle design
The utter lack of a story is legitimately nothing compared to the glaring gameplay faults. When all you HAVE is the gameplay to bank on, you HAVE to trust players with cool and fun toys and let them find the broken shit, the cheesy builds, and count on them to choose how they want to express themselves through the game rather than the other way around of "you will play the game the way I tell you to."
Miro's art skills improved substantially between the games. The main menu and key art from F&H1 is garbage compared to the one from 2. Very impressive how much better he got.
Funger 2 doesn't have Fappolo69, that's the problem.
Marina x Levi is heckin cute & valid
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>Heartless One
Why is she so cute?
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fandom certainly likes them togeter
tranny game, tranny fanbase. the dev is a incompetent faggot
I want to make a game similar to Funger. Any fans here care to give me some tips to make my game compelling like it instead of generic slop?
The dev says trans rights.
i only knew about the first one because of rape
and from what i know the dev cucked out, didn't add rape in the second game and apparently regrets putting it into the first game
Raping women would be based but you can't actually do it.
Put trans people in it
make horror RPG like Event Horizon/Alien/System Shock/IHNMAIHTS
Any of you seen this?
how much rape?
Not enought gay sex in the 2nd game.
>Why is the sequel so much less popular than the first game?
Is this even the case?
What is the metric anyway?
>Why is the sequel so much less popular than the first game?
Worse aesthetic and atmosphere.
what’s the first?
Yet there is no good isekai JRPG other than the FFTA series.
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Maybe it's because I hang out with all those faggots in the discord server but it seems to me Termina is more popular. More twinks and queers to ship with one another. I really enjoy Termina and consider myself a Daanfag but I played the first game again since touching the sequel and holy shit. I forgot how superior the atmosphere is in the dungeon. It's really fun just jumping and sifting through crates and bookshelves, seeing what you have to work with. Termina's okay but after replaying 1 I feel it missed a few targets.
Completely wrong and you don't like RPGs, no one cares about your depression simulator Supereyepatch fag
>wtf why don't people like my 10 million words unskippable cutscene fest
>wtf why don't people like my timed choose a path and experience the fomo simulator
The first one is at least a game. You're instantly thrown into the action and you can clearly see what your options are. The second one is just the dev huffing his own farts and trying to make "art".
There is nothing really inherently depressing about FNH2 nor it attracts depressed ppl

Go back to your DQSlops / Job System Simulators with the same early game slime encounters where you hit attack over and over again
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>Go back to your DQSlops / Job System Simulators with the same early game slime encounters where you hit attack over and over again
Thanks friend, and you enjoy your coin flipping simulators where losing the toss results in Zanzibart the Hungerer destroying your anus with a spiked club.
Still more effort than "YOU DIED" imo
Francois being a fight you can't lose because he rapes you and leaves you with 1 HP is funny as hell desu
There is something deeply worrying about the European man's psyche that this is the kind of art they're producing.
It's really just Finland issue, don't generalize it on the whole continent.
i like it
Retarded garbage for pseuds? Indeed
Fear & Hunger (the first game) was a top 25 RPG (action-JRPG) for me. Probably not top 15, but still impressive. Termina hasn't impressed me yet so far.
Not an action game. Having non-combat interactions doesn't mean it's an action game instantly.
Survival Horror elements is more accurate.
There is something wrong in the head of a JRPG fan who constantly gets hyped by a new Dragon Quest which barely changes anything while also shouting "Nu-Pokemon sucks" all the time
>what is an aRPG
Twitch reflexes make a bigger difference here than in most of Deus Ex if you're playing stealth/non-lethal there.
FnH1 maybe, but if you get hit by something in FnH2 the worst thing you get is a combat encounter. There is nothing nerve-wracking about it
So I started playing as the gay guy in the second game and no one wants to join my party at the train? What's up with that?
On first day, nobody will join you near the train.
There are only 2 characters that potentially will join but you have to search for them in the city.
There is 1 who is the easiest recruit but if you neglect her [SPOILER] she will turn into a monster.[/spoiler]
Marina would be the best girl if Marina were a girl
test [SPOILER]test[/SPOILER] test[/spOiler]
Your legs regrow before you kill yourself
that's probably a bug
>I walk past the gate
>get a scene where Tanaka finds a wheelchair on Day 2
>he tells me about some clown that I have "perhaps already seen"
>I didn't
>he rolls off with the wheelchair to go to the train with Olivia
>literally while he's on the way on the map, he walks past said clown casually, which then attacks me
>I lose coin flip, instantly lose
>I have a massive orgasm and I pass out
Once you get Panophobia, is there any reason to keep your mind above 0 if you're not casting spells and not using Mind as a resource (for spells in the first game... and don't know what in the second game)?
There is a bossfight in Termina that can trigger coinflip kills if it gets you to 0 mind. Other than that it's more or less fine, but having panophobia is a bitch to deal with.
Rent free
Marina lives rent free in chuds' heads. Marina's rights are human rights. She is an absolute queen.
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Actually do shit with the Gameplay to make it impact with the story and to be even more kino, it's themes.
Funger works because it uses its relentless difficulty and scarce saving to cause genuine apprehension and fear when walking down a simple corridor or street along with the fear of the unknown and that so many bad things and statuses can happen to your character without outright ending your game that its some of the most effective horror I've ever seen
Idk how to implement that specifically in unless you want the game to be extremely difficult but I rec checkinh out other great ludo narrative games like pathologic, planescape, F1 + NV, deadly premonition and EYE
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>actually do shit with the gameplay
>fear & hunger
>actually doing shit with the gameplay
adding coin flips to your game doesn't constitute gameplay, but keep deluding yourself into thinking Slop&Troughler is more than what it is.
Thanks anon. I will take that into account. Should I be worried if the game is too difficult?
Depends on what you're going for, if it's best hard then it's best hard (no homo)
Have you tried guarding BEFORE the enemy's turn? That stops the coin flip, dipshit. I listed other games than just funger, list some yourself asshole
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Stupid question but
How are you even a Daanfag? I totally forgot he is even in this game. He really offers almost nothing compared to the other characters storywise to the point his moonscorched form is just "fuck it make him pocketcat".

The only nuance I see in him aside from "ooh haha dead wife turned into monster" is his relationship towards sexuality and being groomed as a child, the whole pocketcat thing is just him basically accepting he got turned into a rapist from a young age thanks to bunnyhoping all over both his mom and dad. There are more fun characters to attach oneself to in this game, so whats the appeal
>thanks to bunnyhoping all over both his mom and dad
His parents were bunny masks, yk the weird sylvian orgy cultists from F&H1, he claims he used to see his parents doing all sorts of fucked up things. While its not explicitly stated this ever happened, im pretty sure he might have been involved in his parent's bullshit activities to a dead deity (most of the info on this is given by him, do you think he would just admit to being groomed as a kid?)
is there any character in the game that is not fucked up? I think Marina is the only one
It's blatantly obvious that daan's parents molested him anon
Tanaka is just your average chink, I take back my statement and put Daan tiers above Tanaka as I completely forgot the sordid nippon's existance. Pretty sure its just japanese salaryman overworked or something like that for his whole plotline
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Can someone translate this meme pic for me? I don't know how to save it and there's too much reading... I hope that it's
>based old white guy on the left
>cringe new "science man" on the right
but I see einstein on the left...
>How are you even a Daanfag? I totally forgot he is even in this game
I thought he would be one of the most popular characters since he turns into the pedocat, which is the favorite character of the biggest Fear & Hunger expert in the world.
Better setting
Better character
Tighter theme

Funger 1 steals and remixes mostly just from Berserk while 2 steals from all over the place which makes it feel more disjointed
Say something nice about every Termina character at least in 3 sentences.
Bro I don't even remember half of them
>recruit Olivia after the cuck Tanaka fetches the wheelchair for her, presumably thinking he will have sex as a reward
>instead, I have sex with her (read: I happened to masturbate to hentai pictures in which Marcoh fucks Olivia right after the recruiting)
>fist combat she loses both of her arms
>somehow she can still move on her wheelchair, and if she doesn't have a wheelchair (after she gets knocked off by enemies), she just floats behind me
>I go back to the place where Tanaka found the wheelchair
>he is again leaving the map with the wheelchair, just like when I first entered the map
I know exactly what image this is talking about, is it over?
Funger 1 doesn't have nonbinaries though, or trans folx. And the only LGBT characters are Cahara and Engarde.
>Funger 1 doesn't have nonbinaries though
Marriage of Flesh?
Her whole character is meant to make fun of journalists who profit off tragedies just for clout. Great moonscorched form. Hot whore
Shows women have a hard time being overmasculine. Moonscorched form has a penis. Great interactions with the rest of the cast
I love snarky magician characters. NashRah is beyond based. Has one of the more interesting relationships with magic in this series
Nice backstory if it wasnt for the dead wife thing. Charming personality. Pocketcat(based)
I like her wheelchair mechanic. Makes the game harder. Kinda depressing having a character on wheels, fits the vibe this game goes for perfectly, RPGs need more hard to play as disabled fucks
Legarde is a failed messiah. I like the allusions to WW2 Germany that somehow dont come across as cringe mega evil or edgyslop. His wife spent her whole life thinking she could fix him just for to turn into literal Hitler
Gets all the bitches. Gropes someone. Looks like a ballsack when moonscorched.
Deals with his own violent tendencies in a understandably realistic way. I like the mafia subplot. Hes italian
To keep up where I left off
Hecking valid. Trans rights are human rights chuds!! Should have been raped more
>Samarie and Levi
Eh I got nothing
Gigachad. Probably the most likeable side character in the game. I like him keeping up the Ragnvaldr's plotline because who the fuck does like Ragn
Most clueless of all the contestants. Asian salaryman characters are fun. His moonscorched is one of the few ones retaining awareness and he loved bleeding out like the Tormented One, lovely stuff.
Self explanatory why people like him

I dont think im missing anyone else aside from minor god npcs like Perkele or that weird Wendigo guy
>Marriage of Flesh?
That's not a nonbinary, that's a gender fluid / agender.
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Legarde and Cahara are the only 2 Funger 1 characters in a known heterosexual relationship, what do you mean
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First one has better atmosphere and weirder lore. Being a pure dark fantasy set in the late medieval helps too.
While Termina has greater setting and premise, I still think the game isnt finished yet till all the characters are playable. Still, I consider Termina better.

Whats very funny to me is that most of the best design put in both games arent original ideas from Miro especially in Termina, it came from his fanbase like the idea of the Platoon. Im not going to lie, that design sold me the game.
>I still think the game isnt finished yet till all the characters are playable
Why ? Are there going to be more ?
There is next to zero interactivity and uniqueness between contestants. Only exception are Marco and Tanaka. O'saa plays the same as Marco and Levi. End game is only accessible by getting funneled through the church and you are forced to fight a shitty furry OC. There is also that immortal metal gate that baits you into thinking you can bypass the church and also clothes monolith has no reason to exist.
Lack of interactivity between characters is the biggest problem
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Beat the game with Marcoh with Lockpicking and Escape Plan on Easy with the Infinite Save mode after studying a walkthrough to recruit everybody
>O'saa plays the same as Marco and Levi.
O'saa not being able to use guns changes things a lot

You can skip the church by breaking the gate near the prvl bop

Clothes monolith is one of the best things in the game

>Lack of interactivity between characters is the biggest problem
Use party talk more
>shitty furry OC
That shit pissed me off too
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New characters and a big update is coming, I saw new cutscenes on twitter.
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that's Saving pvt. Ryan reference, not Enemy at the gates reference, there were no churches left standing in Stalingrad and even if there were the tower would be in east orthodox style
>New characters
All of that is irrelevant if another ending is not added. If the ending is the same bullshit then is over.
Eastern Union are clearly Soviets, which is why I choose Enemy at the Gates.
Also true about the Pvt Ryan ref, however I cant see Levi be like the religious sniper lol
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We didnt had a lot of endings for the first game, however thats something Termina really lacks. The endings in the first were hard impactful and quite descriptive. He made stuff more cryptic and less about psychological horror.
Tbh, its hard to surpass ending B in terms of existensial horror.
>Tfw when your character realise that all his life lead up to dungeons and he only really had agency and choices when he stepped into the unknown
Add Combo Dials and Time Attacks from the LISA games, ever since playing with them it has felt like something was missing from other RPGs, I like how they make the game more interactive.
I was about to yell at you for not writing anything about Levi. (He stands up to Caligura while having a severe heroin withdrawal knowing that doing so will get him beaten to death, because his pride is THAT strong. He shoots at Karen when moonscorched on night 2. Can start the game with a fucking trenchgun.) but you didn't even mention Pav.
Shame on you, anon.
Acclaimed and/or prize winning scientists on the left praising philosophy, especially metaphysics, Ontology and epistemology as extremely important for the sciences and the world generally
Right is pop scientists saying stuff like
>Why do need people to question if muh finger exists? Check mate
>There is next to zero interactivity and uniqueness between contestants
Marina x Levi bros, is this true???
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>Her whole character is meant to make fun of journalists who profit off tragedies just for clout.
Coincidentally that's trending now more than ever, well, maybe except the little swimmer moment.

>Shows women have a hard time being overmasculine.
Women being actively pushed to take up masculine jobs left vacant by military drafts.
Omg rosie is such a feminist idol
some of the wartime propaganda was just wild
Is the wrench "girl" an actual girl? I thought they were all trans except the reporter and the disabled folx representative
Yes, as some have pointed in this thread, she's a girl having issues with her hypermasculine job and having to go agaisnt her own gender. Its the exact opposite of a tranny, she wants to be a women
Also the wheelchair girl's sister is not trans nor is Samarie, the only troon is Marina
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Fuck you faggot retard. Bitchass motherfucker you are lucky you don't know me in real life fuck you you fucking retard kill yourself. You like retard faggot heroin boy whose the worst guy in the game and he sucks he sucks bad in all ways. That's why you like him because you self identify as him because you are fucking loser on your phone all day and you think it's heroin because you are a retarded clown faggot fuck you kys kys kys I hate you so much fuck stupid faggot Levifags honestly so fucking pathetic like just addmitting to absolute shit taste fuck you faggot.
>Fuck you faggot retard. Bitchass motherfucker you are lucky you don't know me in real life
Stopped reading here
Samarie x Marina is the ultimate trans x trans ship
They are so beautiful and perfect together. Two goth weirdo freaks against the world. They are both so beautiful and cool. Then there are people who are like "we don't like two weird girl wizards in love. We like stupid heroin boy".
You stopped reading because you are afraid
Most characters are normal straight people

Daan - straight man (had a wife)
O'saa - straight man (when asked about attractiveness in the confession booth he defaults to Abella)
Levi - straight man (likes Marina who looks like a woman)
Henryk - straight man (openly flirts with Abella and calls her out on having a fat ass that he likes)
August - straight man (has a wife and kids)
Pav - straight man (flirts with all the female characters)
Caligura - straight man (attempts to rape Abella)
Abella - straight woman (likes romance novels in the book store)
Marcoh - gay man (is called out on past gay relationships by Caligura)
Olivia - bisexual woman (says she is attracted to levi and marina)
Marina - male to female transsexual attracted to men (refers to herself as woman and lives as woman after game ends, joins group earlier with Levi in the party)
Samarie - lesbian woman (obsessively in love with Marina who she refers to as a woman)
Tanaka - man, sexuality unknown
Karin - woman, sexuality unknown
a huge portion of the people who talk about the game havent even played it
I don't think Marcoh is gay, I think Caligura called him a faggot cause he hates him.
You could very well be right but as far as I know it's the only mention of Marcoh's sexuality in the game and I'm inclined to think it might be true because it's a reference to a specific event. Usually when you call someone a faggot you just say
>you're a faggot
and not mention specifics
>O'saa - straight man (when asked about attractiveness in the confession booth he defaults to Abella)
Of course, the most attractive girl in the game gets blacked.
Well duh. Lots of folxxx who talk about it because it's a study on transfluid interactions cannot play the game because they are r*word survivors, or transr*worded.
Because your brain is so addicted to porn you can get hard for anything that somewhat resembles a female human.
First game had some Dungeon crawling aspect to It that, despite being trial and error, made It quite fun.
Ive never played the Second game and probably never will. Not only it isnt set in a dungeon It is also peak trans game.
If they were addicted to porn, they wouldn't get so easily aroused.
>t. Cuck
Abella belongs to Marina
This, this, this. All girls belong to Marina
Holy shit BASED
I have never met a single smart Fear and Hunger fan.
Apologies, I wrote that while I was sleepless and drinking so I got no clue how the fuck I forgot Pav and Henryk
If coin flips ever effect you in a negative way, you have made a massive strategic failure
It was made for people with down syndrome, please understand.
How does this board manage to heep more praisr upon anime fantasyslop then this? The 4channer's inherently vituperative nature would love a spiteful game that stands up agaisnt the average fantasy genre like this one does
Because the anime fantasyslop has actual gameplay more times than not, which is the only measure of a game's worth.
They literally do not, Corpococksucker.
Does your fav RPG have lore essays like this?
That will be enough
This is the type of shit I come to this website for! Thanks!
Does anyone have a link to the Fear & Hunger mod that let's you make love to the girl and demon baby?
Idk, I haven't tried 2, but in 1 I got pretty tired of reloading after every random shit that handicaps you permanently. Backtracking through same things over and over isn't fun for me.
2 has banger setting, aesthetics and music though, props to creator for that. We need more dark fantasy set in non-medieval times.
fr? sheesh
Yeah man, fr
ong sheesh fr

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