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How the FUCK do I pick a build
by picking a build
Ask the uninstall wizard and some other board since this dumpster fire isn't an RPG in any way or shape
Buy 8 guns.
gunmage is fun
runic mage is fun
he got scammed KEK
The game is more about the feel than builds.

Melee combat seems kinda clunky or at least was when I played way back when. I didn't get far in the weapons list though. I imagine it is also cumbersone to travel in real armor. However if jogging the world for some music and beating the shit out of whatever gets into your path maybe it is worth considering. Otherwise, I like the caster build more.
what kind of caster do you play, rune sage? sigils?
it's a shit game, a waste of time
You don't pick a build. You walk around the world after paying off your immediate debt, visit all the 3 people who asked you to meet them, and check all the trainers, making notes. Then you put together what you want.
>Warrior Monk
>Wild Hunter
>Cabal Hermit
There you go. Essentially the ideal melee build, can't really fuck it up.
Most "builds" in this game are gimmick bullshit from autists that are only good in niche circumstances, but the one I just told to you is basically the broad melee one that is going to work out fine in pretty much every circumstance.
You don't. Just play the game.
I wonder what made him think making a build was viable in the first place unless he looked up a guide before even playing. You dont get magic for some time and you dont learn it naturally either. You dont even have any concept of the types of abilities before the 2nd vendor of them
IIRC the game is pretty explicit about the 2nd tier abilities being a choice you can't back down from. Once you learn that it's pretty reasonable to be concerned about possible traps or unconventional synergies before you commit to them.
>oh no i'm back in town
>oh no i'm somewhere random except i know exactly where i am as i'm not a retard and can read map
this game got boring the moment i realized that consequences for dying were basically non existent and the fact that you can just die to fast travel to the town is ridiculous
there is just no tension when fighting when you know you essentially cannot die because you'll just get teleported somewhere anyway
all it does is waste time, make you do more menial chores etc.
should've just stuck with normal save and load system with death actually being death
>should've just stuck with normal save and load system with death actually being death
You can do that with the ironman mode...sort of, it actually rolls a dice when you go unconscious so whether you die or not is totally RNG.
It's also retarded because they made some quests specifically with player death in mind, so forcing ironman mode basically cuts what little reactivity the game has for the sake of enforcing a nonexistent challenge.
It's just an extremely poorly designed game at all levels, they had no idea what they wanted to do with it and it's also horribly unfinished, the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
>the scam they pulled with the definitive edition was also abominable.
whoever thought of that inventory ui should take classes on ui design
it's such a chore to do anything
Boring ass game
COOL game, rare seeing it mentioned, i always pick this in the "games you only like threads"
>How the FUCK do I pick a build
idk pick one you like ;DD

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