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Petty reasons you dropped an RPG?

I dropped FF14 in the Shadowbringers arc when it started going on that Minfilia had some kind of eternal cosmic soul or some shit, and I consider Minfilia to be the absolute worst FF character in the franchise's history. It was already on thin ice because I was sick of the Scions in general but that made me say "Yeah not putting up with that cunt a second time."
Resonance of fate combat feels very clunky
Outleveling doesn't work either
>Minfilia had some kind of eternal cosmic soul or some shit
You didn't pay attention. She was turned into a host for Hydaelyn's powers and sent to the first as a tool to prevent that world reflection to get shitcanned. Minfilia basically had no direct scenes with her and it was almost entirely Ryne (the latest host) which ends up overwriting Minfilia's last remnants of conciousness.
Like I said, petty reasons, any time she gets brought up my brain checks out.
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>Petty reasons you dropped an RPG?
>game has cute girls
>no romance
>Modern Final Fantasy
>Everyone looka gay
I completely ignored 15 because I didn't want to play as a boy band and 16 because while I don't really mind the switch to action focus but I was told you can't play as any of the other characters. Which is a shame because the chick has a neat design.
mandatory escort mission
game punished you by lowering EXP gains the more people you have in your party... it also ups the amount of enemies you run into drastically which causes more full team wipes....so leveling fixes that... but you gain 4/5ths less xp per battle now even tho battles are now 5x more hard and difficult to win. it also cost thousands of $$$ in gold to resurrect your party members and you barely got gold for each battle. the whole game just felt like it was constantly punishing you for playing it how they designed it to be played. shame since it was a dungeon crawler translation and had a ton of potential but I couldnt break that loop it was in and get strong enough to even go down to lvl 3 or 4. even the guides I read (all 2 of them) basically came off as grind hard and eventually you'll be strong enough to go lower.
Yeah that is pretty petty, hope you weren't seeking validation ITT
>game punished you by lowering EXP gains the more people you have in your party
Or rewarded you for having fewer party members by increasing exp gain
Would be better to reward it in other ways than XP, especially since it's a retarded reward since you're actively lowering the challenge you seem to want with all that extra XP.

It's like in Diablo 3 where higher difficulties give way more XP, which means you get overleveled really quickly and things get piss easy.
>Would be better to reward it in other ways than XP
Any ideas?
Started playing Arcanum. It wouldn't let me change youtube videos while playing, the graphics would get all messed up. So it was on thin ice. Then on the way to the first town like 6 wolves attacked me and it wasn't even close, I just died right away even with someone healing me. I just shut it off. I figure if the game has that sort of situation right away, nothing good is to come. The UI was also intensely annoying. But ya, I died after 5 minutes and just thought fuck it. I then bought Morrowind. We'll see if I make it through that.
Not something that lowers difficult, since logically that's why you make things harder for yourself in the first place.
The exception being if it opens up more options for the player to play around with, which potentially is used properly could be powerful (since it ties into these types of players wanting to challenge themselves, experiment and master the game's systems).

Like maybe there's an item or skill that if you're solo it allows spells to be recast if they crit.
This could lead the player to experiment with a crit spell build and do a doublecast type of build that otherwise isn't possible with a party. Which also rewards them in multiple ways (unique features, more things to experiment with, powerful combos).

Or it could be something more straightforward and simple, like unique rewards, getting way more resources/increasing rare drop chances (which could lower grind), etc.
Countless way to do it. It just makes no sense to directly lower the difficulty when obviously playing something for the challenge.
I dropped BG3 because I went too deep under the city and without warning they took one of my companions away. Also, when I was playing FE8 (Sacred Stones), because I went with Eirika route and her losing the last stone like a fucking moron pissed me off so much I turned off the game and never turned it on again. Fuck, I still hate her.
>wouldn't let me change youtube videos while playing,
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So. What.
Darkest Dungeon for being literal artificial difficulty. It took Dark Souls marketing to heart when making the game, in that "dude you're SUPPOSE to die that's the point!" I get it's suppose to make you feel on edge because literally anything could happen, but the fact those variables aren't convayed well or at all to even predict I just don't like in my RPGs. It's like Skies of Arcadia where the boss can just unleash their ultimate FUCK YOU attack at anytime with no limits as opposed to the mechanics that limits the player from doing so too. Consider me filtered.
Also wanted to add Divinity as well for every encounter feeling like an eternity to get through despite my friend hyping the game up.
I find most of my deaths in darkest dungeon are from shit like bringing bleed specialists to the ruins, the game is nearly 100% party composition.
Many things I don't like about Darkest Dungeon, but the worst part is if you're doing too well it actively fucks you over (even from the devs own mouths). Which is moronic.
CRPGs with long loading times are in similar category for me. Didn't drop it, but with all the good things Owlcat games bring to the table, the constant loading screen bonzana really brought me close to the edge.

Especially if you have like 6 tooltips in total, that say nothing interesting. At least have stuff for me to read!
>"dude you're SUPPOSE to die that's the point!"
this actually came from kaizo mario and i want to be the guy and also dwarf fortress. it's a cancerous mentality from smol peepee nerds who think repetition and memorization makes them hardcore.
Fell in love with Jessica, got depressed I'd never find a girl like her in meatspace
Writing, though not necessarily indicative of a game can destroy a game if it's bad enough. Within two minutes of installing Fell Seal I uninstalled and got a refund because the intro cinematic was so terribly written that it showed me that the game would be intolerable regardless of whether or not the gameplay would have turned out to be at least decent.
Didn't think it was clunky. Loved it a lot til I got bored of it
Dragon Age’s intro felt sorta long so I stopped playing it. 4/10 game wouldn’t recommend
I'll never play like a half of Tactics Ogre (OG/LUCT/Reborn) because I refuse to take part in genocide (route 1/3) when given a choice or side with those who commited it later (route 2/3), and this locks me out of the post-game (which requires completion of all 3 routes). I consider this a green light to cheat the shit out of the game and hack in all the characters from the other routes into the single acceptable route I'll even play.

Totally understandable. Despite all the cancer that fills Harvestella to the brim, I could tolerate it if it meant I get to breed or at least cum inside the doctor. But no, "marriage" in this game means that the target becomes a walking furniture inside your house and that's it. This entire game is a lie, nothing but false promises starting from the moment it was announced.
>I consider Minfilia to be the absolute worst FF character in the franchise's history
It gets worse.
Let's be real,
Troons and fags ruined FF14!
Dropped Fable 1 within 30 minutes because the camera gave me nausea.
Dropped Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game, and I could feel the Japanese design philosophy shining through.
>It gets worse.
It doesn't. Play MSQ roulette and rewatch the Gaius, Lahabrea & Co cutscenes again.
I dropped Enderal three times because of the open and directionless massive starting zone right after railroading me through 4 tutorial openings.

On the fourth try I got to Ark and it became one of my favorite games of all time.
Dropped Baldur's Gate 1 Classic around the first big town. I had a lot of work on Uni and the game didnt picked up fast enough for me to enjoy. It was very comfy and I really need to get back to it but right now Im knee deep in Colony Ship, just finished the first act.
I played Dogma for a while. I dropped it cause the king didn't die when I stabbed him for strangling my bitch.
Late game spoiler: You get to kill him later in the game and it's quite satisfying.
>Dropped Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game, and I could feel the Japanese design philosophy shining through.

>I played a Japanese game and was surprised when it was Japanese

Look I know this is a petty reasons thread but there's being petty and then there's just being naive
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game
You better not be shit-talking monster hunter.
>Dropped Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen because it reminded me of some weebshit game
newfags say the most absolutely retarded shit. i mean retarded in its literal DSM-V 'politically correct' definition: INTELLECTUALLY DISABLED

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