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It's a complete virtual world with a lot of freedom to experience it how you wish. That's the foundation of a perfect RPG.
Lets you act with intentionality from the start. Every system makes intuitive sense. The NPCs play by the same rules you do. Has level scaling to keep things threats but is capped so the bandit boss will never go above 30 so the player can still end up feeling powerful. No grinding unless you want to.

Probably the most easy to consume game out there with plenty to consume at that.
FPBP. Elder Scrolls games are the rare kind where you can just chill out in the game world and find a different type of experience for each character. With some decent atmospheric mods (Immersive Encounters, Interesting NPCs, Immersive Citizens) it still holds up 12 years later.
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It's actually pretty bad, it's only good features are immersion and the mind blowing mod support that the community itself offers.

The only freedom Skyrim has is the fact that you can walk anywhere without much restriction due to how piss easy it is and the level scaling.
>it's bad, except for these amazing things that make it awesome.
bro, you don't have to try so hard to be contrarian. you have nothing to prove here. just say you like Skyrim, its ok.
Liking things that other people like is stupid
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this. with the exception of other bethesda games, no games let you just wander around a wold and explore, letting you see the sights and locations. The world is perfectly curated: there is a castle on a hill, a hidden cave, or a beautiful vista every 30 seconds. and best of all, you can mod the game to make it cater to your personal tastes.
The only other games that sort of gave me a similar feel are Death Stranding and Shadow of the Colossus
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I can't praise a roleplaying game when:
>It has factions that are shit
>It has few quests and they are all shit with poor to non-existent player agency
>It has shit progression
>It has level scaling
>It shits on already established lore
My game is so modded that it is functionally a different game altogether, at this time I'm playing a dunmer (with racials from enairim mods) vampire (better vampires) that is turning every major citizen into a thrall to make a shadow empire in skyrim. I'm also buying their businesses (landlord) to fund my adventures as an alchemist, illusionist and follower of mephala (CACO, Ordinator, Wintersun). Even then I feel agony having to go through the quests designed by Bethesda, most of them are shit and half the time I'm having to bugfix them myself.
>this game is shit
>spends 500 hours modding the game
seriously bro, stop digging your hole deeper. just admit you enjoy playing Skyrim.
If I needed 500 hours to turn it into a different game then I don't really think I enjoy Skyrim that much.
>MY SKYRIM is so modded that it is functionally a different SKYRIM altogether
Kek this cope again
heres your house bro
Too bad the virtual world is shit and generic and the npcs are about as interesting as cardboard cutouts. There's no wonder exploring in Skyrim.
Sorry to hear about your depression, kid.
Yeah if you don't like dumbed down themepark shit like Betheshart ''rpgs'' it means you are ''depressed'' lol, it's called having taste, kid
>There's no wonder exploring in Skyrim.
Skill issue, unironically. You’ve forgotten how to have fun.
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ofc there is wonder, you just need to not seethe and dilate
With mods, undoubtedly. Vanilla? I don't know. I'd have to judge it with modern eyes, but it's so good modded that I don't see a point in playing it Vanilla.
Nu-slop for zoomers
Because its made by bethesda the best game developers
>this, with the exception of every much better game that came before it, and ignoring every better game after it, no game lets you just wander around a world and explore and look at things that are there
I suppose that would be true...? What a glowing review.
Why does every third worlder install those ridiculous depth of field shaders that simulate legal blindness?
I did a 50-hour run of vanilla Oldrim for research, and found myself having a pretty good time.

The two major flaws imo is that all players are shepherderded into a mono-class where you are expected to touch most skills throughout your playthrough.

My character was constantly switching between a 1h or 2h magic absorbtion weapon, usually with restoration spells in the offhand. On particularly difficult encounters I would spam firebolt while continuing to absorb magicka.

Obviously other complaints I had were common ones about lack of player choice, agency, and consequence.
(Hired Thugs are barely a "consequence").

Also a lot of perk trees are fucked up and not worth using at all like Lockpicking and Illusion.
I'm not sure why Bethesda hates mages so much as to turn most Mysticism spells into dragon shouts, gut Illusion, and make Destruction miserable to play. Playing a pure mage seems awful without some kind of overhaul.

I agree with this, even if encounters and writing are dogshit.
No other game has really done sandbox well except maybe Minecraft, and I haven't really seen any good sandbox RPGs out there.
Because casual gamers are in the majority which means casual games are more popular than niche games. What we have to understand from this is that games like Skyrim, Elden Ring, and Baldur's Gate III are RPGs for casual games that don't actually like or play RPGs. This effectively changes what an RPG is in the public consciousness, but the RPG niche isn't being replaced, it's just being shifted into a small corner of the new genre albeit with a larger niche audience than it was 20-30 years ago.
At the same time it's not possible to make these new games like Skyrim appeal to the same tastes as the core RPG niche, which is still evolving on its own trajectory.
>If I needed 500 hours to turn it into a different game then I don't really think I enjoy Skyrim that much.
I'm sure you also don't enjoy sucking cock anon
>Because casual gamers are in the majority
You know what else is the majority? HETEROSEXUALS
>RPG niche isn't being replaced, it's just being shifted into a small corner of the new genre albeit with a larger niche audience than it was 20-30 years ago.
Hmm, sure sounds like the LGBT and fat people from former soviet countries..

That's right folks, the masks are off.

Skyrim haters are GAY.
Has a lot of detail, feels handcrafted, has enough variety in biomes and architecture, setting and characters and story is serviceable with nothing repulsive like starfield, dreamlike music, game is understandable and easy to play and does nit require you to look up build guides beforehand/can't trap yourself
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>Skyrim haters are GAY.
Feels good not to be gay
it's not an rpg tho
silly anon and his silly opinions
based anon and his based opinions
it's skill system is joke and doesn't even you punish at all
san andreas is more of an rpg than skyrim
needs an rpg system that punishes you? lol ok autism you can keep your muh realism muh immershun faggotry to yourself. I play skyrim to have fun not be bogged down in punishments cuz I didnt play with muh realism settings right. video games are to get away from realism and not get bogged down in 10000 details that autisms call immershun like forced sleeping and eating and other faggot shit
> I play skyrim to have fun not be bogged down in punishments
kek what a snowflake

it's not about realism, morrowind doesn't rely on that fyi, but since the dawn of the rpgs, specializing in one set of skills and sucking in others was a thing so you're not same generic character every playthrough
morrowind has something called thinking and problem solving but it's usually linked to >60iq so you're out of luck
you're part of the problem of why everything sucks nowdays
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If you're a simple-minded, normie NPC vaccinated retard you would say it's a good game
There isn't a more casualised piece of shit retard game that destroyed an entire IP worse than Skyshit for Skybabies did
>There isn't a more casualised piece of shit retard game that destroyed an entire IP worse than Skyshit for Skybabies did
*laughs in Baldurs Gate 3*
>morrowind has something called thinking and problem solving
Boy, you've never been properly challenged if you think that. There isn't much to solve in Morrowind
Baldur's Gate 3 has multiple party members.
This automatically makes it higher IQ/less casual compared to any single-toon RPG.

There's also the matter of Skyrimjob's dungeon puzzles, which were clearly designed such that handicapped kids wouldn't get stuck on them for too long.
>multiple party members.
>This automatically makes it higher IQ/less casual
no shit sherlock, Skyrim is similar to other bethesda games? who'd'a thunk it?
but can you point out a game by a different developer that has similar gameplay?
It's not.

still a better game and rpg than most of the crpg crap glorified by boomers here
Let me guess, you're one of those glue sniffers who thought Quest64 was better than FFVII.
Never played quest64. I like ff7 though, fun game
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fpbp. The weird psychological thing of people still complaining about the game...is because the game is still played to this day due to mods. If Skyrim never had a bevy of mod support it would be this cool janky early 10's but not this 1000 hour thing people still talk about. It shows the need for a big open world WITH things in it to interact with.
It's funny how today a single person could create an open world video game with all the free tools available.

Open world rpgs have existed for decades before Skyrim, just to name one and not an obscure one, it's pretty popular: Gothic II is way better than Skyrim even though it's a decade older, for instance in that game mobs are not level scaled like in most Betheshart games, so they actually pose a challenge and the world is actually dangerous. Betheshart games are just power fantasies were you quickly become a God and kill everything that moves with ease, they are casualized slop for the same people who play other braindead AAA console titles
I love skyrim but I wish skyrim didn’t have any essentials like new vegas
>Open world
ahh, so you don't even understand the basic gameplay in a bethesda game. that explains the issue.

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