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Post funny RPG related images.
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Why ruin it with tesshit?
Probably because it makes you seethe
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when are you going to start posting funny images?
Mine was funny.
mine was funnier
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When are you going to stop being a miserable cunt?
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>I swear it was already like this when I came!
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He wins though.
Should have posted the old hot and cold instead, but desu it’s a pretty great moment when you think about it
Who the fuck picks Claire of all people for the onsen scene
Terminally terrible taste
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How do you NOT want to bathe with her?
What game? Pretty funny.
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A true classic.
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He said funny, not kino
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Not him, but because I'm not a virgin faggot who gets a hardon for video game characters.
Library girl NPC was surprisingly based. For characters who didn’t get names she’s near the top of the list
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Sakura Wars?
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Yeah, I always felt more should have been done with her too. She was unique looking and appeared a few times.
I laughed.
Didn't laugh when the he came back as a techno-organic monstrosity though. That one actually felt bad.
Because she's a horrible war criminal who should have died. But hey this is Cold Steel so
>No hard feelings lol!
These games are embarrassing.
I wanna suck fat Lulu's tits
>Because she's a horrible war criminal
Those are in demand nowadays, the "I can fix her." sydrome is a goddamn pandemic.
I always pick Emma for any intimate scenes because I think she and Rean have the best chemistry and I always pick based on that unless im.playimg a silent protagonist then it's just who I find most interesting as a character
Why do the Japanese have no sense of humor at all? How is it possible that an entire nation is so utterly incapable of being funny?
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I used to subscribe to this meme until I watched pic related. Then I discovered that this claim is completely false.
Jap humor is heavily pun-based, which filters the gaijin normalfags who don't bother learning the language.
>I always pick Emma for any intimate scenes because I think she and Rean have the best chemistry
You lie. Just say you picked her because she has the biggest tits. That would at least be the truth. None of these characters have chemistry.
As gay as this may sound, I preferedium to large tit's wise, if I were going based on
Y preferences it would 've been Laura who's more my type personality abd looks wise but I'm not Rean and Rean isn't me so picked who I felt is best for him.
Medium* if I'm being truly honest I'm more an ass man than a tit's guy and NO E of cold steels girls have a asses
Yup, from SW5
As soon as you do.
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This shit drives me insane and lives rent free in my head. Why did they go so far to make sure no randos die in CS3-Reverie only to completely backtrack in Daybreak?
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Kek I live excell
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The juno being a shotacon was pretty funny

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