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It's currently on sale at Xbox store.
Is it worth buying? It's one of those rare xbox360 exclusives that I've heard a lot about. I've never played jRPG's before and it looks less faggy than your average jRPG so I'm willing to give it a try if it's decent at least.
The thing I've always heard about it is that the main actual story you play through is mediocre, while the visual novel flashbacks written by that famous Japanese author are good.
You're better off emulating it through Xenia. Game has constant frame dips on OG hardware.
I'd be playing it on Series X (main reason why I even bought that console was for backwards compatability which is great)
Oh. Disregard what I said then, I suck cocks.
Also the gameplay's as basic as it gets when it comes to turn-based combat via sifting through menus, so keep your expectations low. The devs tried to add a little more engagement with ring accessories that adds a QTE ring when attacking for extra damage when timed right, but it doesn't add much to experience imo other than making you do SOMETHING instead of just watching the fight play out turn after turn.
I'm emulating it now and have had one spot where there's a freeze so you have to skip the cutscene.
the main story is good but the main villain is kinda underwhelming
This game have the best opening/ first 30 minutes for a JRPG in a very long time, i dont know how they made this game possible in 2007 when SE made FF12 and Kingdom Hearts 2
Feelplus, the guys who did the actually hard work of programming the game, where made up of former nautilus staff, the dudes who did shadow hearts. Hence the judgment ring system in the game. Add that to a large budget funded by MS and we got what we got. Still the game suffers somewhat from pop in and shit like a lot of unreal 3 engine games. But unlike most u3 games it's reasonably colorful.

Honestly the thousand year dreams are overrated. Their good but not that good. And the main story isn't anything special but is perfectly serviceable.

This game is definitely worth your time give it a try. Think of it like a ps1 final Fantasy game in HD.
Is there a PC port?
How do emulators handle disc swaps?
Or can you find the xbox live version to emulate?
Sadly no. There's reports of emulation problems on disk 3 and 4.
It is the real FFXIII

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