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Hands down one of the worst journals that I ever saw in a RPG
I seriously do not even remember what it looks like, I know everything by heart on what to do when I replay it
There is not tracking of the finished quests
Get a pen and paper and track it yourself, boy.
Based asian game
Better than anything the chinese have actually made themselves
While we're on the topic of shitty journals, I've replayed Arcanum recently and got reminded of how retarded the journal system for quests is. For example I finally decided to do the regicide quest for shits and giggles after it languished in my questlog for a long time. I do it and then I have to pixelhunt my retarded ass quest giver, who decided to change locations after he had given me the task. And how is the player supposed to know of that? Oh yeah, via the NPC mentioning he's gonna wait in a tavern and then leaving its original place. No indication at all in your journal. Just "NPC X wants you to do shit".

One of my favourite RPGs, but this shit is so fucking retarded, how come a Morrowind-like system was not adopted. If I pick up a quest randomly and then forget about it, I later have no idea where the relevant quest giver is and I simply have to guess. Not to mention that sometimes they give you helpful one-time only instructions for shit and that as well is not registered in your journal.
It also lumps all rumors into one single pile not distinguishing which are from where.
>closed fist just turns into generic evil sith
Should've stuck with the hard ass but not evil.

Then make Closed Fist the good ending.
a big advantage i have over you youngsters is almost no need for a journal because i grew up playing games without one. i never wrote shit down either. memory is a practicable skill.
>i never wrote shit down either. memory is a practicable skill.
It's not.
Some have better memory than others and some remember some things better than others. But apart from that you need to refresh said knowledge to remember it. That's how our brains work.

Also, writing things down makes it easier to remember something (even if you never refer to it again) because it takes more mental effort. This is why people have a much harder time remembering something if they just listen/watch something compared to writing it down or explaining it to someone.
Going from 100% to 0 in 3 days after first learning something seems a bit dramatic.
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It's not 0%, it's 60%. It's also a generalization because factors can vary and how you learn it (like putting more mental effort into it) also comes into play.
Point being that human memory is shit and we need to refresh it and doing basic stuff like writing it down lets you remember it better.
>still to this day the only Bioware game with actual threesome
>check out these graphs bro
anon, people lived before writing. the written word is useful, but it's also a crutch that inhibits mnemonic development. you exist as a fallen man, chained to your habits.
I'll be here for when you age some more, get life shit on you some more too, so you eventually start losing the finer details. I probably won't remember this conversation, and so will you, so I won't even get to gloat.
i'm 45, anon, that's the point of my post. your wait is over.
>anon, people lived before writing
This is cognitive science and your argument is the things that allowed humans to thrive is shit... for no reason.
As in you think the very first humans breaking bones after scavengers with tools to get to the marrow and allow us to survive better (if at all) are "fallen plebs".

All you're doing is telling us you dream of being a subhuman. But worry not, you already are.
wow, sciencemajistics! very impressive.
yet i don't need a journal to remind me what i did in a video game :)
i dub thee sub-subhuman.
>i have never written anything down i'm such a badass, i take great pride in it in my ignorance and denial

if you're unironically 45 this is embarrassing, especially since this is the thing you're shitposting about
>wow, sciencemajistics! very impressive.
He says, while incorrectly stating that scientifically memory is a practicable skill (it's not). What's hypocrisy now again?
i'm sorry you are publicly embarrassed that you are reliant on journals, kiddo.
i'm living proof. use it or lose it. your crutches have left you infirm and floundering, only able to repeat flawed studies and dependent on consensus. truly a fallen creature.
>he doesn't update his journal
that's my secret
i am the journal
and i'm always updating
Don't give the shitposting attentionwhore the attention he seeks.
i'm not seeking attention, i'm directly mocking. ergo, my purpose and joy is not in replies, but in the act of mockery itself.
>I can't read a graph
Perfect encapsulation of the average mental midget on this site.
by far the most soulful game Bioware ever made, I highly respect it and am sad it flopped because wuxia rpgs are too niche for normies
>le science is settled!!!!!
>meanwhile, actual science: we just discovered that 2 muscles in human fucking face are actually 3 muscles
What should a rational person believe.
>years and years of cognitive scientific study with proven facts and backing
>something that also makes sense and can be applied
>some random anon making shit up that also contradicts established science, has no arguments or backing, while only usig it to insult people on 4chan

Or are you telling me unless you keep reviewing the string of numbers and letters below from time to time, you would start forgetting parts of it or completely eventually

Now do you also think that just passively sitting and listening to a vocal lecture is more effective to remember information, or do you think having visual aid helps? Do you think writing it down helps? Do you think explaining it to others helps? And so on.

Do tell what you think is bullshit and what you (backed up by facts and sound reasoning) thinks how it "actually works". Don't be shy now.
why are you arguing with that fucking retard? are you retarded yourself?
I have a bad habit of assuming people that act stupidly aren't actually as stupid as they seem, so I give them the benefit of the doubt.
I wish the combat system had more going on than just “three button combos” for days. The story and setting were kino. Companions were a good mix, even though they had a habit of dying the moment combat started. The tone of the game was really well handled I think. Much better than Dragon Age or Mass Effect. It’s a shame it came out on the tail end of the Xbox lifespan.
Oh yeah the gameplay needed a massive overhaul for a sequel, but the lore and atmosphere was fantastic. Bioware nailed it imo
the problem with your studies is the assumption of a "base" human and the blending of data to create a model that doesn't exist. asking to remember a random string of characters is incredibly weak as well, because it shows a lack of understanding of the purpose of memory..
Let this saga die along with Kotor, at least it won't be tainted like DA, ME or BG
I don't think I looked once at journal in Jade Empire during my playthrough. The game is so linear and compact, especial in the later part, that I didn't feel need for that.
Now as for the worst journal, I think the original Fallout takes the cake. At least from what I remember. You just have short description of quest, something just one sentence long, that doesn't update with your progress and that's it. At least finished quests get crossed out.
Jade empire was a great rpg. Rip bioware
Fallout 1 had a useless journal for sure. I distinctly remember starting to take physical notes whenever I got a new quest. Honestly wish more games would do that, it was kind of nice. Like having to make your own maps in Etrian Odyssey. I realise though that if this game design actually became commonplace, I'd probably tear my hair out eventually.
Nah, this honor goes to Div:OS 1. The journal is needlessly obtuse by design.
Bioware wouldn't dare. And even if they would, EA would shut them down. There's too big of a risk of pissing off the Chinese market and getting their games banned overseas.
I mean, I played plenty of games with no journal, is it worse than nothing somehow
The sweet spot was when they'd give you a notepad.exe in the game and you could pin notes on ingame maps and stuff, but everyone threw up their hands and just did GTA/Oblivion "go here retard" marks everywhere pretty fast
That sounds like a solid solution. What games did that?
no, you are what is wrong
not only is the Arcanum journal fucking AWESOME, but it actually has a retard version where all of your notes are retarded, not even joking.... they literally rewrote the whole journal script for low int orc/half-ogre grugs and its amazing
>how come a Morrowind-like system was not adopted
Because by that point the industry was already starting to gravitate towards quest markers as the de-facto standard for guiding players through the game world, which eliminated the need to write good journal/quest log entries entirely.
I read once that the devs considered it a failed game on launch, mainly due to the combat system and engine limitations. They knew the entire game was beatable simply by jumping over your opponent and attacking their backside. Would be nice to see a remake, but I doubt it will happen.
As compared to the super complicated and challenging systems of kotor 1? The only somewhat challenging games bioware ever made was baldurs gate and that's because the traps and friendly fire usually gives noobs trouble. You don't play bioware rpgs for difficulty
Its a game in which you can be surprisingly evil, both on a petty and truly grand level. Like you can really do that water dragon dirty

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