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Third game when?
He already made it bro, you're too late.
You'll have to wait until SE decide to make a fourth.
You mean sixth?
Automata felt like such a disappointment. Was surprised that I actually enjoyed Gestalt after that
Mobile games aren't real games, the same way a slot machine isn't a real game.
I kinda feel you in reverse. I expected to be disappointed by Automata after Drakengard 3 but was pleasantly surprised.
However it's just not Gestalt/Replicant tier, rein did a lot of heavy lifting and Drakengard 3 is no longer confined to inferior hardware. It's alright, better than I expected but it's now the weakest link.
Automata is better than Replicant. In automata the alternate routes are handled much better than in Replicant, which has far to much repeated content. Even in automatas lowest point, route b, you still at least get to play as a new character. The Replicant remake really should have made at least made it's route b have Kaine as the playable character. Having to wait all the way till route e to get to play as her sucks and it's short as fuck... Plus it makes you replay through like 2 hours of the beginning uggg.

Automatas story is more interesting too, though Replicant also has a fantastic story. 2b is a better lead character than nier as well.

I'd be fine with nier just staying as a duology. Both games are so good and they might end up fucking up the third. Especially if they don't get platinum back to do the heavy lifting on the programming side of things
There is nothing RPG about that gooner-autogynephile simulator of yours.
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This is the most tertiary NieR post I've seen so far in this month.
> 2b is a better lead character than nier as well.
lol lmao
>I'd be fine with nier just staying as a duology.
>they might end up fucking up the third
Except it isn't. Even if you ignore Drag-on Dragoon's part in the franchise:
There's a hard continuation and resolution to that story with a setup for humanity to fail once more and they didn't fuck up the execution either. There's a lot of depth to those character stories. Sadly Automata exists in a post-rein world so the YoRHa trio are now the anemic characters.
Taro did a great job with rein and they built it up a tonne, the gameplay itself was limited and the UI was shit but otherwise presentation & execution were solid.

DOD4 should be interesting when it inevitably comes around, Soleil as a studio has shown after VE that this is their purpose in the industry but Taro should take a break from it all for a while. The VoC games were a great romp and an original idea/concept or working on another franchise could be healthy.
His character focused & emotionally manipulative writing is a great fit for other RPGs, he could stand to work with the Squaresoft side of SE more.

If Saito says it's an ARPG inspired by Kingdom Hearts then it can settle there.
sounds like a game i need to play asap
So true, xister! Nier is soooo heckin goonerpilled! You can play the game with one hand while dilating on the other~! Accessibility features, I love it!
There are two nier games. Thus nier is a duology.
I agree that the routes were handled better, but anything else felt like a huge step down for me. With music I'm undecided, I guess Automata is overall better, but Gestalt/Replicant had the better spikes. I don't think that any character in Automata was worthwhile, in fact, I only reason I played the prequel to begin with was that the only characters that kept me remotely interested were the ones that were originally in Nier.
Love 2b, 9s, and a2. Even better than the original trio of Kaine, Emile, and nier. Replicant could get a bit to sappy sometimes and it was annoying.

Kaines the best single character but that's mostly because it's rare for a shemale to be a main character. Especially one with a good personality.

The music in Replicant is probably better overall. Though holy smokes did they fuck up the devola and poppala boss theme in the remake. Automata still has a great soundtrack though.
>Even if you ignore Drag-on Dragoon's part in the franchise:
I've made genuine attempts to play Drakengard 1 and 3 because of all the wacky hijinks in each game but they're complete dogass. 1 is unplayable and nobody should play it. 3 is tolerable from a gameplay perspective but the writing makes late Family Guy look like early Simpsons. Only play if you have an exceptionally high tolerance for reverse-harem anime.
People who act like Drakengard is anything more than dreck are either
>hipsters pretending to like bad thing to look cool
>people who watched story summaries on youtube
>genuinely unhinged
>all of the above
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This game is overrated trash to be honest.

Story is midwit bait, pretentious gibberish to make it sound deep
World is empty and barren and recycled with the same enemies all the time
Combat is shallow and boring
RPG elements are awful
Fetch quests with no value

The only reason people sing its praises is because 2B's ass.
You didn't need to use so many words to tell us ur gay
Seems so. I feel like 2Bs ass put Taro on the map, no one gave a shit about Drakengard and Nier. I got Automata because I wanted a game with good music to chill to. I got the good music, but I still quit it 3 times whenever I tried to do sidequests. Someone mentions 9S' route to be the worst part, but frankly, if I had played only the first route I'd feel pretty scammed, that was pretty dogshit
Finally some common sense. Game is praised for its "ambience" and "aesthetics" and "philosophy" but it's all coming from people who don't mind mindlessly pressing buttons for the 80 hours it takes to make the 3 playthroughs.
Don't even get me started on the grindfest that is upgrading anything in this stupid game.
yeah i thought it was overhyped as fuck, 2b is really goddamn hot but thats not enough to carry an entire game
It's a 40 hour game and theirs no grinding. The game isn't especially hard

Compared to route a, which is very interesting because it's your first time seeing the world, and routes c/d which is very interesting because of the stakes and plot, route b is relatively boring with how much of it is just a retread. It does get interesting later on when 9s hacks the mainframe and learns the true nature of yorha. Plus 9s is hawt
I don't know how Route A is interesting. Without the information that Route B is adding, it's just an incoherent mess
I might be unhinged but that doesn't mean Drakengard 1 is a bad game.
All the places you visit are new and theirs a lot of mystery

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