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When will we get iconic RPG villains again?
>mfw I don't recognize a single one
Zoomer detected.
>you have to have played WoW because... you just do, okay
I played MUDs in the 90s and I'm probably older than you. Nothing about this goyslop is iconic.
You spelled supreme taste wrong
>iconic rpg villains
>posts shitty wow villains
Even FF14 has better antagonists if you just want to stick to mmos.
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>Even FF14 has better antagonists
Not OP but I tried FF14 on release and it was the worst game I have ever played in my entire life.
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illidan wasn't a villain
only people who chopped off their cocks know anything about ff14
Two of those were in WC3, how have you never fucking played that?
>blizz slop
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Think what you will, but Emet Selch dumpsters 95% of all RPG antagonists.
>playing gookclickers
I did play WC3 whenever it came out but barely remember it. Something something Arthas something something muh corruption

Imo, iconic means shit everyone recognizes. Virtually everyone on this board would recognize Sephiroth, or Darth Vader, even people who didn’t like FF7 or Star Wars.
>Illidan, Arthas, Garrosh
Guess they weren't all that iconic.
Garrosh wanted to genocide all other races besides his own.
Hes Orc Hitler.
How is he not a villain???
Release was probably the number one dumpster fire of mmo launches to this day.
However it improved night and day in ARR and got steadily better up until shadowbringers after which i got a little tired of not the game per se but le trans rights community and the overlap with the type of anti-social autogynophiles that use loli female avatars.
He was fine with the gobbos. He only mistrusted races who proved their disloyalty.
The only WC I played was the ps1 one, couldnt give a less of a shit about WoW.
I played warcraft 1, 2 and 3. The only characters I remember are Arthas, Thrall and Sylvanas. Arthas is a paladin and falls to corruption. Sylvanas is an elf and is a pain in the ass until Arthas rapes her into undeath, and Thrall is the Noble Savage Orc exploring new lands. Don't remember any final villains tbqh.
When you become a child again
Adults are critical assholes who just want to argue and dunk on each other

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