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What are some good RPGs no one ever talks about on /vrpg/.
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Death Knights of Krynn
eh. it's more remembered for toriyama association and 360 exclusivity.
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This is now an obscure recommend thread
It's not a good game so that's probably why
I remember it more for the Deep Purple connection. Which is bizarre.
rip vinceborg
Poor guy, never destroyed The One

Oh fuck yes
Dink Smallwood
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i remember playing the demo and dropping it immediately because even the basic attacks had annoying 10 minute long animation sequences.
Colony Ship
This entire series is, at best, mediocre.
Agarest games have the whole generation play as hook. You don't really have many other choices if you want that aspect.
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Game is better than the original imo, great PS2 rpg
>Game is better than the original
Hard disagree.
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it's like dragon quest.
Not really the same.
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
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you could've just posted age of decadence
dungeon rats is overtuned as fuck
Great game. One of the funniest things that was occurring when I played it was all the people posting about corrupted profiles losing all meta-progress because they would alt-F4 when dying to try and cheat an extra life. They would post it as a bug on the forums and the dev would come say, "This shouldn't occur... unless you were trying to cheat. Try not to cheat so much. I can't recover anything."
It's not even that hard. Trouble is getting used to the system. Once you realize it's easier to stab their squishy bits, grind your melee abilities over useless javelines, and how important stamina is, you can kill everything
I like playing sub-optimal builds in RPGs as long as they are viable. Javelin has a lot of fun options during the story.
You just have to accept you aren't the Roman Achilles, and cannot take on such crazy opponents as with a sword focus.
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Btw another minimalistic game I enjoyed was Shigatari. A bit more goofy but gives me vibes.
Tsugunai Atonement
Need more Neptunia threads
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any mmo
How is the emulation for Blue Dragon? I know 360 emulation was basically non-existent for a long time, but apparently there some people who have beaten it on Xenia Canary, I'm just wondering if it's possible/worth it to try and emulate it.

I do own it, I bought it for $6 on the microsoft store, but don't own an xbox.

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