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You are tasked with pitching an RPG game idea to Big Ounce, professional street nigga. If he likes it, he will fund your game 100%, no strings attached. What's your pitch?
You are tasked with posting gay, reddity things on the worst board on 4chan. If they don't like it, they will give you lots of seething replies, no strings attached. What's your post?
Uhhhhh.... open world, like you can go anywhere, and and crafting mechanics so you can make your own swords and armor!


Bros... it would be so cool
Here me out, Oh Big Ounce...
I will make an INDIE version of CHRONO TRIGGER which will be inferior in every way with my politics/fetish forcefully inserted
Why would I reveal my master idea to you?
true, he should have just spent the whole post rambling about niggers trannies and jews to make it le heckin 4chan pilled
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just like 6 sloppy fat ninja girls and you have to try to make them thin enough to be good at the missions.
but because they are woman and fat to boot they always sneak food and are lazy. they have problems like infections under their rolls and cry eat when guards notice their filthy sent behind the hiding mechanics.
as they level up there is a rare drop of self control that you could find under the increased shame stat. eventually they get down to a normal size and manage to get through a day without eating absolute filth.

ohhh and its narrated by someone extremely antisemitic.
you are to lazy to even make a rough draft of anything
With retro pixel art which is worse than anything actual game devs put out 40 years ago.

It's honestly baffling how no amateur game nails the visuals. Pixel art was supposed to be accessible.
A game like those old games you liked, only for you to realize you didn't want a game like that.
Yeah, but... I have it all in the back of my mind.
Of course you'd be a reddit-obsessed newfag.
>le hecking newfags ruining my four year old 4chan board
Do you even remember what this website was like when it was owned by white people
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Monster taming game set in not Kowloon. You play as a kid so you won't get into really shady stuff but it will be there. Something like a comfier and lighter Dorohedoro.
You don't have to try so hard
A light hearted greek histology inspired RPG
think about fable but you're a semi-god and you get to pick what God is your father/mother on char creation, or during the prolog
Something Awful’s (pre troon era) retarded little brother
>copy and pasted op
>why are you “trying so hard”
Outward + Dragon's Dogma + Morrowind + additional autism:
>4 custom characters
>have to manage the needs of each
>timed quests that make it clear they're timed
>slightly more limited fast travel than in MW
>dedicated pause button but no pausing otherwise
>mandatory backpacks
>every type of movement is possible, and environments are designed around that fact, but you always have to mind the backpack
>dark as shit nights and caves
>a lot of points of interest but also a lot of filler between them
>no fixed classes but a lot of mutually exclusive skills, so you ultimately end up frankensteining your own
>combat is actually fun
>magic is full of utility but in combat ranges from flashy quick casts to massive fuckoff nukes, and the entire range is useful
>plenty of gimmicky gear for every slot including pieces that might have situational uses, but you often have to consider if they're worth the weight
>home customization
>camp layout customization, so every time you set it up it's done that way
>to minimize lookups and confusion, any NPCs willing to talk to you can be asked about anything they would reasonably know (the area they're in or more specific quest-contextual info), but what your characters would already know should just be in the journal from the start
>maps are hand-drawn and have to be bought or simply found, you can attach pins and notes to them, and some you find may come with existing notes

I just want to adventure.
Bounce...Lets just say I will make an offer you can not refuse
Legend of Dragoon 2 or a remaster
modern setting RPG similar to GmodRp

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