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name more iconic duo, i dare you
Mario & Luigi
Ash & Pikachu
not rpgs
Super Mario RPG
Pokémon is a monster-collecting... RPG. If Persona is RPG then Pokémon is too. If you want WRPG:

Boo & Minsc
most witcher "fans" only played 3
zoomers are not "fans"
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I'm glad they changed his face. They almost went with this ugly mug.
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Sean Penn of Rivia.
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This is witcher 2 right? I could not finish that game, it was too boring. Witcher 3 is just as bad.
Not RPG.
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The only truthful post itt
I dont even know who two of them are, hardly "iconic"
"I fucked a she elf once" guy and "your mother sucks dwarf cock" guy.
I only played 1.
Supposed to be ugly.
You neither.
Geralt visibly ages throughout the trilogy. His appearance changes accordingly. Notice he has an extra scar in W3.
The guy with the crown doesn't stick around, smartass.
Tristan and Iseult
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Roche and Witcher being buddy cops was so much fun. Criminal we saw so little of him in W3.
Peach and Bowser
Rean and Valimar are more iconic than Rean and Crowe.
Why's that guy pointing. Fuck this guy. FUck this bitch for pointing, I'm not going there. Fuck you bitch
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>Criminal we saw so little of him in W3.
And his whole plan was to cuck out and sell out the entire north to Nilfgaard so Temeria could be a Toussaint.

Naturally I let Djiksta kill him.
>he killed radovid
what a faggot
I just didnt do the quest, Radovid is cool, and if Temeria is sacrificed in fight against the filthy Nilfgardians then so it be
>what a faggot
Yes that's what I thought when Radovid did his gay little chess speech.

Which is why I killed him.

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