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I dont recognize this character as part of Fallout canon. Its just dome nu-slop pushed in to sell oblivion with guns.
Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants. With NCR stadily growing strong
>I dont recognize this character as part of Fallout canon
neither does Amazon
>Fallout should stick strictly with BoS
Hell yeah brother my brother put the brotherhood in every game bro it's not a fallout game without the brotherhood of fuckin' steel bro
Couldnt care less about amazon shit
Its like mad max without cars...
>Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants. With NCR stadily growing strong
Supermutants are just some stragglers by fallout 2. Brotherhood's best years are behibd them as well, world is passing them by.
Sounds like the talk of someone who would look good on a cross.
g8 b8 m8 ir8 it 8/8
NCR and especially BoS are extremely dull factions that represent almost nothing.
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>Fallout should stick strictly with BoS and Navarro against supermutants
Ultra retard. You basically want an infinite rehash of the same fucking things like some Hollywood corpo slop.
ncr troons stil absolutely obsessed. 100% guarantee this fag never played fo1/2
Just because you don’t think it’s canon doesn’t mean it’s not canon he is canon wether you like it or not
...just like the fallout tv show?
Good bait

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