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any advice on this game. I almost got my ass kicked twice during the first missions.
It's a strategy game. Use your brain, moran
did you just call me a moron
Remember to use your bonus xp. Progress through the maps slowly and take out enemies one at a time. Look at their attack ranges and make sure your just shy of them. Use a tank to bait them in.

Don't forget to get the bitch with the green hair and spear she's op. Same with the ninja dude once he becomes an assassin. And of course Ike is the most broken character in the series once he gets a skill called "aether". It crits and heals himself
Yes, but. Keep checking enemy ranges. Try to use every character to get them all EXP equally. Don't play favorites, you'll need all party members to be competent. The red haired lady character is OP, but if you use her it cucks your weaker characters out of EXP.

Some missions can be tough, but you'll get the hang of it.
This anons right. Titania is a trap since she's already promoted early on. Let her warm the bench while the non promoted units get xp
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thanks bros. recently got a job as a security guard (graveyard shift) so I'll be having lots of time doing basically nothing.
Have fun, it's a great game
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How did you get filtered by the easiest game in the series. This one is tied with FE8 as the easiest Fire emblem. Is this your first time playing SRPGs? I find it hard to belive that even a casual player or entryist would struggle. This game was made so litteral children could beat it.
this game is easy as shit, even hard mode is pretty easy

unless you are playing the jp exclusive hard mode
Oscar is a man anon.
has anyone done a run without letting a single character from any faction die?
he's talking about the soldier bitch, she kinda sucks tho since she has no horse and cant reposition after attacking

just use all the cavalry guys, they are all op also absolutely jill rapes, especially in the sequel
She's op
i'd FUCK that hole
i'm legally blind. I've got a person do the commands for me
Remember what you did to get your ass kicked? Stop doing that.
mid tier at best
Yeah she's pretty meh all around. Especially in the context of PoR. Fact of the matter is there's just a lot of other better spear units that you get right around the same time (or earlier). Jill, Marcia, and Oscar all just shit on her.
She also only has supports with Brom, and Devdan - who are bad units you don't want to be using on your team - and Calil - who joins super late so you don't really get anything from it.
1. Make sure to baby Ike up some early on. He's the main character so you have to use him and so long as you're not too unlucky with level ups he'll be pretty strong by the end, but he's not that great at the start so make sure you're not neglecting him. Get him to level 20 by the end of the chapter 17 since he'll automatically promote for story reasons at that point.
2. Titania is your training wheels character. Don't overuse her early on or have her solo maps or anything, but you can still to make some use of her for things inconvenient for other characters to do since that's what she's there for. She also doesn't particularly fall off like some similar characters do and is still at least decent even late in the game if you've been leveling her, so feel free to use her freely once other characters start catching up to her.
3. Cavalry and fliers are generally really good because of their suburb movement, make heavy use of them. There are good non-mounted characters and you'll want to consider stats and weapons too, but overall you should usually prioritize mounted units when selecting who to bring.
4. Conversely, you might be tempted to overrate armored knights because they're such good tanks, but their movement sucks and you're generally going to be more efficient ditching them.
5. Weapons are something to consider, mainly in that axes and spears are better than swords and bows because they get 1~2 range weapons in the form of hand axes and javelins, which allows a character to counterattack both melee and ranged enemies. Sword-users are mostly stuck with 1 range and archers with 2 range, so axe and spear-users are generally (but not always) better than sword and bow-users.
6. The Laguz units you get early on are pretty good for a while, but unlike Titania they actually do fall off pretty hard eventually. Use them (or Lethe at least) early on, but don't expect to take them to endgame.
7. Mist (joins Ch. 9) needs a lot of babying but gets a horse on promotion which is pretty neat for a healer. It's arguable if she's a better healer than Rhys in the long-run, so it's up to you to decide. There's also an optional fight late in the game where you only have Ike and Mist, so her being promoted helps there. On a side-note, promoted mages also get access to staves so they become options for healers too later in the game.
8. If you want to recruit every character then just go look up a guide for that. A few of them have rather complicated or obtuse recruitment methods.
My Nephelee was incredibly strong.
Disarm a unit like Titania (unequip her weapon) and use her as a blocker in choke points and bait for your other units to farm the XP. Most of the game is setting up choke points and baiting enemies into one or two units. Mounted units can really be helpful in a pinch because they can easily pick someone up to transport them to an area or out of a tough spot. If you can get a unit really close to a level up by the end of a mission, then you can use bonus XP after you've completed the mission and if I remember correctly, you can save-scum for better stat rolls. Oscar, Boyd & Rolf can do a special triangle attack when they're all upgraded and in a certain formation. The Laguz are difficult to use without turning into a huge XP drain. If I remember correctly, they gain XP super fast if they are in human form, but die easily and cannot do much damage. It's a little foggy. Eventually you get an item that keeps one unit transformed, but with reduced stats. I liked to keep a couple laguz around just because they are powerhouses, but I didn't ever baby them. They are kind of your insurance in case you get RNG screwed. That being said, there is one special laguz that is super OP. More of a utility character. You'll know it when you see it. I really liked the mages and the archers. The swordsmen are super cool. The thief is pretty cool, too. Love that game. Have fun.
Sometimes a unit just takes off with jacked stats on their level ups. It's not really about theorycrafting at that point.
Is that supposed to be difficult?
>suburb movement
Isn't "Don't use Titania/Seth/Jeagan since they steal exp" derided in the community after they finally made up their mind on the bases vs growths topic? Why shouldn't you use a unit that will remain at least usable for the entire game over babying a bunch of earlygame shitters that are going to be replaced the second a prepromote joins?
I think the best way to put it is just use whoever you have to their best to most efficiently get through whatever map you're on. If that involves using your Jagen-type character then do so. Just don't have them doing everything because you're afraid of putting your other units in danger, not even because of EXP worries but just because that's not very efficient.

You don't really need to worry much about leveling characters long-term most of the time. I feel like it's mainly only Lords you need to worry about because you HAVE to use them even if they're not that great. Generally if a character starts good then use them and they'll likely stay good until the end or until someone who starts better replaces them. If a character isn't good to start then it's not worth the effort to baby them up unless maybe they have some way to level up super fast. The bigger lesson people needed to learn wasn't "don't hesitate to use your pre-promotes", it's "that level 1 character you get halfway in that has amazing growths isn't actually worth it over just continuing to use your pre-promotes".
That's the garbage meta, the best way to play the game is to use Seth/Jaegen/Marcus as meat shields in early game then actually use them offensively in the last few maps at lv 1 along with your trained up units.
No, you use units as much as necessary and dont fall into the pitfall of overvaluing growths/bases at the cost of the other.
Keep in mind when Titania kills shit early on she gets shit all xp since she's already promoted. Whereas if a non promoted unit kills them they get a bunch of xp. So basically it's an inefficient allocation of xp. Better to have her start killing enemies when she actually gets xp for doing it.

Also Ike can literal solo maps later with aether. It procs on counteroffensives too. I remember on the last map I just said fuck it and had ike smite everything.
>Why shouldn't you use a unit that will remain at least usable for the entire game
First off, those training wheel easy mode characters are usable later even if you bench them early game in favor of building up other characters.

Second, the game is boring when you have a unit that can solo the maps.

Third, I like building up weaker characters and seeing them reach promotes. Give 5 level ups to a weak character instead of one level up to a character that's already built up.

It's fine to use them, especially if you like those characters.
I wouldn't necessary listen to the community, since they're always tarnished by turbo autists minmaxing the fun out of the game. Like if you're speedrunning, you probably want to use OP characters.

I think I'll start a playthrough of the game now, this thread reminded me how great the game is.
so that's irrelevant when you're comparing units in general.
Because we want to be looking at what's going to happen in 99% of games, not the 1% that the vast majority of people aren't going to see.
I don't have your fucking gamecube mike, it doesn't matter to me or anyone else here. We're looking at the stuff that can be replicated across pretty much every playthrough. And that involves looking at base stats and growth rates.

And hey, consider - even if you were looking at characters that get every single stat up at every single level and comparing those - she's still not great. A Soldier/Halberdier is just intrinsically not a very strong class. Looking at their caps, they get slightly more def that other foot units, but that's it. They're stuck with 1 weapon, they don't get a crit boost like some other classes do, they're slow, their attack is average at best, and you don't even want to look at the utility difference compared to a mounted unit. It's a jack-of-all, master-of-none problem. They just don't bring enough.

"The community" is a shitshow because there's very different groups in it. There's minimum turn autists - for which Titania is one of the 5 units you're going to use in the game (Ike/Jill/Marcia/Reyson) but that's far from the majority of people. In a more general use sense, Titania is still a good unit - moreso than most other early Pre-promotes because she doesn't drop in the lategame - but it's objectively not good to over rely on her in the first half of the game because she's a EXP sink, and it makes it harder to use the rest of your early game characters.
Titania gets proportionately higher exp from boss kills than T1 units during the early game. If you're into exp maximization for games where exp rank exists, it was optimal to let the resident jeigan to get the early boss kills.
LTC runs use far more than just 5 units. Its actually really inefficient to just rely on a handful even if they do the bulk of the combat due to the nature of rout etc. Besides, if there's no forced perfect recruitment clause, then Jill straight up never joins.
Do you get bonus EXP if clear maps with less turns? I just started replaying and I can't remember
There's a turn floor and ceiling for bexp.
Why would you replace your OP baby with a prepromote? The whole point of babying a unit is so that it becomes super strong. If you're just gonna toss it when someone better comes along, then you're obviously just being retarded.
what was the first of these games that let you pull up an outline of all enemy attack ranges at once in the UI
the GBA games don't have it but the DS games do, did that happen on shitcube or wii or neither
Who the fuck cares
really the backlash to that idea was too big and based on the fact that almost every fire emblem had fairly easy endgame where B class units could still clean up.
But then the games started having lunatic modes where the enemies have stupidly good stats at the end with hordes spawning and non-top-tier stat shitters are a legitimate drag. They're also still balanced to be a big challenge even if you throw turncount out the window and go as slow as you want, unlike the old games where paying attention to turncount was the only thing that could create significant challenge.
Path of Radiance on Gamecube
It is relevant because no run is ever the same. 99 to 1 is not realistic at all. There is always going to be some variance. Each run will most likely have one or two, maybe even a few, units that surprise or disappoint you. What can be replicated across every single playthrough is that PoR is not a difficult game, so units like Nephenee can be perfectly strong. My first PoR game that girl got surrounded in one map and she soloed half of it. She nailed her level ups in that mission and quickly became a killing machine. You could have tried to explain to me why Nephenee was bad and I would have laughed at you. I know I'm not the only one that has had a Neph wrecking ball. Besides that she is cute AF. Furthermore, she does get increased crit rate because she starts off with Wrath. In the Japanese version both swordmasters and berserkers do not get a +15 crit, so you're just complaining about freebies making the game too easy at this point.
Well I just had to restart a chapter two times because some random dudes critical hitted the fuck out of my dudes. Full HP and everything, just one-shot to oblivion.
lol ur gay and suck at the game
Nah, it's just RNG, which means no matter how good you play, you might still lose units.
Or a black knight may suddenly burst out of a house and blow you the fuck out.
low% crits suck but try and keep track of the enemies with killing weapons and make sure you can take them out with no reprisal
Git gud
I didn't know that. I always gave boss xp to Ike so he'd get swol
play an easier game like Reverse Collapse
first time I have ever heard someone say she is bad. you must have got shit rolls
You might unironically be too low IQ to think about things outside your individual experience
She's decent, but PoR is full of horses and flying horses who move 9 squares a turn, so a foot soldier is easy to leave behind. I like her so I let her tag along. If only I got another boot upgrade to give her.
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She's okay, but this is her game
Ike, Titania, Marcia, Jane, and one of your christmas cavaliers promoted and you'll be good to go.
You'll also want to hopefully put a bit of points into Mist so she doesn't get owned later.
The bow knight lady, Astrid, funnily enough turned out as the strongest of my characters. Levels up fast too. Strongly recommended.
i really hate the autism hard modes because they are tuned so tightly it pretty much forces a reset on any death. especially in games where there are hardly any units, like in modern fe games.
she's bad not because her stats are bad but because her class is bad, there are a ton of units with stats on par but with more movement and can reposition after attacking
all the knights in this game are busted, titania the most but astrid's(and geoffrey's) skill is incredibly op
>titania the most
For me she ended up being average. Barely got her stats to 20 at level 18.
she's also a promoted unit that you start with
which means she carries for all the hardest parts of the game and also is a low investment unit over all.

one of the best characters in any fire emblem game, easily the best of this one
Astrid takes a bit of babying (but only a bit cuz of paragon) to get caught up, but once you do she’s pretty great. It helps that she’s good on the map she joins (bird laguz get shot) so she can get a couple kills and level ups in that way
Geoffrey seems okay (i mean he’s a paladin so he’s good just by existing) but I never really used him because he joins so late. And by that point you’re drowning in good mounted units that you’ve already invested resources in.

I’ll throw out a push for Tormod as an underrated unit in PoR (in RD his availability is pretty ass unfortunately). The fact that he gets +2 movement is incredible. There’s no Canto, but he’s the only guy who’s going to be able to keep up with your mounts, and with 1-2 range baked into magic and his decent stats he can get a lot done where other mages would waste turns just repositioning.
I immediately fed Astrid some bonus EXP (for half the price) levels and she was good to go. All other mounted units have been lacking, while flying units are killing it as usual.
Yeah Tormod is highly recommended, the movement bonus is great.
Princess Elincia became a MVP as well with few bought levels.
I've also kept Volke around, he ain't bad.
tormods +2 move is really good and you do get a canto ring

i just find magic to be underwhelming in that game

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