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Chapter 2 is out, I wanna talk about it.

You there, Ruzanon?
Too early?
Nice. One of the games that inspired me to game dev. Not that I want to be in this genre, it was just cool to see someone have an idea, interesting characters, I personally think the art is cool, and have it be published. It’s also very unique and not trying to apeal to everyone. I should actually finish the first part.
Probably should've waited a day or two; don't personally have the time to play it at the moment.
Anyway, how's chapter 2?
Sexy mushroom girls nice!
It's great

I haven't finished it because i just can't bear to choose someone. I don't want to have to reject Moxy or Ava.
Fuck head, it's not December!
You want to wait five months to discuss an chapter that dropped today?
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I found a bug. During the short part where you get separated from the others, if you go back and interact with the mushroom lady, the game acts as though they're still with you.
>It’s also very unique and not trying to apeal to everyone
Is two steps away from being a porn game + harem anime
>porn game + harem anime
I wish.
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oh no, she's got the rainworld brainrot

update was supposed to come *last* december
but then stroj went and bonked himself in the head a bit too hard:
I mean if you want to argue it, that's fine. I just enjoyed starting it up and hearing metal blasting. Thought it was a bold choice. Which I think the creator also made.
No, I'm saying I was expecting an update in December 2023.
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>that ending
>"Find out the result in 2 years!"
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>Descartes is calling
>ywn surprise your wendigo gf with cake
Did anyone get the titgrab scene with Moxy ruzanon said woudl be in the game like a year ago? When he made a thread?
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>Make sure release of Chapter 2 goes smoothly
>Upload all the songs to Youtube
>Update website
>Help with any questions on Steam forums
>Finally come to /vrpg/ to make a thread, only to be pleasantly surprised that someone already made it

It is good to be back, fellow anons! Sorry for the wait, I had a health accident that sadly caused a delay that was out of my hands. I hope the chapter was worth the wait. Now, it is time to work on Chapter 3!
Also I just wanted to thank everyone for your support! I will answer any questions so far in a few moments.
Good to see you, ruzanon. I believe we already have some questions in the thread, so i'll ask something that people talked about in a thread in /v/ where ruza was being discussed:

Are we supposed to feel like we're missing the story? In chapter 2 it becomes a bit more evident, but it really feels like we're missing a lot of information. Is that on purpose? Like how Moxy is apparently connected to the bloodrose??? And for some reason will die if we destroy it???
That's really nice to hear. There are many reasons why I made Ruza and one of them is to inspire others to make the games they always wanted to play themselves.

Thanks anon, that's very helpful! I'll patch it as soon as I get the chance.

I'll do my best to finish it as fast as possible! I know it's been one doozy of a cliffhanger.
>Are we supposed to feel like we're missing the story?
Chapter 2 was mean to be the shocker. It has answered some questions and sadly asked a few new ones. In your spoiler, you guessed correctly. Ruza is a game where you have to also put a bit of effort to read between the lines. There is a lot of hidden meaning and symbolism that will foreshadowing things in the future.

I don't want to be rude and snobbish about it, all the answers will be answered and revealed in Chapter 3, which is the final chapter of the planned trilogy.
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I wanted to add that cinematic in Chapter 2, but due to splitting my head like a coconut, I had limited resources to draw in the hospital. Also I would have to hide a boner in front of the nurses.
Damn shame. Not sure how that's gonna happen (and the other 'lewd' scenmes you mentioned in the last thread you made here too) in chapter 3 now that everything's went to utter hell, but i assume you have a plan.
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>but i assume you have a plan
I always have a plan, don't worry anon. This sounds weird, but I'm glad my injury happened because it actually gave me some amazing ideas that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. It's one of those weird situations in life, where fact is stranger than fiction.
Good. It was really hard to choose a girl since I kept thinking about how shit the other ones would be left in the routes where they weren't chosen, but I have to say in the end i chose the green neco-arc gremlin, so it'll be good to truly romance her.
do the choices lead you down majorly different paths yet or will that come later on chapter 3? I literally can't stop myself from hugging and consoling everyone, romance options be damned, but I cdo realize that's likely leading me down the "too many waifu" path
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Ruzanon, in that one thread in /v/, they said you apparently made some earlier 'iterations' of Ruza? But it's not available anymore?
I'm pretty sure every waifu gets her (and in Gin's case, his) own route, anon. Alas, no harem ending.
I know, I know, what I mean is, is there missable route-specific content already? Like, I'm not sure if my ending with the nuke and everyone fucking off and everything going tits up is meant to happen regardless of what I chose so far or if it's my direct punishment for fucking around and not locking onto a specific route early enough
Oh what's up Stroj.
Glad the monsters didn't disappoint after I asked on the steam forums a couple of weeks before you dropped chapter 2. Really liked Teller of Lies and the Ruza infested shrooms.
Would have liked it more if the enemies did more unique attacks and used "Null" (which for some reason they miss 80% of the time) less often, especially the enemies in the monster world.
I think he said before that there would be changes in the end depending on the missions you completed, I don't think he said anything about how romance options are gonna play into chapter 3 yet.
No idea. I managed to complete every mission besides the Shoeshine and Survival Kit ones, and I ended up getting the same thing.
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There will be 7 different endings, 5 romance ones and 2 secret ones, maybe even 3 now that I think about it.

The 5 romance routes are locked to the 5 distinct endings (Ada, Moxy, Gin, Ruza, Tonika), the other 2 or 3 secret routes will be a secret!

Yes, I have been developing the game for over 8 years now. The screenshot you posted is from 2016. I was a bit too horny back then

The nuke was inevitable, it's tied to the main plot and not the choices. All of your choices will be resolved in Chapter 3. I can guarantee that.

>Glad the monsters didn't disappoint
I remember that! Did you go down the elevator in Chapter 2? There is a secret horror boss there as well.
Truth be told, the combat system needs a lot more work. I have a lot of ideas for how to improve it.

Also to the anon that requested the Forest Mother to smile when she smacks you with the giant stick, your wish has come true!
>The screenshot you posted is from 2016
Is there a way to play that version? It's clearly very different.
>Truth be told, the combat system needs a lot more work. I have a lot of ideas for how to improve it.
This actually reminds of what I wanted to say, i'm pretty sure it's been posted before, but while i do already really like the combat system as it is, i will say that it would benefit *a lot* from a better, more comprehensive tutorial. I stil don't know what exactly the differences between the orbs are, they just all feel like HP nad i've never seen anything of the contrary.

Also, maybe I just sucked at it, but it seemed like some 'enemy types' were almost never used while others were used a lot?
Literally the only 'magical' type i found in chapter 2 was ORB
>Is there a way to play that version? It's clearly very different.
Oh man, it's like looking at your high school photos, or your internet posts from 20 years ago... It's something I wish I forget because it's really bad compared to today's version. It's basically a 30 minute tech demo. I was just starting out with game development. I started the game in RPG Maker, then in Unity to finally land in Godot. Best to forget about it, trust me. I did a Kafka and burn everything. However, if you really want to suffer, on my official website https://stroj.dev, you will find a link to a Discord Fan Community where you can find all these old alpha/beta versions.

>i will say that it would benefit *a lot* from a better, more comprehensive tutorial.
I agree that it needs to be improved in some way, it's something that I need to figure out how to best implement.

>'enemy types' in Chapter 2
Yes, it so happens that the only magical type was the Unhinged Orb because it doesn't attack you physically at all. Most of the other enemies attack you either physically or with a combination of both
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For me, it's this chad, and Ada as #2.
I'm pretty sure I 100%'d the game so far, side quests and all.
I didn't destroy the first orb and left the second one alive, though after seeing that CUNT Ichor at the end with his buddies I might have made a mistake with that.
Hell, I even reloaded the game when I used consumables I got from boss fights by mistake or missclicked into selling them.
Was hella smug when I saw the d*mon Ada boss fight and thought I was slick using the fire gem she gave me in chapter 1 to then see it just do regular damage, kek.

Also we were talking about the game in a monster girl thread that got sent to /b/, thoughts on my post here >>>/v/683542367 ? No need to give a concrete answer.
Also I hope there will be a "true" good ending with everyone being happy but now that I think about it the chances are very slim
If there's a happy ending for everyone I'm 100% sure it ends with mc dying somehow
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I'm going guess wildly and say the main menu (???) is actually relevant to the story.
I thought that from the start because if you try to leave with the bottom exit with your red orb thing it says
Why did Ichor called Ada "a vixen" when you chose to save her in the end?
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>get a couple of hot scenes
>immediately start smiling and immediately go "wait a minute..."
>alt tab to steam and check store page to check for adult tag to make sure
>it's not there
It's over. Still great scenes nonetheless at least.
a female fox
a shrewish, ill-tempered woman
informal : a sexually attractive woman
Believe it or not anon, I saw your post and left the tab open for when I wake up in the morning just to reference it and reply to it here. It was an amazing read, thank you for taking your time to write it! I don't want to spoil things, so I'll say that about 50% of your spoiler is correct. You also guessed one correct thing that nobody got so far! Sorry if I was a bit vague, but I put a lot of effort in the story and the little details, and I believe it's best experienced when you connect the dots yourself in the game, rather than the developer outright telling you if something true or not. Hope you understand what I mean.
Gin is indeed the best fluffy boy! Don't worry, let's just say there will be an ending for everyone.
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That's an amazing Ada drawing, thank you very much for posting it!

To answer your question, the main menu, the room where the giant red ball is located is one if not the most important things in the game. The implications of that room and the story as a whole will be much more clear when you peek behind the curtain and find the hidden endings.

Also when the final chapter releases I will implement an achievement/log system to keep track of all the possible endings and secrets to get 100% in the game.
There are two reasons, one is because just like this anon said >>3562281, he could tell that she a feisty and aggressive character, also smoking hot. The second reason is a lore secret that will be revealed in the final chapter.
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You know what's funny? I've been getting a lot of messages, emails, DMs etc., and it's pretty interesting that there are currently two "sides":

>Please can you make this into a porn game, it will be so much better!
>Please don't turn this in another patreon porn game! Focus on the story and gameplay!

So I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment.

Who knows, maybe someday an "unofficial" 18+ mod pops up
Nice, that's exactly the way I wanted to hear it, don't want to get spoiled on the story either, it's fun to try and figure it out.
Good shit, chapter 2 was a bit short compared to 1 but I'll eagerly await chapter 3.
Yes, a bit shorter, but more action packed I would say. Truth be told, I had a lot of other things planned for the chapter, but I had to cut it short (they will make it into Chapter 3). I'm still at the hospital, so my development resources are very limited and I didn't want people to wait until December 2024, (which would be a one year delay from my original plan due to IRL circumstances).
Not them, but you know, the two statements aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. The bottom probably just wants to avoid Ruza v0.5.7.69 "Wendigo Clit Peek Edition" (released 7 months ago) if you went down the Patreon route.
Anyways, nice to see that development is continuing on the game, was wondering what had happened.
That begs the question, what exactly would you consider a porn game? If Ruza was exactly as it was, normal battles, except you could fuck the shit out of Ava/Moxy/Ruza/Tonika/Gin in the game, would that make it a porn game? Or would it have to be full on 'everything is sex'?

Personally, i think the latter is just lame and overdone. I actually really like Ruza as an RPG by itself. Even if it didn't have waifus, i'd still like it for the setting and gameplay alone.
Damn, I mean Ada*. I don't know why i keep thinking it's a "V" instead of a "D"
That's a good point you're making, I would like to avoid that scenario as well. That's why I'm not exclusive to anything. I like to hear everyone's opinion. Also thank you! I'll be discharged in about 2 months so then I can continue working on the game 100% again, now I'm like on 30% considering the living conditions.

>If Ruza was exactly as it was, normal battles, except you could fuck the shit out of Ava/Moxy/Ruza/Tonika/Gin in the game, would that make it a porn game?
Personally, I agree with you. You explained everything perfectly, so don't think I have anything to add. Like I said, if there a big enough group of people that are interested in having hardcore sex scenes in game, I wouldn't be against it. However, if wouldn't want to alienate the other half, so I would make it an optional patch, know what I mean? To be quite honest with you, adding optional tasteful softcore scenes with jazz music crossed my mind a couple of times. Also thank you for the compliments!

I don't think anyone would complain if there were optional, more 'tasteful' scenes. You know, vanilla stuff? Not full on fetish game? Basically, as long as you didn't go full on rpgmaker hentai game like (SEQUEL? That's something i see on this board a lot) I think you'd be in an area where most people wouldn't complain.

But that's just my opinion, other anons here probably have theirs.
>vanilla stuff?
More like hardcore bdsm with a whip and collar apparently if you go for Ada, kek.
That's just what the rat vendor guessed. He also offered stuff like fuzzy handcuffs for Moxy, even though she just turns into a complete blushing maiden whanever the topic of 'romance' with paperboy comes up.
el ratto tought that she likes to bite, ya know what i mean?
>I don't think anyone would complain if there were optional, more 'tasteful' scenes.
That's my impression as well. Like I said, whenever people ask me for this type of content, I never give a hard no as an answer. At the very least, there might be a "special gallery" you unlock when you find all the secrets in the game
Honestly, she acts more like she'd prefer handholding missionary.
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>Truth be told, the combat system needs a lot more work. I have a lot of ideas for how to improve it.
Do any of those happen to touch on the healing system?
I was mildly disappointed not to see individual heals from Gin to others yet (or whoever the player chose as their designated healer) to save on area heals, but I get how that would throw a wrench into both UI design and combat balance
And your item usage tip from last year to make Gin less useless certainly helps too, I don't have much use for all the money I've accumulated so far otherwise after all.

Why indeed
...I guess this would put a hamper on things too. You've really got to have a lucky angel on your side to survive something that'd put you in the hospital for a year. Or maybe god just wants to see more horny wendigo games in the world.
I'm glad you've not only pulled through but also somehow had the willpower to work on the game throughout it all.
I have a question for you other anons, what route did you choose first when you were playing chapter 2? That's usually the route where you pick your 'favorite' girl. I went with Moxy.
I was trying to stay neutral by just giving some love to everyone, but I decided to kiss Ada in front of the blocked door and chose to give the squeaker shoes to Ruza.
Okay but who did you choose to 'save' in the end?
Oh right. Ada.
Hugged everyone. Like hell I'm not going to console a despairing fluffy cat and sober-drunk pixie.
Gave the squeaker to no one, they were all being dumb, and summoning Ruza or Tonika for this was just inviting trouble. Also, I was hoping I'd be able to give it to one of the three later on as an item, once the dust had settled. Probably would have done Ada if given such a second chance, unless it had some serious stats obviously meant for someone else. Cute squeakers on an edgy demon girl sounds too funny not to.
Kissed Ada to make up for the "damn you're a bitch" bit back in the machine-hell dimension
Saved no one. I was too mind broken by the ending and everything crashing down to think of anything other than "fuck everything"

Boy I sure hope this mess of nested spoilers works right
just tonika
... is going to get killed by Ruza.
I like Tonika, but she really fucked shit up in the ending. We could have had a nice camp stargazing scene that ended in a kiss with the waifu of our choice, but she just had to go screw with Ada.
Currently the whole game is suffering from something that is formally called "technical debt".
>Technical debt (also known as tech debt or code debt) describes what results when development teams take actions to expedite the delivery of a piece of functionality or a project which later needs to be refactored. In other words, it's the result of prioritizing speedy delivery over perfect code.

In other words, as you learn and become better you understand the error in your ways and how you can improve the whole codebase. The problem is that this process called "refactoring" does not progress development, but rather improves things under the hood.

That's the current deal with the combat system, but I'll find a way to improve it. I would also like to extend my code to have mini games and other interesting custom events in the game. It's a balancing act between free time, resources and scope creep.
Believe it or not, but I'm a very devout Christian, or rather I try my best to be one. The fact that I'm working on this game for over 8 years now, even after everything that happened, I think is a good indication that this is some bizarre calling. Because if God wanted to put this circus to and end, he would have done so long ago.

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!" - Romans 11:33
Ada, all the way. I like horny women.
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>spoiler mess
That was fun to read anon, thank you! The fact that you saved no one, puts you on the path to the secret endings. You don't care about anything other than the truth! Jokes aside, Ada wearing a pair of squeakers would be pretty endearing! Regarding the ending sometimes I wonder if I went a bit overboard, but I wanted to go out with a bang!
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If you insist
>devout Christian
Huh. Guess that explains the mouth bringing up some bible verses a few times if I remember right.
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It's better this way, trust me. Things are gonna get pretty groovy in Chapter 3. Explosions in the background, your preferred dame in your arms and a happy ending of your choice. Or a genocide route with all sort of cosmic horrors.
There might be some paraphrasing here and there, but I do not want to end up being preachy or pushing my worldview on the player (ex. You kill, you bad, game over!). There is much more to faith and theology, and I want to implement these themes in the game.

The important part to me is that the player always has a choice. Just like in life, you might do everything right and it all falls apart or that the "bad guys" get away with their evil doing.

I think these kind of situations where things aren't black and white, but rather left for interpretation is what makes game interesting, at least in my opinion.
>your preferred dame in your arms and a happy ending of your choice
This made me think, and save some real fuckin' divine intervention or Jeremy pulling some ridiculous feats, not everyone's happy endings are compatible, are they? Ruza is well...Ruza. Ada seems to be in a pretty bad spot, but her goal is to destroy the Bloodrose - but of course, destroying the Bloodrose will kill Moxy and remove Tonika's powers? Funnily enough, Moxy and Tonika have actually pretty compatible "happy endings" from what i can see, with Moxy obviously just wanting to end with paperboy and Tonika wanting to become his disciple. Even if the latter is a 'professional' relationship, those aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

I don't really know what Gin wants, the catboy. I presume he's not just got a story as simple as making peace with Tonika. He's clearly got some skeletons hidden in the closet.
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Thank you for writing this interesting post!

>not everyone's happy endings are compatible, are they?
You are right on the money, the stakes are pretty high.

>but of course, destroying the Bloodrose will kill Moxy and remove Tonika's powers?
It will kill Ruza as well.

>Moxy and Tonika
Sadly, Tonika would peel that potato sooner or later, just for being annoying her mentor to cook for her all the time, hah!

>He's clearly got some skeletons hidden in the closet.
Gin's route will have the most horror out of all the normal routes, if we exclude the secret ones, which are pure nightmares.
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>Sadly, Tonika would peel that potato sooner or later
It's okay, just give her a water spray and she'll be safe.
Amazing stuff
>that scene where Jeremy Literally fucking rips off Ruza's head with his bare fucking hands while she's crying and begging
Damn. I mean she deserved it. But still, damn.
that's what happens when fuck around with the paper boy and he finally snaps
Have you ever thought of starting a team?
Yes, I'm currently looking for an artist with a similar style (or one that is close to my own) to collaborate with. That would cut the development work in half, since a lot of time is spent on asset creation, especially all the drawings.
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Gin, I don't like kissing cute fluffy boys but someone has to do it.
Okay, so, I gotta ask, why didn't Jeremy just...tell Tonika that he literally *had* to work with Ada so he wouldn't literally die of cancer? I can understand why he wouldn't tell Moxy and Gin. They're two innocent little creatures. They'd be worried. It's also awkward to say you're technically married to someone you have a crush on, if you were on one of their routes.

But why not Tonika? She knows magic. It might have stopped her from fucking shit up and breaking the ball, even if that was necessary to the story.
Guess he kept getting swept up in her tempo since she's pretty proactive and shows up & leaves whenever she wants, so he kept forgetting to bring it up as a result.
Maybe, but with how focused on his job he is, it seems weird that Jeremy wouldn't call it. It really would have avoided a lot of trouble in the end. Especially if Ada being angry at him (and vice versa) makes the condition worse. Dude was basically on stage 4 by the end.
>water from well having metallic taste
>he probably drank from it all this time
>Chapter ends with jeremy activating an literal atomic bomb
I think you might be into something, anon.
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my impression was that jeremy tends to be smug sometimes, probably thought he was smart enough to do it all himself, then it fell apart
>jokes about curiosity and cats
>tells everyone when they are tired of adventuring, also smug
>tells Tonika "You think so?" with a smug expression
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shit, haven't even though about this
I have to admit that he seems a bit indecisive, what with how much he says "You'll have your answer soon" in chapter 2
The biggest loss this chapter has to have been my boy janny.
Hopefully he's still alive somewhere or Ichor is going to suffer if he's still alive.
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yeah, probably the combination of two
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I didn't expect bro levels like that but I'm glad it happened.
He's not dead, there is no way, he was too based. The dev won't kill him off, I have a gut feeling.
I've spend hour or two in the game, and I have no idea WTF is the world meant to be, and it annoys me.

Like... is that supposed to be some fairy tale village where human and fairies live next to one another? But no, the game is clearly intended for mature audience, but...

I have no idea what to expect, and I hate it.
It's just fantasy world.
There's humans and there's other species.
MC is a recluse I think so he's pretty far from civilization but happens to be near a village of these green gremlins.
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I've been wondering if the setting/world has a name or if I've completely missed that. Probably not important.
Interesting analysis, can you please explain a bit more why does it make you annoyed?

I asks this unironically because I'm curious of your response. Compare to there better know RPGs or JRPGs, there are whole cities, empires, etc., but Ruza takes place in a small geographical location, without much information given to the player. There isn't some grandiose big bad that is introduced at the beginning. The mystery slowly starts to unfold and the tension starts to increase with each chapter.

For me personally that's the kind of story telling that I enjoy the most, when it gives you the creepy "What is even going on here?" feeling.
Like some anons mentioned already in the thread, it's a mix of overconfidence and indecisiveness. And just like he said to Gin: "You want to make everyone happy, but sometimes that just doesn't work out."
The world doesn't have a name, nor does the "nightmare world". Jeremy even laughs at the notion when he was with Ada there: "After all this time, I don't even have a name for this place..."
I am annoyed because I don't know how the world works and thus can't immerse myself into the character and make in-character choices.

Like, the protagonist seems to enjoys 20th century amenities, yet he's neighbor with... forest spririts or goblins? So it's some kinda of urban fantasy? Is there masquerade? Or can you see news about goblins demanding equal right on nightly television? The reaper guy looks like big deal, but he's on friendly terms with protagonist. So... does that mean protagonist is big deal, too?

Compare that to Planescape or Disco Elysium, that also have weird worlds. However, you are amnesiac and the player learns about the world with the character.

In Ruza, the protagonist is clearly deeply integrated in the world, but it is entirely new for me.

But I’ve only played for a little while, and it was sometime in October.

I definitely want to return to the game, because it clearly has a lot of soul. But I'll wait some time. Perhaps until it's done.

>For me personally that's the kind of story telling that I enjoy the most, when it gives you the creepy "What is even going on here?" feeling.
Well, that accurately describes my (short) experience.
But, I struggle with relating to anything, because it is all so weird. Perhaps it's simply not a game for me.
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After reading your post, I think understand what you're trying to say. I hope I'll give a quality answer.

Ruza was never meant to be a "conventional" RPG. Not for the sake to be unique or quirky, but rather it's is something that I simply want to do. I think it falls in between a turn based dark fantasy game and a niche genre people like to call Absurdistcore, pic related.

While most important story questions will be answered, some things will be left ambiguous, for the player to use their imagination and interpret themselves.
That reminds me I gotta go finish playing Space Funeral.
Mother hot
Thank you for response.

>Not for the sake to be unique or quirky, but rather it's is something that I simply want to do.
And that is based. There is clearly a lot of unique about the game, and it would be shame to loose it in attempt to gain wider appeal.
One thing i like about Ruza is how aggressively it feels like an early 2000s game. The character designs and the way the story works. The metal music. The general edginess. It fits like a glove.

Sometimes too much. I just can't take the scenes where Jeremy is bleeding black ooze from under his bangs because of how aggressively edgy and emo it feels.
I think the black goop's alright, I've seen other games use it way worse (hello shrift). I just don't get whether when he has it if he has a literal gaping hole in his chest where you could see his organs stick out or if it's just wounds in general opening up.
Uncensored version when?
Personally I'd prefer to sexo moxy
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Ruza's a fucking nigger with the way she keeps popping up out of people's heads and turning them into demons and shit. Why does this game keep acting like I'm going to want to save her after that? She violated the NAP not just on Jeremy's party but on like dozens of NPCs so far, and that's just the ones we've seen, if she's part of the bloodrose she's probably going to take over the world or some shit. Jeremy was literally completely sanctified in busting out the Recreational McNuke™, only he should have done it on her instead
If I was to offer any feedback for you devbro I would say the story threads feel a bit disconnected, and I felt kinda lost trying to keep up going from one character's struggles to the next really fast. Also I can't tell if I hate or actually honestly love the mood whiplash from dealing with the shoe seller to Tonika's lewd/romantic scenes to everyone watching Jeremy rip Ruza's head off. It kinda feels like there's too many characters with too much stuff going on too fast and I'm jumping from one story to the next too quickly, pic related was my honest reaction to some of the cutscenes just because I was still trying to parse what had just happened before and how this new info fits in.
Having said all that I'll happily admit it's all still way better than most games today, which have a bunch of characters who have no stuff going on but they still expect you to care. I'm pretty engaged with the story as is and looking forward to seeing more, it's a very impressive project. I love the reworked combat system as well by the way, it's still a little obtuse (particularly with regards to how DoTs and debuffs actually work) but it was much easier for me to understand WHY certain things are happening now
Also Klav is the coolest janny I've ever seen and I hope he's not really dead, I didn't see him being a bro like that coming
Oh yeah, I kinda have to agree with you on this one. For a character who is literally the name of the game, there's really not a lot of reasons to like Ruza
>But she's a big, thicc woman who wants to bang you!
Well sure, but I already have literally three other options of waifu to choose from, neither of which are psychotic beasts who murder innocent people and constantly fuck up shit for everyone just to troll me.

There's just...really not a lot of reason why I *should* like Ruza.
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I will re-iterate what I said in a different thread.
This game cock-teases me way too hard, I wish it was an h-game, because my nuts get so blue, they kidnapped two Italians, and made them sing on a spaceship. I really hope you'll go along with what you're suggesting. A stealthy "unofficial" patch dropping out of the blue, for those who want it would be a godsend.
I'm retarded because i tried to play the game 2 times and both times i inadvertently skipped the combat tutorial, so i would always get stuck in fights i couldn't win because i didn't know what the fuck i was doing.
TL;DR from what I understood of the combat (washed all the fights but still not sure lol either how it works)
Each character has 3 HP bars, they die when those deplete.
Orange is speed, Red is your damage, and Grey is shield.
The bar that's getting hit first is random at each turn start.
If you deal damage to a speed bar, it's gonna lower that guy's speed, if you deal damage to red bar, it lowers their damage, and shield... no fucking idea.
I also never really used debuffs and that thing where you gotta predict what type the enemy is but apparently it grants you bonus damage if you get their type right (like power, chaos etc).
Hell, I think I only used heal spell once. I usually just rack up stones and go AOE attack or Drain.
>and it would be shame to loose it in attempt to gain wider appeal
Thanks you! I agree that watering down the game to appeal to a wider audience would go against one of the core principles why I made the game in the first place.
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The late 90s and early 2000s have left a lasting impression on my youth. Linking Park, Newgrounds, AMVs, Emo subculture, Raves etc. By today's standards, most people would consider the edginess to be "cringe", but it was amazing! And still is!

If you sliced Jeremy's gut open, you see his still functioning organs slowly rotting into the black vile liquid. The holes that open from time to time due to the rotting can be suppressed with mint leaf oil.
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>145 cm
>Roughly 40 kg
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>she violated the NAP

Yeah, Ruza is a very jealous and insecure individual. It is what it is.

Regarding the rest of the post, I agree that the pacing of Chapter 2 was a bit too fast. Chapter 1 was a bit too slow. Pacing in general is something that I need to work on. With that said, I wanted Chapter 2 to be a bit hectic, but it seems a went a little overboard. I wanted to accentuate Jeremy's overconfidence with everything happening at once and that he constantly kept saying "Don't worry about it." or "We'll fix it."

Also thank you for the feedback and constructive critique.

Regarding Klav: I'll leave his death up for interpretation. Roses are red, violets are blue, everyone is dead and so are you!
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>psychotic beasts who murder innocent people and constantly fuck up shit for everyone just to troll me
Hey, let's not kink shame, some people are into that stuff. Jokes aside, I know what you mean. Ruza might seem like an annoying individual, but I can assure that everyone's route will shed more light on their true colors. I'm not saying Ruza will do a 180 and turn into a "good person", but the motives, reasoning and lore will make you understand her more if nothing else.
I understand, i'm probably going to do every route anyway just to get all the secrets, but i'm more so saying that there isn't really much of a reason to follow Ruza's route, you know what i mean? Other than doing it for completion.
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Currently I'm trying to "grow the business", by finding another artist that would like to work with me and has a similar art-style. I'm not happy (and I would say that we all agree on this) that the chapters are taking way to long to make. I can do everything myself just fine, I've been doing that for the past 8 years, but it's just oo slow.

If by any chance the artist also draws rule34, there will be a "Ruza - Adult Version" patch.

I need to gather a team.
>there isn't really much of a reason to follow Ruza's route
She's hot and wants the dick, what other reasons do I need?
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>i inadvertently skipped the combat tutorial
Never skip leg day. Nobody likes doing it, but it's worth it.
>She's hot and wants the dick
So are Ada, and Moxy, and Tonika. They're all hot. They all want the paperboy. And they're not (as) crazy as Ruza.
Yeah but aside from Tonika they're not as proactive about it.
Good post, that's pretty much how the combat system works. Just like you said, you use AOE attack and Drain. You can have massive debuffs on the enemies and they would deal 1 damage. Or you can stack DoT and watch them bleed to death. While the combat is far from perfect, I tried my best to make it as interesting as possible.
I didn't want to skip it though, i even restarted the entire game just to see the combat tutorial, but the same shit happened since i wrongly pressed the button to entirely skip the tutorial. Since you developed it, can you give me a quick rundown on how does the combat system work?
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>Since you developed it, can you give me a quick rundown on how does the combat system work?
I would need to copy/paste over 30 images and text for that to work. I have a better suggestion for you. When you are in the game, open up the game menu and go to the "Options" category, then go to the "Tutorials" tab. There you can select any tutorial and it will replay it from the start.
I want to smack Ada's ass so bad you have no idea
So... Now that the nuke went off is everyone dead or what?
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don't forget about this, the dev will pull a bamboozle
I guess.
Probably the red dot we control's gonna do a soft reset either on chapter 3 start or somewhere near the end of it.
If you can manage it devbro, I feel like some in-combat dialogue and interactions between the enemies and party members would really help the game's pacing. It could help the game feel less like it's split up between 'thinking about fighting' and 'thinking about what's going on in the story', make the fights and the story feel more connected, help set the tone of how serious some fights are meant to be, and also just give you more room to have characters interact without dumping it all in pre-fight or post-fight dialogue
Even small things would help a lot (i.e. Ada, Moxy, or Gin saying how horrified and disgusted they are the first time they enter a round of combat vs a Ruzarian enemy, while Jeremy just stays silent and looks grim), but if you're willing to spend time setting a lot of flags you could get really meticulous with it (like in the Hibiska fight, she has history with two of the participants and she's bombastic enough to taunt the two she doesn't know. When her and Moxy enter a round of combat they could have like a silly little argument about who's tougher and who's smarter or whatever. When Gin hits her for a decent amount of damage she could have a line where she's surprised he's got that in him. If somebody uses Throwing Knives on her she might say something to the effect of "hey, quit throwing that shit at me". etc etc, stuff like that)

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