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Why so many people think D&Dogshit makes RPGs better? Is just a brand with 0 imagination
How many years did it take you to come up with such a slam dunk, OP? I am in awe
>D&D makes RPGs better
I haven't seen anyone say that.
Are you having imaginary arguments, anon? Want me to indulge you?
>Why so many people think D&Dogshit makes RPGs better?
Who thinks that? I'm sure you intended this post for /tg/.
Biggest problem with using DnD for games is if you use the ruleset.
Reason being the ruleset is not even good for PnP standards and for videogames it's atrocious. Especially whenever you use dice which are dogshit.
These bait threads just get lazier and lazier all the time. The last day or two are at an all-time low. I award you zero points and may God have mercy on your soul.
DnD is a tragic disappointment. The brand is full of interesting gameworlds, but nope they are pushing blandest setting, everything is Forgotten Realms only.
i don't think he's getting lazier, it's the same dude doing it for years. he basically copies somebody's shitpost in some thread that creates a hubbub and then repeats it over and over. dude's a golem.
Man, just stop having a hate boner. It makes you seem completely unhinged and invalidates any genuine criticism of what you're ranting about. You could have a more middle of the road stance, admit some things it did well, and then take issue with specific things that irk you. Instead you only tell people that you're mad and you make up a childish nickname.
The problem with D&D antis is that they really don't know what they're talking about, and they usually support other systems with huge gaping flaws like an anus that just got plowed for eternity.
We could have a whole conversation about how modern designers are just rehashing old stuff, and how nobody knows what their ideas were originally based on anymore. Instead people will come and laugh at you and a few schizos will both attack and defend you and waste everyone's time.
Good talk.
To be fair, a lot of anons also push popular=better, so when a company does that they're not uniquely at fault. The sentiment that there is a best way to do things and that new is better is something that dominates gamer culture. Likewise, people love to push the idea that fun boils down to the same old skinner box mechanics.
People get what they want by popular demand and it turns out to be trash, but stuff that appeals to a niche gets labeled a flop. This really makes it seem like humans overall haven't collectively reached a truly self-reflective stage of intelligence yet.
>Biggest problem with using DnD for games is if you use the ruleset.
Which ruleset are you talking about? 1e-2e, or 3e-5e? Which ruleset variations?
>not even good for PnP standards
It is a good ruleset for P&P when it is used correctly. That is when it is used as a dungeon diving combat game. If it's used as the critical role faggots or those of similar ilk incorrectly use it, it's terrible.
>for videogames it's atrocious
It is fine for video games.
>whenever you use dice which are dogshit.
Video games don't use dice rolls. They use a random number generator. It's reasonable to make this distinction as RNG generally functions differently enough from dice rolls to point out the distinction. RNG can be made to approximate dice rolls though die themselves have a fundamentally different behavior physically from the RNG model which can result in some differences in outcomes in the long run.

RNG is fine for video games. It allows for variability in outcomes and allows for more skill expression with the manipulation of modifiers via position and other factors. BTW, even games with deterministic hit chance usually use rng for damage.

Thinking of a game like FFT or Tactics Ogre, there was a layer of skill expression from managing what side of a person you were attacking from in order to maximize your hit chance while positioning your characters to deny the enemy a flank. In KotC 2, the chance to hit your own character and reduced chance to hit an enemy due to cover made it advantageous to move your archers in order to avoid hitting your characters with an arrow and to maximize your chance of hitting that enemy with an arrow in addition to managing the relative position of your characters to get a flanking bonus to hit.
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>Video games don't use dice rolls. They use a random number generator.
Yeah, but isn't that the same shit in different format?
No, you see, I can pre-roll the 1s from my dice.
>FFT or Tactics Ogre
not RPGs, not even good tactical games
The only thing 5E did well was siphon away the refuse that shit up games by being unable to play them.
>The brand is full of interesting gameworlds
No there isn't.
>The problem with D&D antis is that they really don't know what they're talking about
Kys fag
what's an anti?
go through each one and say why they are shit in at least a full sentence
Owlcucks implemented one dice is rolled for enemies and player, instead of each faction having their own dice.
>inb4 brainless clowns say that the numbers say it's identical
The runs are different though, aren't they?
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The worst dnd game is better than the best square or fatlus game
what's the worst dnd game?
Daggerdale sucks but it's better than the recent Dark Alliance game.
>Which ruleset are you talking about? 1e-2e, or 3e-5e? Which ruleset variations?
All of them. None of them were designed for videogame use. They were designed just to add some structure to all the imagination and talking, little more. They were never particularly good (some worse than others). It's fundamentally more shallow than anything you can do in videogames.

>It is a good ruleset for P&P when it is used correctly
Which is with a lot of exceptions, bending of rules and mostly used as a guideline. None of which work in videogames and is a band-aid for design issues.

>It is fine for video games.
Not a single game has adapted the rulesets well. Don't even think about mentioning BG3 unless you want to be disregarded instantly.

>Video games don't use dice rolls
Some can technically do it, but the point is that PnP like DnD does. It's part of the rules.

>RNG generally functions differently enough from dice rolls to point out the distinction
Not even worth bringing up since 99% of people on this board don't understand probability or RNG enough to get into the nitty gritty. Can guarantee you fall in that group since you need to have worked with it to fully understand it all, including the design of RNG.

>RNG is fine for video games
Perceived RNG can be fine. """True""" RNG is almost always terrible for games. It doesn't help that a lot of games implement it terribly. RNG to hit is something almost all devs fail at and most shouldn't even try to tackle it.
RNG works best when it's far removed from the decision point, so the decision isn't invalidated by said RNG.

>Thinking of a game like FFT or Tactics Ogre, there was a layer of skill expression from managing what side of a person you were attacking from
Don't get me started on the positioning problem in those games. The fact that modern devs like those for Triangle Strategy still make the same mistakes is just tiresome.

Anyway, point is you're better off creating your own systems and rules,not use DnD
I hate them all for the exact same reasons. That being, d20 and rigid class systems suck dick.
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It technically is still a dice roll, it's just that other factors can influence the results depending on how the random number generator is set up, which could differ from a dice. But if you're setting up a system involving something similar to dice, you should have a programmer or designer to set that up correctly anyway.

So yes they are still technically dice. If you set up an RNG output for 1-6 you're simulating a D6. Some games even simulate it using physics instead.
>All of them. None of them were designed for videogame use. They were designed just to add some structure to all the imagination and talking, little more. They were never particularly good (some worse than others). It's fundamentally more shallow than anything you can do in videogames.
Do you know why being a DM is a necessary prerequisite when applying as a level designer?
Guys that are deranged with a permanent hate boner for something, like this >>3561136 guy. He can't form a nuanced or well informed opinion and all he does is rage and rage.
ah, must be newer slang, haven't heard it.
>Do you know why being a DM is a necessary prerequisite when applying as a level designer?
It isn't and I don't know what idiot told you that. If we're being generous it might be a nice bonus for a quest designer for an RPG.
>i don't even know their names or anything about them.
>It isn't
Yes it is. For all western genres no less.
>Yes it is. For all western genres no less.
No it isn't. I REALLY want to hear what fucking retard told you this.

There is no overlap in skillset. Someone being able to write up some shitty storry and talk people though it does not mean they can. If you think you can write on your CV and portfolio
>yeah i did some DM'ing for D&D, hire me
and expect to get hired as even a junior LD, you're utterly delusional and will go unemployed.

By far the most important aspect of getting hired as an LD is proof of your skills by posting layouts and levels you did, so the designers reviewing your application can judge your design knowledge and ability.

Whatever idiot told you that trolled you hard.
To add, even for some CRPG DM experience being mandatory is wrong. It's irrelevant.

To be a level designer there are so many things a DM does not think about or is even aware of. Orientation, flow, guidance, micro setdressing, landmarking, metrics, signposting, saliency, PPPs and the list just keeps going.
>Why so many people think D&Dogshit makes RPGs better? Is just a brand with 0 imagination
It like the cosmology of D&D. At least before they fucked over all the planes by making some local deities more important than they really should be.
D&D was always a stupid game compared to other tabletop RPGs.
I went to an RPG club at university, and everybody looked down on the D&D'ers.
The worst thing is its continuing influence on RPGs today. So many of its stupid mechanics have become standardised.
>compared to other tabletop RPGs.
What are you even talking about?

You never even played any tabletop RPG you illiterate faggot.
I see. You want action games. Not rpgs. This is the wrong board for you. Try
class systems are awesome

d20 is kinda shitty though
>I see. You want action games. Not rpgs.
You're just illiterate. I didn't even imply that, that's just something you pulled from your ass in a shitty attempt to dismiss my post.
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D&D is to RPGs like Marvel or Star Wars are to movies. It's successful because it's dumbed-down consoomer slop with a massive marketing budget. It's "nerd shit" that's designed to cater to mainstream normalfags who don't have the mental faculties for actual nerd shit.
It's not new, but normally it's only used by Tumblrites and fanfiction writers who are mad at people who dislike their favorite ships.
Which RPGs are actual nerd shit?
What a fucking retard you are. Kys
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>unable to comprehend "I went to an RPG club at university"
>calls others illiterate
D&D'er confirmed.
>None of which work in videogames and is a band-aid for design issues.
All the ones that have been implemented in video games work in video games. If they didn't work, there would be a game with the ruleset. When you use words, you should make sure you understand what they mean rather than trying to say something doesn't "work" because it hurts your feel-feels you fucking baby.
>Not a single game has adapted the rulesets well.
The only ones that have failed to adapt the rulesets well are the RTwP games as they decided to just turn turns into sequences rather than just make a turn-based game.
>Don't even think about mentioning BG3
Nigger. BG3 has a lot of problems. The use of the 5e ruleset is not one of them.
>Perceived RNG can be fine. """True""" RNG is almost always terrible for games
LMAO. Retard.
>It doesn't help that a lot of games implement it terribly
How exactly does a game implement RNG terribly? What game filtered you? I'm guessing you played only toddler games and then when you picked up a real rpg and got filtered hard, you came on here to complain.
>Don't get me started on the positioning problem in those games.
What are you going to do? Complain more about how you're filtered by rpgs having rpg elements (rng is an rpg element)? Nigger. RPGs are not the games for you. Nor do RPGs generally have to be made in the same fashion as the toddler games that end up being passed off as "rpgs" that exist for no reason other than to amuse toddlers like pokemon or whatever generic GBA/GBC jrpgs you've been playing.

Your post was entirely
>rng bad because it make me mad!
>position bad because it make me mad!
>rulesets bad because it make me mad!
You've posted nothing of substance. You disrespect yourself and your nation. You are made of stupid.
>All the ones that have been implemented in video games work in video games. If they didn't work, there would be a game with the ruleset.
There is no logic to this statement. "If it was in a game it worked". If that's not what you mean, rephrase it in a non-caveman way.

>The only ones that have failed to adapt the rulesets well are the RTwP games as they decided to just turn turns into sequences rather than just make a turn-based game.
Wrong. You also imply all of these "other ones" implemented it flawlessly with no issues, because that's your premise.

>Nigger. BG3 has a lot of problems. The use of the 5e ruleset is not one of them.
I see, so it was 100% perfectly executed and using D&D or 5e did not cause any design issues.

>LMAO. Retard.
Every single post proves you know absolutely nothing game game or system design. You shitposting is you cementing you have no idea what people are even talking about. I can guarantee you're unaware of basic concepts like law of large numbers, which makes you unqualified to any RNG discussion or opinion.
Now go ahead and google it, don't understand it and pretend you know everything about RNG design. Go even more in denial.

>How exactly does a game implement RNG terribly? What game filtered you?
I was going to give an extensive answer, but your second question here cemented you're far too biased, irrational and immature to actually educate and treat as a mature adult. Frankly, you just made me not want to waste more time on you, since you do not want to discuss. Only scream at people that don't like what you like and call them idiots.

>filtered filtered filitered
>u mad u mad u mad
>finishes by copymasting a meme quote, because he lacks any thought himself
You could not have made a greater case for how much of an unthinking, overemotional and biased person you are. For a second I actually intended to reply seriously and respectfully, despite you not doing that. Keep living in your little bubble then.
ah, yeah, i've always avoided tumblr and slashfics and "shipping" communities.
>long post
>no arguments
>still not telling us which game filtered him
So tell us retard... Which game filtered you so hard that you still have to post about how much you hate rpg mechanics on an rpg forum?
>RPG group in college
>Looked down on the D&D'ers
Tell me you're a fedora laden virgin without telling me, mate.
Well lucky for you D&T has no bearing on video games. Video games dont use spell slots, they use mana, they dont have multiclassing or God forbid dualclassing nonsense and you dont roll a stupid dice for everything.
You're just a jealous zoomer fag stuck with bullshit like discord and twitter. Back then nerds had some level of dignity.
>I hung out with hipsters in uni and let them inform my opinions.
Thanks for sharing your embarrassing story, anon. Gave me a chuckle.
>Is just a brand with 0 imagination

lmao do you really expect someone to believe your retarded ass platitude take on DnD?

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