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File: warrior.png (1 KB, 96x96)
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>Where would I put this
up ma ass
Did the game actually invent inventory tetris?
All older games I can think of went by 1 item (or stack of items) = 1 slot, but I haven't played every single old game, so maybe I just missed earlier version.
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no, but i'm not sure who did it first.
>Yup, that’s a cow, alright
>he hasn’t played every single old game
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Diablo 1 was so magical bros. I love this game
I have never seen a post with this word in it that was not absolutely terrible. It's like your signature.
Where is that picture from, I don’t recognize it from the manual
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Thanks for outing yourself as not my bro
Don't know, to be honest. Here's another
Betrayal at Krondor had it in 1993, but I'm sure I've played older games that had it as well.
I think it's from the strategy guide.

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