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Thirst soon to be quenched
Innocents yet to be Ruled
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Only a BIG cat could possibly handle my desire
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I kneel
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In what order should I tackle the postgame in Colony? The Fae heroes seem to be too high level for now, I barely damage them, I went for the graveyard route and I've arrived at what I assume is the final boss but I'm probably underleveled because the trah mobs were kinda hard and the boss himself oneshots me. Am I supposed to do the boat quest to go to Alzheit first?
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The second I beat a base SEQUEL game I find the nearest chickeners and level to max before doing postgame in whatever order so I cannot answer that question
Doesn't that trivialize the experience? I only bother with farming chickens when only superbosses are left.
When I say max I don't usually do any resets, so none of the huge stat gains. Though I did reset Emela only for Colony because love.
>Doesn't that trivialize the experience?
Only if you're good at the game.
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Let's check if we are in the same page here: is the Final Boss the guy obsessed with Trau's arm? The one that was in the harbor under the laboratory you found this diary?
Caause if so, yes, he isn't meant to be fought now. I had to do the entirety of Alzhett and then fought him, got my ass kicked and then finally beat him.
Not sure if the Fae Colmana are meant to be done before or after Alzhett either but it sounds like you are meant to go to Alzhett for now.
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Fae heroes are pretty easy, but you can also get access to the fifth Schisma region if you haven't already. But I would also suggest doing the Alzhett chapter since you get some great gear there. Perfect for doing both the fae heroes and fifth Schisma region with.
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Yeah, it's that guy.
Alright, I'm departing for Alzhett tomorrow
Prim's tits are what heaven is like. The stuff of dreams.
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I'm at Kludge's postgame, farming Chickeners to farm Superweapons to fight Idea who will then unlock more stuff.
I'm at level 88, deducing 90 will be a good range to consistently farm the Medabots, with 92 giving my Yolnaya enough skill points to replicate the previous thread's build.
I haven't tired yet, and I can even take it to farm to level 100. Maybe even beyond that.
But I don't consider anything that needs 150 worth it.
Is there anything in this game that would need me to have a level as high as that? Cause if there is I would just turn down the difficulty and kill the rest of the bosses to move on with it. I don't need the Proof that much.
And what would be the lowest level range someone managed to finish all of Kludge's content?
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You need to get to level 150 for the virtual world of kludge, that's the superboss dungeon. Basically the Gramtoa/Saxa's Dungeon equivalent of kludge. If you're not planning on doing that, you don't need to be level 150.
Well crap. Is there lore to it like Gramtoa? Or would it more like Saxa's?
No lore in it at all, really. Just some shenanigans with Manity.
Oh boy. Well, let's see what I can do for now.
Someone post the full roster for Thirst for me, please?
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Nazuna the fox girl
Prim the Miruess army maid
Outoku the monk
Uula the wagie
Tsue the lamia ninja (part of the Shadowchain folk)
Aruko the mischievous tanuki
The cast is really knocking it out of the park for me this time.
>Marriage with children (I am the father)
>Marriage with children (I am the father (mother))
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Uhh bro, the cat monk is a girl. The bunny monk is the male one.
I think the only thing I'm not super happy about is that half the cast has white hair.
Just less variety overall. At least the outfits are quite distinct.
oh, I forgot about the bunny so I assumed it was the monk. No party male this time around then?
Considering the content of the demo, their role will probably be closer to that of Vyner or Reda's.
In the current patch - Level 57
If you're counting the patches since base 1.00 - Level 29
Really hoping the monk has a bound chest and is hiding some BAZONGAS. Imagine Uula talking to her like, "You understand me as someone without much chest!" only for her to be like, "Oh...yeah...haha..."
>generic design
>poor design
>generic design
>unique design
>generic design
>generic design
Hakika has fallen
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I wonder who’s behind this post…
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I wish to play SEQUEL: Thirst.
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in case it's not obvious already i like luora
she is very sexo
I wish to play
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I'm at what I presume is the final boss of kludge
I'm not really clear on how her Errorstone status works because in every attempt I've made, I die in like a turn or two after she turns it on. I hate how this series somehow still doesn't allow you to check enemy status conditions after 4 games
Anyway, my team is ~Level 37 and no real strategies are presenting themselves. Dita outspeeds her at least, so I can get a Bind off on turn 1 and stop her from using Errorstone. But I've only been able to deplete one health bar after which the status effects on her BS charge move prevent me from Binding her on turn 8 when she tries using the Errorstone again
So I'm a little stumped on what to do here; the only thing I can think of that I haven't tried is respecing Lusica to be more offensive, but even with my other two party members being Yolnaya and Faria, I still haven't made a dent in that second health bar
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Anon go to sleep. You aren’t thining straight.
You are complaining about inability to check what status do yet you missed the fact the Errorstone is a REMOVABLE buff.
You can make your slow units throw a shit bomb in the EXACT same turn she uses the stone to deprive her of the buff then and there.
you are assuming that said anon is gifted with the mythical skill called "turn counting"

which they should definitely pick up
it's not like I'd know, never seen the icon after all.
hell, I wasn't even aware it was strictly a buff, thought it might change her moveset some too. This is exactly why you need to be able to check enemy statuses
Should play pokemon battles against autists for a handful of hours a day. It goes a long way in sowing the seeds for this type of thing and at no expense other than that you must know the in's and out's of thousands of pokemon and all their moves.

You'll get 500+ turn battles sometimes, which can last over 40 minutes, but it's okay. In the end, you'll appreciate it.
That said, when is Innocent rules out? maybe by the end of the month? 116 H-scenes remain after all.
Also, does it have a full screen patch?

Will sub-par return for Thirst? will he deliver before December? is he even alive?
Is the monk also a kitsune like Nazuna?
Uula does not belong.
Cat-type I believe.
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>breast species is getting uppity again
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Keep eating those veggies and someday you'll grow up big and strong
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Take your meds
does the rori juice make you addicted like uula with the aphrodisiacs?
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Speaking of, who do you think is getting the loli scene this time around?
Smoler Uula? The new fox?
Prim is probably getting the scene where Manatank takes it I would assume, so she's out.
Nazuna has refused to take it before calling it dangerous, so she probably won't take it. Tanuki is already small.
>Smoler Uula?
this has been teased since blight
fucking hackika
Beautiful. Bountiful. Bold.
childbearing hips made for delivering twelve kids minimum
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Reminds me of Olivia being teased.
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Who do you give the Toiler Brand in Colony? For now I'm tempted to give it to Auris since her moveset is utility focused anyway and spamming Wide Guard evey turn while also actually doing stuff like Binding/Stunning/Buffing sounds broken, but she's also kinda SP starved even with only 1 move per turn so I'm considering giving it to Emela instead, but Emela can do some actually solid damage when she' has a free turn and it'd be sad to give up that.
Oh, also I assume that Auris' skills that scale with Def, like Guarding strike, are not debuffed by the Toiler's right?
Yes. Her ideal attack with Toiler’s Brand is Armored Blow. She can also use Intercept and then Cure Shield in the same turn which is kinda busted.
Wonder if Hakika's going with a 'tempting the stoic monk to break her vows' kind of thing with Outoku. Would be a bit cliche, but people went mad for Olivia so who am I to criticize I guess.
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Alright I'm awake
Time your shit bombs to remove that Saint Heriarch buff. Kuuem #1 has a consistent moveset that repeats every 5(?) turns. That turn counter will be needed a lot because the last turn before rotation is a big fuckyou AoE.
I don't think your party is ready for the boss if they are struggling with the Errorstone straight away. She will get inherent boosts in stats as the battle goes on, with me narrowly winning in the last turn. I think if you have trouble with her buffed now, you will suffer a lot later anyway.
Your Dita is fine and all but the battle will be long. You will need another method to survive the obligatory AoE. Dita can protect you from 2. Even 3 if something else makes you survive through it.
And as luck would have it: Faria has the Culling Eye skill which will reduce her offensive stats to 0 with priority for 1 turn. Using that skill you can buy time for yet another chaining from Dita later.
>Wonder if Hakika's going with a 'tempting the stoic monk to break her vows' kind of thing
it would be reversal of the usual femdom relationships in-game, so it could be well received
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She is definitely very sexo.
Thanks but I had already won several hours before your post
I was simply being too defensive, assuming I was unable to tank her AoEs while attacking, but until the third phase I was, so I just saved my binds for the third phase.
right now I'm finding myself woefully underpowered for basically any postgame content, so Chickener grinding it is once again. Fuck hakika for making it more of a pain in the ass than in any previous game
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I still don't know why hakika decided to make chickener grinding annoying in kludge. He made it easy in colony when compared to blight and awake, I don't see why he would make it difficult again.
Blight and Colony aren't that different since both of them let you have priority bind, Colony just adds the defense 0 skill on top of that to make it completely brainless
awake doesn't have either but it does have the Chickener Hunt skill to make sure you get at least one kill every encounter

All you get in kludge is the defense 0, no priority bind or chickener hunt, plus you're forced to walk out of the area more often
The reincarnation grind in awake was still more annoying if you ask me, since you had to farm for surging masses of mana from Aennelus. 30 in total.
Well, you only gotta farm that much if you plan on using everyone
Still, I wouldn't do it regardless just because of the lack of mana seeds
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I'm indecisive and messed around with my party comp more than a few times during Gramtoa, it was well worth getting everyone to 3 reincarnations. Yet it was annoying.
No one gets left behind. I must have used Alma a total of 0 times except when you must during the segment you recruit her, but she was still level 99*3 by the end of it all.
I basically never switched off of my Lec/Yanie/Maria team except where forced to
None of the rest of the playable characters really seemed worth using except for Nazuna, and I thought I might have to switch Maria out for her at certain points, but expending HP for skills never ended up being an issue somehow
It's odd that we haven't had a character like that since Maria
She seems like Ino's version of Rabi
MT's dick seems to be growing. Is that where all his levels are going instead of into combat stats?
I used Lec, Maria and Clar for most of the game, in encounters that required status cleanse I swapped Clar for Nosh. Sometimes I used Nazuna or Pirila for some very specific stuff, but that's what I did for most of my run.
Haven't been here in ages. How far off is the Innocent Rules translation if that's still a thing?
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Pretty damn close to being done. The translator is here too now. >>3561349
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It's so close...
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Very close...
Darn, that's some very prominent puffiness, if I didn't know Hakika's boundaries, I'd worry she's packing heat.
Hey, if that builds steam in your engine I'm not judging, but I'm not up for that ride.
What's the intended progression order in Blight? I've already beaten all the games but while waiting for Thirst to be translated I've decided to go back and clear them 100%. Are the Incarnations meant to be done before Palgadol despite being earlier on the event list?
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Check the manual in your game folder, there should be tips and a recommended progression guide like this
>Postgame arc (Palgadol) > Lione’s extra task > Celiani’s event in the Arctar Ruins > Great Arena stuff > Incarnations of Mana > Pretty’s request
Extremely unlikely. Palgadol is balanced to be tackled right after you start the postgame. Incarnations are superbosses that require a lot of powergrinding.
It's just me or are the name's Brand in Colony kinda underwhelming?
>Auris' is decent, can't complain
>Both Emela's and Lestea's require 2 turns in row to get value, a lot can go wrong
>Rabi's becomes very SP and TP starved with it, I can rarely use it more than once for now
I dunno, I just prefer the raw stats of a Guardian Brand 3 for now.
With Rabi and Emela you are trying to squeeze as much damage as possible into as short a time as possible. You use them when you want to end a 200k+ HP boss fight in 5 turns or less. The two turn attacks are obviously easy to set up if you use Bind or Stun or whatever.
It is true that I didn't use Lestea's much as there's just not many situations where you'd need to attack multiple enemies with that much power. I mean it is her strongest move anyway, but still, you're probably better off just having her throw out stuns or debuffs most of the time
It's just you. Learn to use set up buffs and use Bind effectively. Auris honestly has by far the weakest brand aside from when Emela gets put on toiler healslut/ribbon spam duty for mega bosses. You're better off giving her AGI brand(s) so she can outspeed bosses for two turn binds.
Lest has close to 100% crit rate when set up correctly and insanely high insane luck to boot. Combine that with Uwabami's Treasure Sword and she can shit out Hymn and Battoujutsus like crazy.
Full Combo is the highest damage skill in the game and there are brands and an accessory to regen TP on top of her passive +5/turn. Battle Cheering is absolutely busted for the HP+SP regen.
I appreciate kludge for getting rid of reincarnations and letting the player go up to level 150 instead. It's a more elegant solution
But the postgame just isn't very fun. I can't meaningfully use accessories anymore. Too many damn status ailments being thrown around and every single new fight is just a forced loss until I find out what ailments I need to prevent. The whole game I've been using Lusica instead of Kuu for healing and support, but that just doesn't seem like a viable option anymore since Lusica can't do jack about ailments and has no revival spell (and even that wouldn't be a problem if they hadn't made ultra mana potions bizarrely expensive for no apparent reason)
And on top of that every other boss either has some unique, unblockable status effect or just straight up SP/TP drains you. I feel like I'm not even being allowed to play the game when every enemy is disabling my ability to do anything
removing the generic skill tree was a mistake
I'll try to build around them more, I really need to make Auris faster to get fast Binds for starters.
Still talking about Colony, do you guys buy any status immunities? Mainly talking about the super cancerous ones that disable characters like Confusion, Forgetful and Sleep, buying them all for everyone is way too expensive, but I was thinking about buying them on Emela so she can cleanse the others at least.
These are telling me that the scenes are going to be as lewd as Colony, which is the game I feel like mana tank does the most teasing before he messes up and gets it turned back on him for goading these women who have extremely high libido which gets worse the more affection they gain for him. If they gain sex status screens like L.Delph and Innocent Rules he's really gonna be in trouble.
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No news
Some cute Auris art though.
It's already in a playable state if you do a virgin run.
I buy all of them except poison, fatigue and darkness upon getting to level 99. Once you get to about level 50, you should have all the useful skills for your character's build (hell, everyone except Rabi can grab almost everything useful from both their trees at that level) , so at that point buying immunities and stat ups makes more sense than buying the superfluous skills
Same holds true in awake btw
yes 100% buy the status immunities. They trivialize some of the relevant fights when you put them on, and give you a lot more leeway to work with in the remaining relevant fights
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Guess he's been up to something if he already comes with some.
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What happens with the globos, stays with the globos
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I wanted to thank the guy that made this
https://arch.b4k.co/vrpg/thread/3545647/#3555861 post
I killed the 3 mechaweapons once each. I'm gonna lose and get raped by them and later go fight Idea later.
What was your strategy against Chromea?
I've beaten her but she feels absolutely excruciating to fight with her being able to spam 3 AoEs in a single turn. Feels like you're forced to turtle even with offensive sets. Took me like 20 turns to win last time
I still wasn't able to oneshot her (likely would if Yolnaya had a corresponding elemental part).
I legit and luckily tanked through those AoEs. Though Kuu, Faria and Yolnaya were downed in the following turn which left only Dita to finish the job.
I didn't take as long to beat her, like 5~7 turns. That Yolnaya is ridiculously strong. AND she critted. Chromea lost most of her life in that High Fury.
Nta but you can kill Chromea in 2 turns with the right setup, I remember. I used Kuu Lusica Yolnaya and Lusica’s status immunity skill was key for killing her in two turns, but you could also try Kuu Yolnaya Faria at the cost of an accessory slot for everyone, to prevent her from confusing you at the start.
Well, I just made Yolnaya hit Idea for 505k crit damage so I can probably pull it off, but I'm not sure
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The only thing standing before my victory and defeat is one crit by this point. The setup is solid and the Barbarian lunch is eaten.
I likely could beat her otherwise by just playing normally, but I really want to break this fight apart with Yolnaya now.
The Barbarian Lunch honestly doesn't affect it much, increase is only like 3%
What you want to use is the axe crafted from Plamia's material which gives you +25% crit chace
>What you want to use is the axe crafted from Plamia's material which gives you +25% crit chace
Ohhhh Plamia's Axe also had that effect? Damn.
Either way the crit wasn't enough. I'm still continuing the fight. If this doesn't work I'll just revamp Dita's skill tree to reduce Idea's DEF to zero as well. Which I dumbly forgot
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Oh shit I actually won before that.
Guess I'll save it in another slot to attempt this fight again later for an OTK
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Hakika is really planning something big with her. And another god apparently. She nudged the events of ASYLUM, and the consequences of Kludge were her goal
I'm not Hakika would do that, since he's never done anything like that before. Except that one aphrodisiac scene with Chemica I guess. But that was just one scene, not all of a character's scenes. Just doesn't seem to be Hakika's fetish.
Help me, for I must be retarded. Emela's brandskill asks me to use Pile Bunker first, but I see no button for that, not in the skill screen nor in battle. How does this work? All other brandskills are working fine
Pile Bunker is one of her regular skills. You have to have actually purchased it with her LP
Alright, I've seen it now. I mostly used my Emela as a healslut, I didn't go deep in her MAT tree. Thanks.
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He drew more Alma in Emela's costume too.
God bless his soul.
Oh he definitely is, so far 3 gods from Liberty Step have been referenced and appeared in the squeal games, we've actively confronted 2 of them and fought someone wielding the power of another and this is personal thinking but I really do think the Stargrav has become apart of the cocooned land in some way going by the schizo robot's words I really do like Liberty Step not just because it's the first of the era of myth games I played but because of the story of that world, how it came to be, how it managed to be tied and yet not tied to it's creator and how out of all the worlds from the era of myth it's one with the strongest presence in Ordowald second only to Silver Tower for rather obvious reasons
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She's famous.
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There is any monster catching games focused on monstergirls, I expected Innocent Rules to be one of these but it turns out you recruit girls just like you recruit regular party members in any other RPG.
A bunch of games in the ROBF series have monster catching. Re:BF is the newest one and it's translated too, you can catch any monster girl and evolve them too.
>Even after using Faria's Culling Eye skill that's supposed to drop enemy attack to 0, Hellkite Engine still does damage to me
how is this even happening? I don't understand how I'm supposed to survive this bullshit. If I let it have a free turn at all I'm dead
Honestly, it's rather interesting how famous our first 3 heroines are, Whenever people say The Freelancer everyone knows exactly who they're talking about, The Monster Woman was first name dropped in Blight and everyone in Palgadol knows and fears her, Auris has only been active in Ordowald for less than a year let The Knight of the Kingdom is widely known for her strength. Meanwhile the Devil warren of Tjaunana, the Dream sisters and The lost star are only known to a few people. I'm sure Rabi's reputation will grow once she makes contact with the red cloaked adventurer and joins the doves. I wonder if our peace loving fox will get a cool nickname for herself after this adventure. I love nicknames, it really appeals to the chunni buried deep inside of me
MGQ Paradox sort of counts
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I have a small amount of notes for the 3 mechagods. Their virtual versions, of course.
>Hellkite notes:
>Weak to ice. Fire resist brand on everyone + Provisional Ring on Dita, turn 1 try to bind, turn 2 crit with Yolnaya High Fury if you get lucky

>Wind one notes:
>Weak to lightning. Turn 1 Yubeil incite + tank hit + bind, turn 2 whatever, turn 3 survive the AoE, turn 4 win

>Elema notes:
>Weak to fire. Turn 1 bind, turn 2 Dita Tight Pain, turn 3 DEF=0 + Kuu heal + Yolnaya 50 TP nuke, turn 4 bind debuff, turn 5 bind, turn 6 kill

My section on Hellkite is very small.
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I mean I don't know how I'm supposed to crit for 500k damage on turn 2. I've only been able to do that much on turn 3 after setting up both Wild Life and Charge
I had Kuu doing damage too, you can put an elemental brand on him since Ether Claw is non-elemental.
Yeah sorry anon, my dumb ass brain forgot to mention I already played MGQP and was searching for more games in the genre, looking foward playing Part 3
gotta try >>3563056 tho, looks pretty fun
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Kuu with 2x Chromea's Hearts in the first two turns is up there in being busted with Yolnaya. If you have any more trouble, you can also try sticking the Stun attack part Fiend's Hornwrap on someone to try to get a free turn in. It's the only attack in the game with Stun on it, you get it from the visplord guardian near the barbarian village.
I basically haven't touched either him or Yubeil the whole game, but yeah, I guess now's the time to switch him in
Kinda disappointed with how Lusica turned out, I was expecting to get a lot more mileage out of Breaker Drill, but she doesn't have the buffs to really do anything with it
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Generally I always had Kuu and Yolnaya in my party, but I swapped my last spot between Lusica and Yubeil depending on the fight. Never really used Faria.
There's something potentially relevant in the trial, but it's one of those "I *really* lack the context for this" things.
Specifically, the Tanuki Talisman has a notable item description.
Because I'm not sure I have the translation on it right, I'll post the original japanese too.
A talisman of the Four-Soul Kaii and Concealed Tanuki Kami.
Its value cannot be understood by other races.
Specifically, it's the last bit where my confidence falls through completely, since I'm unsure if it's supposed to be referring to a brand new entity, or if it's a group that's supposed to belong to an existing one.
Am I missing something about shields in Blight? Standard store-bought shield says it reduces physical and magical attack damage by 20%. A special crafted shield that needed a Surging Mass of Mana says it reduces physical and non-Surge elemental damage by 20%. That sounds strictly inferior.
Shields are set into two categories, light and heavy. Only a few classes can equip heavy shields, every class can equip light ones.
Pretty much all non-Surge magic attacks have an element
However there are physical attacks that have elements too
Since there aren't many Surge attacks in the game, elemental resistance is generally better than magic
Also, stuff with colored names has added effects, you have to look at the item description page by pressing the A key (or whatever equivalent on your controller) when hovering over them to see it
Where do you think Manatank will retire to when the adventure is over? I know everyone is trying to move into Central Haven since that's where he currently lives, but Awake's mansion feels like it would be perfect to house the harem with a bit of renovation.
Were you also relying on a crit for the second one?
Without a crit Yolnaya wasn't enough to take it down it on turn 3
Somehow I barely squeezed out a victory on turn 5 with everyone except Dita down (and she had 1 HP, hanging on with the provisional ring). At least round 2 will be easier since I'll have a few reinforced weapons
Kind of ironic that Rabi saved the world and all and stays near-poverty.
While I do feel the Concealed part relates to idea, the other races part seems to be just something among the Tanuki race's values.
What do you mean near poverty? She has her own two story house in the first game. She's probably also well known enough in town to get free drinks from time to time. It's not like she's a super rich celebrity or anything but she's living rather comfortably.
Well, she spends all that time adventuring so its not like she needs an entire mansion or something.
I want a nice secluded mansion in Vaeltria, with lots of trees for shade and invigorating walks in the forest. One with a hidden dungeon nearby, with a sexy monstergirl. With spots to fish. And maybe a pair of cute sisters to chat with.
She's probably living in a tent in the park after Nyx(Rest in Peace) burned the house down.
One of Rabi's Colony relationship events has Auris asking her about how a freelancer finds work in an area controlled by the Miruess Army, and Rabi instantly laments that she doesn't, so she's not very happy with her current circumstances at least.
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Well, I've done everything in kludge except manity's combined mechagod, and I'm not autistic enough to want to either try figuring that one out or play the spinoff games, so I'm done with this series for now
I enjoyed awake the most. I'm surprised to see that this doesn't seem to be a common opinion. It wasn't just the cast for me. I really loved Palgadol as a setting, a whole lot of varied and interesting locales. And yeah, it might have been easy, but after all the trial and error crap of the past two games, I kind of have an appreciation for easy.
I guess a lot of people are really big plotfags or lorefags, but I like to think more holistically.
Chemica is attractive and pure sex.
Highly questionable list.
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>married Sheena
Why though?
Well, at least I can understand your tastes from who you ranked on the bottom though.
>No sexy time with Saxa in Colony
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Think I'll wait another year or so. Guess I'll embark on a different exploration in the meantime, much like >>3563544
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I'm going to have to report you to HR again, anon
Now what
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It's your punishment. Deal with it.
We're not Mana-Tank it's not possible
I swear to god if the title after Thirst doesn't make Kaith fucking broken i'll be upset
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After putting off playing it for forever I finally reached credits in Kludge. I've not done much in the postgame yet except view a bunch of h-scenes. Here's my thoughts and experiences:
>Yubiel is easily best girl, followed by Yolnaya
>Kuu is easily the worst boy in the series so far, I'm not that into femboys in general but I still watched the Frabi and Clar scenes in the previous games while toward the end of Kuu's relationship I started skipping scenes because I just don't vibe with him. I'm an autist who feels the need to watch all available h-scenes in games like this and these are the only scenes I've flat-out skipped in a SEQUEL game, and that includes the nasty stuff from ASYLUM.
>everyone says that Manity is just Great Value Chemica but in practice she's her own brand of weird gremlin and I don't really have any issues with her
>STILL haven't gotten to plow Faltolga and I'm upset about it, please Hakika I'm fucking begging you
>the plotdump near the end was overwhelming and stupid
>the Vyner fight was just as insane as everybody said it would be, I managed to beat her first try but it was a hard won battle
Overall I didn't hate it but it wasn't my favorite by a long shot. 6 party members is just an awkward number IMO, it's not as tight as a 4-man party and not as fun as Awake's gaggle of freaks. As of right now my personal rankings are Colony>Blight>Awake>Kludge>ASYLUM, I'll play through the postgame and see if that's enough to bump it over Awake.
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I think the postgame bumps it up for me, personally. Postgame h-scenes are great in general and the areas and bosses are good too. Personally, colony > blight >= kludge > awake
Rabi implies a few times she isn't doing good and was even considering entering the Adventurer Guild of Elcehil to a shot to make more money although she reconsiders since she would feel restricted opposed to her freedom.
I think she also mentions that finding Mana Tank made her feel she'd finally make it big, but after the events of Blight she found herself back at the original situation.
Not sure if it's because they saved the world and solved most issues in Vaeltria or because he repeatedly got kidnapped afterwards.
Pretty sure there was a DLsite list and Awake was higher than Kludge. People like the cast and Palgadol. They just don't like the simplistic story.
If you stop to think about it, Awake is pretty much the harem fantasy everyone has at some point, living with a bunch of monster girls adventuring the land.
>Why marry the sweetest, kindest, most feminine girl in the game who genuinely loves you
nigga I know awake is full of great girls but is it really that hard to understand
like, okay, I originally was planning on giving it to Maria, but the anal stuff grossed me out, she bizarrely only took your blood once (and there was no CG for it), she wasn't a virgin, etc etc
It was honestly kinda hard to place both her and Faria, since Faria was the opposite where she mostly freaked me out but her final scene where the two of you just drop the fetish crap and try to make love like normal was pretty good
>I'm not autistic enough to want to either try figuring that one out or play the spinoff games
At very least, ASYLUM happened before Kludge so you technically skipped an entry.
Long ago I came crying here and anons posted a video of a clear and the ending after.
Enjoy it anon. And thank whoever posted this.
I'll write here L.Depth Red Lights bad ending clear video so people could search the archive with ease
I feel the issue is that in spite of being the land people are in a war with machines, I think we only engage in something close to that once: when we get to either choose to infiltrate stealthily or attack the fort by the front.
The resistance base and the recruitment jobs didn't amount to what I was expecting. We essentially just turned off our enemies with a switch.
Well, you know, kludge's story isn't so simple, so if people like awake more, I don't know about that being an issue
I definitely wasn't as impressed by colony's story as I was hoping I would be though. There were a few memorably disturbing parts but on the whole it was just a standard fantasy racism plot except with a dollar store Sephiroth as a villain. Postgame was definitely a bit more interesting but so much of it felt like it was just setting up kludge rather than being its own thing. But it was just nice to finally be in an inhabited area. Plots like colony's lose a lot of their impact when one side isn't present and you see most things through flashback
It's a spinoff too, even if a few events are canon
Silver Tower is also canon but I doubt most people here have played it. Despite the name of the series, SEQUEL games mostly do a good job of being self-contained
I do have to wonder why would the porn scenes get translated last, Like I could live with the game not having the monster log translated but without the H scenes I don't much care to play it as is.

Did they just to the files top to bottom and H scenes ended up last, is it harder to translate them for some reason? I just do not get it.

That being said thanks for how much that's been done and I do eagerly await the completion
It’s generally much harder to translate h-scenes, even sub-par did the h-scenes last. I remember.
actually I did do it, the first 2 phases were absolute AIDS then the remaining ones were reasonably hard
She still owns her own home. That's 99% better than what a certain wagie has.
great now I can't trigger this specific scene for some reason
Anon it's very simple, in real life it's gross but in this setting it's liquid ambrosia from the goddess herself.

I will say, however, no amount of cope will make me okay with scat
my verdict is going through the bad ending is WAY less painful than rexploring ASYLUM again
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I wonder why hakika decided to have a lot of pissing scenes in L.Depth. It was quite funny to see, when none of his other games have nearly as much piss as L.Depth does.
>I wonder why hakika decided to have a lot of pissing scenes in L.Depth
He like to experiments and push the limits with the non-sequel games.
I love L. Depth. I don't even mind the scenes with pissing at the end because the girls are too good to miss any scene with them.
It's fine because anime girl pee tastes like CapriSun.
I mind those scenes but I'm thankful Hakika once again put a warning in it.
The scenes that the MC got shoved inside the big girl's clothes against her breasts and she walked around with him there were great.
I don't suppose I can cheese whatever comes after Idea with Yolnaya, can I?
It's not so much cheese as it is a requirement. There's no real way to actually win against later bosses without clicking a bunch of buffs and then Grim Torture and High Fury. Superboss damage just scales way out of your ability to mitigate. You either end it quick or die
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Of course you can. Big numbers are the name of the game.
Holy crap I am so gonna get this Proof this time
If you beat Idea without changing to casual mode, you already got the proof. Go to the memory space, mimic-chan will be there.
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This feels like one of those anime moments a character really wants to prove himself and someone tells him he had already proven himself long ago
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Oh man. I remembered all those parts that had robots guarding and imagined it was like Metroid where you'd be able to pass through now that the issue was solved but they are barred anyway.
I wish I could see the normal civillians.
Does the Being of Myth require some sort of gimmick setup specifically for that fight? Even with 3x reincarnation and as many buffs as I can throw out in the first turn the instagib is still inevitable.
Wait if I do have this then what is beating Manity's Dungeon for?
>Wait if I do have this then what is beating Manity's Dungeon for?
No reason other than fueling your own masochism. Just like all the other superboss dungeons in the series. You do get a little item for proof of beating it though.
Well alright then. These guardians on the way to the Mechagods already feel like stronger than my baseline at level 102. Or maybe because I didn't bother making newer armor.
I can see the crafting robot has even better weapons than the ones I have but I would need to farm the Three Weapons and make 3 copies of each weapon to mix them up for that. It would masochism just to get to a safety range.
If you're intending on doing the virtual dungeon, I'd suggest getting to level 150 sooner rather than later.
Yeah I noticed I would need that.
What about others? I know Versa is an optional boss. Would I also need all that or would I be able to fight her as I am straight after beating Idea? Cause since Auris is the one that talked about her I assumed she'd be next in line.
There are gimmicky ways to cheese her(someone has solo'd her with Rabi only), but in general it's just a really rough fight you have to specifically build for.
Got tier lists for Awake and Kludge?
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What kind?
hard to say
Versa has like twice the HP Idea does and starts off with massive damage resistance (that slowly decays as the fight goes on) but on the other hand her AoEs is pretty weak and you only really have to worry about her single target attacks. It's a slog of a fight since you can't just start nuking her right away
Still, I'd get that sequence of events rolling just so you unlock the Record World Lok area, where you can farm the mobs that spawn there for 3000 mana/battle. It'll make it much quicker and easier to buy ultra mana potions and craft all the top end gear you'll need to take on the rest of the postgame
Cursed tier list.
You know, the way that fight ended always made me wonder
Did she really stop because she was satisfied or did she stop because after taking so much damage or did she stop because her restraint was starting to weaken and she didn't wanna slaughter them all? I mean given what she is, what she does and how she talks it doesn't seem like it's a completely willing decision to be that way.
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Bad news for that anon that wanted a busty Outoku. She’s confirmed flat.
Uula has a friend!
splendid news!
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So we have 3 busty and 3 flat party members. Pretty sure this is the first time the busty to flat ratio has been exactly 50/50.
If we measure by size, the ratio is actually closer to 4:3.
>Versa has like twice the HP Idea does and starts off with massive damage resistance (that slowly decays as the fight goes on)
>but on the other hand her AoEs is pretty weak and you only really have to worry about her single target attacks. It's a slog of a fight since you can't just start nuking her right away
Sounds actually easier to deal with than the Mechagods and Superweapons but sincerely I'm starting to get fatigued here. I'll progress a few more questlines but probably end up skipping the post-game bosses.
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Kuruha, Lec, Nazuna, Sheila (having these four in a party together is also a viable comp for nuking stuff because of debuffs, bind and Marionette)
Nosh, Clar, Maria
Pirila (she’s only higher than C because she has utility in the superboss of Gramtoa, given she has crit immunity while Nosh doesn’t)
Yanie, Alma
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And for kludge
Dita, Kuu, Lusica, Yubeil
I forgot to mention that none of the party members in kludge are really bad, there are plenty of use cases for Faria because she’s another damage dealer alongside Kuu and Yolnaya and she has Culling Eye, which helps with some fights (like the second information snake one). But her damage potential is way worse than Yolnaya’s and she doesn’t have both good damage and good heals like Kuu has.
Yes, Uula is flat enough for two.
I would switch Yubeil and Faria
Yubeil is just not very good as a tank, she relies too much on HP regen over damage reduction. She doesn't get crit immunity or a buff to the guard command
Faria can be pretty powerful, I think she has the second highest damage potential after Yolnaya. Starting every battle with a 40% MAT buff and then applying a +50% damage taken debuff that isn't defense based (meaning it can be stacked with Grim Torture) is nothing to sneeze at, and then she can further buff her ice or water spells
The only thing she really lacks is a good high base damage skill, but you can fix that with weapon/brand skills
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Yubeil’s definitely a worse tank than previous ones like Auris and Nosh, but she’s the only party member with an Incite skill and Invincibility skill. For those two things alone, I found her very core for a lot of fights, including the final boss. I remember I also beat the cerberus boss midway through the game without using the special command just by using Lusica Yubeil Yolnaya.
I only used her for a handful of superbosses
Even if she was a better tank, tanks just aren't useful against AoE skills (well Auris could be), and I think most of the danger in kludge is AoEs. If you have Lusica buffing your whole team's survivability, having a tank soak up single target damage becomes superfluous when you could be working to end the fight faster
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For whatever reason I'm stuck with mental image of Lusica reenacting the inheritance watch scene from Pulp Fiction.
That's great news to me though, would be even better if catbox wasn't having a stroke and actually opened so that I could see but alas, I've been having internet issues lately so I'll chalk it off to my internet being a dick.
Try this
The usual nitter instance I use isn’t working right now, but this one is
It does work, thank you very much friend. It might also have just been the catbox link expiring.
Catbox links don’t expire unless they were uploaded to litterbox, those ones have litter.catbox at the start of the link
Kind of funny Tsue is the only girl with a normal bust size. Bet there will be some party banter about that.
Well the problem must've been on me, I tried the catbox link again and now it work.
I don't know man I've been stuck in weird internet shit for a while, and the pajeet that answer when I call my provider isn't of much help, but I got to see the flatties and that's all that matters.
I don't know about normal catbox, but neither my PC nor my phone can open the litter one. Sucks.
Cat/litterbox can be dodgy at times.
I hope she has a naizuri scene
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I like reading through the archives and it's so fun seeing how everyone's reactions to Kludge changed.
>game gets released in JP
>JP-speaking anons play it and love it, some say it's legitimately better than Colony
>info about the h-scenes starts to come out
>threads are worried but still into it
>cut to the thread where the English patch comes out
>immediately everyone starts shitting on it, and almost everyone DESPISES Dita
>next few threads are people playing the game, being horrified by a lot of the fetishes, and talking about how Hakika fucking sucks as a writer and that ASYLUM permanently poisoned his brain
>the next several threads after that are people reminiscing about "the good old days" of Colony and Awake and lamenting that Hakika will never be good again
Cut to nowadays where the general consensus is "Kludge is fine but not his best work." I wonder if a similar thing will happen when the Innocent Rules translation is complete since a lot of JP-speaking anons said it was good. Also shoutout to that anon who would go off on rants about how much he hated everything about ASYLUM whenever anyone posted about it while posting images of angry Shin, hope you're doing a little better mentally nowadays.
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I’ve been here since the very beginning of these threads in 2020. It’s been a long time but I think the hype train for kludge was legitimately better than the game itself. It’s funny, really.
Also generally people enjoyed Asylum’s story and lore, but not the gameplay. The h-scenes were seen as so-so too. They’ve grown on me as time went on though.
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>JP-speaking anons play it and love it, some say it's legitimately better than Colony
One of the greatest lies ever told
>cut to the thread where the English patch comes out
>immediately everyone starts shitting on it, and almost everyone DESPISES Dita
Seems moon learners pay more than their time when they slam those kanji and hiragana into their heads over the years.
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I disliked Kludge more than Awake.
Awake's main issue was Kuruha being a boring drive force for the story and the worst character. I liked Awake because it had a wide cast of characters, so it gave more room for unique interactions. I know people mainly complain about it diluting the amount of content for each character, but that wasn't an issue for me since I prefer seeing all the characters interact with each other more than with me. Awake also has my favorite base in all the games, the communal house was the comfiest base. I really enjoyed Awake in general.
Kludge suffers from the worst cast of characters so far, I only liked Dita and Yubeil. Everyone else was forgettable and Kuu barely had any impact except for his Yandere tendencies and scenes. Vyner was an even worse character than Kuruha, which ruined the whole ending for me, I couldn't give two shit about her and her whole story. And Vastas in general was a boring location, I didn't like the industrial feel with mechs. the only part I remember fondly were Windstilla for the comfy soundtrack and exploration values, and the whole post-game that shined more light on Yubeil and brought back Olivia.
I genuinely can't remember much from Kludge, since it had little impact on me, where I still remember a lot of great part in Colony and remember it's whole plot up to the post-game ending or even Blight. Asylum was also shit mainly because of it's gameplay and poisoning it with soulsshit elements, but I loved L.Depth, I wouldn't mind more horror.
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Yeah most people were fine with Asylum but there was one guy in particular who REALLY wasn't; this was his reaction to Hakika acknowledging Versa exists in Kludge. It's kind of hilarious.
I haven't seen that anon's rant posts in a while, I wonder if he got mindbroken by Ino's game being good.
Skipped Asylum since I didn't really give a fuck about it. Naturally, I went through the H-scenes before this, and unfortunately, I couldn't really give much of a fuck here, so It was a total failure.
When I saw Versa in Kludge, I had more or less completed everything ( including superboss stuff) and so, not wanting to care any further, I just edited my savefile, one shot her, then called it a day, never to touch Kludge again.
I agree with that anon completely, and by the mercy of heaven, Hakika will never create something like it again.
Leave the FMC games to Toro, even if, in them too, are addled worlds of dogs and dog fuckers. 'Least I'm sure Poro's dead forever past DRH.
That aside, of all 6 games, the worst is Asylum, followed by Asylum, and lastly ending with Asylum, only beating Asylum by an inch or two. Hakika was indeed most likely in an asylum while making this.
I'm about to wrap up Colony, so Asylum is next. Tell me about it, why everyone hates it?
Shit, piss, hit or miss scenes, no party banter, mega whore MC (optional)
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It's not that everyone hates it, it's just divisive because it's very different than the mainline games and not all of its experimentation works well.
>no party members so no fun banter with them
>most of the characters aren't particularly compelling
>vaguely soulslike
>areas are huge and occasionally annoying to navigate
>a bunch of weird fetishes (all skippable thankfully)
>3 endings but one is kind of a nothing ending and one is just more porn
It's definitely my least favorite game in the series but I still enjoyed it, I just wouldn't replay it like I would the others. I'd still recommend playing it and forming your own opinions.
Yeah, for me it's
Colony > Blight > Awake > Kludge > Asylum
L. Depth was good too.
>No party members
Wait what? So the femc just talks to herself like a schizo? Also do you only fuck the random critters you find laying around?
No party members with personalities, you can make little familiars to help you in battle. The dialogue and sex scenes are with NPCs.
The overworld dialogue is mainly her stumbling upon notes left behind by an adventurer and giving some comments.
...and said familiars, poor guys.
>Innocent Rules translation is complete since a lot of JP-speaking anons said it was good.
Innocent rules is great. Story is better than Kludge and dare I say good. The scenes are great, the combat is nice, and the game is comfy. The only downside is that it is more difficult to characterize all the monster girls since the game is about recruiting a veritable army of them.
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The story in Innocent Rules is indeed great. Almost as good as colony's, I'd say. It definitely had me hooked.
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I'll play and globo'ize the shit out of Ino's game when it's fully translated, I can't into runes
can't even browse these threads because every character is so damn LEWD
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You should be used to it by now.
I refuse to play any game that uses a femboy/shota or female MC. The entire H-game genre is already full of that garbage.
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Ino's only a femboy cockslut if you make him one, otherwise he's a small chad that gets his own harem
I'll protect that smile from the evil globo
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Just try it, I bet you like to kiss girls too you little fag
I've never been so happy to be wrong. I thought for sure the robe would come off and she'd have a bound chest that when released would be F+ cups
I'm sure this shit gets asked all the time, but since I never played these, the game order goes blight, awake, colony, kludge? Is there a consistent narrative? Should I play them in order?
There is a consistent narrative, you just play the games in release order.
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>Wanted her to be the game's globo
>Was disappointed to learn she wasn't and that we'd get a bunny boy instead
>But her just being a flatties make me happier
Maybe I'm just a fucking faggot afterall.
What's the trick to the Idea Snakes in Kludge's postgame?
Use Kuu Yolnaya Faria. Faria uses Culling Eye on first turn and have Yolnaya buff up. Dita uses Grim Torture on second turn and have everyone use AoE skills to blow them up that turn. They won't even get to move.
Is Hakika married? This is definitely a woman's hand.

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Yeah, that looks completely different from the hand we saw from a few years ago. Also looks like he's the one recording it, so it's a girl he's with.
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>hakika beat the globo menace and got a wife, but still does globo stuff with the help of his wife that's probably a fujo
What a twist
I don't see a ring on any fingers here. Might just be one of hakika's family members or something.
The release order is as follows:
Atline, Town of Gears (Hakika's first ever game)
Ghost Path
Erra Saga (Untranslated)
Ruinswald (Untranslated)
Silver Tower (Untranslated)
Ghost Path 2 (Untranslated)
Liberty Step
Innocent Rules (Only Scenes Untranslated)
SEQUEL Thirst (ETA: Sep. 20th)

It is recommended to start from SEQUEL Blight and work down- the only "Era of Myth" game from before SEQUEL I would recommend at this time is Atline, since a lot of Blight uses it as a blueprint of sorts.
>Is there a consistent narrative?
Others gave you the sequence but yes, the narrative follows release order. ASYLUM is pretty self-contained but Kludge exposes its events actually happened a bit before, while inhabitants of ASYLUM note the events of the 3 previous entries happened in it.
So yeah, the timeline is consistent.
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I still think it's good to play Liberty Step between Asylum and kludge, given who shows up in kludge.
Canonically, he's just a very good friend to all the monster girls and Friede. Not sure why Hakika decided that should be the case. Maybe he wanted to keep Ino's characterization as the 2pure4u boy.
Your honor, my client did nothing wrong, the author clearly stated the events are non canon!
He's saving Ino's virginity for Mana Tank.
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According to the wiki
I should be able to craft Ultra mana potions, yet I'm not. Is there something I'm missing or is the wiki wrong? If I could that would be handy to refund some skill points from Emela's ress to invest in something else.
I think it’s postgame only, I definitely remember crafting some along with Ultra Ultimates.
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Uula’s panties.
I'm already in the postgame tough, I think I'm about to wrap up the Alzhett chapter
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You probably unlock it later in the postgame then, I'm not sure when. Or maybe it has to do with the junk collection event.
Already finished the junk questline, I guess I'll push forward and see if that helps. Maybe after Alzhett.
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I think I found the exact trigger. You need to get the Well Key from beating the midpoint boss of Schisma Ess. The egoistic man.
Ohhh, that's the one. Actually I went to Ess before Alzhett, I arrived at the egotistic man but he mopped the floor with me because I already had pre-postgame gear at the time (I think you're supposed to do Alzhett first), so I went to Alzhett. Good to know that at least my game is not bugged.
>His wife/GF might be a lewd bully which i why all the scenes or rather a bulk of the scenes are soft femdom with some sadism

Now the race begins to find out exactly which one of these scenes is most likely the type of sex Hakika is having
I thought Mana Tank could take it in the game? Through some virutal room or something. Or is that non canon sex.
He can but Hakika's decided none of the sex Ino has in that game is canon, that's probably true for Malice and L.Deph as well since the sex only really affects the ability to get the joke lewd endings or in Innocent Rules's case, absolutely nothing, Ino being a slut doesn't matter to the plot anymore than him still being a virgin despite how every single girl he meets wants to plap him silly upon setting eyes on him. I guess canon wise he only wants sex to matter to the sequel games as you have to do it in Blight, Awake confirms he did it with everyone there, then colony's post game can't be assed unless you fucked everybody. I think Kludge does it too as sex is important to Vyner and Reda's character development and how Vyner managed to enter the "really really loves mana tank" club
Is Auris getting cucked anon? Feel bad for her.
I finally finished all of Kludge except for the superbosses, the postgame was much better than the main game but I still like it less overall than Awake. I'm a huge pissbaby when it comes to anything even remotely horror related so L.Depth is going to be interesting...

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