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File: fo4 ar.png (1.52 MB, 1200x900)
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I last played FO4 in 2017 and I thought it was shit but is it worth playing now for the modded content?
Yes. FO4 is worth playing with or without mods.
If you are gooner then yes
Otherwise i would find something else to do
The most fun I ever had playing the game was a BoS run in the hardcore mode where you can't fast travel and with a vertibird landing pad mod for settlements. Really got me into roleplaying as a BoS soldier. I think I also had a mod that modifies damage dealt/taken since FO4 has that lame difficulty scaling where enemies just become bullet sponges. The combat is much more exciting when you deal double damage but also take double damage.

In general goes easy on how many mods you install. A lot of them are pretty immersion breaking either through their content or because it badly tacks some sort of system/interface.
Does anything change the retarded antibiotics or is Todd's ego still too big to admit NV did it right
>hardcore mode where you can't fast travel
>actually roleplaying
Too based for /vrpg/
That's not what roleplaying is
RPing as a Railroad member would be cool but their goals are dumb and shit sadly
What is not roleplaying?
You can only roleplay so hard in FO4 since it's not a true RPG. But traveling around the map in Vertibirds adds a lot and seeing the entire world while you fly through it gives you a much better sense of scale that you never get otherwise. I doubt even 5% of player ever used the Vertibird signal grenades.
I tried to play it again recently and just couldn't get in to it. Granted, I didn't play with mods, though, so I suppose it could be much better than the base game. Mostly I'm just burnt out on Bethesda. Starfield was so aggressively mediocre that it was the final nail in the coffin for me. I would just assume play Morrowind again before any other Bethesda game. I love the open ended gameplay and pretty much survived off that for years, but after having played so many better games over the years, I'm just tired of how shitty these games feel in nearly every aspect.
>Uhhh mods mods MODSSS
Games don't need mods to be good.
Games sholdn't need mods to be good.
Yet many need them to be tolerable.
Some need them to run at all.
The game is good if you bother modding it.
I don't play bad games even with mods
What mods would you recommend?
No. Skyrim has better mods than FO4.
Bad games like FO4 need mods to be good.
I played Vigilant which people said was good but it's literally just souls slop.
Are there any better big mods for Skyrim?
The retards obsessed with mods are usually coombrained niggers and their opinions are worthless

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