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If jrpgs were well written, God would act like Enel and pursue the protagonist to kill and eliminate him as soon as he realizes that the protagonist is a threat to him.
This is the problem with jRPGs involving an omnipotent entity or one that can see the future - there is no reason to underestimate a being that has the potential to eliminate it - pure logic would see the threat from afar and make sure to do everything possible to eliminate it. to the protagonist before he's a threat, these stories require the ultra-powerful antagonist to act like a total retard to work.
If you guys were real weebs you'd know kami-sama is not God.
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>these stories require the ultra-powerful antagonist to act like a total retard to work.
Wrong. Even MMOs have done it properly.

You just need to write the story and characters better.
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if jrpgs were well written theyd let me fuck the morally grey anime twink with a tragic backstory and rule the world together
Look at this YC3 victim
How would God know that some random orphan is a threat to Him?
How many JRPGs have an omnipotent God as the main villain. I can only think of SMT II
"if he's not omnipotent, then how can he be called a god?"
omnipotence isn't omniscience
NTA but I never understood why some people (especially vs battles fags) get so hung up on this idea that omnipotence and omniscience are separate but equal ideas; pure potentiality in conjunction with pure being. An omniscient is complete but an omnipotent *can* go beyond that.
Hung up as in they imply you can't be omnipotent without being omniscient.
And just so we're clear. Most JRPG villains claiming to be Gods if any at all are literally neither and pretty just a really strong entity or a delusional person.
the whole meme comes from the fedora trap for christtards about god being good and all poweful/all knowing and allowing evil to exist.
Why would he not allow evil to exist? That's the whole point
Stop shilling your faggy game
exactly, it's dumb because it's a naive "evil is bad and love is coddling" materialist anthrocentric perspective by people who think spanking kids is evil.
>be me, demon lord
>get back home after an exhausting day
>had too travel 3 continents today to kill another dude who might turn dangerous in the future
>killed 36 in the last week
>all my subordinates call me a pussy behind my back
>none of those morons have killed a single hero EVER tho
>every single time i sent one of those fuckers to do my job, they always die giving away my best items in the process
>I have to do everything myself
>fuck I'm so tired, i just wanna sleep
>this bed feels so nice, i can finally relax
>door opens
>sir a new dude just killed a S rank beast in shitstania
>oh for fucks sake
>you know what, fuck this shit, just send dogshigatron
>this time I'll let him come to me, i don't even care anymore
And if WRPGs were well written you'd be able t o talk about them instead of seething about JRPGs.
Send it, I'll play the fuck out of this.
Killing some demon lord who's really just a fat cynical lazy reddit fuck would be a hilarious inverse of the 'kill god' trope.
Also have the hero go around to each local temple and recruit the qt positive local priestess, the drunk but good hearted parish priest type as he assembles the party to legitimately save the world on the philosophical level as well.
>These minorities are oppressed in this town save them!
>Nope they were really just sitting around doing a lot of vape and petty theft until they got rabble roused and the local constabulatory genuinely needed the help to put out the marches and fires because none of them had actual jobs.
Endless possibilities of fresh takes.
I've never seen a JRPG where any of the gods or god is ultimate god like Ein Sof, Brahmin, the Monad etc. There's literally no way to kill something that is the very substrate of the reality that you and your powers exist within unless it was their will all along. The gods you fight in JRPGs are more like superheros and celestials n shiet
>The rumors of a drunken and besotted priest hanging around the School for Adventuring Youths demands immediate investigation
>Turns out the priest is alarmed by the disgusting new trade in magically scriven illustrations and investigating as an undercover substitute teacher
>Traced back to the Umormancer, powering his unholy scrying orb into their gym etc. via the blasphemous power of his desecration of holy figurines and icons of younger female saints via bodily fluids into the jars he collects them in.
>His last report of a new dude that just killed an S rank beast in Shistania provides a vital new clue as to how the Demon Lord's network operates.
>Once you team up with the priest who is a really a drunken Van Helsing level badass (and who wouldn't be drunk after a lifetime of Real Demon Shit) and you lead him to an epiphany of renewed purpose against demons it's on
There is a well written plot and then there is a well written game and its not the same.

In movies, TV shows and anime well written refers to context of the whole story and characterization, there is nothing else.
But in games and espeically Roleplaying ones the writing branches out a lot more, its about lore, worldbuilding, characters and story but you have to tie that to stats, choices, side quest and reactive gameplay actions.
In this sense writing becomes a much bigger pool here containing many elements that the main plot becomes only a fraction of it (depending on the game)
fucking one piece. lmao, the manga where the final boss is always beaten by luffy at the very end of the arc at the top of his ivory tower after all his goons got defeated?

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