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You're the dev right? I already have it wishlisted. I'll give it a look on release.
So you are turning the Odyssey into a CRPG?
Are animations the hardest thing to do when you are an indie dev? I have noticed that a lot of low-budget indie games lack animations for the characters
>Are animations the hardest thing to do
Well it requires them to draw a couple more frames of their characters. Not a big deal.

It's just indie slop. Bare minimum.

I refuse to play games with static pictures pretending to be animations, as the other anon said, its not a hard thing to do and the lack of it just screams "i'am not even trying".
no damage pop-ups?
Thanks mate

That's the plan.

Yes it's hard especially if I'm going to have multiple animations for every 2D token. That would add on a year of development and tens of thousands of dollars at a minimum. I don't know if this game will be profitable enough to justify it... animations won't make or break the game anyway.

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