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File: RG_EU_Cover_300.jpg (177 KB, 256x362)
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Rogue Galaxy got lost in the PS2 JRPG shuffle.
Because it was not very good.
Cool idea, pretty looking game, dull ass gameplay.
As did my will to finish it around the 9th chapter or so. Too bad, it started out pretty epic but it ran out of steam pretty quickly
They tried to copy Star Wars A New Hope, but it didn't work so well when stretched out into a game.
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>implying its not BITCHES unable to handle difficulty spikes
>difficult spikes, when you can make the game easy mode almost instantly the moment you upgrade that first desert legendary sword asap

Won't stop the retarded AI from constantly getting hit and dying, but you'll steamroll everything at least.
I tried emulating this and I could not stop the urge to look around the empty corridors before going to the next story event. Enemies spawned insanely fast which made exploration a complete slog. I liked everything else about the game.
I loved rogue galaxy. My second favorite game from level 5 after DQ8. Very nice of Sony to price it at 39.99 on release too
What did you expected? ps2 got like 50 jrpgs games.

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