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Are there any games like Dragon Age: Origins that aren't turn-based tiny-people slop that looks like it's for a smartphone?
Have you tried killing yourself?
Because if not, I would really like to encourage you.
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Entirely depends on what you mean by "like Dragon Age: Origins".

Mass Effect series
Witcher 3
Alpha Protocol
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning
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Sadly no. Baldur's Gate 3 is the best you can get. Mass Effect could do.
Dude its not that good
DA:O is a perfectly fine game that does some unique or interesting things, with some interesting characters.

It was a great first game to establish a great series. Too bad the following games dropped the ball completely and didn't build on or fix anything from DA:O.
>DA:O is a perfectly fine game that does some unique or interesting things
Absolutely none of this is true
If that's the stance you want to take you make it clear you're already biased and irrational.
Even the titular Origin system is something no other game did. Now go ahead and deny that, further proving how irrational you are.
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>Even the titular Origin system is something no other game did.
Bruh just about every MMO has done different starting positions for different races/classes before.
>Even the titular Origin system is something no other game did
Zoomer moment?

Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) did it all the way back in 1996. You can pick from 6 protagonists, and each of them gets a unique first chapter.
Actually 1995, just double checked to make to sure.

Point is, it's not even something unique or special. You pick a different character or class, and you get in a unique starting location. Tons of games have that. The Octopath series is another example.
>Bruh just about every MMO has done different starting positions for different races/classes before.
Which is not what the Origin system is. I take it you never played it.

That is also not the same thing. Another person that didn't play DA:O.

If you want to be spoonfed, then just say so.
I played both Origins and Trials, in both games you start in a unique location with some story and a couple fights, then you move onto the main game. Octopath works exactly like this as well, and it has 8 characters/origins.
I ask again, if you want to be spoonfed because you're clueless then just say so.
What the fuck is even your argument?
That you have no idea what made the Origin system distinct, which is extremely obvious if someone played the game and even basic awareness.

So if you want to be spoonfed because you're completely lost and/or ignorant, just say so.
>I'm not gonna explain my schizo argument because it's extremely obvious
>I'll just keep walking in circles and being passive-aggressive
then fuck off and don't waste my time
All you have to do is ask nicely to be spoonfed anon
As that other anon said. If you can't even swallow your pride and tone down your massive ego just to get an answer, then why are you even here.
>Awful performance and bugs years after its release.
>Everywhere you go its a Loading Screen
>Generic/Cliché Fantasy story
>Dogshit mmo combat system
>Shallow rpg elements
>Bad world design
>Terrible side quests
>Clunky and slow controls
>Bland and ugly art direction
>Forgettable music

This aged like milk, who the fuck shills for this shit? No wonder Inquisition was awful, Dragon Age was never good
Sounds like BG3 and Pathfinder.
Everyone sucked this game’s dick when it was released, though. Are you sure you aren’t just a bitter, smelly cunt?
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>Are you sure you aren’t just a bitter, smelly cunt?
>Awful performance and bugs years after its release.
played it no problemo in december 2009 on a potato pc
>Shallow rpg elements
a thousand skills to fuel your dopamine addiction is not an rpg, the game a lot of pretty iteresting plot choices and forking paths, that's what rpg is
>Forgettable music
it's not, the main theme, leliana's song are awesome

i refuted all your blatantly wrong points, everything else is debatable, but i won't bother

It's Overrated because of the era it came out in (era of dumbing down and selling out) with virtually no classic style RPGs being made then, so fans would gladly take whatever they could get at that point.
>iteresting plot choices and forking paths
That is story structure and can be done in any genre not exclusive to rpgs
>Forgettable music
>it's not
Played dao just 2 months ago can't recall any music of my life depended on it
>Even the titular Origin system is something no other game did.
Zill O'll did the same exact thing, but better, back in the late 90's.
Having characters with different backgrounds and campaign content that would change accordingly to who you played as was done by many games in the early 90's and again, done better than the DA games.
Even the continuity gimmick with the Vault thing was already done before DA, those games did absolutely nothing that wasn't done before.
Don't bother, I already brought up other games that did this, and he just refused to elaborate (and even samefagged to insult me).

But I forgot to mention one thing last time. SD3/Trials of Mana's origin system is actually better, because you get a different end game chapter depending on who you pick, not just the prologue. And the middle part of the game is also better, because you're one of 6 possible protagonists, not just the same faceless warden.
>Having characters with different backgrounds and campaign content that would change accordingly to who you played as was done by many games in the early 90's and again, done better than the DA games.
Again, you could've just asked to be spoonfed.

So could you, but you're just too immature.

The thing with the Origins is that they are effectively not just an extension of character creation, but allows you to change how the game plays out with additional choices and reactivity based not just on your choice, but what you chose to do in the origin.
So it's not just a simplistic case of some
>uh, pick char A to get to play level 2-A and pick char B to play level 2-B in a shooter
or whatever other way more simplistic and dissimilar examples you made where it effectively just boils down to character selection like your Trials of Mana example (which is utterly deranged you think it's better when it effectively just loads of char C and changes absolutely nothing else, everyeone that pick char C initially gets exactly everything as everyone else and no additional branches or choices anywhere).

But I can tell you're close-minded and won't budge from your position, so frankly I'll save myself hours of trying to make you understand what makes (what should be obvious) the Origins system stand out and be unique, while also being such a massively welcome thing in an RPG to have, when your mind is already made up and you would claim Trials has a better system until your dying breath regardlesss of what was presented.
Don't you think that response is a bit extreme, anon?
>jarpigs did it first
no one cares
Except they didn't do it first. It's like saying some arcade shoot em up did it first because you played another different level depending on your plane.
I wouldn't know, I don't play RPGs for children and/or people who want to have sex with children.
>ctrl+f "spoonfed"
>5 instances
What an insufferable narcissist.
It's hilarious when newfags samefag because not a single one of them has any subtlety and they may as well put on a tripcode telling the entire thread who they are.
>Zill O'll
It's honestly really sad how conceited you are, then again being delusional and bitter is a very common trait for westoids, especially biodrones.
Too fat
>>Dogshit mmo combat system
You mean one of the best system which opens way to an amazing AI programming tool?
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>best system
Lmfao, good one.
>dude it's a lot more advanced than level 2-a and 2-b
>sometimes you get levels 2-c and 2-d
Your thread sucks as much as shit as dragon age, loser
The point, which you or that other anon didn't get is
>directly after character creation you get to play an extension of it, unique to your race/mage class
>in this section you get to further shape your character, interact with story relevant characters in a location you will return to
>many things are unique to your origin, both in terms of interactions and content (from unique merchants to additional playable sections), which is affected by what you did during the intro origin section

It's an extension of character creation, giving you more unique choices and content as a part of the main game.

No other game has done an Origin type system.
I liked fidgeting with my party's tactics and feeling like a party leader and not some invisible hand in the sky
It's a shame that 15 years later and the AI is still dogshit. It feels like there hasn't been any progress whatsoever

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