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you have 10 seconds
X, VII Remakes, XVI, XII
Kiseki>shit>being raped by dogs>final fantasy
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FF10 > FF9 > FF13 = FF13-2 > FFTA2 > FF11 > Ogre Battle 64 > FF7 = FF8 > FF12 > Tactics Ogre PSP > Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time >> WoFF > FFT

FF10 had a visually imaginative setting and aesthetics and spell effects with the pyreflies dissipating and the summons and the magic spells and the architecture of Spira and the fantasy Macalania Woods and so on.The outfits of a lot of the NPCs were stupid, though.

FF9 as I have stated several times before has a great first two discs and first few hours of disc 3. It is the PS1 FF that is the most fun for the most amount of time, whereas FF7 and FF8 fall off after the diselpunk dystopia or special forces mission of disc 1, and ofcourse don't look as good. FF9 also had the most likeable protagonist of the series as he wasn't moody most of the time, and also had a tail and a cool double saber. However, once the dungeon crawling in disc 3 begins, you realize that the combat and character building is meh, and there isn't anything to do out in the world.

FF13 is as I have said repeatedly a great game that should not have been titled a FINAL FANTASY game as that comes with fan expectations it would never live up to, namely that 11 out of 13 chapters take place in futuristic sci fi urban and industrial environments. FF fans wanted to trek across a vast open wilderness. Even FF7 only has the player confined to the diselpunk dystopia for 1 out of the 4 discs. Most entertaining combat in the series. I never found the plot incomprehensible like Spoony or IGN made it out to be. 13-2 lets you explore more wilderness areas, and lets you tame monsters, but you only get two party members so if you don't like Noel and Serah then you're out of luck.

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tiers are ordered
also, i messed up, 16 should be in "this isn't ff" tier.
Don't worry Reanbro. I'm sure Trails will be as popular as FF one day...HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

FFTA2 has the best combat and character building of the Tactics series, also has good aesthetics and music. Ogre Battle 64 has the interesting RTS gameplay, and has the best aesthetics in the Tactics series. FFT and Tactics Ogre have unenjoyable combat and are only noted for their plots, with Tactics' story being hijacked by demons and muh evil Church half way through.

FF11 was very fun because of the community feel. You couldn't solo past level 10 because the mobs would kill you before you killed them, so you were forced to use /sea to search for other players within your level bracket and whisper them and invite them to form a levelling party and go levelgrind for a few hours, and the combat was low APM (you pressed an ability once every 20 seconds) so you had time to chat during the levelgrinding (also resting in between pulls as you ate to regen while the thief ran out to pull the next mob). Going into the mines in an 18 man alliance to fight the skeletons to get your subjob items and everyone staying for 2 hours until everyone got their magicked skull. You can became friends. I briefly played the game on PS2 with the big HDD you plugged into the back, but then had the chance to try it out again with Horizon's launch a couple years ago. The community feel and the progression made it very addictive. I also played modern retail to check out the story and expansion content. Has good music by Uematsu and Naoshi Mizuta.

FF12 is crippled by a dull main cast and the lackluster presentation of the combat, which doesn't have the fancy camera angles of other FF games.

Echoes of Time was fun to play with other people over the DS Wifi.

WoFF is killed by the sister's incessant bitching towards Lann.
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>You couldn't solo past level 10 because the mobs would kill you before you killed them
If you don't use Trust magic I guess. First time I played I played RDM and got to level 30 and never figured out trusts, support jobs, etc. and had to play free trial twice to really get it. Trusts will carry you to 99.

>FF12 doesn't have the fancy camera angles of other FF games.
>If you don't use Trust magic I guess.
He's not talking about retail.
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There's no trusts on Horizon? That sucks.
=== GOD TIER ===
=== GREAT TIER ===
=== GOOD TIER ===
=== OK TIER ===
=== MEH TIER ===
4 5 12 13 15
=== BAD TIER ===
=== SHIT TIER ===
>square thread
>It's extremely low quality and not even funny, just turd worlders making retarded posts like their opinion has inherent value
I like the job system

The rest of the games can fuck off.
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I just started playing IX for the first time and about 2 hrs now at the ice cave. Very cool intro that didn't really feel like it was so long. Hope the game stays at this pace/feeling.
the intro of FF9 was dogshit and the pacing was horrible
>God tier
FF 12, Vagrant Story

>High tier
FF5, FF7, FF10-2, FF Tactics, Tactics A2

>Good tier
FF 8, FF Tactics Advance, FF 10, FF1

>Mid tier
FF6, FF3, FF4, FF lighting returns

>Low tier
FF13 + 13-2 FF Crystal Chronicles

>Totally shit tier
Me like:
FF1-7, 9, 10
Me no like:
8, 12 onward.
I haven't played 11, 13, 14, 15 or 16, and I don't want to
Anyways Tactics is the best FF game
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FF XII is the only good FF. And it's very good. Except for the story
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Lightning returns > 12 > X-2 > 7 > 8 > 10 > 9 > V > 6 > 4 > 13

Those are the ones I've played.
We literally had this same exact 1:1 identical thread like 2 weeks ago, why are square enix thread so insanely awful
ah well you see i would have to say the best final fantasy in my humble opinion from best to worst would have to b- oh whoops there went my 10 seconds, thanks everyone and have a good night!
Kind of have to go through FF1-6 before i can rank them all, but overall i like the most FF VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII, XV.

FF VII, IX, XVI are OK games, dont hate them but dont love them a lot either.

I hate FF XVI:ARR and all it's expansions, i dont like the battle system, the GCD, doing the same rotations over and over for eternity, the useless zones that you just visit them for few hours to do the MSQ, the mindless fetch quests, flying mounts and the list goes on and on....it's just a copy of western game design with japanese art style.
The series went south with yoshi-p and i kind of dont want him to be involved with FF ever again, he should stick to DQ.
>WoFF is killed by the sister's incessant bitching towards Lann.
my issue is how insanely easy it is, but then a random insane spike in difficulty at bahamut. i got filtered and uninstalled.
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