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Why do so many games have shitty "remasters" and "re-reckoning" and "enhanced edition"? Just let me play the original fucking game.

Back in the days, I remember playing games on 360 that were completely dead just a few years after release yet modern games are dragged out and milked for years like that recent Fallout 4 update which broke every mod.

Not an "rpg" but I remember trying to play EUIV (I loved EU3) back in like 2015 with cs.rin and that was a whole fucking ordeal and they were releasing DLC and shit every couple of days fuck that game.

Anyways, the days of "click here to download patch 1.05" is sadly long gone.
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>Back in the days, I remember playing games on 360
Go back
Go back where? Why do 4channers talk like that?
>Go back where
360? You're still a kid I was playing on the SNES and they still make remasters of those games
Yeah but SNES didn't have any good games and Japan is in general shit at making games.
Incredibly lazy false flagging weeblord detected.
You wanna write that one more time in coherent english or you gonna just spout 4chan buzzword word salads?
It's called the competency crisis. Look it up.
zoomie KYS!! is clear you never played any of those master pieces that are superior to any modern game.
They're oldtroons i.e. they're barely sentient slime with minds atrophied from non-stop gooning and 3x3 threads on /a/, only capable of responding by basic kneejerk level remarks.
So less feature is more like vesperia vs definitive edtion
what master pieces?
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>Back in the days,
>I remember playing games on 360
ZOOMA LOOMA BOOM!!!!!!!! If you were born after 92' and didn't have an older sibling to show you the way you know nothing.

wasted dubs, shut your fucking face you zooming scum.
There were numerous classics that have stood the test of time unlike hyperreal dogshit of your era. White people bend the knee to china or Korea whilst making fantasy self insertion trash, hyperreal meats or they have some sense and make decent innovative titles with a semblance of style.
list those "numerous classics".
Kys faggot
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>Mario RPG (remade in 3d)
>Chrono Trigger
>Seiken Densetsu 3 (remade in 3D)
>FFIV, FFV, FFVI (a tad dated, but it's still nice, remaster recently)
>Terranigma 1&2
>Breath of Fire 1&2
>Torneko no Daiboken
>Earthbound (a little dated though)
>Dragon Quest 4,5,6 (all remade on the DS, much better)
>Live A Live (remade and much better)
>Treasure Hunter G
>Bushi Seiryūden Futari no Yūsha

The list goes on.

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