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Why didn't /vrpg/ told me this kino was around? It is almost as good as Wrath of the Righteous.
What's kino about it? EXPLAIN
We did tell you, you just didn't listen because you were too busy jerking off. Everyone here loves Deadfire.
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>tons of story everywhere
>every problem has multiple solutions
>turn-based + real time with pause
>fun combat
>unbelievable amount of voice acting
>great fun characters
>complete upgrade from the original
>nice fantasy pirate setting
>intriguing mystery
>tons of content in the DLC too
It’s an okay game but really boring and soulless. I’ve never replayed it even once. The combat is better than poe1 but it’s all just so bleh. It’s terminally Californian
>stuck in the bg clone ballpit for years
poor kids
Why do you keep making these terrible bait threads? You deserve garbage like wotr.
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Wrath of the Righteous is the worst CRPG I have ever played in my entire life and I genuinely feel sorry for the people who have spent years obsessing over it.
>Wrath of the Righteous is the worst CRPG I have ever played in my entire life and I genuinely feel sorry for the people who have spent years obsessing over it.
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>people who have spent years obsessing over it
Go back to the awful /vg/ general you destroyed, owlcuck.
People are so hungry for decent CRPG discussion and you just keep making the same terrible threads over and over instead. Its so easy to make a good CRPG thread and you have never accomplished this even once despite being here for years. Why is that?
>People are so hungry for decent CRPG discussion and you just keep making the same terrible threads over and over instead. It’s so easy to make a good CRPG thread and you have never accomplished this even once despite being here for years.
both games are great. no idea what vrpg wants but this fucking board can only agree on one thing, that BG2 is at least a decent game.
>It is almost as good as Wrath of the Righteous.
ah a bait thread
I didn't read that. okay. kys owljewricenigger
>this fucking board can only agree on one thing, that BG2 is at least a decent game
Careful, you'll rile up the BG3 fanboys. They hate BG2.
>no idea what vrpg wants
It's pretty clear to me that a solid 40% of the board just wants to have arguments and slap fights and not talk about RPGs.
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Who could be excited for the sequel to the the dullest RPG of all time? Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
>tranime peadophile
Can someone doxx him already?
>despite being here for years
What are you talking about? /vrpg/ is... brand... new...
Old but gold.
RTwP was an abomination and BG1 is superior to its sequel.
>this fucking board can only agree on one thing, that BG2 is at least a decent game.
This board doesn't like BG2 at all.
It is a great game
that's why should actually go and play it instead of making low effort bait threads
Deadfire is unironically a good game for a CRPG and I hate how you can't have a discussion about it on 4chan because a bunch of retards who've never played it decided to hate it for the rest of their lives, but it does suffer from some serious issues. Aside from the usual stuff that most CRPGs get wrong, my main issue is that Deadfire has a real pacing issue because of the way the game is structured. You've got your (short) introduction, then it's basically nothing but big and small sidequests for 90% of the game, and then you've got your (short) endgame stretch. This robs the game of the kind of urgency that the story would suggest. The game's structure paints the conflict between the main factions as your biggest concern by far, even though that's literally a situation that's got nothing to do with you. And sure, you realistically need to do at least part of those sidequests to get strong enough to even survive the last part of the game, but that only highlights how poorly planned out the story is. "We know where the target is but we need to faff about for 50 hours before we're strong enough to get there" is just not good storytelling. PoE1's story had its awkward contrivances as well, but at least you had a constant driving motivation of chasing after the big bad guy and dealing with the shit he throws in your way. This made for a much more compelling and better-paced experience, even if the actual bad guy was pretty uninteresting.
Always make me smile
It's not as bad as anon usually pretends it is but it's not as good as you pretend it to be either.

BG3-tier imo
Impossible challenge for /v/ and /vrpg/ posters!
Talk about game without shitting on another game. I know its impossible. What a horrible fucking board, first thread i ever open and its even worse than /v/.
Can i see a list of your favorite RPGs?
First time?
Rean's games
it's kinda like if One Piece was a CRPG
No really, i have a gut feeling i'm asking to see if im actually right or not, so if you can, consider posting it here.
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Why do people hate this?

There are so few cRPG arounds, we must agree that they are all good.

WotR is the best (sorry), followed by this, followed by the Divinity series, followed by BG3.

Also, the dragonfucker keeps filtering me, and the system is much harder than any D20 system. How the hell do I kill this? Also, very funny of the game to make it an inescapable encounter.
it's a very good looking game and character building is lots of fun
should have gone with a dumbfuck IWD style hack-and-slash setup instead of trying to have a 'mature' story and annoying companions and whatnot. i will NEVER understand why the baldur's gate format is more popular.
>How the hell do I kill this?
I'm not proud to admit I had to turn something in the difficulty for this a bit down (maybe scaling?)
I might get it wrong after all this time, but I think buffing interrupts made it possible for me

also I think partially it's such a tough fight because the main content is much easier and you only really start learning the systems when dealing with the DLCs
>Also, the dragonfucker keeps filtering me
You have to interrupt him, not surprising an owltard can't grasp basic stat interactions beyond spamming pre-buffs
disintegrate it
level 13-15 is a bit early for this fight, it should be doable but you will need to interrupt her abilities, anything that interrupts on a graze like mule kick (fighter) or concussive shot (ranger) is good, as is the chanter chant that removes concentration if she has any (can't remember), also stacking defense debuffs like shining beacon, club or flail modals so you can get some of her defenses down
I have never played either pillars of eternity games because combat gives zero xp in them apparently. Fuck that
>because combat gives zero xp in them apparently.
Yeah that is pretty dumb. In the first game you get xp the first like 3-5 times you kill something and fill out the bestiary entry but that’s all. Only ever played the second game once and can barely remember it because it’s so boring
These games don't have filler fights, so it doesn't matter.
>oh look I’m fighting three not-kobolds
>oh look some human bandits
>oh no I’m fighting le pirates
>oh look im fighting a dungeon full of not-vampires, yawn
This post actually made me mad jesus christ
You faggots really hate anything you aren't already familiar with
Fuck off retard, RPGs trying different progression mechanics should be a good thing. I bet you played Underrail without oddity xp.
>RPGs trying different progression mechanics should be a good thing
PoEs progression system is extremely close to how old dnd worked. And new dnd sometimes.
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Stay mad :p

Fuck, is it as boring and soulless as the first one ? This one falls off my hands after having finished the Raedrick arc, with the fortress management and shit. It's so grey and dull.
I played Underrail with oddity, bad dumpster diving gimmick.
Is it?
first one was meh at best
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>Why do people hate this?
obsidian in general and sawyer in particular pisses of poltarded codexeres and the like
they don't even have a good reason for that, they do it to fit in
when one of these actually tries to articulate the reasons why are poe games supposedly not good it's the most hilarious reading

another cohort of people are just trolls that don't have a horse in the race anyways, they aren't into crpgs, they are on vrpg because they like arpgs/jrpgs or something
not only they didn't play PoE games, they never had any intent to, they just don't play crpgs at all apart from maybe one or two most popular titles.
These can be easily identified as they only repeat memed phrases and never have any personal critique of the games see >>3563126 >>3563168 >>3563376 >>3563393
I played it.
BG3 > WOTR > Kingmaker > BG1-2 > DA1> DA2 > POE2 > DA:I > POE1

>when one of these actually tries to articulate the reasons why are poe games supposedly not good it's the most hilarious reading
Cons: wokeshit, shallow in and out of combat systems, stats that run counter to RP, underbaked boats in "pirate rpg", r9k tier robot nihilist game which they believe justifies such a boring game somehow, reddit lols0rand0m is the highest emotional narrative it aspires to with exploding head furries.
Cynicism doesn't make you wise or intelligent fyi.
Pros: One of the few CRPG to preserve an albeit shallow, neutered, and phoned in ai/gambit style system for companions.
This is bait.
I forgot to add in other crpgs I have played recently, I beg your pardon.

BG3 > WOTR > Kingmaker > NWN > BG1-2 > DA1> DOS2 > DA2 > DOS1 > POE2 > DA:I > POE1

I started to add Gold Box, Drahkken, going all the way back to my first CRPGs which will be largely unknown to you because I'm the truly ancient grog evil that will never be exorcised from this board but I think it's unfair to compare anything approaching 3d models and modern computing with essentially 486 & Amiga era games much less Tandy/Radio Shack and Apple IIc ones. We are pushing it with anachronisms like BG1 & 2 in that regard but it is what it is, and I know they're holy icons to some of you autists here, which I do have a modicum of respect for as I mostly started in the 2nd ed. era myself. I'm generally disappointed in the ability of RPG players to evolve to appreciate later technology and deeper games on both the technological and RPG axes however. For example, as obnoxious and in poor taste as moeblob is since he's just another leftist and autogynophile in the woodpile here, he at least has that evolutionary ability over a lot of you.

I could add in all the JRPG too but it also seems unfair to use the same scale to judge relatively wokeshit free titles that have been evolving on a divergent timeline since Ultima essentially.

>This is bait.
Oh absolutely it is. You see, I live for your three seconds of confusion as to whether I'm sincere in my opinions or not, and most assuredly not a campaign to undermine the idiotic worldviews of you and your fellows that greatly resemble you so that we can get back to better titles one day.
Now back to you, and your writing that you actually had some investment in because it deserves a bit better of a response than me doing the usual curb stomping of millennial lackwits that I get bored with so I'm going to drag you back into the ring here instead of letting you fade away after saying something dumb and see how you do.
The essential problem with sawyer is, and this goes beyond his robot like investment in bad statistical schema, it goes beyond his hubris in thinking people are going to be really moved by an unfinished title, is this:

Many RPG writers come from a place of passion, the same place that inspired the heights of for example KOTOR which was a good Star Wars narrative with a good twist completely removed from the slop that the modern Disney Wars became. It's a place of fantasy that also inspired LOTR.

What was Sawyer actually passionate about in his game that people could relate to (numbers and statistics don't really count here you have to understand, numbers are how you describe a good rpg story, how you interact with the world, but they are not the story and are not what drives the world)? Sawyer was passionate about blacks, with a side of other modern political memes like feminist captains, introspections on communism, and atheism, since memes have been brought up.

I don't really want to share a headspace with someone like that for the multiple hours a CRPG requires you see. I'm an atheist myself. Atheism doesn't bear thinking about nor discussion, it is contemplation of not only your death, but the cessation of the universe. There's something inherently wrong with those would would burn their limited time on this earth pushing such a deathful philosophy on others. You can choose to oppose it and look for the things that are fun and full of life instead.

Now, go do something nice for your parents instead of disappointing them further. They haven't heard from you in a while, and your mom is probably worried about you.
Someone who names BG3 and WotR as the best CRPGs ever and then goes on to complain how everything else is too woke and wishing we could get back to when games were better isn't confusing. Good bait should be at least slightly believable, not just spouting random self-contradicting nonsense to get a free (You).
Played it and completed it
Story was subpar with a "plot twist" so mundane that i didnt realised that i was supposed to be shocked. Dialog is dry and combat is servicable.
Like i said meh at best
I think it's ok, def a step up from the snorefest of poe1.
Worth playing just for the fantasy nonCaribbean pirate setting alone. Board enemy ship, fireball wirh ine hand, flintlock with the othrer, shanties playing, not a setting you see everyday
on the con side it all feels a bit underbaked, maybe except for the big and develped capital of Neketaka. Quests over too soon and too easy, dungeons 3 rooms long etc.
still worth a try IMO, even if you never played or liked 1
Plot twist: BG3 and WOTR are in fact good games, yet they would, in fact, be that much better games without woke baggage.
You are still confused I see.

Don't you have any new material?
>Worth playing just for the fantasy nonCaribbean pirate setting alone. Board enemy ship, fireball wirh ine hand, flintlock with the othrer, shanties playing, not a setting you see everyday

If only that had been any actual fun I'd agree with you since the idea is good but what really happens in the game is this:
>your team one shots a group of poorly programmed understatted generic npcs on the other deck

Just a disappointment all around. After you see the very first deck to deck combat, you've literally seen them all. That's another reason I bash it for being underbaked, as you yourself said.
It's shit. Loved the first game but this just brought Storm of Zehir PTSD
>meh at best
>actually played for >100 h
you are the "they do it to fit in" type
thats only because i managed to complete it on my 3rd or 4th try
i bought the game in 2015
admittedly I am a sucker for the piraty carribenay settings so I stand with my 'ok', even if the whole boarding, exploration, ship upgrading etc parts are simplistic, at least they're here. The 'mood' is there.
Oh and Ikinda li. And so few games even try to scratch that itch
Oh I also kinda liked the factions, from le evil impeiralist, through pirates to not-astralny so genlle natives and how you can work for any of them. Again nothing spectacular but again it's 'ok' not 'great',
I am still mad about the sidekicks and Ydwin in particular.
>because i managed to complete it on my 3rd or 4th try
little irrelevant but that's ok, anon, I'm not gonna bully you for it
I can acknowledge people having different intellectual capabilities
nigga this game is boring
i dont know why is it so hard for you to exxept this little fact
>not only they didn't play PoE games, they never had any intent to
Played and beat PoE1 multiple times and played and beat Deadfire once. What is this mental illness of "if someone says a game I like is boring then it means they obviously didn't play it because if I liked it it means that everyone else will like it too"?
>There's something inherently wrong with those would would burn their limited time on this earth pushing such a deathful philosophy on others. You can choose to oppose it and look for the things that are fun and full of life instead.
You sound like a little baby pushy, go play with dolls.
All true. Great game.
>Now, go do something nice for your parents instead of disappointing them further.
Most based /vrpg/ post of the day
>this nigga played a cumulative >100h through several playthroughs of a boring game
why is it so hard for you to admit you are saying it's boring just to fit in and that it's actually an alright crpg?
Low level != Filler.
The "black" faction are arguably the villains thougheverbeit
Buy an ad
100 hours in 5 years retard
it wasnt 1 sitting
it was 1 playthrough of a 40 hour game
and who the fuck are you to tell me if I was bored or not?
NTA but
1. It’s boring
2. It’s an alright CRPG
Are not mutually exclusive positions. I think it’s boring but it’s not a terrible game, I’ve played it several times
ass uming you are not mentally ill
no one is going sit through 100 h of "boring" for no benefit given endless options of rpgs starting from fucking 1980s

you are like an edgy middle schooler who voluntarily goes through Gone with the wind several times, but insists he did it ironically and it was a boring chicks book written by a chick

>boring and it’s an alright CRPG are not mutually exclusive
and here is the
>they aren't into crpgs, they are on vrpg because they like arpgs/jrpgs or something
Nigga you are brick wall
You liked a game and people said it was boring
Not even bad, just that dialog and Main story is kinda shit
And you are in full shizo mod that every one is lying to you and trying to convince a guy that he actually ended liked the game
And all of that conversation to PoE 1 not PoE 2 the game at start of the thread
Please gain at least some self awarness, you look absolutely ridiculous
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>make friendly thread about an obscure game actually being great and reminding you of your favorite cRPG
>it devolves into a 100 posts-long flame war about which games are good

I should have listened to the first anons who said it is impossible to discuss this game for some reason, just seems to be on the losing siide of a Wrath of the Righteous x Baldur's Gate dispute where both sides just kill whatever comes in the crossfie.

Can't people like two things? We have like one cRPG releasing every two years, we should all be happy with what we get.
Also, I beat the Messenger (Dragon). Took me every single spellslot because I did not know empower could restore spellslots. I know of Concentration stacks, I tried to learn the game, it is not nearly as hard as you think.

Also, whoever said Pathfinder is just spamming buffs clearly failed to realize that the game expects you to do that and models the difficulty after it.
My personal critique is I want xp for fights if I play your rpg
NTA but:
It's boring.
I dropped it halfway through.
Capitalism is awesome.
Landlords are fine middle class people largely being taken advantage of by losers with terrible life choices and bad credit (meaning fiscally irresponsible) that didn't leverage education or drive, so now they beg for the government to come rescue them, the same government that gave them all the inflation to begin with.
Colonialists were heroes of their era, pioneering untamed lands.

That's the kind of stuff you'll hear from me because what I like to do is fit in on 4chan with all the fat vaping commies and trannies.
would you play it (or even watch a honest review at least) you'd know that fights do indeed grant xp in both PoE games

you are the
>not only they didn't play PoE games, they never had any intent to
You’re a dishonest fool. You took a post that accurately stated that, in poe1 at least, you only gain combat xp for the first few enemies of each type you kill, as you fill the bestiary, and then gain no combat xp for further kills. You lumped this post into “memeing/didnt play the game”
>hey game-chan can I give you another go totaling to 100h? but it's not like I like you or anything, you are boring BAKA!
>this but unironically
I have 300h in pillars 1 (spread over the years since it came out) and 50h in 2 and about to replay these boring ass games tonight
>You’re a dishonest fool
go fuck yourself anon you are the dishonest pos here

the fights in both PoE games do grant xp, but same type of enemies stop giving xp after being killed to many times
this is accurate
>fights in PoE give xp
is an accurate simplification
>combat gives zero xp in them apparently
is a straight out lie
and besides the original post even admits
>I have never played either
where am I dishonest?
>first few
also this is a gross overstatement on how quick basic enemies stop giving xp
you dishonest pos
you fucker
you gay frog sucker, making our frogs gay and shieeet
this game is so fucking boring it makes me want to replay it
If only I'd read this thread yesterday I could have started download in advance
Can wait to play this game!
It's totally boring and sovless though, I'm only gonna play it ironically don't hate on me I'm part of nu-4ching-vrpg-blob
>he doesn’t already keep boring games preinstalled so that he can replay boring games whenever he wants
My sweet summer child, did you even play Progress Quest bro
Not it usually goes like this
>oh cool new crpg came out
>play it for 10 hours
>drop it because dialog is dry and every one is just expo dumping
>2 year passes
>huh PoE? I wonder why i never finished it, well might as well start over
>play 15 hours mostly because some muscle memory retained and you know what to do
>drop it because dialog is dry and every one is just expo dumping
>2 more years pass
>man this game was in my library for ages
>this time im gonna finished it
>play for 20 hours
>remember that dialog is dry and every one is just expo dumping
>noticed a pattern
>either drop the game against or bite the bullet and finish it
Its not rocket sciense my dude
And im not even taking about the sequel. I havent played exactly because i remember that first game kinda sucked
I honestly surprised that someone is willing to die on this hill
>this shill does it for free
I’ve only ever played deadfire once, finished it but can barely remember it because it’s so dull. My problem is I feel obligated to replay and import poe1 before I can replay 2, and though I have finished poe1 several times over the years, I’ve restarted and dropped it dozens of times because it’s just so dull and sovlless
>inb4 the ive seen you post this comment six gorillion times schizo
Yes, because it’s true, and I’ll post it again one day. Gonna replay Poe1 tomorrow, wish me luck anons!
I used to do that. Now I just trust myself. If I dropped a game, I almost always have a really good reason.

It's a harsh truth most don't want to admit, but most CRPGs just suck ass. Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 are fucking awful and people pretend otherwise because they're classics.
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>where am I dishonest?
When you replied to this post:
>In the first game you get xp the first like 3-5 times you kill something and fill out the bestiary entry but that’s all.
with this response:
>not only they didn't play PoE games, they never had any intent to, they just don't play crpgs at all
>These can be easily identified as they only repeat memed phrases and never have any personal critique of the games
because you're a dishonest fanboy who can't handle someone saying that a game you like is boring.
There's 163 different enemies in PoE1. These 163 enemies have a mean number of kills-to-full-bestiary (i.e. stop granting XP) of 6.26 kills. The lowest is 1 (n=36) and the highest is 30 (n=1). There's a sample standard deviation of 5.78, and if we apply Student's t-test (generiously using nu=30, as my table jumps to infinity after that) we found a 95% confident interval of +/- 0.924, meaning that there's a 95% chance the true mean of this data is between 5.33 and 7.18 kills, after which the enemies stop granting XP. 65.6% of the creatures fall within this range or below.
I won't even bother integrating this best-fit curve because you're obviously an uncultured Philistine.
>people pretend otherwise because they're classics
This seems like an ill-formed sentence. Might want to rephrase that.
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Name the main antagonist of poe1 without googling it
It's a good game OP. People here will literally kill themselves before admitting it however, because Josh Sawyer lives eternally and rent free inside their brains.

Truly a tragic fate, to be mindbroken by Obsidian.
>rent free
damn, almost a bingo
>These 163 enemies have a mean number of kills-to-full-bestiary (i.e. stop granting XP) of 6.26 kills.
nice graph, anon, really
mind sharing where is the data coming from? pillars of eternity fandomwiki doesn't seem to provide info on number of bestiary records

however my remark would be that your mean is meaningless
for instance unique monsters always give xp but will provide full bestiary entry just after one kill
so they are skewing the mean towards 1, while in fact providing the opposite experience to "combat gives no xp"

a meaningful mean would be over encountered monsters anyway, not just over bestiary records
but at very least would you not be dishonest you would need to recalculate the mean without unique and semi-unique monsters, who always give xp
Tried to replay it, dropped around first yuan ti.
Shame, has good looking art, fails at convincing art direction though.
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OP here. Massive spoilers in this post.

So, I finally beat the game. Took around 50 hours, I didn't do everything. I have opinions.

I got two endings, that one where I tried to fight Ethoas because I was expecting there'd be an epic boss fight at the end only to make a fool of myself and get wiped out. The other ending was the Pirates one favouring Aeldys. Turns out it was a bad ending. I was going to side with Rauatai and the Royal Deadfire Company because I respect the darwinist survivalist faction, but Atsuri tried to kill me when I told her I wasn't going to kill the queen of the Huana. They fucked around and found out. Went so far only to get Darwin awarded by a Pathfinder player. I wasn't going to help the Valians because they are slavers or the Huana because they are incompetent and would be inevitably and rightfully conquered by their betters, so it was either pirate gf or the redpilled survivalists. Also, it was really cool to become the captain of the Flying Dutchman, so Atsura fucked up because they were dividing more than conquering. I ended up romancing Xoti but I'd have much preferred Aeldys or the aztec queen.

The ending of the game is heavily glitched (I had the music freezing on me and ruining the epicness of the whole sequence) and may be anticlimatic. But it is still incredibly epic and Eora is a fantastic setting. That entire sequence is amazing, from the final fleet fight to the last talk with the gods. All the plot-twists delivered, at least to me. The ending demands another sequel, but I still wish for a satisfying final boss fight where we kill Eothas with the power of friendship and protect the status quo. Oh well, I guess this wasn't a JRPG after all.

8.5/10, much better than BG3 but falls short of greatness in the final act. Play it, it is One Piece and Pirates of the Caribbean RPG but good. Won't replay it, it is too addicting.
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Fantastic, but real time with pause and turn-based are really cool. Naval combat is a fun minigame, but I liked boarding action and only did that. The combat system is a bit hard to understand and I struggled because it is not a D20 system. But when I got going, the game got eaasy, I was wiping out armies. But I guess that happens in all cRPGs. Say what you want, WotR is challenging until the very end because the enemies expect you to spam buffs and you are fighting archdevils. Here, it is more grounded. I don't care about Might being an overpowered attribute when magic could easily do what physical strength does.


Probably the strongest part of the game, everything is so damn cool and unique. Really a labour of love. It does feel like fantasy colonialism, which is still a rarity. It reminds me of the Expedition games in a way. We definitely need more games with fantasy pirate settings.

Real congrats to Sawyer, Eora is genius.


I actually really liked it,but I thought there'd be an epic boss fight at the end. I see that he Sawyer wanted the New Vegas approach to the endings, but I wish it were easier to get a 'tell everyone to fuck off' ending. The closest thing I got was the pirates one, but I was still tied to the pirates rather than captain of the Flying Dutchman. The world really feels alive and tons of memorable characters with memorable interesting quests. It was a badcall to make the OP tomboy nihilist a sidekick rather than a romance option, they should have known their public better. Still, she is very well fleshed out despite sidekick.

>Production value

Immense. Voice acting is everywhere, tons of choices, multiple approaches to problems (may be why the final act may be disappointing for some), beautiful art.

Love the game, it falls short of GREATNESS, but this failure is still better than 99% of all RPGs ever made.
glad for you anon
>the game got eaasy
as per balanceman's wisdom the critical path never provides the most challenging fights
you have to look for the optional content for hard shit
I made it in a hurry for a shitpost. I should've made a histogram, like picrel.
Data is from here:
The point of the Student's t-test is to find a 95% confidence interval around the mean (95% CI of it being in the range of 5.33 and 7.18), so everything outside of that can be considered outliers - all the enemies that only take one kill, or those that take many, outside of that range can be ignored as outliers.
You're right, if we had data for the number of times each enemy type appeared in the game, we could find a weighted average, which would be more useful.
Why does everyone obsess over this. You literally murder 100s of people
Gnomish brainwashing and social conditioning really are something else
>verification not required

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