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BROS who do i choose? About to start again but gonna be an elf this time
Sten is a great character and underappriciated.
Ohgren is good if you want some levity.
Shale is OP, somewhat interesting, but not that likeable.
For mage your choice is either old lady or a bitch, so pick your poison.
Alistair juvenile and vanilla. Most people used him so might as well switch it up.
Elf isn't as bad as people think, but very meh.
Liliana is just meh.
Dog is mostly flavor, very boring.
Never used dog, it doesnt even talk
>Sten is a great character and underappriciated.
Meh. The whole "I'm a big stoic not-Orc but I still gotta have some witty one-liners because it's a Bioware game" thing didn't impress me. He's also objectively the weakest character mechanically unless you use mods to fix him.
>Meh. The whole "I'm a big stoic not-Orc but I still gotta have some witty one-liners because it's a Bioware game" thing didn't impress me.
That's not why he's interesting. It's the culture class, the way he views things, the dynamic and the talks you can have with him ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlXZ-snZlnE ).

For example, he views you as the one that should act as the strong leader to your order. So performing acts of weakness or being unassertive makes him question why he follows you. This is why if you turn it around on him when he disapproves, saying it was necessary and you're in charge, you gain approval from him instead.
Basically there's more to him and he's a bit different because of his vastly different world view.
Sten is one of the few NPCs that felt I had some kind of back and forth conversation with, trying to understand his philosophy and needing to think what to respond. Instead of just mindlessly agreeing and sucking their dick.
What sucks about Sten is just one sub-class for some reason.
None of them. Just uninstall the game. You'll thank me later.
I think I had a mod that kept dog as an extra party member.
I'm not your bro if you're making shit threads like this
Very rude of you.wymjm You are nit gentleman
Oghren, Morrigan and Zevran are a good team and have good party banter
There's a mod that allows you to have barkspawn without taking a party slot.

Morrigan, Leliana and dog if you tank yourself like a man or Alistair instead of dog if you mage like a wimp (at least until you unlock battle mage).
I always used dog. IT DOESN'T TALK.
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isn't shale comically op?
Better be considered you had to pay extra.
Not more powerful than a well-built mage, but yeah she was OP as a tank. But she makes up for it by being a shit character.

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