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What are the essential RPG Maker games?

More specifically, which ones are actually worth playing from start to finish?
Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins
Hat World: New Testament
Black Souls 2
Fear & Hunger
Enchant Farm
Demon King Chronicle
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None of them are essential. They're all trash.
False Gamergater, from our very own SigmaSuccour here on /vrpg/
Final Fantasy IV

Captcha: WHYN(ot)
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Helen's Mysterious Castle. Been playing and it's really fun. Great combat system
how much did the definitive version fuck it over? is there any way to play the original? i tried to look it up but couldnt find consistent info on it
Not much at just removed the black ranger monkey noise and some minor alteration to another scene I can't remember and a song had to be changed for copyright or something. other then that its a more polished version of the original with a small amount of additional content. the PSN version has a lot more censorship apparently so avoid that. If your still worried I think if you own the steam version you can still play the original by going to beta and selecting it.
Essential, as in the RPG Canon? None of them. Yume Nikki maybe.
My personal favourites:
>Witch's House
>To The Moon
>Black Souls 1+2
>Your Turn To Die
There are also other cool titles like Felvidek, Hylics, and Fear & Hunger. Not really a fan of Yume Nikki, even if it's by far the most well known one and often called a must-play.
The Way
Are you guys evading bans just to talk about not-RPGs on an rpg board?
You're gonna have to elaborate on what you mean by this, senpai.
It means you couldn't even get the RPG Maker forums to talk about these games.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
It's a sad thing.
That's because bringing up the good ones (the Japanese ones) would just get the devs of such forums hating and coping because they couldn't make something like Hat World even if given unlimited time, money, and other resources.
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The Voyage Sinister. You play as a vampire, has combat, has nuns, has fun dialog, good art and nice atmosphere. And most importantly the developer is making a sequel focused on horror that will be much bigger.
As a plus is not an Earthbound or a Yume Nikki clone. The Greek lady is SEX.
can someone kekstart a "Dances with Rogues" game but more gay/yuri than the Neverwinter Nights module?

lot of fan modules in NWN1 could have fit just fine in a JRPGish game format.
Pretty sure the devs aren't getting self-conscious of goals someone else is setting for them.
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Lona is very... peculiar game, it does some amazing things, and has very distinct atmosphere, but I wouldn't call it essential, because it really isn't for everyone, in fact it isn't for most people, even by RPGM enthusiast standards.
>loli pregnancy rpg
>screenshots show poop and piss
she's 21 and it's racist to imply otherwise
poop and piss are off by default (piss comes up grand total of twice but both cases make sense narratively)
she's 12*
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lies and slander
you were considered an adult as soon as you reached puberty in medieval times so being 12 was like being 21 at the time
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Coomeres get ye gone!
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Demon Roots
Every post mentioning this game is a paid advertisement.
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Towelket 1 is an essential RPG Maker game that's criminally underplayed.
It's garbage, and exactly the sort of trash that makes people hate rpg maker slop.
If you can play it: Palette
Sorta like YN, except it has a sense of actual progression involved. The more you help B.D. recall her past, the further you can progress (Signified by a type of energy gauge which drains as you move through the memories or clear obstacles and replenishes when you start another attempt). For instance, there is a corridor near the start that consumes a lot of energy since there are obstacles you must remove/go through and you won't be able to progress until you can power through it.
Yeah? Well if you really played the game and it's as bad as you say, why don't you spoil us on what the ending is? That way you can prove you played it and your opinion is valid while also making no one play the game. Win/win right?
Demon King Chronicle
The ending? I couldn't tell you.
You have pretty strong opinions for a game that you didn't even beat then.
You can't even use the "It was so bad I quit before beating it" excuse because the game is too short for that excuse.
play /vrpg/-made kino
>Person calling a game garbage hasn't played it
Did I click on /v/ by accident?

Just because of you anon I'll play it just to spite you. If it's as bad as you make it sound then at least I can laugh at how bad it is.
Ok so I finished playing this game.

It wasn't as short as I expected, but still not very long. That said this game is really good. The story and setting is genuinely unique and almost every aspect of the game's storyline is ridiculous. The characters are pretty interesting, and I liked Chun's storyline a lot. I think there's some really good writing and environmental story telling.

I want to say there's some cliche "Cute game is actually scary!!!" aspect to the game but since it's really old I'll give it a pass, and even then it's more for storytelling rather than corny shock value.

The combat in this game is barebones, but at least it's just barely difficult enough that you have to pay attention to it. Most story based RPG Maker games usually make it virtually impossible to lose, here you have to make an effort to win. The battles are just tank and spank until you win though so whether that's a plus or a minus I have no idea. Part of me wishes the game just committed to either no battles or making them a lot more interesting.

I gotta be honest usually story based RPG maker games don't hit me very hard but this one was great. I wasn't expecting something so original from the overly cutesy anime character aesthetic but this game still managed to hit me despite feeling like I've been jaded from playing too many other games. After playing so many games I felt like I already knew what to expect and can't feel much suspense or interest in story based games anymore, but this game still managed to curve ball me.
Thanks for the recommendation!

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