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am I missing anything? I'm about to spin to find out what to play next
Final Fantasy X-2
Dual Phase ~ Soukakurou
lol i'm retarded, i fixed it to tsugunai: atonement
also remembered to add tales of xillia 2
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sounds very gay
ehhhh not a huge fan of ff10's characters so I don't think i'd like x-2, heard good things about the gameplay though
How many more of these atrocious threads are you going to make? Why is this allowed? Genuine question.
Final Fantasy X
genuine response, this is the first thread i've made on vrpg in months because I've been busy playing games and just finished wild arms 1
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alright guess I'm going to play suikoden 2, thanks for the suggestions guys
It took you months to finish wild arms? It's 30 hours long.
no I could have phrased that better- it only took like a week and a half, I was playing tales of xillia before then which took longer because i kept taking breaks
Why are you making retarded threads like this instead of posting about those games? Should I just assume tales posters are mentally ill retards now and avoid those games?
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>Should I just assume tales posters are mentally ill retards
nta but we are
>Should I avoid those games?
Why are you asking us, as if we cared
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you seem upset, try going for a walk. that might help calm you down bucko- also like >>3562629 said, yes all tales of fans are retards :)

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