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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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I've seen some sad bans in my time but that last one was just sad. I know we're talking about computer programs that happen to be video games that happen to be RPGs, therefore everything is already programmed and ready to be presented to the player, therefore when talking about computer or console RPGs one is typically concerned with only talking about the RPG programs that are available, that already exist, as examples of discussion. However, that does not in itself preclude the usage of imagination to imagine hypothetical, and at this point, nonexistent games and discuss those games. Now, you could say that would be appropriate for another board, such as /b/ random, however, consider that RPGs, traditional RPGs, often make use of the imagination during gameplay, and that it should not be that many steps removed from using the imagination to imagine games that use the imagination vs discussing a game that is based on the imagination of the game designer and thus one can only discuss that pre-existing scenario. That is, we can talk about Fallout 1, as a game, or we can talk about, hypothetically, what if there were other games using the SPECIAL system, which may or may not be Fallout games. What if there were other computer RPGs based on other RPG systems and settings, such as Palladium, etc. Now, you could say "take that sort of discussion to the TG board" but what would they say. "Oh, we are not talking about computer programs here, perhaps there is another board for that." A board full of imagination. Such as /b/.
Disclaimer: This post is a discussion about the topic of computer and console RPGs in general, not referring to one specific game in particular.
I think you should consider buying a new game on a summer sale. Something from the last decade. And then talk about that. Practice appreciation for things that are, instead of complaining about the way things aren't.

You might be surprised, your "Imaginary" game might actually exist. You don't know.
You. Don't. Know.

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