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I enjoyed the game like you wouldn't believe
I have no way to distinguishing it from all the other games that 2.5D games
I have yet to play this but the character portraits look great.
It is pretty good but still lacking when compared to Let us cling Together and FFT mainly.
Having no options or places to explore kinda sucks and all characters being "unique" and not customizable is also a big downgrade for me. FFT's job system is perfect, they should have just copy and try to improve that.
But other than that I like it a lot.
I also adore this game. I hope you saw all the endings, they're all very good. Ost is also solid.

I played this game right after Fell Seal. Fixed equipment and classes was a relief.
You get enough characters to cover all basis anyway. Not having to deal to generics that you don't care about is a good trade off IMO.
The gameplay was fun, but the amount of exposition in the story scenes is absolutely insane. The writers had no faith at all in the player and explained everything 50 times before moving on. If you're the kind of person who complained about Tactics Ogre's story being too "vague" and "ambiguous", then this game is made for you, everything will be on the nose, they show, then tell, then tell again 10x.

I don't see the point of FFT tier "customization" in these kinds of games, most of the time it just means you'll make everyone a dual wielding ninja (or whatever is the optimal job) and then steamroll the story, putting exactly 0 thought in your strategy. And at that point, why even play a tactics game? Just baffles me that some people treat tactics games as grinders.
Mid fight banter was always kino, especially Hyzante ending.
I'd like it more if they talked less
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I don't think every SRPG needs to be some highly customizable min max type of game. A lot of games with defined character roles are some of my favorite in the genre. Vandal Hearts springs to mind. Sometimes a nice streamlined affair that gives everyone a role and lets you to sort out how to beat the missions is more than enough. That said I don't think I'd say Triangle is as interesting or fun as Vandal Hearts was.
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>I hope you saw all the endings, they're all very good.
Yeah, i just finished the Golden Route in NG+
I gotta say i'm a bit disappointed with this True Ending. The bittersweetness of the other endings made them memorable and weighty, this one is just too clean and happy. Also the Benedict and Frederica endings revealed so much about the Hyzante lore that you basically don't see anything new with this one, i feel like the Oracle revelation should have been a Golden Route thing. And it's a bit weird that the secret of the Aelfric isn't even mentioned in the true ending.
I kinda want to keep playing and 100% the game, but after 80 hours i'll probably take a break first
The New Game+ opening screen was the best part of this game.

The game was alright, I just don't like artificial level caps. Just make the levels so challenging that you actually need "overleveled" characters while lower level characters can take care of easier targets.
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Painfully mediocre, but looks like absolute dogshit next to games it tries to ape after like Tactics Ogre.
It fixed none of the problem of TO, FFT, etc. and just doubled down on them.
The worldbuilding is atrocious and makes the world feel microscopic.
The narrative is super predictable with very shallow characters.

So dissapointing.
>Yeah, i just finished the Golden Route in NG+
The fact that there's even a "golden route" at all kind of bugs me a lot. The whole game was sold on the idea of choices mater bullshit but then there's just NOPE LOL GOLDEN ENDING anyways. Why won't anyone let me sleep in the bed I made.
I would agree if the golden ending wasn't so hard to get. I don't think many players managed to get that ending during a blind play trough.
I don't think it's THAT hard but the difficulty isn't really the point. It could be next to impossible and still be just as bad. The problem with there being a "GOLDEN ROUTE" is right there in the name. It places immediate and obvious importance and canon over all the other routes to a point that basically makes the effort spent on those meaningless. A golden route is basically saying all the other routes are wrong. So it's less an issue of you needing to accept your consequences of choice and more saying your consequences of playing incorrectly. In a choices matter type game finding an absolute canon should only really ever be something for a potential sequel to worry about and even then only out of necessity.
roland's arc was the biggest WTF just happened ending.
I don't
It's even weirder if you didn't visit Hyzante, since this is like the only time he speaks about how much their political system appeals to him.
The opening scenes were tedious and lame so I skipped it.
The games story is dogshit and the gameplay has no experimentation or fun

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