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So how much South Park do I need to watch to get the references in this game? Is it sufficient to watch up until the movie?
Why would you play this dead and forgotten game for retarded little kids at all
you don't really need to
I think it references stuff all the way up until season 16. In fact, season 17 ends on the kids starting to play the larp they're doing in Stick of Truth (although SoT doesn't reference those last couple episodes so ironically you wouldn't need to watch those).
You need to watch until the console wars episode which was specifically made to promote the videogame
I still wish the game had been about the fantasy RP instead of turning into REMEMBER SOUTHPARK?
(also that it was in any way balanced)
I like South Park, but I don't actually watch the show. I've seen a few episodes here and there, usually because something is going on and everyone is talking about it. I know a lot of the references, though. That being said, I still thought the game was fun, and funny. Some of it I probably didn't get, but the majority of it stands on its own. The diverse amount of characters are self-explanatory and you don't really need to know their history.
SoT was a good start, then they stumbled with TFBW, but it was still okay. They fucked up big time with Snow Day and I’m not even counting PD as part of the overarching story of the new kid. Can only hope they get back on track with another game and a return to the 2-D style we’ve become accustomed to.yvkn
yeah this game was pretty bad. some pretty sick songs, though. the game is actually more fun to just watch on youtube just to see what crazy shit they do.
>So how much South Park do I need to watch to get the references in this game? Is it sufficient to watch up until the movie?
Not at all. Some familiarity is enough to enjoy the game if you like South Park.
I watched it only until season 4 before playing this. I'm sure it had a lot of references that went over my head, but it was still enjoyable and most of the ones I recognized were focused on the first season (there is an entire story segment that is a reference to the very first episode and you even get an ability based on it).
its just not really worth watching the show episode-by-episode past like season 7 period. it stops being this vulgar yet quaint little cartoon and turns too much into elaborate, overly topical drek. cool side characters get kicked to the curb. funny parodies like “okama gamesphere” turn into actual product placement for wiis and shit. there are still occasional bangers in later seasons but it’s better just to go and look up an episode if it sounds funny and your friends are talking about it or whatever

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